Scared Monkeys Radio Daily Commentary – Friday, January 25, 2008 – “Aruba Makes You Want To Puke”

  • In another onslaught of nonsense from Aruba, “Alberto G.” surfaces with a new revelation after hearing American witch-doctors Dan Young and Kelly Castillo.

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So Aruba Wants to Question the Time Line of Beth Holloway and Not that of Three Suspects in her Daughters Disappearance?

The continued attack on Beth Holloway and Natalee … Only in the anti-world of Aruba are victims made to be guilty.


Simply incredible. Aruba wishes to continue to put the mother of a missing girl on the witness stand and let those that were last seen with Natalee Holloway skate. Some how the mystery of this case depends on the time that Beth Holloway landed on Aruba, whereas an unknown source (Alberto G.) has changed his original story. Aruba_boycottSuddenly, he was mistaken.

At that time, Alberto G. (Amigoe knows his name but he wants to stay anonymous out of precaution) worked on the part of the airport of Aruba where private airplanes park.  He was the first person that met Beth Twitty at the bottom of the aircraft steps, after he had piloted the aircraft in.   After that, he became the family’s guide for some time. 

He now says that he will change his earlier declaration before the police and give a new one.  He was mistaken.  Last week’s statements of the Americans Dan Young and Kelly Castillo, who call themselves ‘investigators’, made him decide to check some things again.   

Only in Aruba does one focus on the parent who flew in from the United States to find her daughter vs. the very people who were last seen with the victim. Every wonder why one should avoid some places at all cost? Future tourists of Aruba … THIS COULD HAPPEN TO YOU!

Timeline Beth does not tally, (Amigoe – January 24, 2008)

WILLEMSTAD/ORANJESTAD – Mother of Natalee Holloway, Beth has given incorrect information on the time she arrived in Aruba with a private jet on May 30, 2005.  This was not around 23:00, as she had said up till now – also in her book published late last year – but already at 19:45, says Alberto G. before the camera of the Curacao TV-producer Renée Gielen,  who is working on a documentary on the disappearance of the American teenage girl, and interviewed G. on this subject this morning. 

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Aruba Sinks to New Low, Part III … Would Rather Report Moonbat Theories Rather than the Obvious in Natalee Holloway Disappearance

The case of missing teen Natalee Holloway has brought out some of the most evil, vile and opportunists that any missing persons case has ever seen. The smear campaigns against both the victim, Natalee Holloway, and her family have been beyond anything ever seen.

Aruba NH Vanderbilt

One would have to ask the obvious question, why? Why in this case, above all others, has there been such a concerted effort by an island, a government and some of its complicit media to smear a family?  We keep coming back to this comment and the fact that cronyism and tourism is above all in Aruba.

It was Tourism-minister Edison Briesen that introduced them to Croes, because he thought that the information was important enough to be included in the judicial investigation.  Croes is of the opinion that now that the case against the suspects Joran and the brothers Deepak and Satish Kalpoe has brought no results, the Public Prosecution must also consider other scenarios.

Aruba facade

Was it worse for Aruba to admit the truth that there was actual dangers on the island to tourists, rather than committing to a smear campaign against the victim and her family?

The idea that the many in the Aruban media would rather give a forum to tin foil hat and moon bat insanity rather than what is the obvious evidence against those that are responsible for Natalee Holloway’s disappearance speaks volumes to the attitude and culture in Aruba. Those in the media and it would also appear to be some in government positions would rather smear the name and reputation of those that were tourists in Aruba rather than just biting the bullet and laying blame on one of their own. However, in Aruba, cronyism trumps logic.

The international media is told one story that Aruba cares, yet the Aruban media passed the following off as news in the case of missing Alabama teen, Natalee Holloway. They passed the “moon bat” comments and opinions of “mediums” Daniel Young and Kelly Castillo as hard news. The fact that these two have an obvious agenda make their stories beyond questionable. How is it that these two rocket scientists, (mediums), are some how supposed to know more or have a better understanding and capacity than former FBI profilers like Clint Van Zandt. Or the Dutch scholars who have admitted that the Aruban police acted in an unprofessional manner and had botched the case.


Watch the rest and see what Aruba’s watched on Aruba TV and these two medium’s efforts to smear a missing girl and her family. The premeses, thoughts, hypothesises and conclusions are as misguided and inaccurate as anything one could imagine. Maybe Daniel and Kelly would like to take on the JFK grassy knoll theory next or the kidnapping of the Lindberg baby because they are way off base on this. Making matters worse … some in the Aruban media were complicit.
Our advice to both Daniel Young and Kelly Castillo is that you have a long way to go to ever come up with a rational thought or intelligent conclusion. There is a reason why investigations are done by trained professionals, not rank “medium” armatures.

ARUBA SINKS TO NEW LOW … Think This Isn’t Slander and Libel? … Daniel Young and Kelly Castillo Claim Natalee Holloway abused by stepfather Jug Twitty


Aruba … do you wish to ever have another American tourist ever come to your island again. If not, keep it up.

So the Aruban authorities and media would listen to the rantings of two American “mediums” rather than properly investigate the disappearance of Natalee Holloway. Hopefully, the national media will pick up on this story so that the whole world can see how Aruba treats tourists who “something bad happens to.” 

Not even Minister Croes, who at that time, two years ago, called them ‘Indian stories’.   It was Tourism-minister Edison Briesen that introduced them to Croes, because he thought that the information was important enough to be included in the judicial investigation.  Croes is of the opinion that now that the case against the suspects Joran and the brothers Deepak and Satish Kalpoe has brought no results, the Public Prosecution must also consider other scenarios.

Daniel Young_Kelly Castillo

(Daniel Young and Kelly Castillo – They are not detective, they are mediums)

Daniel Young and Kelly Castillo claim that Natalee’s stepfather Jug Twitty had abused Natalee, got her pregnant and that Beth knew of it. They go on to blame the family for for knowing that Natalee died two weeks after her night on the beach with Joran Van der Sloot. Some people will do anything to get attention. It would also appear that Aruba would sink to the lowest depths to go after people’s character to protect their tourism. Everybody knows that the Aruban officials botched the investigation, either through incompetence or purposely. You would now sink to this level!

Daniel Young and Kelly Castillo in the disappearance case of Natalee Holloway, must be seriously considered.  The two assert that Natalee’s stepfather Jug Twitty has abused and impregnated her and that her mother Beth knew about it.  The two also say that Natalee had died from an overdose two weeks after the night on the beach with Joran van der Sloot when she disappeared.  “Joran is innocent”, said the investigators.


 Natalee abused by stepfather Jug , Amigoe: 1/18/2008

This time, the local media has paid plenty of attention to the story of Dan Young and Kelly Castillo.

ORANJESTAD — Minister Rudy Croes (MEP) of Justice is of the opinion that the findings of the two American investigators Daniel Young and Kelly Castillo in the disappearance case of Natalee Holloway, must be seriously considered.  The two assert that Natalee’s stepfather Jug Twitty has abused and impregnated her and that her mother Beth knew about it.  The two also say that Natalee had died from an overdose two weeks after the night on the beach with Joran van der Sloot when she disappeared.  “Joran is innocent”, said the investigators. 

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Beth Holloway on the Oprah Winfrey Show discussing Missing Daughter Natalee Holloway

Today Beth Holloway, the mother of missing Alabama teen Natalee OprahshowHolloway while vacationing in Aruba, will be appearing on the Oprah Winfrey Show. We spoke with Beth briefly yesterday following the taping. The show went well. Sorry, can not give any detail, you just have to watch. However, so much for those Aruban officials who thought and wanted Natalee’s story to go away.

Then, the case has been closed…now Natalee Holloway’s mother, Beth, and brother are speaking out.

Don’t worry Aruba, its not like anyone watches Oprah. Yeah, and Boston isn’t a college town either.  Oh that’s right, her empire just got a little larger, The Oprah Winfrey Network. You may want to think this one over as Beth Holloway and her son discuss Natalee Holloway today and all the TV sets that it will appear on. Let Oprah’s audience read the lies and changing of stories in witness and suspect statements that took place. Let them determine whether there was no evidence. Beth_twitty

Billionaire Oprah Winfrey’s already giant empire just got bigger. The Queen Bee of TV and Discovery Communications yesterday announced a 50-50 joint venture that will re-brand Discovery Health into OWN: The Oprah Winfrey Network. Winfrey, who will turn 54 at the end of the month, will serve as chairman of the new channel, which will debut next year in about 70 million homes, and have complete editorial control over its programming. (NY Post

Oprah’s viewership will now be privy to Joran Van der Sloot’s recent actions of throwing wine in the face of crime reporter, Peter de Vries, when hot tempered Dutch boy did not get his way and was angered. I guess Joran Van der Sloot, one of the last people ever seen with Natalee Holloway before she disappeared forever on Aruba was upset with de Vries views of Aruba’s lies and conflicts of interest.


(Click on pic to watch video)

Let Oprah’s audiance and TV’s around the world decide for themselves as to who is guilty, innocent or if there was no evidense. People have an interesting way of publically righting obvious wrongs that were done to individuals. If Joran Van der Sloot is capable of doing such and uncontrollable act in public like the recent wine incident, iaudienceevidencemage what he is capable of doing in private.

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