Persistence Continues Search for Natalee Holloway in Aruba Waters

The Persistence continues is job in searching for Natalee Holloway off the coast of Aruba. The deep sea search continues and is full steam ahead. They pursue the mission at hand, but recently took time to give us a brief update as to how the effort were going, News Audio Update from the Aruban Natalee Holloway Deep Sea Search.

Good luck to all aboard the RV Persistence …

The Persistance searching the seabed for the remains of Natalee Holloway.


ORANJESTAD – The decision of the Public Prosecutor to dismiss the Holloway-case has no effect on the investigation of the special ship Persistance, emphasized the crew that started to scan the seabed around Aruba on Tuesday.  With the best equipment in the world, they are trying to find Holloway.  Dave Holloway, Natalee’s father announced the arrival of the ship one month ago.  However, the ship’s arrival was delayed by the tropical storm Olga.

The ship has modern sonological-equipment that can scan up to 4000 meters deep. 

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No Matter Where They Reside, Defense Attorney Act Lower than Pond Scum … Care to Discuss the Times of the Chats?


The defense attorney are not denying that the internet chats took place, nor are they denying when the internet chats took place. They are denying the interpretation of the content of what was said. A CNN article reports that Hans Mos stated that the chat took place shortly after May 30, 2005.

Mos said evidence on an Internet chat shortly after May 30, 2005, suggested Holloway was dead and prosecutors used the chat messages to rearrest the three key suspects in the case, CNN reported Friday.

So the real question remains, when was the exact time of this internet chat and why would a suspect. Did the internet chat take place prior to anyone having knowledge that Natalee Holloway was missing? If so, how could they have known?

“That chat session was about two subjects: the disappearance of Natalee and the death of a tennis instructor that drowned near Conchi.


It makes no difference where they reside, defense attorneys worldwide like to insult our intelligence and throw mud against the wall in an attempt to get guilty suspects off of the crimes they committed. Pond scum of the world rejoice, you just earned a higher rung on the ladder of humanity ahead of defence attorneys.

The lawyers of the “former” three suspects met to discuss away the evidence against their clients, Joran Van der Sloot, Deepak Kalpoe and Satish Kalpoe. You remember, the 3 people that were last seen with Natalee Holloway prior to her disappearance forever? One thing is for certain, I am not sure how much gloating that these defense attorneys wish to be doing as having been aided by a pathetic investigation. What are they going to say when Natalee’s body is found?

These are the lame excuses they used to defend their clients who have yet to provide an honest statement, cannot explain how Natalee Holloway was never seen again after getting into a vehicle with the three, and a believable scenario as to why one of their clients are reference to Natalee’s death. They will always come up with some excuse as to why their clients are not guilty, that is what they are paid for. Eventually, the excuses come to an end.

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News Audio Update from the Aruban Natalee Holloway Deep Sea Search


The following is a news updates from Tim Miller from the Natalee Holloway Deep Water Search aboard The Persistence.


Aruba, Just How Much Evidence Do You Need to Actually Prosecute a Case? When is New Evidence not New Evidence, or is the Issue the Judge Reviewing It?

When is new evidence not new evidence … when it takes place in Aruba. Is it the evidence that is the issue, or is it the judges that are reviewing the evidence?


One needs to ask the following question of Aruba officials and the Aruban people. What would happen in Aruba if a suspect was tried and convicted of a rape, murder or other violent crime and was serving time in prison only to have new evidence presented in their case because of new technology. Say for instance, new DNA testing that proved 100% that the convicted suspect could never have committed the crime. In Aruba, would that be considered new evidence? Would that new evidence be used to exonerate the suspect and allow the falsely convicted suspect to go free like HERE or HERE. Or would the Aruban legal system say, who cares … you must finish your sentence for a crime that you did not commit?

Now answer that very same question in reverse. What’s the difference when that same new evidence proves that a crime was committed and by who? Would not that be considered new evidence in an investigation? Hmm?

Thus is the situation in the Natalee Holloway investigation where the Aruban prosecutor, Hans Mos, presented new evidence from a suspects computer hard drive that stated, Natalee Holloway was dead”. Evidence that the prosecutor states was only made newly available through new technology from the Netherlands. How can new evidence gained from new technology not be considered new evidence is the real question. The question then really becomes, is it the evidence that is the issue or the judge reviewing the evidence.


With the newest digital technologies from the Netherlands, the investigation team this time recovered what was impossible earlier.  On the hard drive of a confiscated computer was a chat-session, in which one of the suspects said that the missing teenager Natalee Holloway is dead.  The OM didn’t say which of the suspects said that, but the information is substantial and especially ‘new’ evidence, and sufficient for the OM to arrest the three.  Obtaining information from new technology is also considered new evidence, explained Mos.  He compared it with a DNA-investigation that after years, can still give evidence.

Take a good hard look at what this evidence really is folks. A suspect who was last seen with Natalee Holloway before she disappeared forever and said she was dead. This occurred between 5 and 6 hours after Natalee Holloway was last seen with the three suspects. Why would a person who was seen leaving Carlos n’ Charlie’s with Natalee Holloway ever reference the word “dead” if they did not have person knowledge that the Alabama teenager was in fact dead? We have been told all during this case, “if there is no body, there is no crime”. That is utter nonsense, if a suspect references the fact that the person in question is dead … then guess what … that is a complete admission to the fact that she is. Now the question arises, how and why would any of the three suspects make such a claim or even have knowledge of such information? This admission of “death” is long before the story had ever been reported or the TV cameras and media came to Aruba.

In an Internet chat shortly after Holloway vanished, one of the three suspects said she was dead, Mos said.

The chat, retrieved from a computer hard disk, was among new evidence prosecutors used to justify re-arresting the three in November, he said.

New technology that was not available in 2005 was used to find that chat and more between two of the three suspects, as well as others, he said. (CNN)

We will not even get into the fact that the three suspects had an MO and openly bragged on line about what their plans were to do to American girls that they picked up. No premeditation there, huh? Think there were references to the potential use of “date rape” drugs in those chat sessions? Seriously people, how exactly do you think that a person walks out of a bar in less that 1/2 hours with another person that they had never met before? Hmm?

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Now Aruban Prosecutor Says “Holloway case in ‘new phase” … New Phase of not Investigating

The ever changing OM, Aruban Prosecutor Hans Mos now says that the Natalee Holloway case is not closed but rather is in a new phase. This is a kin to the line in Spinal Tap when a band member is asked whether the bands popularity was waning because they were no longer playing in pack venues of 10 thousand people. Their response, their popularity was not waning, their fans were just more select.

ORANJESTAD, Aruba (CNN)  The investigation into the disappearance of Natalee Holloway is not closed but has entered a new phase, as four detectives continue to look for evidence, Aruba’s chief public prosecutor says.

Charges were dropped against Joran van der Sloot and brothers Deepak and Satish Kalpoe, prosecutor Hans Mos said, not because he didn’t have a case but because he couldn’t be sure of a conviction.

The decision not to prosecute doesn’t mean “there is not a file in which these three people are primary persons of interest,” Mos told CNN.

He said his office remains determined to find the truth. “We believe justice will prevail one day, but we cannot force that right now.”

Stop screwing around with Natalee Holloway’s family and either do your job or just admit you are a corrupt bunch of people and never intend to provide justice for this family. The evidence is obvious and incriminating. Most all evidence in any case that convicts a suspect is circumstantial. The insanity of this case is that prosecutors act like the only way there can be a conviction is to have a confession by a suspect. That obviously is not happening. It would appear that the prosecution and Aruba continue to bleed this situation along in an attempt to continue to extort a family to play nice or else.

Following the prosecutors comments that the case continues to be investigated, the lawyers of the Kalpoe brothers had a press conference discussing certain issues.

They called the conference to counter what the Prosecution put out in a press release. They wanted to eliminate the impression created by the Prosecution that they did not want to talk only because it was their right by law, but that they kept silent because they had nothing more to add to what they have already said.

They maintained that they are innocent and left the door wide open for legal actions against the Prosecution, which I think they will undertake.
Nothing of importance came out of that conference. It only added to the ‘status quo’ of the case.

However, it must be clearly noted that they were not declared innocent of what happened to Natalee by the Judge; what the Judge did was deny the prolongation of their pre-trial (preventive) detention. According to the Prosecution, the case can be reopened at any time if and when new evidence is found. (Jossy Mansur)

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