Aruba, Natalee Holloway: Mother of Former Suspect, Joran van der Sloot, Wants Investigation of Investigation

Don’t ask for things, they just might come true.

The mother of a former suspect in the disappearance in Aruba of American teenager Natalee Holloway said Friday she hopes a probe will bring closure for all the families involved.

How callus could the Van der Sloot’s possibly be? How could an investigation Van der sloot family APbring closure to “all families”?  Only your son, Joran Van der Sloot, actually telling the truth for once in his life could do that. There are 100’s and 1000’s of missing person cases that end in homicide every year where the person responsible for the crime was the last person seen with the victim. Except for some reason in Aruba. Even after lie upon lie upon lie, by the three former suspects, Aruban officials made a joke of the Natalee Holloway investigation. 

Joran can lie all he wants and his family can run cover for him; however, at some point Joran will have to face a higher authority than anyone in Aruba, Holland or the United States. Joran will face a much greater judgement one day that will last an eternity.

It would appear that the mother the former Natalee Holloway disappearance suspect, Anita van der Sloot, wants an investigation to investigate the investigation. Funny, this coming from the same person who did not want the trial to go forward in the United States when her son and husband were served by the parents of Natalee Holloway. Also, coming from people who have been benefited by and incompetent and corrupt investigation in Aruba.

Van der Sloots

“I would like the investigation to continue,” said Anita van der Sloot, mother of Joran van der Sloot, one of three youths extensively interrogated by police and prosecutors in connection with the disappearance.

“I would also like to see an investigation into the investigation,” she added during the television interview.

Anita, if you really want closure for all then allow your son to be tried in the US. That will most certainly bring closure to all families involved. Face it Anita Van der Sloot, your son is a liar and you are very well aware of it. The Van der Sloot’s know very well that if this investigation had been done correctly from the outset Joran Van der Sloot would be behind bars today.

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Tourist Dies in Aruba … Drowns at Conchi … Aruba, “It has a beautiful view, but a visit is not without danger” … Natalee Holloway would attest the Same

“It is tragic, but the location attracts people.  It has a beautiful view, but a visit is not without danger.

The above comment might just become Aruba’s new tourism slogan. It pretty much gets to the point and is truthful. Its hard to argue with the truth. A 30 year old Bulgarian tourist died in Aruba due to drowning at Conchi, on the northern coast of Aruba.

So once again an individual drowns in the waters of Aruba; however, manages to be found as the waves push the drowning victim to shore. However, for some reason when it comes to the case of missing Natalee Holloway individuals have speculated that she drown and the 3 former suspects, Joran Van der Sloot, Depak and Satish Kalpoe had no involvement. Why is it when Natalee Holloway drown her body was never recovered, yet other drowning victims were?

Tourist drowns at Conchi – (Amigoe, 1/10/08)

A Bulgarian tourist has drowned yesterday after having fallen into the rough sea near the bathing-place Conchi, a popular tourist attraction at the northern coast of the island.

ORANJESTAD – A tourist drowned yesterday around 11:00, when he fell in the rough seas right outside the bathing-place at Conchi in the Arikok national park. The Natural Pool, as referred to by the tourists, is a popular attraction and lies at the northern coast of the island.  The 30-year old Bulgarian tourist was swimming with friends in the natural pool.  For still unknown reasons, the man fell from the rocks at Conchi in the sea that was rougher than usual due to the hard winds of the last days.   

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Suspect Joran Van der Sloot Regrets No Trial in Natalee Holloway Case

Cowards usually make bold comments when they know they have gamed the system. 

Joran Van der Sloot … don’t ask for things they might just come true. Also, do not make claims that you are unwilling to fulfill.  The former suspect in the Natalee Holloway disappearance in Aruba, Joran Van der Sloot, claims that he regrets that he was not formally prosecuted for any crime. Joran, what crime is it that you feel that you would like to be prosecuted for? Maybe you would like to finally come clean and admit to one.

One would also ask the following question. If you are so anxious and have regrets that there was no trial and you were not formally prosecuted for any crimes, why did you dodge prosecution in the United States? Put up or shut up coward! If you want to be prosecuted so badly, I am sure there is an American court that would do so if you and your attorneys had not fought jurisdiction.

“I would have liked to have seen a trial so that everything could be out in the open,” van der Sloot told newspaper DAG in his first public remarks since being released on Dec. 7. The newspaper published excerpts from the interview Sunday. DAG spokesman Bob Witman said the interview was conducted via e-mail with van der Sloot in Aruba, where he is currently staying.

All three suspects denied any involvement in Holloway’s disappearance.

Van der Sloot denied there was any new evidence to prompt his arrest again last month, as prosecutors had asserted.

“There was no new evidence at all,” he told the paper. “Dutch detectives tried to get me to talk for 15 days. They told me that Natalee was dead.”

Prosecutors say their new evidence was a statement by one of the suspects during a tapped Internet chat in which he said Holloway was dead. But defense lawyers denied that.

Weapons Crack down at Carlos N’ Charlies … This is a Tourist Destination?


For an island that claims they are safe, Aruba seems to be awfully concerned Aruba_12-29-politiceabout the number of illegal guns on its street. Aruban police raided the popular dance club and “tourist destination,”Carlos N’ Charlie’s searching its customers for illegal guns. One would think while the police were in Cn’C that maybe they would have checked to see if everyone was actually of legal drinking age as well.

Why does it always seem to come back to Carlos N’ Charlie’s? Why is it that the ALE singles these types of places out on Aruba and yet allows unsuspecting tourists to flock there? Returning to the scene of the crime.

They searched people in the street and in several nightclubs.  The police surprised the dancing public of the popular disco Carlos ’N Charlies around 02:00.  They stopped the music and the light was suddenly turned on.

Carlos N Charlies_10

So Aruban police and prosecutors feel the need to search the dance clubs where tourists go that travel brochures state are tourist destinations? What should this tell travelers to Aruba of just how safe these types of places are? What is even more shocking is that the police during these raids feel the need to wear bullet proof vest.

This time under supervision of among others chief of police Peter de Witte and chief public prosecutor Hans Mos, they searched the nightlife-people in Oranjestad. 

The police searched the visitors thoroughly; even those that were in the lavatories.

So did the ALE search residents and tourists alike? One can probably imagine that no tourists were even aware of any such Aruban laws of search and seizure.  Now imagine if the ALE has performed this raid at Carlos N’ Charlies the night that Natalee Holloway went missing back in 2005, this story may never have ever occurred.

Aruban Police Crack Down on Illegal Weapons … Caption Contest

Amigoe: Police check for weapons  – full story below

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Posted December 31, 2007 by
Aruba, Crime, Natalee Holloway, Travel | 129 comments

Aruba: One Alcohol Intoxicated Island … Should Bars be Responsible for Over Serving?

Does Aruba have a right to complain about the over consumption of alcohol when they do nothing to regulate the serving to minors or the quantity in its bars and clubs?

SM CnC close view

Does Aruba have a culture of over consumption of alcohol? We are constantly told by the “pro-Aruba” media that it is the tourists fault for their over consumption of alcohol. However, how does that explain its own citizens? The recent  article in Amigo expands on this very issue as there was a rash of individuals needing medical attention at Horacio Oduber Hospital.SM Alternative to glass at CnC face

The personnel of Horacio Oduber Hospital was very busy from December 21 to 26.  The reason was mostly consumption of too much alcohol.  At least 28 victims of traffic accidents were brought in, versus 12 last year. 

Why does Aruba promote the over-consumption of alcohol when it makes them a profit and then complains and blames the victim and makes accusatory comments like Gerald Dompig did against Natalee Holloway when that over-indulgence causes crime?

Why does Aruba not make its drinking establishments responsible for the amount The_Falls_Barof alcohol it serves like HERE, HERE or HERE? Let alone what may be slipped into someone’s drink unexpectedly. Do bars in Aruba care whether they serve people under age? In another much publicized case in America, the rape and murder of Imette St. Guillen, The Falls bar lost its liquor license and was closed down after under age sales and after hours violations, due to the clamor arising from a crime that occurred.

The closing may have been accelerated by the murder case but the bar was ultimately shuttered under a Police Department nuisance abatement action. The court order cited the bar for three instances of selling alcohol to a minor and one charge of selling alcohol after hours since the start of the year.

So why does Aruba continue to promote the excesses of alcohol in their drinking establishments and provide no criminal consequences when crimes occur? The answer is money is more important than health and safety.

In Aruba its not About the decrease in Tourism, but the Increase in Drugs

Rush hour in hospital

ORANJESTAD – The personnel of Horacio Oduber Hospital was very busy from December 21 to 26.  The reason was mostly consumption of too much alcohol.  At least 28 victims of traffic accidents were brought in, versus 12 last year. 

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