Tracy Pollan to Play Beth Holloway in Lifetime TV Movie, The Natalee Holloway Story … As Aruba Hides Head in the Sand of Cover Up

Aruba you cannot hide your head in your sandy white beaches, Natalee Natalee_Holloway_121808Holloway’s story will be seen over and over and over … There is nothing like a good TV cable movie that has an unlimited shelf life to have people never forget what occurred in May of 2005 and the lack of justice provided to Natalee and her family.

Just when Aruba thought the Natalee Holloway story was going to go away, they will now have to face the fact that there will be a Lifetime movie directed by Mikael Salomon made of the events of the disappearance of Natalee Holloway and the subsequent botched investigation and cover up. Justice for Natalee … the further exposing of the corruption and nepotism that went on in Aruba to this day in providing a family no answers or “Justice for Natalee”.

The harrowing true story of a teenage girl who vanished while vacationing in Aruba is the backdrop of The Natalee Holloway Story, a Lifetime Movie Network original film about a mother’s search for truth and justice.


Tracy Pollan

Tracy Pollan, the wife of Michael J. Fox, has been tapped to play Beth Holloway in the Lifetime Movie Networks TV film, “The Natalee Holloway Story”. Tracy Pollan will play Beth Holloway, the mother of Alabama teen Natalee Holloway who went missing in Aruba in May 2005. The movie is based the book by Beth Holloway, “Loving Natalee: A Mother’s Testament of Hope and Faith.”

Pollan will play Twitty in the movie, which will spotlight her efforts to discover the truth about what happened to her daughter.

“Holloway,” from Sony Pictures Television, was written by Teena Booth. Judith Verno, Frank von Zerneck and Robert M. Sertner are executive producers, and Andrew Golov is a producer. The movie is set to go into production next month for an April premiere.

Coming soon to a TV screen near you will be the story of what happened to Natalee Holloway, the joke of what was called an investigation in Aruba and how the last three people ever to be seen with Natalee were allowed to get away without prosecution as Aruban law enforcement, prosecutors and officials turned a blind eye.

Joran Van der Sloot first said he lied about what had happened the night he was with Natalee Holloway because he was scared. That certainly did not stop him from lying to police and the media to this day. Lying is not a defense.

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Rudy Croes Obstructed Justice: Minister Croes of Justice Finally Admits Natalee Holloway Case Messed Up by Nepotism, Blames van der Straten

So why has there been no “Justice for Natalee” in Aruba?

In the end those that have claimed their was an obstruction of justice, cover up and Aruba_Rudy_Croescorruption in Aruba in the investigation of Natalee Holloway were correct. Watch the following video of Aruban cover up and corruption.

Define irony? The Justice Minister of Aruba Rudy Croes obstructing justice in the case of the disappearance of Natalee Holloway. Croes claims that Jan van der Straten intentionally messed up the case due to nepotism, yet Rudy Croes never came forward with this information until now. Beth and Dave Holloway would have been interested in Croes’ latest comment in June 2005. Instead, the Justice Minister of Aruba took part in the obstruction of justice for Natalee and her family by not coming forward. How could anyone in Aruba have allowed van der Straten to be the lead investigator in the case with such a conflict of interest as being friends of Paulus Van der Sloot, the father of the prime suspect in the case of Natalee’s disappearance?

 The Good Ship Aruba, its every rat for them self

Vanderbilt Aruba mayday

However, over three and a half years later after Natalee Holloway went missing and the case was purposely botched, the rats are fleeing the Goodship Aruba as they begin to turn on each other. Justice-minister Rudy Croes says that the case of the disappearance of Natalee Holloway in Aruba was messed up by Jan van der Straten in the first ten days to help his friend Paul van der Sloot to protect his suspected son Joran. However, after all this time why did Rudy Croes finally say something? Could it be a guilty conscience? Could it be he finally wanted to do the right thing? No, not it the slightest. Like everything in Aruba, Rudy Croes makes these accusations after 3 1/2 years because of self-serving political reasons.

Joran_Paulus VDS

Justice-minister Rudy Croes accuses nepotism as to the reason why van der Straten helped his friend Paulus Van der Sloot to protect his suspected son Joran Van der Sloot. However, the only reason why Justice-minister Rudy Croes is coming forward with these accusations at this time against Jan van der Straten is because Croes now that he feels attacked by the former chief of police.

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Lifetime Movie Network has Gone into Production to make “The Natalee Holloway Story” Missing in Aruba


Aruba, did you think the story of Natalee Holloway was going away and that you were Natalee Holloway 2just going to sweep Natalee’s disappearance under the Aruban sand? Your many efforts to depress search efforts and discounts leads and confessions will never make people not remember what happened in Aruba in 2005 and how Aruban officials helped cover up Natalee’s disappearance.  The Lifetime Movie Network has gone into production for a made for TV movie based on the 2005 disappearance of Natalee Holloway in Aruba.

Lifetime Movie Network has gone into preproduction on a telefilm based on the real-life story of Natalee Holloway, a teenager who disappeared in 2005 during a senior class vacation in Aruba.

The tentatively titled “The Natalee Holloway Story,” from Sony Pictures TV and executive producers Judith Verno and Frank Von Zerneck, is based on the book “Loving Natalee: A Mother’s Testament of Hope and Faith,” by Holloway’s mother, Beth Twitty.

The movie, airing in 2009, will tell the story of Holloway, whose disappearance captured the attention of the national media, and Twitty’s efforts to discover the truth about what happened to her daughter.

Aruba 3 suspects

We had actually known about this news for quite some time; however, had promised Beth Holloway not to spill the beans. I had recently discussed the up coming movie with Beth Holloway while in Orlando, FL on a search for missing Caylee Anthony. Now that the cat is out of the bag, we will be discussing the up coming movie more in the not too distant future. Once again, the world will see what transpired in Aruba, the obstacles and road blocks provided from Aruban officials and how little a family was helped to find their missing daughter.

Lifetime to make ‘Holloway’ movie; Drama tells the story of missing Alabama teen

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A&E Big Spender: What Happened to Natalee Holloway … Missing in Aruba

Save the dates and time … A&E plans to air a documentary that looks into the disappearance of Natalee Holloway in Aruba and “What Happened to Natalee Holloway”. The Natalee Holloway story was just recently back in the news as an unidentified witness came forward who had passed polygraph test and place both Joran Van der Sloot and his father Paulus Van der Sloot out at 4:00 am the morning of May 30, 2005. New witness accounts can be read HEREHERE and HERE.


Bill Kurtis hosts this documentary special that looks at the case that shocked the nation–the disappearance of 18-year-old Natalee Holloway on the island of Aruba on May 30, 2005. Natalee was last seen alive leaving a bar with three young local men, who became the prime suspects.

AE_Natalee _Holloway

Aruba investigators and prosecutors have continually been given evidence and have consistently looked the other way. By avoiding issues and hiding their head in the sandy beaches of Aruba, officials this that the Natalee Holloway story will just go away. How wrong could they be …

Natalee Holloway Investigation: Exclusive … Tim Miller of Texas EquuSearch in Aruba to meet With ALE/Prosecutor … New Witness That Puts Joran & Paulus Van der Sloot Near Ponds on 5/30/05

Is it possible that this is the break and the witness that the family of Natalee Holloway has been looking for the past 3+ years? Could this finally be the break that provided “Justice for Natalee”.

We just recieved a call from Tim Miller of Texas Equusearch. Tim is presently in Aruba and planning to meet with the Aruban prosecutor and the ALE. It appears that there is a new witness that has come forward that has placed Joran Van der Sloot in wet and muddy clothing out at 4:00am on 5/30/05. The 48 year old Aruban witness also places Paulus Van der Sloot at the scene picking up Joran in a red jeep.

Why is this witness potentially credible? The Aruban passed two polygraph tests in Houston, TX on August 5, 2008. The tests were performed by John Swartz of John Swartz & Associates, International Polygraph Examiners. The 48 year old Aruba, name withheld for obvious reasons, went to police early on in the investigation; however, was not taken seriously. He is also claimed to have spoke with Hans Mos. Whether an actual police report exists of the witness is unknown.

Read the following English translation from Diario regarding the new witness, what he has stated what he saw that fateful night that Natalee Holloway went missing. Remember, this witness has passed two polygraph tests.

To discuss the case and get more updates go to Scared Natalee Holloway Forum.




ORANJESTAD (AAN) Perhaps many will say today that God is great, and in
a meticulous way does His work so that every crime has hidden clues so
that the solution may be reached. Today it has gone so far that DIARIO
can reveal officially to the people that at last a masculine witness
has come forward.

This witness felt he could no longer hold back, and at last gave
his complete declaration as to what he saw at the end of May 2005, at
4′oclock in the morning, from the window of his living room.

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