Obama is No GWB … 88,000 Jobs Created in March, Labor Force Participation Rate Falls to 34 Year Low, Americans Dying in Afghanistan & North Korea Threatening Nuclear War as Barack Obama Plays Golf for Second Weekend in a Row

Barack Obama is the worst United States President ever, surpassing even Jimmy Carter … Obama just does not even pretend to care about Americans.

President Barack “Nero” Obama might as well be playing a fiddle as opposed to golfing as the United States collapses and the world burns. On Friday, we learned that the US created a pathetic 88,000 jobs as the unemployment rate fell to 7.6% thanks to the Labor participation rate falling to 34-Year Low of 63.3%, the lowest since May 1979. We all know who was president then, don’t we? More Americans were killed in Afghanistan, the despot dictator of North Korea Kim Jong-un has been threatening nuclear war, the Middle East continues to be a tinderbox, not to mention the record level number of Americans on food stamps and escalated gas and health care prices. All this going on and this clown we call a president goes golfing yet again, for the second weekend in a row.

Shh, don’t let anyone know I could care less about ‘We the People,” it’s all about what perks I can get out of this job

President Obama went out for a round of golf Saturday afternoon, his second weekend in a row to hit the links at a course at Joint Base Andrews. The president golfed with White House aides Marvin Nicholson, Joe Paulsen, and Michael Brush.

When will this president ever take his job seriously and actually show one ounce of empathy with the struggling American people? The answer is never, because that is what this 1% president is all about. Sacrifice is your you, not him. It is “We the People” who are supposed to struggle and make it possible for Obama and his family and the Biden’s to take multiple vacations, while American families stay home. It is obvious Obama could care less about the American people, and a note to black folks, that means you too. Obama acts like nothing is going wrong, yet everything a catastrophe, down to his all important NCAA basketball brackets.  

EXIT QUESTION: Would the MSM let a Republican president get away with the perception that a president could care less and go on as business as usual as they demand Americans sacrifice and in the middle of sequestration where others are having their life styles cut? Back in 2012, Obama had played four times more golf than George W. Bush did in eight years. Ironically, it sounds all too familiar to Obama’s budget spending as well. Remember when President GWB gave up golf because in his words, he did not think it was right as Commander in Chief and it sent the wrong message. It is very unfortunate we have a current president in Obama who does not feel the same as Americans continue to die and millions struggle out of work.

“I don’t want some mom whose son may have recently died to see the commander-in-chief playing golf,” Bush said. “I feel I owe it to the families to be in solidarity as best as I can with them.”

“And I think playing golf during a war just sends the wrong message,” Bush said.

Barack Obama Booed at NCAA Elite 8 Game in Washington, DC Between Syracuse and Marquette

Just curious … what are exactly the cut backs for Obama due to sequestration, actually doing work for the American people?

President Barack Obama was booed when his mug was displayed on the huge screen at the Verizon Center in Washington, D.C. during the NCAA Elite 8 game between Syracuse and Marquette. A little more than have the crowd booed while some cheered after they realized the Bracketologist in Chief was being dissed. Rather interesting that Obama was booed in of all places DC. So why so many boos, other than the obvious failed job as president? Maybe because his final 4 picks, No. 1 seeds Louisville and Indiana, No. 2 seed Ohio State and No. 3 seed Florida are in deep trouble except for the obvious pick of Louisville. Indiana and Ohio St have already lost, the Gators are presently losing 25-15 to Michigan. Or Maybe they booed, because if you watch the following VIDEO, Obama seems to put more effort in his NCAA College basketball picks that he does the US budget, job growth, debt reduction or unemployment. Or maybe it is because Obama has closed the White House tours from “We the People” citing Secret Service sequester cutbacks, yet he has no trouble making sure there is enough in the budget for Obama to attend a tournament game, play golf or have his kids go on multiple spring break vacations.

One would have expected a friendlier crowd for the President, but there are still several possible explanations for the boos. Obama and his White House team had supported Georgetown (Syracuse’s rival) in the past, and the President had forecast Indiana (who was eliminated by Syracuse) to win the East Regional and go on to win the national title, for example.  Or, perhaps they booed because POTUS had gone to the game with Secret Service agents while the White House remains closed to tours.

It was quite a busy day for Obama as he did none of the work of the American people, NOT! First  playing golf with his buds and then attending the NCAA Elite tournament game. What he do later that night, play on-line games with Pelosi and Reid?

Just in case some of you think that the above video is false, Twitter exploded when Obama was booed yesterday. Mark Packer, the Host of College Sports Today on SiriusXM tweeted the following. Also, CBS tweets as well that Obama was met with jeers and cheers.

What Sequestration … BP Joe Biden to Take Third Vacation of the Year

Joe Biden to take third vacation of the year … More shared sacrifice from the 1% Obama Administration.

As millions of Americans struggle to maintain a roof over their heads, struggle to have a job, struggle with the increased costs of gas, the 2% payroll tax, and increase in insurance premiums thanks to Obamacare, and as a record number of Americans are on food stamps … Joe Biden thinks it is perfectly ok to take a third vacation of 2013.  Obama, Biden and Democrats talk about the cut backs, furloughs and the pain that will be caused to the American people, but that is only for you. Obama and Biden will not be affected at all. Welcome to the 1% Presidency.

Biden to America … I have 5 more vacations planned in the next couple months … you people were foolish enough to reelect us 

Vice President Biden today is enjoying his third vacation of the year, a five day sojourn on South Carolina’s luxurious Kiawah Island, where he will no doubt partake of his favorite pastime, golf.

Biden and his wife Jill arrived on the island – known as a golf mecca – Thursday night and are not scheduled to depart before Monday.

Biden’s trip is the latest episode in a bout of rampant vacationing by the First and Second Families, who have been roaring out of Washington this year on taxpayer-funded excursions even as the deficit mounts and the sequester axes jobs and critical spending on other priorities.

This administration is simply despicable. One would think that they would lead by example. Not these clowns.

President Barack Obama, “I am not a Dictator … ” Hmm, Could Have Fooled Me

President Barack Hussein Obama stated, “I am not a dictator. I am the president.” Really? It’s been my experience in life when ever some one has to tell you who they are not, they usually are.

Isn’t it dictators who disregard the will of the people and cram their agenda down the throats of those they rule, such like Obamacare? Isn’t it dictators like Nicolae Ceausescu, Saddam Hussein, and Fidel Castro who also released criminal prisoners? Isn’t it dictators who play class warfare and keep its citizens at each others throats so that they can rule by fiat? Isn’t it a dictator who threatens the media to keep them in line so that they will operate as their propaganda tool? Isn’t it a dictator who wants to keep the people dependent upon the government and food stamps, and cause individuals to struggle as median incomes fall? Isn’t it a dictator who makes false promises to their people to keep them in line when they knew all along it was a lie? Isn’t it a dictator who would consistently show contempt for the US Constitution whose sole purpose was to define federal authority and the rights of the People?

Isn’t it a dictator who would watch millions of Americans struggle, lose their jobs, homes and businesses while they go on vacations, weekly gold outings and live the life of Riley?  All the while they say they care, but do nothing but keep the citizenry at conflict with one another. Isn’t it a dictator who would over-regulate business in order to control and suppress the economy? Isn’t it a dictator who blames everyone one else for the ills of society, when they are the one who is in control? Isn’t it a dictator who would want to control an individuals entire life from birth to death? All in all, I would say you are a dictator.

Sorry, I know tyranny when I see it.

 ”I am not a dictator. I am the president.” “So, ultimately, if Mitch McConnell or John Boehner say that we need to go to catch a plane, I can’t have Secret Service block the door way, right?”

UK Telegraph gets it Right: So Why Does President Obama keeps the MSM at a Distance … Because Playing Golf with Tiger Woods Doesn’t Look Good with 12 Million Americans Unemployed & a $16 Trillion Debt

Why does it take a media outlet outside the United States to get it right when it comes to Barack Obama?

From the UK Telegraph comes the  following explanation as to why President Barack Obama kept the press away while he played golf with Tiger Woods over this past President’s Day weekend. Maybe it is because Barack Obama and his handlers  hardly want the images of a 1% president playing golf and living the life of Riley while 12 million individuals are unemployed, a $16 trillion debt, gas prices at record highs, record number of Americans on food stamps and a jobs market that continues to flounder. All this while President Emperor Obama golfs plays the fiddle. The Politico reports that W.H. press corps expressed ’Extreme frustration’ over ‘having absolutely no access’ to Obama. However, one would ask of the W.H. press corps that when you do have access, why don’t you actually ask tough questions and hold this president and his failed polices to the fire rather than the softball questions and acting as his propaganda machine?

Shhh, don’t tell anyone that I am really more of an elitist 1% than Mitt Romney ever was …

Isn’t it amazing that the only time that Barack Obama took time off from golfing was to run for reelection. Says a lot about the individual on this President’s Day, doesn’t it? Where are the MSM outlets reporting that story? It is quite amazing that Obama does nothing but divide Americans with class warfare is actually part of the very people he wants those who vote for him to hate.

Barack Obama has kept the press well away this President’s Day (Washington’s Birthday) weekend (hat tip: Drudge Report) as he golfs with Tiger Woods in Florida. As Politico’s Dylan Byers writes:

Ed Henry, the Fox News correspondent and president of the White House Correspondents Association, released a statement Sunday evening in which he said the press corps had been given no access to the president, who was joined on his outing by star golfer Tiger Woods, and that the WHCA would fight for greater transparency in the days ahead.

“Speaking on behalf of the White House Correspondents Association, I can say a broad cross section of our members from print, radio, online and TV have today expressed extreme frustration to me about having absolutely no access to the President of the United States this entire weekend,” Henry said in a statement, relayed in a White House pool report. “There is a very simple but important principle we will continue to fight for today and in the days ahead: transparency.”

EXIT QUESTION: For the 99%, how many of you would be going mental if Mitt Romney had been taking yet another vacation on the tax payers dime with all of the dismal economic conditions presently going on in America? How come you do not hold Obama’s feet to the fire? You have a 1% president in office and you are too embarrassed and hypocritical to admit it.

This wasn’t the first time Woods and Obama golfed. Remember this classic ‘Golf Digest’ cover “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Eman”.

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