55% of Americans Oppose Government Limits on Salt … What’s Next Peanut Butter?

Are we no longer going to be able to use the phrase, “he is the salt of the earth?” Not if Obama and his over-reaching intruding government have anything to say about it.

The American public is tired of the gig government Nanny state and want government out of their private lives. So they say in the most recent Rasmussen poll where 55% of Americans oppose government limits on salt and state it’s none of the FDA’s business.

Several public health groups are urging the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to set new federal standards for the amount of salt Americans eat, but most adults don’t like the idea.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that just 33% of Americans think the government should set limits on how much salt Americans can eat. Most adults (55%) disagree and don’t think it’s any of the FDA’s business. Another 12% are not sure.

77% of adults surveyed stated that they already monitor what they eat. However, the government reduction of an individuals salt intake goes to the larger issue … WHAT BUSINESS IS IT OF THE GOVERNMENT WHAT YOU EAT!!! Is Obama and the FDA going to send the IRS out after you if you eat too much salt? Are they going to fine you and without your tax return if at your weekly, mandatory doctor visits your test results come back high for sodium. Of course you will have had to have waited in line for hours and be made to prove you have insurance or suffer the wrath of Obamacare.

Once against the Obamacare Nanny, socialism agenda is on the wrong side of the issue. Go figure.

The majority of Republicans and adults not affiliated with either major political party oppose FDA restrictions on salt, but Democrats are are almost evenly divided.

When is “big government” going to keep out of individuals private matters? Is salt the new tobacco? What is next peanut butter, spam, cereal,  _____, (fill in the blank).

60% of All Americans In Favor of New Arizona Illegal Immigration Law … Police Stop and Verify Immigration Status

Just the other day a Rasmussen poll showed that 70% of Arizona voters were in favor of the new illegal immigration law signed by AZ Gov. Jan Brewer to make it a state law for an individual to be in the United States illegally.

Now Rasmussen has done a national poll where 60% of American voters are in favor of allowing local police to stop and verify an individuals immigration status.

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer last week signed a new law into effect that authorizes local police to stop and verify the immigration status of anyone they suspect of being an illegal immigrant. A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey finds that 60% of voters nationwide favor such a law, while 31% are opposed.

Seventy-seven percent (77%) of Republicans support the law along with 62% of voters not affiliated with either major party. Democratic voters are evenly divided on the measure.

Although 58% of those polled think that some Americans civil rights might be violated, 56% believe it is unlikely Congress will take action to gain control of the border. The federal government has no one but themselves to blame for not protecting our borders against illegal immigration and its citizens.

The Democrats and Obama have called the law misguided and irresponsible. However, who is it that is being irresponsible by fanning the flames of racism for their own political gain? Jammie Wearing Fool has an interesting interpretation of the poll. They state that the “Poll Finds Half the Democrats Are Racist, Nazi, Apartheid Supporters”.  Indeed.

Seventy-seven percent (77%) of Republicans support the law along with 62% of voters not affiliated with either major party. Democratic voters are evenly divided on the measure.

So the Arizona law is like Nazi Germany, really? Hey Al, take a history lesson you race baiter. Funny, being a history major with a concentration in WWII and US foreign policy I missed it where the extermination of the Jews at the hands of the Nazis was the same as protecting the borders from people who entered the United States illegally.

Oh and by the way, where is the MSM reporting the violence spouting up in the demonstrations against the AZ illegal immigration law? They are so quick to report on the Tea Parties causing violence. It looks like it takes the Gateway Pundit to report the truth and be “fair and balanced”.

Have you ever seen this at a Tea Party Protest … NEVER!!!

Take a good look at the attack of a person merely taking pictures.

In the end we once again have Democrats and Obama on the wrong side of the major issues of the day. As Powerline states, the voters hate government medicine … they are against Cap & Trade, … how do We the People feel about immigration?

Exit Question: What issues is the Democrat party agree with a majority of Americans these days? Appears to be little to none.

Define misguided. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano going out after a state bill and calling it misguided (I guess those are the Obama talking points) when it is her job to secure the borders to individuals do not get into the country. Might we also add Janet, what did you do in office to secure the border when you were governor of AZ? Nada.

Caylee/Casey Anthony Case: Is Jose Baez Out?

Orlando, FL– Following a Thursday afternoon request for a status meeting request by newly self-appointed-by-way-of recusal, Chief Judge Belvin Perry, Jose Baez filed a notice of unavailability to the 9th Circuit court.

In fact, he filed notices of unavailability in every case he has on the docket.

Read the rest at Blink on Crime:

Daily Commentary – Monday, April 26th, 2010 – Another Round of Google Privacy Concerns

April 26th, 2010

* Google’s traffic cameras in Europe are apparently logging information that could be used to reveal identities of passers-by, sparking yet more controversy.

Daily Commentary – Monday, April 26th, 2010 – Another Round of Google Privacy Concerns [1:47m]: | Download

Posted April 26, 2010 by
Main, Scared Monkeys Radio | no comments

Obama’s Misguided Hypocrisy: Proof of Health Insurance But Not Citizenship

Misguided, eh President Barack Obama?

The other day President Barack Hussein Obama claimed that Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer was “misguided” for signing into law the toughest illegal immigration law in the United States. Misguided and irresponsible? How could it possibly be considered misguided to protect the border and the citizens of Arizona by following the rule of law? Last time I checked it was “illegal” for some one to be in the United States if they did not follow the proper immigration process.

It is Obama that has made it necessary for the IRS to contact American citizens and state … show me your insurance papers.

So let’s get this straight … Obama thinks it is misguided to make it mandatory to ask individuals for proof of citizenship, but the Obamamessiah thinks that it is perfectly fine to make Americans show proof of insurance or be fined and potentially worse by the IRS.

AMERICA … which one do you think is unconstitutional and attacks American citizens rights?

Misguided? One might actually find the President’s comments rather comical, ironic and then those with conspiracy theories find it fitting that Barack Obama be complaining that “proof of citizenship” be an issue. Don’t Americans have to carry their passports at all times when traveling abroad? I have worked in foreign countries and had to show my work papers and renew them or face a one way plane ticket back home.

Misguided? One might call it misguided, irresponsible and criminal for what Obama and Democrats did with the health care reform by claiming it would lower costs only to find out once it passed that Obamacare would do just the opposite and raise health care costs.

In the end, WE THE PEOPLE will deem what is and what is not misguided and irresponsible this November during the midterm elections and again in 2012. As it presently stands 70% of Arizona voters support the new tough immigration laws.  The American voters trust Republicans more than they do Democrats on the issue of immigration.

Once again Barack Hussein Obama and Democrats find themselves on the wrong side of the issue, an all too common occurrence these days with the people. Is it any wonder why now even the NY Times is discussing the carnage that is going to take place this November and Democrats are swept out of office.

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