Remember When Obama Said (6/8/09) He would Create or Save 600,000 Jobs in the Next 100 Days

FLASH BACK: Obama promises to create or save 600,000 jobs in 100 days. Um, really?

What Obama did on his summer vacation …

America, remember back on June 6, 2009 when Barack Obama said by passing the $787 billion stimulus package that it would save or create 600,000 jobs in the next 100 days? Instead, the United States has lost nearly one million jobs in that period of time and has increased to 9.7% unemployment when Obama had claimed much rosier numbers. Of course there is no way to measure how Obama could save jobs, just more rhetoric from this White House.

Obama was wrong on this and wrong on the economy. Is it any wonder why Americans do not trust him with reforming health care and creating a government take over of 1/6 of the US economy with Obamacare.

Jobs Lost in US: 443,000 jobs in June.
Jobs Lost in US: 247,000 jobs in July.
Jobs Lost in US: 216,000 jobs in August.

Obama even referenced targeting summer jobs for youths. Really? Under Barack Obama teen unemployment, 25.5%, is at it’s highest rate ever since they have kept records.

How would you grade Obama’s promise of creating or saving 600,000 jobs when over a million have been lost in that period of time? All he has effectively done is create a deficit as far as the eye can see.

Final Summer school grade: F+

Daily Commentary – Wednesday, August 26th, 2009 – Prisoners Get Stimulus Money … Cash for Cons

  • Close to half a million in stimulus funds was accidentally distributed to inmates in a prison in Massachusetts. It’s your government doing what it does best, folks.

icon for podpress  Daily Commentary – Wednesday, August 26th, 2009 – Prisoners Get Stimulus [1:05m]:  | Download

Just another example of your precision government in action wasting your hard earned tax dollars.
Every one has heard of the Cash for Clunkers program; however, have you also hears of the government’s “Cash for Cons” program as well? That is correct! The government, the same one that wants to take charge of health care and 1/6th of the US economy, sent 4000 convicts checks from the Stimulus bill.
One day after the Herald reported some surprised Bay State inmates – including murderers and rapists – were cashing in $250 stimulus checks, federal officials revealed the same behind-bars bonus was mailed to nearly 4,000 cons nationwide.
A federal watchdog is now probing how the cons were cut the checks. The same cash also may have been sent to fugitive felons, people kicked out of the country and even individuals now deceased.
Prisoners Mistakenly Received Stimulus Checks. I thought that VP Biden was going to oversee where this money went? BTW, where the hell is Biden, has anyone seen him since the Beer Summit?
On Tuesday the Social Security Administration revealed that the federal government mistakenly sent out stimulus checks to 1,700 inmates. That error cost $425,000.
In a written statement, Social Security spokesman Dan Moraski said that the money went out because official records “did not accurately reflect that they were in prison.”

The Do as We Say Not as We Do Democratic Controlled Congress … Remember When They Chastised Auto Exec’s for Air Travel?

Democratic Controlled Congress = Hypocrisy

Private jets are evil, but some how ones for the government are ok and a necessity. Private business perks evil, government perks good. Welcome to Air Pelosi …

Once again our government shows that they not only waste tax payer dollars, but they are hypocrites. While every one else cuts back during these hard times, our government spends away while “We the People” feel the effects of the recession. So is Democrat House Speaker Pelosi going to claim that this is being fiscally responsible?

Congress looks to spend $550 million to buy eight new jets so that they and their staffs can fly in luxury. The planes ordered are 737s, known as C-40s by the military, are designed to be an “office in the sky” for government leaders. Interesting, Congressmen and women can see fit to fly more and more, yet some how they cannot face their constituents in town hall meeting to discuss Obamacare.

The purchases will help accommodate growing travel demand by congressional officials. The planes augment a fleet of about two dozen passenger jets maintained by the Air Force for lawmakers, administration officials and military chiefs to fly on government trips in the U.S. and abroad.

The congressional shopping list goes beyond what the Air Force had initially requested as part of its annual appropriations. The Pentagon sought to buy one Gulfstream V and one business-class equivalent of a Boeing 737 to replace aging planes. The Defense Department also asked to buy two additional 737s that were being leased.


$550 million of tax payer dollars so that Congress can fly like lifestyles of the rich and famous. What’s another $550 million when these individuals are racking up trillion dollar debt?  Was it not these same people who screamed at the auto execs of Ford, GM and Chrysler when they appeared in front of Congress having flown in private company jets to beg for bailout money?

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President Barack Obama Poll Numbers Sinking like a Stone … Obama get Vote of No Confidence on Economy & Health Care

According to the Rasmussen Report Daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Sunday, 7/26/09, Barack Obama has hit an all time low. The S.S. Titanic, otherwise known in the MSM as the Good Ship Obama is taking on water and sinking fast.

After six short months, America has Obama fatigue and is already tired of his policies. Think voters do not have buyers remorse? It is bad enough that voters question Obama’s handling of the economy, but his latest irresponsible comment regarding race and the arrest by Sgt. James Crowly of the Cambridge police of Harvard professor Gates has certainly opened some Obama voter’s eyes.

Forty percent (40%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -11. That’s the first time his ratings have reached double digits in negative territory


Only 29% of voters now strongly approve of The One’s job approval, while 40% strongly disagree. Even more damaging to Obama is that his overall approval rating is at 49–50 disapproval.

From the Gateway Pundit, there are Zogby poll numbers that are even worse as Obama Presidental approval ratings fall to 48%.

Why is this troubling and a concern to the Obama White House? Barack Obama beat John McCain in the 2008 Presidential election by a 53% to 46% margin. Check out the exit polls from the election and see if you think that Obama could ever get the Independent vote or any Republican, let alone Conservative vote. Does any one think that Obama could get 49% of voters making over $100,000 when all his plans do is tax them for all of his social programs?

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Same Old Tired Blame Game from Obama: Support for Obamacare is Crumbling … Moderates and Democrats Running from Socialized Healthcare

If one, or The One, ever pressures a sale, no matter what it is, the answer is to never Obama_Snake_Oilbuy it. Think the Obama Administration is not misreading Healthcare as they did they economy?

Ask yourself a simple question, why is Barack Obama insisting that all his big government socialist plans be done immediately? Who is their life allows a salesman to pressure them into buying anything? The answer is no one, most people just walk out the door. Why does Barack Obama want to bankrupt America with his healthcare plan?

Wasn’t it the Democrats that said that George W. Bush rushed us into war? Mind you the lead up to the Iraq war was no where as fast as Obama’s socialist agenda takeover of America.

Healthcare for all sound like a cute campaign promise, but what is the difference between the soaring cost of healthcare and soar increases in taxes that no one can afford? Obamacare is not healthcare reform, it’s government take over to make “We the People” dependent on government for our care. The Gateway Pundit reminds us that it as earlier this week when the director of the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said the following:

He told Congressional leaders that Obamacare will not reduce federal health spending and the legislation would significantly expand the federal responsibility for health care costs. The actual hit to the federal deficit for this program alone exceeds $239 billion over the next decade.

More eye popping costs from the CBO can be read at The Politico. Wait a minute, isn’t this the same percentage of people who don’t presently have healthcare? So how is this fixing the problem of uninsured Americans?

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