Natalee Holloway: New Witness in Aruba Id’s Joran Van der Sloot and Prosecution Continues the Cover Up


A new witness has come forward in the disappearance of Alabama teenager Natalee Holloway who went missing in Aruba in 2005. A new witness who has passed two polygraph exams. A witness who has placed Joran Van der Sloot and Paulus Van der Sloot near a pond at 4:00 in the morning of May 30, 2005.

He passed all the examinations perfectly, and John Swartz is
convinced that this witness is telling the truth about what he saw at
4 a.m. in front of his house.

The witness continued to declare (and proved with his test that he
was telling the truth) that the man he saw had on wet clothes, and had
a notable stripe of muddy waters that reached to his chest, about 5
centimeters more or less over his flannel.

The stripe on his flannel showed clearly that from the muddy waters
going down his clothes were completely wet.

However, according to all accounts Aruban prosecutor Hans Mos is more interested in discrediting the witness rather than questioning him. The cover up continues in Aruba in the case of the disappearance of Natalee Holloway. The question that needs to be put forth to Aruba and their prosecutor is … if you are not willing to investigate leads and do any investigation in this case, then close it and provide the full file to Natalee’s family. We are confident they will know what to do with your purposely botched, corrupt and inept investigation.

Watch and listen to the exclusive interview with Jossy Mansur, Managing Editor of Diario-Aruba regarding the new witness and Aruba’s continued obstruction of Justice for Natalee

The Dana Pretzer Show On Scared Monkeys Radio – Friday, September 12, 2008 – Dana Introduces “Justice Interrupted” Tonight With Stacy Dittrich, Susan Murphy-Milano and Robin Sax. Also Jossy Mansur of Diario Discusses New News In The Natalee Holloway Case

Tonight, Dana welcomes three ladies from the new organization, Justice Interrupted and Jossy Mansur of Diario-Aruba.

  • Stacy Dittrich is an award-winning 15-year law enforcement officer, author, Stacy_Dittrichmedia consultant, and former detective specializing in sex crimes. With past training by a former FBI Behavioral Specialist, Stacy is certified through the National Institute of Truth Verification as an examiner (CVSA- lie detector). Stacy has also been assigned to a federal drug task in the investigations of numerous homicides. In 2002, she received the Victim’s of Crime Award from former Ohio Attorney General, Jim Petro and is a certified law enforcement instructor.
  • Susan Murphy-Milano is a respected author, nationally recognized relationship Susan_Murphy_Milanosafety expert, tireless advocate for battered women and children. In January of 1989, Susan’s father, a Chicago Violent Crimes Detective, murdered her mother and then took his own life. That very night, after discovering their bodies, she vowed to change the way society viewed domestic violence and broken relationships.
  • Robin Sax is a Los Angeles County Deputy District Attorney who specializes in prosecuting sex crimes against children. For over fifteen years, she has prosecuted some of the most despicable defendants who have committed the most heinous crimes. For the last seven years, she has been the prosecuting attorney for Robin_Saxthe Child Sexual Assault division of the Los Angeles County Sex Crimes Unit. In that capacity, Robin works with a multi-disciplinary team at UCLA’s Rape Treatment Center/The Stuart House, along with law enforcement, victims’ advocates, social workers, and members of the Los Angeles Department of Children and Family Services. She conducts forensic interviews of child victims of sexual abuse, structures investigation plans to maximize the chances of successfully prosecuting their abusers, and handles all aspects of subsequent prosecutions.

Jossy 1

  • Jossy Mansur, the Managing Editor of Diario newspaper in Aruba will also be discussing the recent unnamed witness who has come forward in Aruba and his story of what he saw in the early hours of the morning of May 30, 2005. Jossy will be discussing more details regarding the witness account and the disappearance of Natalee Holloway.

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Dear Friends in Aruba – Natalee Holloway missing 3 years

A group of Scared Monkeys put together this letter that Jossy was kind enough to publish in todays Diaro:

Dear Friends in Aruba It only takes one hero!

Aruban Minister Booshi Wever Suing Diario, Freedom of the Press, Not in Aruba

In Aruba, words are more offensive than individuals actions …

It appears that once again an Aruban political official is suing Jossy Mansur and Diario for of defamation. Minister Candelario (Booshi) Wever is suing Diario claiming that his reputation was tarnished by statements made in Diario. So much for freedom of the press or free speech.


The minister says that ‘desgraciado’ is one of the worst insults in Papiamento.  That word is translated as ‘unhappy’ in the Diccionario Avanza of Jossy M. Mansur (also director of Diario), but in the normal linguistic usage, the meaning is much stronger and very offensive.  The article also insinuates that the minister is the owner of a brothel in Venezuela and that Wever’s days are numbered and that he will feel the Colombian Community breathing down his neck.  That is actually the reason why the minister instituted the lawsuit to demand a rectification from Diario.  

Is it any wonder why Aruban officials could not cope with the American press during the Natalee Holloway disappearance and investigation? These people are more worried about what is said about them than the actual facts that transpire during a story. Its not always the politicians, but the people themselves. Was there anything more heinous than Beth Holloway, the mother of missing Natalee Holloway having to apolgize to the Kalpoe’s for comments made when all signs pointed to the fact that they were some how involved at took part with her daughters disappearance.

Booshi Wever wants to see his name cleared (Amigoe: 5/10/2008)

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