Natalee Holloway Disappearance: Dutch Journalist Peter R. De Vries Nominated for 2 Emmy Awards

Peter R. de Vries, the Dutch crime journalist, who has covered the story of the disappearance of Natalee Holloway was nominated for two Emmies. A rough English translation can be found HERE. De Vries brought much attention back to the Natalee Holloway case when he claimed the bombshell news that he had solved the Natalee Holloway case. DeVries undercover taping of suspect Joran Van der Sloot shed a new light into the mind set of Joran when it was obvious that he did not think he was being taped. The result, a confession and admissions by Joran Van der Sloot that an all too willing Aruban court system was willing to dismiss.

Beth Twitty_De Vries

Peter R. de Vries & Beth Twitty

Peter R. De Vries New Evidence and Confessions

UPDATE I: Holloway crime show nominated for Emmy

Crime reporter Peter R de Vries has been nominated for an prestigious Emmy award for his covert tv interview with Joran van der Sloot in January this year.

In the tv show, Van der Sloot appeared to admit involvement with the disappearance of US teenager Natalee Holloway on the island of Aruba in 2005.

Aruba Wishes to Continue to Accuse Family of Missing Natalee Holloway (Beth Holloway) for her Disappearance

Here is a bit of information for those that wish to make conspiracy theories that the family was involved in Natalee Holloway’s disappearance. Before one makes an Oliver Stone type accusation … look at the fact and the motives. Lies? Is any normal thinking person really going to compare the lies that have transpired in the case of missing Natalee Holloway in Aruba?

Who is more likely to blame, a mother 1000’s of miles a way or a group of boys that have gone to Carlos n’ Charlies many times before and done the same thing, except “nothing had gone wrong before”?

New’ evidence reinforces Beth Twitty’s lie (Amigoe)

The computer print-out showing that Beth had lied about her arrival time in Aruba.

WILLEMSTAD/ORANJESTAD – From a print-out of Natalee Holloway’s telephone it appears that the private jet of her mother Beth had already landed in Aruba at 17:15 on May 30.  At least, that’s what TV-producer from Curacao, Renée Gielen says.  She has the telephone print-out of Natalee’s cellular telephone.

This is very striking, says Gielen, because according to her, it means that Beth Holloway wanted to come to Aruba before Natalee was missing.  “The print-out shows that Beth had called Natalee’s cell at 17:15.  She did that from her own cell and she could not have done that while being in the air.”  She emphasizes that it also means that the call was not done with a satellite telephone and it is also not probable that Beth’s private jet had made an intermediate landing from the United States.  “That is not usual on these short flights.  For that matter, she must have left even earlier.”

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The Legacy of Natalee Holloway … Safe Travels for Years to Come & Aruba has been Branded

Aruba’s loss is a college students gain. The disappearance of Natalee Holloway3Holloway in Aruba in 2005 has not been forgotten. The memory and legacy of Natalee Holloway will be that future teens and college age students will be taught the risks of traveling abroad. Safe travels aboard does not necessarily target Aruba as the only unsafe place to travel; however, it has become the poster island for safety abroad and has been branded. However, in the case of Natalee Holloway it is not just a message of traveling safe while on vacation, it’s a message of what could potentially happen with an investigation afterword’s in a foreign land.

As long as safety abroad is taught and Natalee Holloway’s name is referenced so will Aruba. The two have become synonymous and Aruba’s bad PR clock will never stop ticking. In America, a human life is more important than tourism.

Waits said she likes to think Natalee is at Auburn now though, since has spent the last two years looking at safety guidelines for students traveling abroad for the foundation Beth Holloway founded in her daughter’s memory — the International Safe Travels Foundation.

“When I paid attention to Natalee’s case, what I saw was a young girl,” Waits said. “I saw every young person.”

Like Beth Holloway, Waits didn’t want to see anything like what happened to Natalee happen again. And, at the time, she needed a research topic for graduate school.

Waits decided to look into how aware students are of safety guidelines when traveling. Her research has become the curriculum Beth Holloway shares with traveling students across the country. Waits said it was first introduced to Auburn students studying abroad last spring.

“Students are pretty confident before they leave,” she said, but, when she asks them about the process of say, court proceedings, in their destination country, they are at a loss.

“No one can say what happens over there,” Waits said. “It’s not their fault though. They’ve just never been told.”

“Beth experienced this. She went through it,” Waits said. “She wants to make sure it doesn’t happen again.” (OA Now)

Mother of Natalee Holloway Summons Van der Sloots … Van der Sloots Being Sued

If the Aruba Courts do not want to do anything in the criminal matter of Beth twitty 1the disappearance of Natalee Holloway, then Beth Twitty will as she sues. It has been almost 3 years since Natalee Holloway went missing on Aruba. Since then Aruba has done nothing except make a mockery of the investigation and prosecution of this case. Since Aruba is not willing to prosecute, Beth Holloway will.

As this case goes forward against Joran and the Van der Sloots more public attention will be provided to the case and negative PR for Aruba. If Aruba will not and cares not to find answers for the Holloway/Twitty family and provide “Justice for Natalee”, then the family will. From the very beginning of this case the family has had to take the lead, it appears they will have to again in order to pry answers out of Aruba and the Van der Sloots as to what happened and who is responsible for the disappearance of Natalee Holloway.

The following is a translation from the article, ‘Moeder Natalee dagvaardt gezin Van der Sloot’, from Also see the Dutch Amigoe article, Advocaat Moszkowicz dagvaart Joran en ouderswith an English translation HERE.

Mother Natalee summons family Van der Sloot’ (Thursday, April 3, 2008 08:53)

Beth Twitty, the mother of Natalee Holloway, has summoned the whole family of Joran van der Sloot. Peter R. De Vries and Patrick van der Eem are heard under oath about their role before the court.

That reports the Telegraaf. Joran and his parents have to appear before the court and will be heard under oath about their role in the disappearance of Holloway.

The summons are part of a series of injunctions, in which the struggle of Twitty now officially has begun. She demands a substantial damage from Joran, a compensation for the “shock damage” that Joran has given her.

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ARUBA … DON’T MESS WITH TEXAS … “Justice for Natalee” Protest and Reminder to Aruba at the Houston Travel Show


They have been to New York City twice, Boston twice, New Orleans, Natalee Holloway 2Valley Forge, PA, Miami,   St Charles, MO, and now Houston, TX. Do we need to remind you Aruba, Don’t mess with Texas. Congratulations to the people who helped reminds potential travelers that Aruba has provided no answers or “Justice for Natalee”. The mission continues by those individuals who demand the truth and justice for missing Alabama teen, Natalee Holloway.

It seems that Aruba truly does not have a comprehension of free speech. No wonder people are afraid to come forward to tell what they know regarding Natalee. However, Aruba … you are not in Kansas anymore. Welcome to America … The home of the free and the land of the brave.

I found out later from the convention coordinator that the Arubans complained incessantly about us and even confiscated one man’s tote (yes, they really had the audacity to do that)! He also told me that the Arubans seemed to have trouble understanding that nobody could turn us away as long as we did what we were told. I guess Arubans really don’t understand free speech as we know it.


The following the the words from one of those individuals, Dan in TX, that took the time to help provide, Justice for Natalee”. Kudos to all … a job well done. Don’t forget to listen tonight to the Dana Pretzer show as more accounts will be provided from the Houston Travel Show protest.

“What?! That girl’s still missing?”

 Of all the countless positive, supportive comments that I heard that whole day, that one genuinely shocked exclamation stands out in my mind. But we found out one thing again and again and again throughout the day: Houston, Texas loves Natalee. Before the protest even started, a retired HPD detective saw my boycott tee-shirt and expressed his support for the boycott as I waited for the others to arrive.


Two wonderfully dedicated, savvy, intelligent people named Vicki and Richard have been organizing or helping to organize small protests at any travel and tourism show that the Aruba Tourism Association has a booth at for the last 18 months. They’ve been in New York City, Boston, Miami, and New Orleans in the past. This weekend, the ATA is at the Houston Travel and Adventure Show. So are we.


 There’s not many of us- only eight- but that was enough. We took up positions outside the convention center in small groups, signs and pamphlets in hand. None of us have ever done this before, but those who had gave us a lot of good advice: do exactly what the police liaison tells you do, be friendly and polite, keep a pamphlet in hand at all times, and don’t be afraid- you’re here for Natalee and her family. Oh, and there may be news crews showing up to interview the event coordinator. That would be me.

 Great. I am not at all photogenic.

 I’ve never met any of them before, but I had a great team of protesters. Houston-Protest-6-032908Laura drove all the way from Dallas to be there. Molly brought her whole family to help, not to mention a picnic lunch, too. Lynn and his wife Ellie are old enough to be my grandparents, but they were there, ready to fight the good fight right along with us.

 It took me all of about ten minutes to realize that this was going to be easier than I thought, because people are incredibly supportive. Between 11 am and 4 pm we handed out each and every one of seven hundred pamphlets and over a hundred totes that we had. At the end of the day, all we had left was one stack of our ‘backup’ flyers and one stack of business cards. The only negative comment we heard all day was from a man who obviously knew nothing about the case. Hundreds to one are odds I’ll take any day.

 The support truly was amazing. It crossed gender lines, generations, and races. For those of you who think that Natalee would not have the attention she did if she were a minority, well, you’re dead wrong. Half the people who stopped to talk to us and offered their support were African-American. We didn’t expect to talk to men the size of pro linebackers about Natalee and hear that depth of genuine concern, but we did. A rickshaw driver (yes, they have those downtown) stopped by and offered his help displaying boycott advertising on the back of his rikshaw. We could not keep pamphlets in our hands. We gave our few precious totes only to those who had the deepest sympathy for Natalee or who were willing to take a tote past the Aruba booth, and we still ran out. Other people were more than willing to drop by and tell the Arubans how they felt. One lady took a bag in to show them, then decided to keep the bag and hang it in the window of her shop in Houston.


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