Natalee Holloway Missing: Aruban Investigators and Spin Machine Still Dancing Around the Truth … Aruban Can’t Can’t, Part Deux

After all this time has gone by in the case of missing Natalee Holloway in Aruba; the government,  the investigators and the Spin-Meisters continue to dance.


(Click on picture above for the Aruban Can’t Can’t)

One thing is for certain, if one can spin, one can dance .. these guys are great at both.








Aruba Can’t Cant, Part 1

The Netherlands to Aruba, Governmental Power of Aruba is Unsatisfactory

The Netherlands have said more than a mouth full this time, calling the governmental Unsatisfactorypower in Aruba unsatisfactory. What does Aruba want, besides their cake and to eat it too? Justice Minister Rudy Croes has stuck his foot in his mouth maybe one too many times.  Nelson Oduber, the Aruban Prime Minister, made the following comment,“Aruba does not want independence; we cannot handle that. Aruba wants financial independence and no supervision from the Netherlands.”

While you are on the topic of and unsatisfactory government, would the Dutch like to comment on some other aspects of the Aruban infrastructure that is unsatisfactory? Like say their investigation processes into crimes against tourists where prominent people on Aruba are suspects?

Amigoe, Sept. 18, 2007: The Netherlands: ‘Governmental power of Aruba unsatisfactory’

ORANJESTAD – The Netherlands wants a dialogue with Aruba about the differences in opinion on the desired autonomy and the governmental power of the island.

The Netherlands has noticed that ‘regularly there are indications of governmental incidents’ and the governmental power qualifies as unsatisfactory.  Same arrangements on good governance must therefore be made with Aruba as with the Antillean islands on their way to a new political structure.

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The Aruban Can’t Can’t … The Suspects have Been Dancing Around the Truth in Natalee Holloway Disappearance.

In Aruba they have been dancing around the truth for years when it has come to the disappearance of Natalee Holloway. The primary suspects and those that have been questioned have changed their stories and have contradicted themselves more times than most can keep track of. Even the Kalpoes after suing Dr Phil in the US are doing a Texas Two Step in wanting to give up the info in the Natalee Holloway file.

Now see them in rare footage never before seen. See those that know dance around the story again … Come up with the name of this dance in this form of a caption contest … We like to call it The Aruban CANT CANT.


Hat Tip: Klaas

(Click on the above picture for the Suspects in action) 








Deepak and Satish Kalpoe, Welcome to America: Judge Give Dr Phil & CBS Access to the Natalee Holloway File

Let us first start out by saying, thank you Deepak and Satish Kalpoe. Don’t ask for Aruba 3 suspectsthings they might just come true. You successfully made it possible for there to be US jurisdiction in this case. Greed is always the inevitable downfall.

Deepak and Satish Kalpoe, welcome to the United States judicial system. The two should have left well enough alone and thanked their lucky stars that the Aruban/Dutch legal and investigation system ran cover for them in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway. However, in so many case this is another example of pigs get fat and hogs get slaughtered.

Welcome to the deep end of the pool where the big boys play. The Kalpoes brought a defamation case against Dr. Phil in search of riches and now have exactly what so many of us had prayed for … an opportunity to expose all of what went on in Aruba with regards to the files for the investigation and legal proceedings.

Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Edward A. Ferns ruled that the lawyers for CBS TV and The Dr Phil Show can have access to the Natalee Holloway files.

Lawyers for CBS Television and “Dr. Phil” McGraw can have access to e-mails and Aruban documents about two brothers arrested, then released, in the disappearance of Alabama teenager Natalee Holloway, according to a ruling obtained Wednesday.

Deepak and Satish Kalpoe allege they were defamed in a Sept. 15, 2005, “Dr. Phil” show during which it was alleged that they gave Holloway a date-rape drug and had non-consensual group sex with her. The episode also implied the siblings helped kill Holloway and dispose of her body, according to court papers.

Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Edward A. Ferns issued a 12-page ruling Friday that upheld the tentative ruling he reached in favor of CBS and the celebrity doctor before he took the case under submission Aug. 30. (CBS)

The Kalpoe’s thought that this case would never get to court and that they would settle for millions. Hey Deepak and Satish … You are not in Aruba anymore. The trap has been set and the bait was taken.


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Natalee Holloway Disappearance: Back By Popular Demand … Paul Van der Sloot Memory Lapses

How is it that a person can competently represent a client in a criminal charge as a lawyer, yet they cannot recollect or remember anything pertaining to the disappearance of Natalee Holloway?

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