Aruban Prosecutor’s Investigate Joran Van der Sloot Confession from Peter R. De Vries

Could the new information from Dutch crime investigator Peter R. De JVDS_vanderslootVries open the way for potential new arrests in the Natalee Holloway case?  Many have long thought it was only a matter of time before Joran Van der Sloot or the Kalpoe brothers opened their mouths and started bragging. A narcissist can never control themselves. They can never keep quiet or keep the focus off of what they have done.

Sources in judicial circles told the Amigoe that the recording ‘is definitely not made in Aruba’. But in the Netherlands.  The next 48 hours will determine whether there will be arrests again for example.  There were emergency talks yesterday between the Justice-minister, the Prime Minister, the Chief of Police, and the OM-top.

OM Aruba investigates ‘Joran’s confession’  (Amigoe 2/1/08)

Part of a conversation between Peter R. de Vries and chief district attorney Hans Mos about the alleged confession of Joran van der Sloot, as could be read on the site  The part of De Vries on the site was removed later. got hold of a screen illustration and put it online.

WILLEMSTAD/ORANJESTAD – Justice and the police in Aruba are investigating ‘new indications’ that may give more clarity on the way the American teenager Natalee Holloway had ‘died in May of 2005 and how her body was disposed off’.   

Read more

John Q. Kelly and Joe Tacopina Discuss the Peter R. De Vries New Evidence and Confessions

Could this be it? Has Peter R. De Vries crack the Natalee Holloway case. Hear from both John Q. Kelly, attorney for Natalee Holloway’s family and Joe Tacopina, attorney for Joran Van der Sloot. One thing is for certain in this interview, attorney Joe Tacopina is extremely defensive and nervous because he has no idea what his client has said on these tapes.

“Beth had viewed some video tape, listened to some audio tape and ah, was astonished by what she had seen and heard” (JQK)

“One, she was satisfied that what she had seen and heard was authentic. Secondly, she just felt that some of her questions had been answered and some of the information she had been looking for , she felt she had now”. (JQK)

UPDATE II: Greta’s Legal Panel Discusses Peter R. De Vries New Evidence


Can It Be True after all This Time … Peter R. De Vries Solves the Natalee Holloway Case


It is being reported that Dutch Crime investigator Peter R. De Vries has solved the Natalee Holloway case. Beth Holloway is in the Netherlands and Aruban prosecutors are re-opening the case of Natalee Holloway.

A press release has been issued by Peter De Vries:


(click on document to enlarge)

UPDATE I: Video from Peter R. De Vries regarding new information and upcoming TV Show.

The Dutch television crime reporter, Peter R de Vries, says that he has solved the Natalee Holloway case.

Oranjestad – The Dutch television crime reporter, Peter R de Vries, says that he has solved the Natalee Holloway case. In recent weeks, he has been filming with a concealed camera on Aruba and this has, he says, clarified the facts behind the young woman’s disappearance.

Mr de Vries, who has made his information available to the Aruban Public Prosecutor’s Office, will not state who he believes is responsible for Ms Holloway’s disappearance. He says that that will be made clear in his television programme on Sunday.

UPDATE II: New and Different Evidence in the Natalee Holloway Case.

The statement in todays PR was the “mode that Natalee Died”



UPDATE III: Discussion of New Evidence in Natalee Holloway Case with Greta Van Susteren




“Look what they have done to Natalee”


(Click on pic for video or go HERE)

This afternoon at 3 p.m. (GMT) Beth Twitty screened the most important fragments of the elaborate undercover camera operation which solved her missing daughter Natalee’s case. Dutch crime reporter Peter R. DeVries was by her side. Beth reacted deeply shocked by the pictures that proved Natalee was no longer alive.

In the meantime Peter R. de Vries has confirmed the death of the girl at 7 p.m. (GMT) on the noted news program NOS Journaal. Sunday he will reveal the undercover footage on Dutch television. (Peter R. De Vries)

UPDATE V: Holloway case solved, says tv journalist

Dutch tv crime journalist Peter R de Vries claims to have solved the mystery surrounding the disappearance of US teenager Natalee Holloway.

De Vries said he had used a hidden camera to answer most of the questions surrounding the girl’s disappearance. Holloway vanished while on holiday on the former Dutch colony of Aruba in May 2005.

Holloway’s mother Beth Twitty was in the Netherlands on Thursday to discuss the case with De Vries. ‘It was very emotional,’ the reporter told tv programme Hart van Nederland.

In a press release published on De Vries’ website, the Aruban justice ministry says the new information ‘may shed new light on the way Natalee Holloway died and the method by which her body disappeared.’ It says the office is currently investigating the ‘reliability and value’ of the information.

Joran Van der Sloot seems to be MIA. The unconfirmed reports are that Van der Sloot confessed to an un-named Aruban man.

Reporter were unable to find Van der Sloot at his Arnhem address. Van der Sloot and De Vries had a confrontation on another tv programme earlier this month which ended with Van der Sloot throwing a glass of wine at the reporter.

TV programme Nova says it has spoken to three different sources who claim that Van der Sloot has confessed to an un-named Aruban man that Natalee died in an accident and that he hid her body. The conversation was recorded, news agency ANP claims. Two brothers who have also twice been arrested in connection with Natalee’s disappearance were not involved, Nova says. (Dutch News)

UPDATE VI: Comments From Jossy Mansur Managing Editor of Diaro Regarding Peter R. De Vries Statements

Look for Jossy Mansur tomorrow night on the Dana Pretzer Show on Scared Monkeys

It seems to be a secret recording made either in Holland or Aruba, in which Joran confesses that Natalee was murdered and describes what was done with the body. That much I have gathered from Dutch publications. They have quoted Mos as saying: “Now we have obtained new information that throw a new light on the case and how Natalee was murdered and how her body disappeared”. Further on, the publications point out that Joran in that recording seemed to have admitted to being the author of the deed.  
The prosecution will probably reopen the case soon
. (Jossy Mansur)



Fox News is reporting that Aruban prosecutors are looking in to NEW EVIDENCE that may show how Natalee Holloway was killed, and how her body disappeared:

[youtube= 425 355]

Greta Van Susteren posted the statement from the Prosecutor’s office on her blog:

The Office of the Public Prosecutor of Aruba has intensified its investigation of the case of Natalee Holloway due to recently received information. This information may shed a new light on the mode of which Natalee Holloway has died and the method by which her body disappeared.

The Public Prosecutor has lately received this information from the Dutch crime reporter Peter R. de Vries. This information may help considerably in the solution of the mystery of Natalee’s disappearance.

In cooperation with the Aruban Police Corps, the Office is currently investigating the reliability and value of this new information. It will be evaluated in relation to the results of the preceding profound research activities. The Aruban Police Corps has continued the investigation of the case despite the formal discontinuation of the prosecution of the suspects of the day, in December 2007. Commissioned investigators are currently charged with further inquiries.

In the interest of the ongoing investigation no further information will be circulated.

Scared Monkeys will supply continuing updates are they are made available.

UPDATE I: Reporter Provides ‘New Evidence’ in Holloway Case Aruban Authorities Will Investigate a Dutch Reporter’s Information About Natalee Holloway

Information from reporter Peter R. de Vries may help resolve what happened to the American teenager, who vanished during a May 2005 school vacation to the Dutch Caribbean island, the prosecutor’s office said in a statement. The statement did not say specifically what the new evidence was. “This information may shed a new light on the mode of which Natalee Holloway has died and the method by which her body disappeared,” the prosecutor’s office said. Prosecutors dismissed their case against Van der Sloot and two other suspects last month, saying they lacked evidence to charge them or even prove a crime was committed. Authorities have said the case could be reopened if new evidence surfaces.

Aruba Probing New Holloway Case Evidence

Aruban prosecutors said Thursday that authorities are investigating new evidence in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway provided by a Dutch crime reporter.

Information from reporter Peter R. de Vries may help resolve what happened to the American teenager, who vanished during a May 2005 school vacation to the Dutch Caribbean island, the prosecutor’s office said in a statement.

The statement did not say specifically what the new evidence was.

“This information may shed a new light on the mode of which Natalee Holloway has died and the method by which her body disappeared,” the prosecutor’s office said.

De Teleggraaf: Binnenland: ‘Peter R. heeft zaak-Holloway opgelost’

UPDATE II: New Evidence from Peter R. de Vries – Man on a Mission

Beth Holloway is in the Netherlands to be on Peter de Vries TV show when he provides the information that he has come up with. I am sure she has already been provided with his finding when she arrived in Holland. According to a comment posted, SBS6 News, Beth Twitty has been told information.

Just in SBS6 news: Beth when hearing (and seeing the hidden camera actions?) reacted very emotional and is confident the case is solved now.
When Peter told of Beth’s reaction he had tears in his eyes and almost cried! (Hat Tip: EURobert)


(Click on pic to enlarge)

Translation: Natalee Holloway Case … SOLVED!!!


UPDATE III: Joran Van der Sloot … Maybe You Want to Rethink Throwing Wine in the Face of a Determined Crime Investigator


UPDATE IV: VIDEO, New Evidence Could Help Natalee Holloway Case.

It makes us all wonder why the Aruban prosecutor ever initially closed the Natalee Holloway case. It’s not like he had to. Now with new evidence coming to light, the case is reopened.

Prosecutors in Aruba now say …

“they have new evidence that could lead them to solve the mystery as to the mode of the death of Natalee Holloway and the how she was actually moved away, how her body was transported away from the scene.”

(Hat Tip: Carpe)
Dutch TV detective Peter R. De Vries has solved the Natalee Holloway case. Natalee’s family can finally have closure.
In what’s breaking news, Dutch TV inspector (detective) Peter R. De Vries says that he has solved the case of Natalee Holloway. Peter R. de Vries is very well known in the Netherlands, and has closed more cases; he’s connected with both criminals and law enforcement officials, all of whom (sometimes) help him out.
Just saw the press conference. Holloway’s mother is indeed with De Vries and he told her what happened to her daughter his afternoon. He said that she was highly emotional but also relieved. Closure.
When he talked about her he became emotional himself explaining that “it’s not nothing to bring news like this to a mother.”
Aruban and Dutch investigators have said that he has, indeed, provided them with crucial information. We’ll have to wait until Sunday to see what happened and who’s responsible, but most people – including myself – believe that Joran van der Sloot is, indeed, the killer. We’ll see Sunday though.
Discuss the case here on the forums at Scared

Aruba Travel/Tourism & Legacy of Natalee Holloway: “I Would not step foot on the Dutch island” … The Voice of the People Boycotting Aruba

Below is a rather interesting editorial regarding Aruba and why one person Aruban Tourism Dummieschooses never to vacation there. This person states many reasons why they would not travel to Aruba. That is what Aruba has missed in this entire sorted event. No amount of marketing changes one’s opinion or perception. Few times does anyone get a second chance to make a first impression. Aruba has had many chances and failed miserably every time.

Being a victim of a crime or losing a loved one is bad enough. However, when the very island (Aruba) where one would spend their hard earned money on a vacation blame you for the disappearance of your loved one and treats a victim like a suspect , one should take pause to put that location at the top of the list of places never to travel to.

Aruba has been told over and over that the boycott on their island is like no other. It is not an official boycott declared by a country or a state. In many ways its worse. Its a grass roots movement done by John Q. Public, “We the People”. Aruba has become synonymous with missing persons stories, not because of the number of ones that occur but because of the manner in how they went about solving the disappearance of Natalee Holloway.  Hey Aruba, ever heard of Scotch Tape? Its not a product, it’s a brand … Aruba, you have been branded.

Editorial: Desire’e Larson, Fargo, Letter: Would not step foot on the Dutch island

In regards to The Forum’s travel section Jan. 20 on Aruba:

I am sorry to say that when I am looking for a place to vacation, it will not be Aruba/the Dutch island. Sure, it is warm and tropical but after the Natalee Holloway fiasco, I would not step foot in this country no matter how beautiful or warm it is.

Vanderbilt arubaNH

Aruba is one of the hot spots for human trafficking. Child prostitution in Aruba has increased in the past five years from 4,000 to 15,000 children. I would not feel safe taking my two teenage daughters to a country that does not care about children and does little to stop sex crimes involving children. (Legal Prostitution in Aruba and Escort Services advertised in  free Tourist news papers delivered to the hotels)

Aruba_Escort services

(Click on pic to enlarge)

This country wants to lower the age of youth/adult consent from 16 to 12 years old so pedophiles have even greater access to children. I realize that our own country as well as others exploit children; however, Aruba has chosen to look the other way. CNN reported that Aruba has a dark side,an island ruled by Colombian drugs  (And HERE) and Latin prostitutes.” (One might include mob ties as well)

“A magnificent washing-machine is sold here, its trademark is Aruba. The machine is an Aruban-Colombian product, its model called Cartel. The brand is well-known for its good performance in the United States and Europe. It is recommended by former ministers, members of Parliament, owners of casinos, supermarkets, cosmetics manufacturers and importers of cars and batteries. The washing-machine fits everybody who has become inexplicably rich from one day to another”.

Does this sound like a great place to vacation? Countless individuals such as the governor of Alabama and even Dr. Phil have chosen to boycott Aruba. Add my name to that list. Maybe if their tourism dollars suffer, they will look closer at their lack of human rights involving children. If you ever get a chance, watch the documentary, “Human Trafficking” on Lifetime.

I will be much more careful with my girls in foreign countries. Many girls in particular have been snatched while on vacation. I am not willing to take that chance by going to Aruba.

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