Aruban Officials … Gutless and Corrupt Cowards to the End … Refuse to Prosecute Crimes in Aruba

One Gutless Island …

There is gutless, there is cowardice and then there is corrupt. In some special cases we get all three … Welcome to the “Perfect Storm” of anti-investigation and prosecution of the Natalee Holloway case, known as Aruba.


If you are an Aruban today, you should be ashamed and embarrassed. You should also be up in arms as your island that depends on tourism just took another hit. No one in their right mind would travel to a place where suspects get out of jail and off murder wrap free cards are handed out on a who you know basis. Tourists obviously have no legal or judicial recourse for crimes committed against them in Aruba.

Of course one wonders how could one prosecute a “a violent crime or culpable Expose_corruption2homicide,” if the fix was in from the outset by investigators refusing to investigate. We go back to those initial comments by Paul Van der Sloot, “if there is no body, there is no crime”. Isn’t it amazing that the Aruban prosecutor referenced those similar words. Isn’t it more amazing that Paul Van der Sloot made the comment in the first place. The answer to any thinking person is … because he knew they never would.

The fact that the body of the missing teenager was never found is for the OM ‘an important shortage’ in the possible reconstruction of what had exactly happened.  “Because of that, the current dossier cannot give sufficient answer on the question which punishable facts took place in the night of Holloway’s disappearance, nor can it answer the question what the exact role of the suspects was in this”

What kind of BS is this!!! You people had all the evidence right in front of you and you refused to take action. Oh that’s right … you arrested two black security guards in an effort to railroad them for the crime against Natalee Holloway. What a convenient excuse that there is no body. Hmm … just like Paul Van der Sloot mentioned … hmmm. So what happens if Texas EquuSearch finds Natalee Holloway’s body? What excuse will you have then to not prosecute the three people who were last seen with Natalee before she disappeared forever.

Suspects Holloway not prosecuted – AMIGOE

One of the last pictures of Natalee Holloway and the three other ‘central figures’ Satish and Deepak Kalpoe and Joran van der Sloot taken in Aruba.

Aruba 3 suspects

ORANJESTAD – The Public Prosecutor (OM) decided not to prosecute the three suspects in the Holloway-case.  The dossier does not have enough evidence for a violent crime or culpable homicide.  Also the burden of proof for possible legal evidence is not sufficient, concluded the OM.

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Aruba Does the Unthinkable … Aruban Prosecutor Closes Natalee Holloway Case … Criminal, Simply Criminal

Aruba commits the ultimate crime and closes the Natalee Holloway case. Despicable, simple despicable. Memo to the ALE and Aruban prosecutors office, please do not even pretend that you went the extra mile in this case. All you accomplished was to successfully show that your island is corrupt and you place no value on human life.

Aruba NH Vanderbilt

Let this be a loud and clear message to all potential vacationers … Aruba does not care what happens to you when you travel to their island. Stalking, praying upon tourists, date rape drugs, assault, and murder are all inconsequential actions when it comes to prosecuting crimes in Aruba. All they care about is protecting their own and you spending your money.

ORANJESTAD, Aruba (AP) — Prosecutors closed their investigation into the disappearance of American teenager Natalee Holloway, saying Tuesday they still believe three young men were involved in her death but can’t prove it after 932 days of searching failed to turn up a body.

The three main suspects in the case were re-arrested last month after prosecutors in Aruba discovered online chat sessions they hoped would break the case open. But none of the men talked in custody, and without the 18-year-old’s body, prosecutors said they had no recourse but to close the most notorious missing persons case in the Caribbean.

If the three suspects were put on trial, the lack of evidence “would lead to an acquittal,” the Public Prosecutor’s Office said in a statement.

UPDATE I: Fox reporting Aruba Investigation Into Disappearance of American Teen Natalee Holloway Is Not Over

Well like most things that have come out of Aruba in the Natalee Holloway case … who knows what the truth is? I guess this is a translation issue as well. More like the fact that no one seems to be able to tell the truth. Aruban prosecutor Hans Mos is supposed to have a press conference Thursday.

ORANJESTAD, Aruba  —  Aruban officials have not closed their investigation into the disappearance of American teenager Natalee Holloway, FOX News learned Tuesday.

The media liason for the public prosecutor in Aruba dismissed an earlier report that the investigation was over. A press conference scheduled for Thursday will reveal new evidence against three young men last seen with the Alabama teen.

The investigation is in a new phase with detectives reviewing new evidence, the media liason told FOX News.


Aruba was Warned about Dependence on Tourism … How About a Dependence Upon Cronyism?

Maybe they should have warned Aruba about a heavy dependence on cronyism and cover ups of missing person investigations that would provide negative that PR that no tourism marketing campaign could combat.

Maybe they should have warned Aruba against defending the indefensible. Because what is good for the three suspects who were last seen with Natalee Holloway, who has never been seen nor heard from since that encounter, is terrible for Aruba and its tourism.


Aruba Warned against Heavy Dependence on Tourism

Aruba Sees Tremendous Decrease in Cruise Ship Tourism in 2007

Cruise ship tourism has decreased drastically to Aruba in 2007. For an island that Arrow_downhas experienced a lull in tourism over the past couple of years, they can hardly stand to experience any more losses.

Cruises generally offer an opportunity for tourists to see multiple locations and provide a glimpse of what a vacation location has to offer. Obviously if people are not even going to Aruba on cruises, that potential form of hotel stay tourism marketing is out the window.

17 Cruise ships visited Aruba this year in October, which is 44.4 percent less. The number of passengers was 25.858, 45.2 percent less.  Up till November in 2007, 316 cruise ships visited Aruba and the number of passengers was approximately 474.000, considering 1500 passengers per ship; a decrease of approximately 20 percent.

The truth of the matter is that Aruba really does not have all that much to offer many tourists. That coupled with the negative publicity from the Natalee Holloway case, many tourists go elsewhere to spend their money. People are making an individual choice not to go to Aruba.

CBA: Considerable decrease in cruise tourism

The Carnival Destiny came for the last time to Aruba in January.  The cruise ship used to bring more than 1000 tourists to the island.  But according to statistics, the arrival of other ships did not compensate the loss of these tourists.

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Posted December 16, 2007 by
Aruba, Natalee Holloway, Travel | 102 comments

Natalee Holloway Investigation: Justice-minister Rudy Croes, “I was not Warned about the 3 Suspects Detention” … The Cover Up Continues

Tourism and Economic Interests over Solving Crimes at all Cost

Was the case of Natalee Holloway by Aruban OM Hans Mos shut down in Aruba by the powers that be? Are people in the Aruban government still providing preferential treatment and running cover for Joran Van der Sloot, Deepak Kalpoe and Satish Kalpoe? The recent actions of Aruban OM are beginning to make sense.

Aruba 3 suspects

(Reputation Harmed Again? Welcome to the face of Aruban Tourism)

It would appear that Justice Minister Rudy Croes is miffed over the fact that he was not in the loop regarding  the recent re-arrest of the three suspects, Deepak Kalpoe, Satish Kalpoe and Joran Van der Loot, in the Natalee Holloway investigation. It would also seem that there is an admission from the Aruban government official that Aruba’s reputation was harmed again internationally. Aruba_Rudy_Croes

Justice-minister Rudy Croes (MEP) says that he should have been informed earlier of the detention of the three suspects in the Holloway-case.  “Now that everything is back on the table, the reputation of Aruba is harmed again internationally.”

The admission that some may have not been in the loop begins to make some sense as to how Aruban OM Hans Mos began this recent arrest, prosecution and comments on TV like a lion and ended like a lamb. This seems to play into the idea of  “governmental pressure” that has been discussed as to why Hans Mos did an about face on his criminal prosecution and the release of the three suspects. How does one go from having new evidence, making re-arrests of the Kalpoes, have Natalee’s parents fly to Aruba and flying Joran Van der Sloot to Aruba from Holland after his arrest only to have nothing?

Talk about a conflict of doing one’s duties. An OM looking to prosecute cases and a Justice Minister looking only to promote an island’s reputation. Does this mean that Mos had every intention of prosecuting and had new evidence against the three suspects; however, when the news of new evidence was learned by the Justice Minister was immediately squelched? Thus leaving Mos with the embarrassment of I have new evidence only to be left holding the bag and egg on his face. All at the cost of a family and their search for answers and justice for their missing daughter. Let us not forget the comments that Jossy Mansur, Managing Editor of Diario, made recently with regards to the actions of OM Mos:

It has become obvious to us and to the independent part of the population that the prosecutors will only act on behalf of the government against its opponents, but never….and I will repeat NEVER against the corrupt Ministers and Parliament members of the ruling party. (Jossy Mansur, 12/9/07)

WAS HAN’S MOS SHUT DOWN BY THE MEP ARUBAN GOVERNMENT? Enter Justice Minister Rudy Croes. It has always been discussed the friends that Paul Van der Sloot had in high and influential places. Ministers, who as Hans Mos states are more concerned with the reputation and tourism economy of Aruba than with solving a criminal case of a missing Alabama Hans-Mos2teenager, Natalee Holloway.

 … the OM makes decisions and the minister must not work against itSome people are more worried about the reputation of the country than they are about solving criminal cases.  These seem to be subordinated to economic interests; you can then do away with the police and justice.” 

The above comments say a mouth full. It is an admission that Aruba puts its tourism ahead of any type of investigation into the case of a missing American. The investigation was not based upon fact finding, it was based upon how Aruba’s image would be tarnished.

OM has not warned me on time (Amigoe: 12/14/07)

Same as last time, a huge amount of media came to Aruba this time to cover the detention of the three suspects.

ORANJESTAD – Justice-minister Rudy Croes (MEP) says that he should have been informed earlier of the detention of the three suspects in the Holloway-case.  “Now that everything is back on the table, the reputation of Aruba is harmed again internationally.”

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