THE LEFT FEARS THE BLACK WAVE … The Intolerant Left Attacks Kanye West’s White House Visit (VISIT)



There were some real gems in what Kanye West said and the reason why the LEFT and their liberal media fear Kanye and why he must be destroyed. And the LEFT swooped in and tried to do just that as they called him crazy and attempted to dismiss him. What would happen if blacks actually voted with Trump and Republicans? After all, Trump’s policies are benefiting all, including the black community. Black unemployment is at an all-time low, black business ownership is up. And thus the liberal intolerance and double standard begins with the LEFT. Trash Kanye, dismiss Kanye, destroy him at all cost fior he acts as a bridge to the black community and creates a BLACK WAVE in 2018 and the future.

“I love Hillary,” West said on Thursday, sporting his red MAGA hat. “I love everyone, right? But the campaign ‘I’m with her’ just didn’t make me feel as a guy, that didn’t get to see my dad all the time, like a guy that could play catch with his son.

Kanye West Says To President Trump: MAGA Hat Makes Me Feel Like Superman (VIDEO)


And you wonder why the Democrats, the Left and their shills in the liberal MSM are afraid of Kanye West, one had to look no further than yesterday and Kanye’s appearance in the White House. When Kanya West showed America, and namely black America, that he liked President Donald Trump and that he loved President Trump, it spoke volumes to many tn the black community. And when Kanye West said. “his “Make America Great Again” hat makes him feel like Superman,” it was huge.

… his “Make America Great Again” hat makes him feel like Superman.

“People try to scare me into not wearing this hat. This hat gives me power in a way,” the rapper and entertainer said.

He continued, “What I need Saturday Night Live to improve on, or what I need the liberals to improve on — if he don’t look good, we don’t look good. This is our president. He has to be the freshest, the flyest. The flyest planes. The best factories.”

And the collective left lost their minds as they fear Kanye West is a bridge for the black community to the policies and efforts of President Donald Trump and the GOP. Make no mistake about it folks, the media used to love Kanye, now because he supports Trump, they must marginalize him and worse.

Reuters Poll: Black Male Approval For President Trump Doubles In One Week


According to a recent Reuters poll following the positive comments of Kanye West toward President Donald Trump shows that black male support of Trump has doubled in one week. WOW!!! The poll taken on April 29, 2018 showed a remarkable approval rating of 22%, up from 11% in a poll taken on 4/22/18. The poll also showed that Trump’s approval rating also increased from 8.9% to 16.5% during this same period of time. This is the Kanye effect and why the LEFT, Democrats and the liberal MSM are trying to destroy the credibility of Kanye West. If blacks come to believe and understand it is okay to like and vote for Republicans and President Trump, the Democrats are toast. Exit polls from the 2016 elections showed that Trump garnered 8% of the black vote, if that percentage ever went to 16 or 17 percent, Democrats would be in serious trouble. This is why we are now witness to the destroy Kanye campaign so that blacks never think for themselves and don’t point one and one together that it was under President Trump that blacks have an all-time low unemployment rate and they are benefiting under Trump.

Kanye West Donald Trump

Black male support for President Donald Trump doubled in just one week, according to a Reuters poll on presidential approval.

A poll taken on April 22, 2018 had Trump’s approval rating among black men at 11 percent, while the same poll on April 29, 2018 pegged the approval rating at 22 percent. It should be noted that Reuters only sampled slightly under 200 black males each week and slightly under 3,000 people overall.

Trump experienced a similar jump in approval among black people overall, spiking from 8.9 percent on April 22 to 16.5 percent on April 29.

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