Aruba: Natalee Holloway: Deepak & Satish Kalpoe Suing Dr Phil for Defamation … Doesn’t One Have to First have Character?

Can people who knowingly and willfully lie, obstruct justice and bear false witness have the credibility to sue for defamation? Doesn’t one first need character in order to sue for it’s damage? The Kalpoe’s and Aruba have been dancing around the truth in the Natalee Holloway case for 3 years running. The question that needs to be addressed is did either Deepak or Satish Kalpoe have the ability to sue for libel seeing that their reputations were already tarnished prior to the Dr Phil tape. Namely, their reputations were tarnished by their own doing. By the way, why does one wash their car in the middle of the night? A car that Natalee Holloway was last seen in and never was heard from again?


Satish, Deepak and Dr. Phil

The defamation lawsuit filed by the two Surinamese brothers, Deepak and Satish Kalpoe, against Dr. Phil McGraw and CBS over a broadcast concerning the disappearance of Natalee Holloway continues to go forward. The first question that one would ask is, how can one claim defamation of charters if they are void of said character? Should the law suit go forward? Probably not; however, I say why not … discovery and interrogatories of the Kalpoe brothers might just be what the doctor ordered to help find answers and “Justice for Natalee”.

A lawsuit filed in December 2006 by Surinamese brothers Deepak and Satish Kalpoe maintains they were defamed in a Sept. 15, 2005, “Dr. Phil” show, when it was alleged they gave Holloway a date-rape drug and had non- consensual group sex with her. They also contend the episode implied they helped kill Holloway and dispose of her body.


What did they know and when and why did they lie?

The “Dr. Phil” segment included statements by Deepak Kalpoe that were “significantly manipulated and altered,” the suit alleges. In addition to defamation, the Kalpoes’ suit alleges invasion of privacy, emotional distress, fraud, deceit and civil conspiracy.

But in court papers filed Wednesday, attorneys for CBS, McGraw and Kay Skeeters — widow of Jeremy Skeeters, a private investigator hired by McGraw to interview Deepak Kalpoe — maintain the brothers are “libel-proof.”

They say the brothers’ reputations were irreparably stained by prior published accounts of the Holloway case, meaning they cannot claim to have been damaged by the “Dr. Phil” broadcast.

Satish Kalpoe’s June 24, 2005 important and must read statement

Read all of the suspect & witness statements HERE and HERE

What reputation does one have when they continually lie in witness statements and provide constant inconsistencies in their stories?

One needs to ask themselves, what reputation did the Kalpoe’s have prior to the Dr. Phil report other than that of suspects in the murder of Natalee Holloway and admitted liars? The Kalpoe’s were last seen leaving Carlos N’ Charlies with Natalee Holloway along with Joran Van der Sloot, Natalee was never seen again. It was also the Kalpoe’s that were complicit in the lie that they dropped off Natalee Holloway that night at the Holiday Inn and subsequently implicated two black security guards for her disappearance.

The position of the Dr. Phil defense attorneys is as follows:

The brothers also did not ask for a correction of the “Dr. Phil” broadcast in time and are limited public figures, meaning they have to prove malice by CBS and the other defendants, the defense attorneys argue.

The defense attorneys have a motion pending Aug. 5 to dismiss the case on grounds the plaintiffs’ lawyers disobeyed court orders to turn over information.

Aruban Police Officer Suspcted of False Reporting of Witness Declarations

Aruban police officer, Edgar Maduro, is suspected of false reporting. Maduro is now formally suspected of violating article 194 of the Criminal Code, in other words, false reporting. You mean after all this time there is an actual criminal code in Aruba for false reporting on a declaration? Maybe the OM would like to go back and re-evaluate all of the declarations by Joran Van der Sloot, Deepak Kalpoe, Satish Kalpoe, Paulus Van der Sloot et all and see if the same criminal codes were not violated in the case of the disappearance of Natalee Holloway. Its the least the OM could do after 3 years have transpired since Natalee Holloway went missing.

The Public Prosecutor (OM) is now suspecting him of false reporting and decided to hear the police officer again.  After Maduro was confronted on Thursday with the existing suspicion, he told the OM before the interrogation that he appeals to his right to remain silent.  Maduro didn’t want to listen to the findings of the National-detective and left with his lawyer after having left behind a written statement saying that he does not see any reason for adding to the statements he had already given. 

Maduro is now formally suspected of violating article 194 of the Criminal Code, in other words, false reporting. 

Suspected police officer Maduro appeals to his right to remain silent (Amigoe: 6/1/2008)

Read more

AUM sleuths Take a look at Natalee Holloway Missing in Aruba Case … Hint, Go to Scared Monkeys … Premeditated

More sleuths try to uncover the mystery and answers of the Natalee Holloway case. They may want to start with internet investigative work that has gone on since day one following Natalee Holloway’s disappearance.

Students from three area universities and the The Auburn Montgomery Continuing Education Office and the Alabama Crime Prevention Clearinghouse met to investigate the disappearance of Natalee Holloway in Aruba. These aspiring sleuths may want to first started with the following information as to the nature of the crime.

“Students from all three universities will be working together to solve cold cases,” said Sheryl McCollum, CCIRI director.

“They will be conducting investigative research where students will formulate a theory based on every piece of research they come across.”

Research will consist of going back to the scene of the crime and interviewing detectives in to get a true sense of what they think may have happened.

A hint to these soon to be sleuths … start here at Scared Monkey’s and then here at the Scared Monkeys forum, the achieves too. You may also want to read the actual witness and suspect statements as well.



1. Lee Ashford Broughten’s statement where Joran said nobody ever goes to CnC on Sundays

2. Jaime statement where he talks about Joran calling him the night of 5/29 to see if he wanted to go to CnC to meet the American girls.

3. Chapter from Joran’s book titled “de pimps” where Joran talks about picking up tourist girls.

4. Joran interview with Greta where he says he’s probably done it 20 times before. I’ll try to get you a fox link but for now I have this:

Thirty Students from three area universities will try to do what countless law enforcement officials in this country and on Aruba have been unable to do — solve the disappearances of Natalee Holloway and Chandra Levy.

Although Natalee Holloway will be one of the program’s two initial cases, Beth Holloway Twitty told students at the event that the program is not just about her daughter — the Mountain Brook student disappeared more than two years ago during a high school graduation trip to Aruba.

“I think we all know that,” she said. “I think that it’s about each and every individual.”

“I think the things you can uncover … will help millions and millions,” Twitty told the students.(Montgomery Advisor)

Natalee Holloway: John Q. Kelly On the Record … Civil Case & Where is the Missing Statements from Joran Van der Sloot ( Aruba Cover up & Corruption)


John Q. Kelly briefly discusses the Dutch reporting of a civil case possible being brought against Joran Van der Sloot by the parents of missing Natalee Holloway. At the moment it appears to be a non-story as Beth Holloway has had no conversations with the attorney in question.

However, the real question that has to be answered is what part did the Aruban police take in the cover up, corruption and destruction of documents and evidence in the case of Natalee Holloway. If they covered up and destroyed the initial witness statement, what else did they subsequently destroy as well? Possibly evidence taken from Deepak’s car? Once one questions police actions … all of their actions come under scrutiny.

Since the beginning of the investigation Beth Holloway had made references to a crumpled up piece of paper on that looked like a statement that was on the desk at the police station when she spoke with the ALE discussing her Natalee’s disappearance. Scared Monkeys has always questioned why there would have been no statement from Joran Van der Sloot, yet everyone else had been questioned at the outset. Are we really supposed to believe that no witness statement existed from the #1 prime suspect, Joran Van der Sloot, who was last seen with Natalee Holloway until 6/9/05.

The very same witness statement that Joran van der Sloot actually references in his own book. The very same witness statement that most likely gives rise to a confession and admission of guilt and where the ALE knew to ask questions of seizures.

Greta: He must have told the police that first time he spoke with them because why would they have asked Jug about the shaking and the epilepsy type seizures or something? I think to myself, what are the Aruban police up to? But that is for another day.

John Q. Kelly: May 31st Joran was the first person interviewed by Jacobs who was taking statements. Every police report subsequent to that. The statements made by Deepak, made by Satish, made by Beth that day we have them all. There is no statement from Joran until June 9th.

Greta: Something is funny. Something is not quite right. I would like to see our State Department get a little busy on this one. (Fox: On The Record 2/20/08)

Then there is this bit of information from Joran Van der Sloot’s book (translation) … “It is already 4 PM in the afternoon when I sign my witness statement and my father and I leave the interrogation room.”

Oh, I guess Joran Van der Sloot is lying here too?


Interestingly enough we seem to have most, if not all the witness and suspect statements (HERE) from the initial parts of the investigation. All, but Joran Van der Sloot’s 5/31/05 statement that is in question. The very same one that probably tipped off the Aruban police to ask Beth Holloway and Jug Twitty about whether Natalee Holloway had a history of seizures.

From Page 111 of Joran’s book:

Tuesday May 31st 2005

Joran rides bus to school, takes exam, visits with principal Werner and sleeps in sick bay.

Paul calls school at 10:30am. Jan van der Straten wants Joran to give a voluntary witness statement, since the family was creating quite some noise.

Paul meets with principal, then he and Joran head to Bubali Station.

Joran calls Deepak who says, “stick to our story, the police has also phoned Satish and me and asked us to come.”

Beth Holloway on the Oprah Winfrey Show discussing Missing Daughter Natalee Holloway

Today Beth Holloway, the mother of missing Alabama teen Natalee OprahshowHolloway while vacationing in Aruba, will be appearing on the Oprah Winfrey Show. We spoke with Beth briefly yesterday following the taping. The show went well. Sorry, can not give any detail, you just have to watch. However, so much for those Aruban officials who thought and wanted Natalee’s story to go away.

Then, the case has been closed…now Natalee Holloway’s mother, Beth, and brother are speaking out.

Don’t worry Aruba, its not like anyone watches Oprah. Yeah, and Boston isn’t a college town either.  Oh that’s right, her empire just got a little larger, The Oprah Winfrey Network. You may want to think this one over as Beth Holloway and her son discuss Natalee Holloway today and all the TV sets that it will appear on. Let Oprah’s audience read the lies and changing of stories in witness and suspect statements that took place. Let them determine whether there was no evidence. Beth_twitty

Billionaire Oprah Winfrey’s already giant empire just got bigger. The Queen Bee of TV and Discovery Communications yesterday announced a 50-50 joint venture that will re-brand Discovery Health into OWN: The Oprah Winfrey Network. Winfrey, who will turn 54 at the end of the month, will serve as chairman of the new channel, which will debut next year in about 70 million homes, and have complete editorial control over its programming. (NY Post

Oprah’s viewership will now be privy to Joran Van der Sloot’s recent actions of throwing wine in the face of crime reporter, Peter de Vries, when hot tempered Dutch boy did not get his way and was angered. I guess Joran Van der Sloot, one of the last people ever seen with Natalee Holloway before she disappeared forever on Aruba was upset with de Vries views of Aruba’s lies and conflicts of interest.


(Click on pic to watch video)

Let Oprah’s audiance and TV’s around the world decide for themselves as to who is guilty, innocent or if there was no evidense. People have an interesting way of publically righting obvious wrongs that were done to individuals. If Joran Van der Sloot is capable of doing such and uncontrollable act in public like the recent wine incident, iaudienceevidencemage what he is capable of doing in private.

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