Blogs Rule and MSM Drool … Founding Bloggers Wins You Tube Tea Party Video Victory over CNN
This is just what the Founding Fathers would have wanted.
The Founding Bloggers won a victory against CNN’s attempt to silence free speech and criticism. YouTube has restored the Founding Bloggers Tea Party video along with its 3000+ comments.
CNN, embarrassed by the actions of their reporter, Susan Roesgen, tried their best to squelch free speech. CNN claimed they were protecting intellectual property. The truth of the matter was they were trying to make sure that the public never saw their reporter acting as a liberal activist and making a fool of herself and CNN.
The Founding Bloggers truly hit a nerve with CNN with their exclusive footage of their reporter making a fool out of herself. The result, CNN attempting to say that there is a copyright violation. No, they just can’t stand their own reporter’s free speech be broadcast for all to see.
Kudos to The Founding Bloggers.
Posted May 23, 2009 by Scared Monkeys Bloggers, Internet, Media, Tea Party, We the People, You Tube - VIDEO | 4 comments |
CNN Tries to Hide Tea Party “You Tube” Video Evidence Showing CNN & Reporter Susan Roesgen Are Liberal Hacks
CNN … Me thinks thou dost protest too much. Fair use v. “supposed” copyright violation
The once most “respected” name in News now tries to hide the news
Wonder why so many people have tuned out the main stream media? Maybe it is because they continually prove they are nothing more than liberal, bias hacks! This was never more evident that on April 15, 2009 at the Chicago Tea Party when CNN reporter (liberal activist) Susan Roesgen provided some of the most abusive liberal bias seen in quite some time as she purposely with “Malice and Forethought” got into arguments with Tea Party go’ers and then stated that Tea Parties as being promoted by Fox News and being “anti-CNN”. Anti-CNN? They wish they still had some relevance at CNN for someone to actually target them.
The Founding Bloggers truly hit a nerve with CNN with their exclusive footage of their reporter making a fool out of herself. The result, CNN attempting to say that there is a copyright violation. No, they just can’t stand their own reporter’s free speech be broadcast for all to see.
The first question that should be asked of CNN and the mainstream media is why are they making such a big deal of this? I thought no one went to these “supposed” Tea Parties. The media, including CNN, reported the Tea Parties as a right wing joke, they served no purpose and nothing would come of them. So why is CNN so quick to make the Tea Parties such a big deal? Maybe because deep down is the recesses of their liberal, squelch free speech at all cost minds they know that the Tea Party movement was born and here to stay.
CNN, so embarrassed by the video footage caught live and in color by The Founding Bloggers has asked You Tube to take it down sighting copyright infringement. Guess what CNN, IT’S BACK!!!
Check out the VIDEO that CNN is afraid of the public to see.
Hat Tip: Patterico’s Pontifications
CNN claims its is protecting it’s intellectual property, hardly. As Powerline stated, this has more to do with hiding evidence and CNN in a CYA of embarrassing video and unprofessional behavior.
Posted April 19, 2009 by Scared Monkeys Bloggers, Internet, Legal - Court Room - Trial, Main, Media, Media Bias, Taxes, Tea Party, You Tube - VIDEO | 26 comments |
CNN … Cartoon News Network: Bias Media & CNN Reporter Susan Roesgen Attacks Thomas Jefferson at Tea Party
Would CNN have covered the actual Boston Tea Party in the same manner? Imagine CNN’s coverage of Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Alexander and the rest of our Founding Fathers. They would have been branded malcontents as well wanting to get away from The Crown.
Pics from Nashville, TN Tea Party, 4/15/09
If any of you still questioned whether there was bias in the media, you needed to look no further that CNN and Susan Roesgen’s coverage of the Tea Party protest in Chicago, Ill, the Land of Lincoln. The elite liberal media shows it’s true colors and is found wanting. Take a good look as to see what passes for journalism these days at CNN. Susan Roesgen, CNN reporter, started this with an agenda and sarcasm. She was looking to pick a fight with American’s who were looking to voice their First Amendment rights. However, we know that such rights are only allowed by the LEFT. This elite liberal media type actually had the audacity to say what does “Liberty” and paying excessive taxes that will burden our children and grandchildren for years to come? Susan Roesgen then went on to badger a US citizen expressing his God given right to freedom of speech to say that he should almost be grateful that he was given $400. The selfishness of Susan Roesgen saying look what you get now vs.not caring about the debt price tag down the road was shameful.
From The Founding Bloggers … “CNN reporter says to American Tea Party go’er expressing their Constitutional Right … “you really don’t have to be so antagonistic.” The sole agenda of this CNN reporter was antogonism.
As Michelle Malkin states, who needs ACORN nuts when you have the main stream liberal media. CNN reporter Susan Roesgen went looking for a fight. Then when she found herself in hot water, she took the cowards way out. Hey toots, if you can’t stand the heat, stay at your abortion and anti-war rallies. We all know that those are so pro-American.
“I think you get the general tenor of this. It’s anti-government, anti-CNN since this is highly promoted by the right-wing conservative network Fox.”
A tour de force of bias via TV Newser, from her sarcasm to her Fox-bashing to her badgering a guy who’ll be paying off Obama’s monstrous deficits for decades about why he isn’t satisfied with a $400 tax break this year. The title of the clip is “CNN Reporter Roughed Up at Chicago Tea-Party,” which, as you’ll see, is a transparent lie unless you consider the crowd yelling at her to stop cutting off the people she’s interviewing as “rough.”
CNN went on to say that is a prime example of what went on across America. Really? That’s not what went on in Nashville, TN. Of course CNN would not promote that. The Nashville Tea Party started off with a blessing and a prayer. CNN’s antics were nothing more than shameful. The Tea Parties represent grass roots protests. However, how dare anyone protest the liberal mainstream media’s messiah, Barack Obama.
Peaceful, Respectful and Forceful Protest in Tennessee
UPDATE I: By the way CNN, You should be ashamed of your ridiculous claim of copyright violation just because CNN was found wanting of being liberal hacks.
Posted April 16, 2009 by Scared Monkeys boycott, Government, Politics, Pork, Tea Party, We the People, You Tube - VIDEO | 13 comments |
Nashville TN … The Day After The Tea Party … More Pics & VIDEO … Tea Party Movement … Game On
The Tea Party was not one day … it is a movement and not going away … GAME ON!!!
Just one more shout out to the good people of Nashville, TN who took part in yesterday’s Tea Party. The Volunteer State did itself proud yesterday. To the politicians, speakers and most importantly the people who took time away from their busy schedules and voiced their First Amendment Rights. Add in your Tenth Amendment rights as well. God Bless you all.
When they used the line from Lord of the Rings … “That day is not today, People of Tennessee I bid you stand up and fight.” CLASSIC!!!
Thanks to Marsha Blackburn, Phil Valentine and the rest. KUDOS. Special thanks to the People. You the people are what will make a difference. Stand up and fight for your country.
VIDEO of a montage of the days events in Nashville, TN. Must see video for any Tea Party Go’er in body or spirit
Posted April 16, 2009 by Scared Monkeys Barack Obama, boycott, Media, Politics, Taxes, Tea Party, You Tube - VIDEO | 47 comments |
Nashville, TN Tea Party an Amazing Success … Music City Tea Party A Singing Success
Tea Parties … a huge success … this is just the beginning
Don’t let anyone in the media or on the LEFT tell you that there were hundreds of protectors in Music City … there were thousands.
The Nashville, TN “TEA PARTY” was nothing but a resounding success. All I can say is WOW!!! Thousands upon thousands turned out in downtown Nashville to let their voices be hears and heard they were. Luckily, I happened to be here on business today and was glad I was. Surrounded by a mass of humanity, there was a constant theme that the tax and spending must end. Tea Party goers are tired of the Obama socialist spending and the debt being incurred by our children and grandchildren.
War Memorial Plaza, right next to Legislative Plaza was packed with protesters. The streets were lines with sign waving protesters all with one message. The Obama spending must end. The bailouts must end. However, this was not just a message to Barack Obama. It was a shot across the bow to all politicians especially Republicans. Start acting responsible to “We the People”. As Phil Valantine, syndicated conservative talk show host on Nashville’s local radio station 97.7 WTN Supertalk and speaker at today’s rally … I hate socialism!!! He also said …
“The profile of an ex-Congressman is someone who went to Washington and voted for a bailout. The profile of an ex-Congressman is some body who is bailing out the auto industry as we speak.”
From other Tea Parties across America:
UPDATE I: So Barack Obama is not Aware of the Tea Parties, huh?
It is hard to believe that this informed President is not aware that there are Tea Parties going on in all 50 states across America. Of course for Barack, they are taking place in 57 states. One would suspect the White House is trying to trivialize the tea parties. As Marc Ambinder states the tea parties really are something.
But the tea parties really are something. Their origins — organic, programmatic, accidental or otherwise — don’t matter much anymore. If — and we’ll have to see the numbers at the end of the day — 100,000 Americans show up to protest their taxes, the onus to dismiss them as a nascent political force shifts to the Democrats. There’s no evidence that official Republican strategists connected with the Republican National Committee, John Boehner’s office or the NRSC had the insight to conceive of these events, much less to try and bigfoot the organizers.
Posted April 15, 2009 by Scared Monkeys Barack Obama, Bloggers, Economy, Politics, Socialism, Tea Party | 34 comments |