Aruban Prosecutor Mos & Officials Gutless … Release Suspects and Now Want to Close Case of Natalee Holloway without Prosecution

First the Kalpoe brothers were released, then suspect Joran Van der Sloot was released. Now Aruban prosecutor Mos states that he will close the case in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway by years end. The cruel and despicable actions of Aruba continue against the family of Natalee Holloway. Why would anyone continue to drag a family through this horrendous nightmare and provide false hope?

Attorney John Q. Kelly of New York said he expects an announcement later this month that there will be no prosecution of van der Sloot or the other two suspects, Deepak and Satish Kalpoe, who were released Dec. 1. Kelly represents Beth Holloway and Dave Holloway.

“The report of significant new incriminating evidence was misleading,” Kelly said. “It was the same evidence or lack of evidence they had from the very beginning.”

Kelly said his clients would not comment on van der Sloot’s release. Telephone messages left Friday with the Holloways were not returned.

Authorities re-arrested van der Sloot and the Kalpoe brothers Nov. 21 after finding what they described as “new incriminating evidence” in Natalee Holloway’s disappearance.

“It’s all a dog and pony show,” Kelly said. “I guess they thought it would be good PR to show they were still working on the case. But it amplifies the fact that they mishandled it from the beginning and continue to mishandle it.” (

After all this build up, claims of new evidence and re-arrests, Aruban prosecutor states, “he will close the case of missing American teenager Natalee Holloway by the end of the month unless his office finds that there is enough evidence to charge someone with a major crime”.

 The prosecutor, Hans Mos, said he would not comment about the kind of evidence his office is reviewing but that he does not anticipate finding Holloway’s remains and prosecuting a case without them would be “very hard.”

“We promised the suspects that after Dec. 31, we will not pursue the case,” Mos told The Associated Press Friday. “This investigation should end at a certain point.”

You sick and pathetic gutless examples of human beings … your job is to prosecute crimes. Not give up. Your job is also to prosecute suspects for what ever crimes you can, no matter if it is murder, manslaughter, rape or kidnapping.


The major crime was committed by all in Aruba that purposely botched this case. It is criminal that prosecutors will not even do their job.

Aruban authorities say they will officially close the Natalee Holloway case by Dec. 31 unless they find evidence that a “major crime” was committed.

Natalee Holloway Investigation: CNN Reporting that Joran Van der Sloot has been Released in Aruba

Details to follow.

UPDATE I:  Joran will be released at 2pm Aruba time today.  It’s reported that Hans Mos will give a press conference within the hour.  More to follow…. 

UPDATE II:  Fox is reporting:

Friday , December 07, 2007


A judge has ordered the release of a Dutch suspect who was re-arrested last month in the disappearance of American teenager Natalee Holloway, the Aruba prosecutors’ office said Friday.

The judge called for Joran van der Sloot, 20, to be freed Friday afternoon, according to John Pauly, a communications consultant for Aruba’s prosecutors’ office. Details of the ruling were not immediately available and a news conference was scheduled for later Friday.

Van der Sloot was arrested Nov. 21 along with two other suspects, Surinamese brothers Deepak and Satish Kalpoe, who were released from jail on Saturday after a judge found the evidence was not strong enough to continue holding them.

The three men were the last people known to see Holloway alive before she vanished in May 2005 but have denied any role in her disappearance.

UPDATE III:  So Joran is released from custody and is free to go back to the Netherlands and finish his exams. 

Natalee Ann Holloway would be in her 3rd year of college, what about her rights?  Aruba thinks it’s over but it’s not, it’s just begun.  The inept and corrupt investigation and subsequent coverup has sealed Aruba’s fate.  It will always be known as a destination where tourism dollars are more important than a young girls life:

Aruba Vulnerable to Tourism Dependency … No Kidding … Justice for Natalee

Protesting and boycotting is a personal choice. It always has been and is a sign of solidarity for Natalee and her family. Aruba … this is America where people have the right to protest anything they deem unfair and unjust. That would be you and how you have handled the Natalee Holloway investigation and how you have treated the family of a victim.

Here’s the worst kept secret in Aruba, that Aruba is vulnerable to tourism dependency. OK, its the second worst kept secret. The disappearance of Natalee Holloway is #1.


With Aruba’s continued refusal to provide “Justice for Natalee,” the question continues to be asked … why would anyone go to a Caribbean island like Aruba and spend their hard earned money when “if something bad happens” they will be provided no justice and be treated like a suspect?

At the same time he pointed out the vulnerability of the island by depending so much on the income from tourism.  That became clear in 2006, when the growth of the gross national product (BNP) practically came to a standstill and the debt on the current accounts increased drastically after a drop in the number of visiting tourists.

Aruba is most certainly vulnerable to tourism and those that have traveled to tourism trade shows can confirm. Letting individuals and future vacation go’ers know that Natalee Holloway is still missing and no justice has been provided is a powerful tool in informing people.

Tourism should never be considered a given by any destination. Tourism is cyclical; however, when one goes out of their way to bring negative attention upon themselves when in the 21st century people have options … that is tourism suicide.

“A grassroots effort to boycott Aruba began after all other attempts to find justice or even truth had failed”

Natalee Holloway Editorial; It’s not about the Politics, It’s about the Pressure

Aruba vulnerable by tourism dependency

Read more

Natalee Holloway Investigation: Beth and Dave Holloway in Conversation with Aruban OM For Hours

Aruba, you usually don’t get a second chance to make a first impression. You certainly don’t get a third.

Aruba … smear victims families and say good bye to tourism. You best get your act in gear and your defense attorneys. This is how you treat people who come to your island. We have said it for years … what is good for the three suspects is terrible for Aruba. You have much more to lose than a criminal case.

Aruba 3 suspects

Aruba, this is the face of Aruban Tourism

Parents Holloway in conversation with OM Aruba for hours, Amigoe

ORANJESTAD – The parents of the disappeared American Natalee Holloway, Beth Reynolds (Twitty) and Dave Holloway have talked for hours with justice as well as with the police.  They won’t comment yet on the contents of the conversations.  The brothers Deepak and Satish Kalpoe were sent home on that same day.

The two fellow-suspects of Joran van der Sloot – all three are still being suspected of voluntary manslaughter on Natalee Holloway – were released one at a time from custody; Satish at 15:30 from the police station in Shaba and Deepak at 16:30 from the one in Noord.  

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