More Poll Trending: CBS News Poll Has Obama Down 6 Points Since June 2009 … 50% not to Far Off


No matter what poll you look at, Obama’s approval rating is going down fast. A recent CBS Down_arrowNews Poll shows that President Barack Obama’s approval rating has gone down 6 points in the past month. Is it any wonder that “The One’s” approval ratings are sinking? With unemployment reaching nearly 10% nationally and the growing skepticism of how Obama is handling the economy. When a pro-Obama poll has him sliding … looks for Obama’s approval ratings to soon be below 50%.

The people do not want to hear excuses that Obama inherited a bad economy. It was already known during the election that the economy needed fixing. Who knew that Obama and his policies would make it worse. Well many did actually. Those that sat on the fence and wanted change probably would like a Mulligan and change their vote if provided the opportunity.

President Obama’s approval rating has fallen six points in the past month, a new CBS News poll finds, amid growing skepticism about his handling of the economy and questions about the impact of the stimulus package.

The president’s current approval rating, which is 57 percent, is still relatively high. But it has fallen 11 points from its peak of 68 percent in April, and has also dropped since last month’s mark of 63 percent. His disapproval rating, meanwhile, has risen from 23 percent in April to 32 percent today.

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Your Stimulus Money at Work … Colorado Democratic Governor Bill Ritter Steered Stimulus Money To Ex-Employer

At some point some one is going to have to explain what changed!

Talk about stimulating … or is it called a conflict?

Blue said the attorney general’s office could have done the work for $75 an hour instead of the $450 hour Ritter’s office paid for the same work

Just another example of the “Hope & Change” that Barack Obama reiterated during the 2008 Presidential campaign. Your hard earned tax dollar funded “stimulus” plan at work. Colorado Democratic Governor Bill Ritter steered federal stimulus money to his former employer.


Yes, they sure can … can’t they?

Colorado Gov. Bill Ritter has awarded some of the state’s first stimulus money to his former employer in a no-bid contract

Ritter hired his former law firm, the Washington-based Hogan & Hartson, in a no-bid contract to review stimulus spending, The Denver Post reported Friday. It said the firm was paid $40,000 in stimulus money through June.

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Obamanomics: First Stimulus Plan Didn’t Work, How ‘Bout a Second? House Republicans Release Jobs Ad Video

As Democrats and Obama mull over the possibility of a second useless and wasteful “Stimulus” plan, House Republicans release a video that asks what did the first stimulus bill do for jobs? Could we be headed for “Porkulus II”?

President Barack Obama continues to insist that the stimulus has “done its job.” Really? One might want to ask Obama what was the the job that it was intended to do?

 From the Gateway Pundit:

Republicans ask: “Has the Obama-Pelosi-Reid Stimulus Bill done its job?”
Answer: “Well yes, if your goal was to destroy the US economy.”

It is hard to imagine that the Democrats in Congress are actually contemplating a Second Stimulus plan. One, the first pork plan did nothing, second, only a small portion of the money has been allocated and third all we have accomplished is raise the national debt.

Is it any wonder why 60% of voters oppose a second economic stimulus package. 27% of those polled were in favor and 13% were too busy following the Michael Jackson memorial to care enough to understand. One would expect Republicans to be against a second wasteful spending bill; however, what is eye opening is the 66% of Independents and 45% of Democrats against “Porkulus II”.

Eighty-one percent (81%) of Republicans and two-thirds of voters not affiliated with either major political party (66%) are against passage of a second stimulus plan. Democrats are much more evenly divided, but a plurality of those in Barack Obama’s party (45%) like the idea.

Obamanomics: VP Joe Biden Admits They (Obama) Misread the Economy & Pork Stimulus Bill was Never Going to Create Jobs this Year

Remember when Joe Biden said, mark my words, it would not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama and that it’s not gonna be apparent that we’re right. Who knew that Biden was talking about Obama handling the economy as well?  Biden admits that the Obama Administration misread the tea leaves. To the contrary Joe, not everyone misread the economy, many believed that the stimulus package was not more than pork in sheeps clothing.


Big admission from Vice President Joe Biden today.

“The truth is, we and everyone else misread the economy,” Biden told me during our exclusive “This Week” interview in Iraq.

Biden acknowledged administration officials were too optimistic earlier this year when they predicted the unemployment rate would peak at 8 percent as part of their effort to sell the stimulus package. The national unemployment rate has ballooned to 9.5 percent in June — the worst in 26 years.

 These people are still more worried about this being not their responsibility than fixing the problem.

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Colin Powell Suddenly has Doubts on Obama Agenda … Americans Like Taxes … Can’t Afford Taxes

What, the medias greatest Republican moderate has doubts with Obama’s agenda … will this get air time on the networks?

Colin Powell suddenly is concerned and realizes that the country has not changed, but his support for Obama’s agenda has. You mean Americans don’t want to pay more taxes? How clueless could one be and what worse advice was every offered? And no, you are not a Republican.


Colin Powell proves to be the voice of reason not to listen to. Talk about your waffling on an important issue. First he supports Barack Obama and taxing Americans stating that Americans want to pay taxes for services, now suddenly, not so much.  Hey Colin, can I have some syrup and butter on those waffles with a side of hash browns! So what has happened to make Colin Powell change his mind?

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