Aruban Prosecutor Mos & Officials Gutless … Release Suspects and Now Want to Close Case of Natalee Holloway without Prosecution

First the Kalpoe brothers were released, then suspect Joran Van der Sloot was released. Now Aruban prosecutor Mos states that he will close the case in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway by years end. The cruel and despicable actions of Aruba continue against the family of Natalee Holloway. Why would anyone continue to drag a family through this horrendous nightmare and provide false hope?

Attorney John Q. Kelly of New York said he expects an announcement later this month that there will be no prosecution of van der Sloot or the other two suspects, Deepak and Satish Kalpoe, who were released Dec. 1. Kelly represents Beth Holloway and Dave Holloway.

“The report of significant new incriminating evidence was misleading,” Kelly said. “It was the same evidence or lack of evidence they had from the very beginning.”

Kelly said his clients would not comment on van der Sloot’s release. Telephone messages left Friday with the Holloways were not returned.

Authorities re-arrested van der Sloot and the Kalpoe brothers Nov. 21 after finding what they described as “new incriminating evidence” in Natalee Holloway’s disappearance.

“It’s all a dog and pony show,” Kelly said. “I guess they thought it would be good PR to show they were still working on the case. But it amplifies the fact that they mishandled it from the beginning and continue to mishandle it.” (

After all this build up, claims of new evidence and re-arrests, Aruban prosecutor states, “he will close the case of missing American teenager Natalee Holloway by the end of the month unless his office finds that there is enough evidence to charge someone with a major crime”.

 The prosecutor, Hans Mos, said he would not comment about the kind of evidence his office is reviewing but that he does not anticipate finding Holloway’s remains and prosecuting a case without them would be “very hard.”

“We promised the suspects that after Dec. 31, we will not pursue the case,” Mos told The Associated Press Friday. “This investigation should end at a certain point.”

You sick and pathetic gutless examples of human beings … your job is to prosecute crimes. Not give up. Your job is also to prosecute suspects for what ever crimes you can, no matter if it is murder, manslaughter, rape or kidnapping.


The major crime was committed by all in Aruba that purposely botched this case. It is criminal that prosecutors will not even do their job.

Aruban authorities say they will officially close the Natalee Holloway case by Dec. 31 unless they find evidence that a “major crime” was committed.

Deepak and Satish Kalpoe, Welcome to America: Judge Give Dr Phil & CBS Access to the Natalee Holloway File

Let us first start out by saying, thank you Deepak and Satish Kalpoe. Don’t ask for Aruba 3 suspectsthings they might just come true. You successfully made it possible for there to be US jurisdiction in this case. Greed is always the inevitable downfall.

Deepak and Satish Kalpoe, welcome to the United States judicial system. The two should have left well enough alone and thanked their lucky stars that the Aruban/Dutch legal and investigation system ran cover for them in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway. However, in so many case this is another example of pigs get fat and hogs get slaughtered.

Welcome to the deep end of the pool where the big boys play. The Kalpoes brought a defamation case against Dr. Phil in search of riches and now have exactly what so many of us had prayed for … an opportunity to expose all of what went on in Aruba with regards to the files for the investigation and legal proceedings.

Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Edward A. Ferns ruled that the lawyers for CBS TV and The Dr Phil Show can have access to the Natalee Holloway files.

Lawyers for CBS Television and “Dr. Phil” McGraw can have access to e-mails and Aruban documents about two brothers arrested, then released, in the disappearance of Alabama teenager Natalee Holloway, according to a ruling obtained Wednesday.

Deepak and Satish Kalpoe allege they were defamed in a Sept. 15, 2005, “Dr. Phil” show during which it was alleged that they gave Holloway a date-rape drug and had non-consensual group sex with her. The episode also implied the siblings helped kill Holloway and dispose of her body, according to court papers.

Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Edward A. Ferns issued a 12-page ruling Friday that upheld the tentative ruling he reached in favor of CBS and the celebrity doctor before he took the case under submission Aug. 30. (CBS)

The Kalpoe’s thought that this case would never get to court and that they would settle for millions. Hey Deepak and Satish … You are not in Aruba anymore. The trap has been set and the bait was taken.


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Natalee Holloway Investigation: Jossy Mansur and John Q. Kelly … On the Record


(Hat Tip: Carpe)

“I agree totally but there has never, at least at this point any suggestion that Natalee was inside that home and so absent a seizure of physical evidence or some clue so simply looking around you might as well look in anyones house”. (Greta Van Susteren) 

Well Greta, maybe that is going to happen. With all the lies that these three suspects have made who is to say that Natalee Holloway was not at the Kalpoe residence or any of the other friends of Joran, Deepak or Satish?

Natalee Holloway: John Q. Kelly Goes Back to Aruba as Karin Janssen Leaves Aruba

On the Record last night was billed as “New Developments in the Natalee Holloway John_Q_KellyCase”. For the life of me other than John Q. Kelly going to Aruba and talking to Karin Janssen before she departed to Holland and possibly talking to the new Prosecutor we are not sure what the “new developments” were. Were any mentioned? Anybody?

Attorney John Q. Kelly made some interesting comments regarding the fact that “the powers that be” we not going to allow Karin Janssen to finish the job even though she claims she wanted to. Does it make sense to change a prosecutor now so far into the case? Or will new blood some how make a difference?

  • she had made a request in writing, very much wanted to stay there, see this investigation through and she was told her term was going to be halted three years and she’d be returning to Amsterdam and she couldn’t see this through.”
  • she was upset about that. She — and I was glad to hear, wanted to stay on this case and see it to some sort of conclusion and they wouldn’t let her.


It was already known that Karin Janssen was stepping down as the Prosecutor in Aruba as her term was not renewed. One thing is for certain; Joran Van der Sloot, Deepak Kalpoe and Satish Kalpoe remain the primary focus and primary suspects. Read last night’s transcript from “On the Record.”

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