Bahamas: Increase in Crime in Water Front Cruise Ship Area … Its all About the Safe Tourist, or Not

The Bahamas is witnessing a rather troubling trend of crime in of all places the water front area where the cruise ships are located. One really has to wonder about many of these island getaways and Caribbean vacation locations where tourism is supposed to be their greatest asset, yet there seems to be little concern to the future of said asset. How does it get to be that the very area where tourists is supposed to congregate becomes the very area where crime does instead? Talk about supply and demand.


(Click on pic to enlarge)

If tourists spots and Caribbean islands actually want tourists to frequent them, would not one think that maybe protecting tourists would be a primary concern? It would almost seem that so many Caribbean tourist locations became complacent and could not be bothered with the risk that they put those in who are their main livelihood. When will locations like the Bahamas understand that is all about the security stupid. Aruba has witnesses that same lesson with the disappearance of Natalee Holloway, even though they disavow that it is the reason why their tourism numbers have fallen drastically.

Earth to the Caribbean … why would anyone want to visit if one does not feel safe! The end result is that people will go where they do feel safe.

The Ministry also reported that cruise arrivals to Nassau have been decreasing from a 2004 high of almost two million and will likely continue to decline with cruise companies having scheduled five fewer regular calls to the Nassau port.

Cruise companies have opted to sail elsewhere, presumably for the same reasons their negotiators have been citing for years: crime, dirt and conditions of the port.

Carinval Cruise Lines Ltd., the world’s largest cruise company, recently designed and built its own cruise terminal at Grand Turk in Turks and Caicos, which described as “a destination in its own right, with retail shops, a recreation area right on the beach and a huge pool.”

While construction was ongoing in the small island chain that begins just 30 miles from southwestern Bahamas, the company was still griping about conditions at the Prince George Dock in Nassau, according to a shore excursion operator whose company works closely with cruise lines. (The Nassau Guardian)

Heightened efforts to fight drug and migrant trafficking in the Bahamas

Particularly, the parties discussed ways to counter the increased flow of illegal narcotics through The Bahamas and the Turks and Caicos Islands from Hispaniola.

According to OPBAT statistics for the year, authorities have so far seized 427,481 pounds of marijuana, including 193,000 plants, 189.5 kilos of cocaine and arrested 32 alleged drug traffickers.

Caribbean ‘terrorism’? Implications for US-regional relations

Finally, Caribbean hoteliers must take a realistic perspective on the security benefits of the CARICOM Single Domestic Space. If fear of the Caribbean is allowed to lodge in the minds of American travellers, hoteliers will suffer. Ease and convenience of travel are ideal, but porous borders are insecure borders and travellers need to know that they will be safe and secure wherever they go. (Jamaica Gleaner)

The Dana Pretzer Show – Friday, June 8th, 2007 – Special Guests: Tim Miller, Robert Peters & Janice Smolinski

The Dana Pretzer Show: Friday 9:00 pm et

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So Arubans will Protest Conservation but Not Corruption & Incompetence in Natalee Holloway Case

We have learned that Arubans are capable of peaceful civil disobedience and are capable of protest. They are capable of protesting against those that would endanger nature conservation and over-build hotels on Aruba. This they find important. The fact that their island’s economy has been in a downward spiral since 2005 and continues to flounder is somehow an unimportant issue to protest. The fact that an American tourist, Natalee Holloway, went missing on their island and the investigation that followed bordered on a joke at best is somehow not worthy of their protest.

Thank you for letting us know what really is important in Aruba.

Amigoe, June 5, 2007: Demonstration to keep Arashi    

ORANJESTAD – More than 75 people took part in the protest meeting for the preservation of the coastal area Arashi and for the nature conservation in this area.     The action was organized by Stimaruba.   The instance did this as a result of recent reports about plans to build a hotel near Punto Arashi.          

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Response to the LA Times, “In Holloway case, Aruba also suffers”

The LA Times recently ran an rather one sided story and in typical fashion painted the Aruba_OneSadIslandvictim in a derogatory way using such ridiculous descriptions as the  ”missing white woman syndrome” and the  hearty-partying teen. So what does the liberal media find their agenda for a missing American teenager who’s investigation was nothing short of a crime itself, Aruba is a victim too … In Holloway case, Aruba also suffers.

News-flash to the LA Times and Aruba … one one sits back and does nothing while suffering, one has no one to blame but themselves. Are you telling us that people are not going to react adversely to what they perceive as an injustice? Are you joking? When people wrong others sometimes the only way “We the People” can fight back is with the almighty dollar. Especially to those that make it all so important. More important than human life, even.

Read the following response to the LA Times from a long time Scared Monkeys commenter, (RR)  and faithful Natalee Holloway activist. The LA Times writers may want to read this as well, you may actually learn something. This is a fantastic read, make sure and do so.

Your article on Natalee Holloway today: free speech or hatchet job?

I have followed the Natalee Holloway case closely since it began.   While free speech is to be encouraged, the tone of your article, which appeared online this morning, is so one-sided that I am forced to believe that your intention was to denigrate Natalee’s family.
You say the Holloway Twittys have cast Aruba’s “police force as inept bunglers.”   Well, let’s see … within 48 hours of Natalee’s disappearance, Beth Twitty had arrived on the island, reviewed the videotapes at the Holiday Inn where Natalee had stayed, proved conclusively that the lies of the three suspects about returning her to the hotel were just that — lies — and had shown those same tapes to Aruban police.

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