Obama Economy Loses 131,000 Jobs in July 2010 … We Are Heded in the Right Direction As Per Obama


Jobs in July 2010 fell by 131,000 according the the US Department of Labor.

Total nonfarm payroll employment declined by 131,000 in July, and the unemployment rate was
unchanged at 9.5 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Federal government employment
fell, as 143,000 temporary workers hired for the decennial census completed their work.
Private-sector payroll employment edged up by 71,000.

In June 2010 following the disappointing jobs numbers, Obama stated “we were headed in the right direction“. What say you Mr. President after these pathetic job numbers? Some thing tells me that Obama was just scratched from a couple more House and Senate campaign stops for Democrats.

Just when you thought it could not get any worse, it did. In addition, the government revised payrolls for May and June to show 97,000 fewer jobs than previously reported.

How anemic has the Obama jobs recover plan been that Obama wants to tout as working and headed in the right direction? For the first seven months of 2010, the U.S. economy added an average of less than 100,000 jobs a month. After shedding how many millions of jobs, Obamanomics can only add back less than 100K per month. UNREAL. What’s his answer … tax the people some more, provide more spending that is unpaid for in a form of welfare for teachers and call it a jobs bill.

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Obama Gives Himself a Grade of “I” for Incomplete for First 18 Months as President … Obama Says Economy is Half Way Back

Barack Hussein Obama gives himself an “incomplete” as a grade for his job performance as President for the first 18 months. I wonder if this is how Harvard Law gave grades when Obama attended? Incomplete eh, more like a complete disaster. Unfortunately for the President and Democrats and fortunately for America, it is We the People who grades him and will do so in this year’s midterm election.


“I” for incomplete or incompetence?

It’s still too early to judge his administration, President Barack Obama says.

In an interview broadcast on the CBS “Sunday Morning” program, Obama gave himself a grade of “incomplete” on the first 18 months of his presidency.

While citing some accomplishments, Obama said the true measure of success will be when the economy has rebounded fully and people are feeling better about it.

“We still have a long way to go,” Obama said.

What might be one of the most frightening an out of touch comments that Obama made during the interview was when he said the following, “People have every right to be scared, to be angry, to be frustrated, I don’t expect the American people to be satisfied when we’re only half of the way back.” HALF WAY BACK!!! Obama thinks that our economy is half way back? Not even close sir. Obama does not get an “I” for incomplete, he gets an “I” for idiocy.

All those fantastic Obama policies have provided the latest 2.4% GDP for the 2nd quarter of 2010 and no jobs.

Interestingly enough American voters are not giving Barack Obama an incomplete, they are giving “The Obamamessiah” a failing grade.  The American voters polled are giving Obama average 45% approval and nearly 50% disapproval rating. The only thing that voters find incomplete about Obama is his leadership, especially in the manner in how he handled the BP oil spill.

Obama and Democrats are quick to trumpet Obama successes like the auto bail out, his spending packages that saved the economy and Obamacare. Really, these people think that Obamacare was a success? Presently the RCP average has only 38.3% in favor of Obamacare and 50.5% against it. Even in such a Blue state like New York, 56% of NY’ers want to repeal the health care bill. According to the most recent Rasmussen poll, 58% want to repeal Obamacare while 37% do not.

On the issue of the $787 billion stimulus, most Americans think that it hurt the economy not helped. Most Americans do not trust Obama when it comes to the economy. Obama stated that the stimulus spending would create jobs and keep unemployment under 8%. However, after spending and wasting the tax payers money the WH is now saying that unemployment will stay at 9% or greater until 2012.

As Obama Prepares for State of the Union to discuss Jobs & Health Care, Americans Oppose His Failed Stimulus Plan

Barack Obama’s State of the Union …An Obama-sized mess.

Axelrod claims that Obama will focus on jobs, yet none of The One’s spin meisters can agree on the same economic jobs created or same spin. It really appears to the American public that this Obama White House is focused on jobs. REALLY? You can’t even get your spin correct.


The Obama Gang Who Could Not Spin Straight

  • 10% unemployment when he promised it would not go over 8%.
  • $787 billion stimulus plan was a colossal failure.
  • No economic/jobs recovery as last December 85,000 more jobs lost.
  • Record federal spending and deficits under Obama Administration
  • Focused on disastrous government control health care bill instead of the economy.
  • Near terrorist bomb exploded on plane Christmas Day but for faulty detonator, the system did not work
  • Ft Hood Maj. Hasan terrorist shooting massacre, the system did not work.

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Stop the Global Warming Cap & Trade Nonsense … Dems Say to Barack Obama


With the looming spectre of a 2010 Democrat massacre at the ballot box, so-called moderate Senate Democrats are begging Barack Obama and the White House to stop pushing such unpopular pieces of legislation like Cap & Trade.

After the Democrat partisan vote and passage of Obamacare through the Senate, many Dems fear that Cap & Trade will be yet another bill with no support from Republicans or the People. However, Obama does not seem to listen to “We the People,” will he listen to his own party Senators?

“I am communicating that in every way I know how,” says Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.), one of at least half a dozen Democrats who’ve told the White House or their own leaders that it’s time to jettison the centerpiece of their party’s plan to curb global warming.

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Democrats About to Raise Debt Ceiling by $1.8 Trillion While They Tell You to Cut back

Talk about the ultimate hypocrisy. The elected politicians (Democrats) who supposedly work for “We the People” are about raise the debt ceiling by $1.8 trillion while in the same breath they tell John Q. Public to cut back and be responsible with their money.

The government wants to increase the Congressional credit card and spend like even more drunken sailors while you are told to act responsibly. How are we ever going to pay this debt back?

Isn’t this how many Americans got into trouble with credit cards? Because the the bad financial situation they kept charging, the CC companies kept raising the credit ceiling until the debt to income ration was out of control and the CC companies then raised interest rates, individuals could not pay and people defaulted. In the case of the Democrats in power in DC, they just keep raising the debt ceiling. Must be nice when there is no one to say no and you do not care about the financial implications.

However, you do have a way to say no … VOTE THEM OUT OF OFFICE IN 2010 & 2012!

In a bold but risky year-end strategy, Democrats are preparing to raise the federal debt ceiling by as much as $1.8 trillion before New Year’s rather than have to face the issue again prior to the 2010 elections.

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