Kyron Horman Missing and Endangered: Would Opening Boy Scout Perv Files Help Find Him?

Portland, Or– Kyron Horman, according to his parents, is an avid camper, beach go-er, and fisherman. While it is not known if Kyron is a cub scout, his older brother is a member of The Boy Scouts of America.

Read the rest at Blink on Crime:

Aruba Lied and another Girl Died … Joran Van der Sloot Suspect in the Murder of Stephany Tatiana Flores Ramirez in Peru … Joran on the Run

It’s deja vu all over again … Joran Van der Sloot a suspect in another girl’s murder. Who thought that he would kill again … Scared Monkey’s did!



There will be no Paulus Van der Sloot to cover up this crime

So Aruba, Joe Tacopina, Julia Renfro, Van der Stratten and the rest that adamantly defended Joran Van der Sloot in the obvious evidence against the Dutch boy in the death of Natalee Holloway.  However this time Papa Sloot will not be able to clean up his “sporter” son’s mess. To all those who defended Joran Van der Sloot … think you do not have more blood on your hands?

Joran Van der Sloot, yes the same Joran Van der Sloot suspected of murdering Natalee Holloway in Aruba five years ago, is now suspected in the murder of 21 year old Stephany Tatiana Flores Ramirez in Lima, Peru. The 22 year old Dutch sporter is now the main suspect in the murder and is the focal point of a man hunt in South America.

Stephany Tatiana Flores Ramirez, 21, was found at the Miraflores Hotel Tac in Lima, Peru on Sunday in room registered to van der Sloot, who was arrested and released in connection with the disappearance of Holloway , an 18-year-old American student who went missing in Aruba five years ago this week.

The police press conference, Video of victim’s father and translated article regarding the murder of Stephany Tatiana Flores Ramirez and the search for Joran Van der Sloot can be seen HERE.

How is it possible that Joran Van der Sloot once again finds himself in the middle of a murder investigation nearly five years to the day. Many of the news accounts of the murder as Stephany Flores Ramirez sound hauntingly familiar to that of the disappearance and death of Natalee Holloway in Aruba. Casinos, poker, date run drugs and a murder, oh my … Stephany’s father stated that when his daughter’s vehicle was found, there were pills found inside.

Joran Van der Sloot was in Peru attending a poker tournament in an exclusive section of Peru. Stephany Flores Ramirez left her friends at about 2:30 am and returned to the casino and met back up with Van der Sloot and was seen going back to Joran’s hotel room at 5:00 am. She was never seen again … sound familiar!!!

Guardia said the 22-year-old Dutchman, in Peru for a poker tournament, appears with the young woman in a video taken at a Lima casino early Sunday and the two were later seen entering the hotel by one of its employees.

The victim’s father, circus empresario and former race car driver Ricardo Flores, says his daughter dropped off some girlfriends at 2:35 a.m. then apparently returned to the casino. She and van der Sloot were seen entering the hotel room about 5 a.m., said Guardia, and the Dutchman departed alone about four hours later.

Joran Van der Sloot is reported as being the last person to be seen with Stephany Flores Ramirez, as he was Natalee Holloway. However, this time there is no Papa Sloot to bail is behind out of hot water. Unlike in the case of Natalee Holloway where Joran, Paulus, the Kalpoe’s et all had time to clean the situation where “some thing bad happened” this time we are witness to what occurs where there are no adults to sanitize a murder.

Van der Sloot left Peru on Monday by land, Guardia said, his exit registered at the Santa Rosa border crossing. He had been staying at the hotel since May 14, having entered on a flight from Colombia, the police general added.

The victim’s father is a 48-year-old former president of the Peruvian Automobile Club who won the “Caminos del Inca” rally in 1991 and brings circuses and foreign entertainers to Peru. He ran for vice president in 2001 and for president five years later on fringe tickets.

Interpol has issued an international arrest warrant for van der Sloot, Dutch Foreign Ministry spokesman Bengt van Loosdrecht told The Associated Press in The Netherlands.

Jossy Mansur, Managing Editor of Diario in Aruba has posted on the Joran Van der Sloot bizarre story as well.

The murder and man hunt in South America for Joran Van der Sloot comes nearly five years to the date of the disappearance and death of Natalee Holloway. Over the weekend Beth Holloway, Natalee’s mom, discussed her daughter’s death and commemorated his legacy with the Natalee Holloway Resource Center.

Joran Van der Sloot’s luck just ran out as there is no more complicit Aruba to help cover up his crimes. Joran’s word as he knows it is over. It appears that Joran Van der Sloot has done the reverse Aruba murder this time. He had the mistake of killing the daughter of a prominent father in Peru. Kind of a role reversal of the murder Joran was linked to in Aruba where his father Paulus was the prominent and influential one.

Make no mistake about it … Joran Van der Sloot has met his Waterloo.

So is this just another case of a misunderstood Joran Van der Sloot?

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UPDATE I: Joran Van der Sloot on the run from authorities.

Just like innocent people lie as Joran Van der Sloot did in the case of the disappearance and death of Natalee Holloway in Aruba, so do innocent people flee the country where they are wanted for questioning in the stabbing death of a 21 year old girl found in the room registered to who else, Joran Van der Sloot. Below is a translated article (from Scared forum) describing the fleeing from justice of Joran Van der Sloot.

Ica ( .- Ica Three drivers moved to Arica revealed that the Dutchman Joran van der Sloot, who is accused of killing the young Stephany Flores (21), daughter of racer Ricardo Flores Chipoco, in a hotel in Miraflores .

This was reported to RPP Noticias Carlos Alberto Uribe, who said that the foreigner asked to take Nazca, where he hired two drivers to take him to Chile.

“De Nazca to Tacna paid 500 billion suns and Tacna to Arica gave us 280 suns. We learned who he was by the news,” the driver told the radio station.

It should be noted that Van der Sloot smoked constantly and will only sleep on the trip but all I got to tell was that he lived in Aruba.

“I was in shorts and white sneakers,” said one of the Aparcana Pisconte, those employed by the Dutchman to take you to Arica.

It emerged that Van der Sloot planned to travel to Cuzco on Sunday, but argued that he “spent the bus” and mysteriously changed its route south of the continent.

UPDATE II: Interpol has issued and international arrest warrant for Joran Van der Sloot.

For more, updates and to provide your opinion go to Scared Forum: Natalee Holloway.

The Dana Pretzer Show On Scared Monkeys Radio – Sunday, May 16th, 2010 – Special Guests: Dr Clint VanZandt, Wendy Murphy, Robin Sax and Pat Brown



Tonight Dana welcomes special guests:

  • Dr Clint VanZandt - Retired FBI Agent, Author and Safety Expert  discussing Faisal Shahzad, the Times Square Bombing suspect and ties to Pakistan radical Islam terrorists. Clint will also be discussing the recent death of LPGA golfer, 25 year old Erica Blasberg.
  • Wendy Murphy – Former DA, Author and Law Professor discussing the Casey Anthony’s death penalty hearing and disturbing information on the University of Virginia’s (Yeardley Love lacrosse murder) systematic failure to redress violence against women.
  • Robin Sax - Former Felony DA, Author, NBC Legal Analyst updating the search for John Mark Karr.
  • Pat Brown -  Criminal Profiler discussing her new book “The Profiler”


Sex Offender John Gardner Sentenced to Life in Prison for Rapes & Murders of Amber Dubois & Chelsea King

Maybe we will once and for all learn that there is no rehabilitating these sex offender animals! All they wind up doing is escalating their crimes until it ends in murder.


John Gardner … Tears, huh?

Convicted sex offender John Albert Gardiner has been sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole for the rapes and murders of 14 year old Amber Dubois and 17 year-old Chelsea King.  Gardner was sentenced to two consecutive life sentences without the possibility of parole for his crimes as well as a third life sentence for good measure.

John Albert Gardner had previous pleaded guilty to murdering the two teen girls.

What the hell is up with the MSM lately and their slobbering over terrorists and rapist killers?  I can’t even begin to understand why the San Diego News Network actually bothers to waste words and reference that “tears streamed down Gardner’s face as the girls’ families read statements”.

Tears streamed down Gardner’s face as the girls’ families read statements. He wiped tears away with the lime-green jumpsuit he wore. He kept his head down, crying harder when Amber’s family screened a video with photos of the blue-eyed teen with friends, riding horses and playing in the rain.

Who honestly cares whether this murderous pig cried! Do you think for one second Gardner cared whether Amber or Chelsea cried as they begged for their lives while this rapist murdering dog had his way? But for some reason like with the recent Times Square terror bomber the MSM feels the need to humanize these pieces of garbage.

There is only four words needed to be reported and those were the ones of the families to Gardiner at the sentencing … GO STRAIGHT TO HELL!!!

Read more

Lawrence Taylor, NY Giant NFL Hall of Famer Arrested on Rape Charges of 15 Year Old Girl … Update: Charged with 3rd Degree Rape


Former New York Giant and NFL Hall of Famer Lawrence Taylor has been arrested in Rockland County, NY on rape charges. According to reports the alleged sexual assault and rape was of a 15 (correction 16) year old girl. The alleged rape took place at the Holidome Hotel in Montebello, NY.


Lawrence Taylor in GIANT trouble again

Former Giants great Lawrence Taylor was arrested Thursday in Rockland County in connection with the reported rape of a 15-year-old girl, sources said.

Taylor allegedly beat and sexually assaulted the girl and has been charged with third-degree rape, the Journal News was reporting.

He will be arraigned Thursday afternoon.

The alleged assault happened at a hotel in Montebello, N.Y., earlier Thursday.

Taylor was jailed a short time later, the Ramapo Police Department said in a brief statement.

Lawrence Taylor arrested in rape investigation

Police have arrested former National Football League star Lawrence Taylor in a rape investigation in New York, authorities said Thursday.

The Town of Ramapo Police Department issued a statement saying Taylor had been arrested as part of an investigation into a report of a rape Thursday in Montebello, New York.

TMZ has a copy of the Town of Ramapo Police News Release. The rape was alleged to have occurred in the early morning hours of 6/5/10 at the Holidome Hotel, in Montebello, NY.

The 51 year old Lawrence Taylor has had a troubled past and involvement with drug, cocaine, crack and drug addiction and was arrested in 2009 after a hit and run traffic accident in Hialeah, FL.

UPDATE I: Lawrence Taylor Charges With Rape

Lawrence Taylor has been charged with third degree rape and patronizing a prostitute. Taylor had sex with a 16 year old girl, who People Magazine is referring to as a call girl.

Lawrence Taylor had sex intercourse with a 16-year-old girl and paid her $300, Ramapo Police Chief Peter Brower said Thursday while announcing charges against NFL Hall of Famer.

Taylor … was arrested Thursday morning at a New York hotel on suspicion of raping a teen. He was charged with third-degree rape and patronizing a prostitute in the third degree. Taylor, 51, has denied the charges.

Leave it to TMZ … an evolution of a Mug Shot, courtesy of LT.


Cop Shot Hat Tip: TMZ

What is Lawrence Taylor’s defense … “He’s denying the whole thing” … “Never heard of the girl“.

Taylor, Prostitues and Pimps … Oh My!!!

What a mess Lawrence Taylor has managed to get himself into this time. Jail has to be in his future. Taylor is accused of having sex with a 16 year old runaway prostitute, who was beaten prior to the sexual encounter with Taylor by her 36 year old pimp, Rasheed Davis.

The man who police said “delivered” a 16-year-old girl to Lawrence Taylor for sex early Thursday morning beat the girl when she protested being prostituted, police said Thursday.

Police in New York arrested Rasheed Davis, 36, whom they described as a pimp. NYPD spokesman Paul Browne told the AP that Davis assaulted the girl before handing her over to Taylor.

He said Davis “struck the young girl with his fist, kicked her and brought her to the Holiday Inn against her will.”

Police in Ramapo, N.Y., said they do not suspect Taylor of beating the girl. They charged him with third-degree felony rape on Thursday, and he pleaded not guilty before posting $75,000 bail.

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