Beth Twitty in Aruba: ‘Loving Natalee’ … “I can bear the pain of losing Natalee if I can save another life” … ALSO … Where can a Tourist Get Some Help?

After 2 1/2 years of Aruba being in the news because an American teen going missing in Aruba due to a lack of security, a lack of protection, a lack of police activity and lack of police investigation … we find that some things never change in Aruba.

It is apparent that Aruban authorities have learned nothing and has done nothing to help protect tourists if “something bad happens.”


 (Go to the 7:50 minute mark for the lack of presence of anyone at the Noord police department)

FOX Video from ‘On the Record’

“As I am watching this video what  I am  seeing is seeing an American in a desperate situation in a foreign country trying to find help.  No parent, no parent should have to endure  everything we went through.” (Beth Twitty) 

From Greta Van Susteren transcripts, ‘On the Record’

HOLLOWAY: It is a conscious decision to note everyday not to be bitter. I can’t wake up every morning and not make a conscious decision to not be bitter. I want to be positive, I want good things to come of this, Greta.

I can bear the pain of losing Natalee if I can save another life.



Amigoe: Beth Twitty Returns to the Scene of the Crime … Back to Aruba … What Happened to Natalee Holloway?

This past weekend, Beth Twitty and Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren returned to Beth_Twitty_Fthe place where 18 year old Natalee Holloway went missing more than two years ago. Beth Twitty will be discussing the events tonight with Greta Van Susteren, ‘On the Record’.

• What happened to Natalee? Tune in Wednesday night when Greta and Beth Holloway head back to Aruba to retrace their steps, reexamine the evidence and reveal an investigation shocker! (Fox: On the Record)

Just when Aruba thought they had effectively made the Natalee Holloway story go away along comes Beth Twitty’s new book and media tour reminding everyone what happened 2+ years ago and what has not happened by Aruban authorities in her new book, “Loving Natalee: A mother’s Testament of Hope and Faith’. The subtitle is: ‘The true story of the Aruba kidnapping and its aftermath’.

Amigoe; October 3, 2007: Twitty with Fox TV in Aruba

Last weekend, Beth Twitty and the reporter of Fox TV, Greta van Susteren (on the fore with striped blouse), were in Aruba.

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Two Years Later, Still No Sign of Natalee Holloway … Beth Twitty Book ‘Loving Natalee: A Mother’s Testament of Hope and Faith’ Keeping Hope Alive

Aruba … You are back on the front pages … WHERE IS NATALEE!

Its been more than two year and still there is no sign of Natalee Holloway, the Alabama teen who went missing in Aruba. Worse than that there seems to be no sign that Aruban authorities care to solve the case. The authorities, the government and most especially the tourism industry in Aruba just wants the story to go away and be forgotten.

Aruba, did you really think that was going to happen? You obviously do not know Beth Twitty as wee do. You also obviously do not know what happens when you get between a mother bear and her cub.


Aruba could never have thought more wrong. Just when Aruban tourism officials thought it was safe to go back into the water … along come Beth Twitty and a reminder to the world what happened in Aruba in her book about her daughter Natalee Holloway, ‘Loving Natalee: A Mother’s Testament of Hope and Faith’.

Guess what Aruba … you are back on the front pages and on TV once again some 2+ years later for all to be reminded of what you did and did not do to help find a teenager who went missing on your island, on your watch.

Even though she still hasn’t been found and her disappearance remains as much a mystery as it was in 2005, Holloway refuses to give up hope.

Now, Holloway has written a book about the ordeal called “Loving Natalee, A Mother’s Testament of Hope and Faith: The True Story of the Aruba Kidnapping and its Aftermath.”

Learn about how Holloway’s faith sustained her during the search for Natalee in the excerpt below. (ABC News)

Aruban officials better get ready for the Beth Twitty book tour and people once again being introduced to the fact that after more than two year, Aruban officials have done nothing. The story had been on the back burner … the public is about to be reminded that nothing has been done by an island that put tourism ahead of a missing girl. The story of how Natalee Holloway went missing is not all that different from how many unfortunately do … however, the story of the Aruban investigation and legal proceedings that followed … that’s another story all together.



Back to the Beach … Beth Twitty Goes Back to Aruba



ORANJESTAD(AAN) The information that DIARIO has obtained says that Beth Twitty and Greta van Susteren will arrive in Aruba during the day. They come from the United States and will stay some days on the island. What they are coming for is not known. It has been some days now that Beth Twitty’s visit has been expected, but it seems that she had some personal difficulties to sort out and that kept her away.

In a sudden way she will be arriving in our island and will stay at a still unknown hotel.
We will be searching for some more details during the day when the reknown reporter Greta van Susteren and Beth Twitty, the mother of Natalee Holloway arrive on our island.

UPDATE I: Further Comments From Diario’s Managing Director Jossy Mansur

We received an email from Jossy Mansur, the Managing Director providing more clarification to the Diario article and further activities that he has planned in the search for Natalee Holloway.

In the meantime, I was contacted by phone yesterday by a Fox producer who is looking for some video equipment to rent, so some TV program is in the making.
In the meantime, Joe Walker, who was here before in the search for Natalee has arrived on the island invited by the DIARIO, and we expect his partner from California to be in on Monday.

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Aruba Get Trade Show Wrong as Well … More Bad PR for Aruba … Can Aruba get Anything Right?

Can Aruba get anything right? Does everything have to be some form of a shake down, Aruba_OneSadIslandwhere in the process all that occurs is dissatisfied customers? Aruba still has not learned the concept “the customer is always right” and that there are other places where people can spend their dollars and get treated accordingly. The lack of understandng that concept is quite stunning seeing that Aruba’s economy is based on tourism.

If this was a problem, the ATA should have informed the meeting planners in advance, so that they could have included this in their evaluation.   The action leaves a bitter taste in the mouth now and it has negative influence on a possible recurrence.

Will Aruba ever learn that sometimes its about getting anyone to even want to come to Aruba? Since the disappearance of Natalee Holloway and the bad PR they have received from the questionable investigation and judicial process, Aruba’s tourism has tanked. Aruba has all but begged and lowered prices to entice people to go to Aruba in lieu of forgetting that an American tourist went missing and vanished on their watch.

However, Aruba plays the nepotism and favoritism game again. This time its with set ups for trade shows. Aruban ministers have actually stopped the set up of a trade show so that they could have their own do the job.

According to rumours, a local company that wanted to get the job, went to the minister and told him about it.  

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