‘Occupy’ Congress Protesters Throw Smoke Bomb over White House Fence … Cause White House Locked Down

Add yet one more thing that you have never seen the Tea Party do … who is extreme?

The White House experience a partial shutdown yesterday after an Occupy Congress protester threw a smoke bomb over the White House fence on to the lawn. What else would one expect from the Obama endorse Occupy Wall Street (#OWS) protest movement? These people have been escalating their violence and contempt for the law.

Take a good look at what tax payer $’s have to pay for to keep these OWS protesters in check, unreal.

An apparent smoke bomb was thrown over the fence of the White House as hundreds of Occupy protesters massed outside the gates.

The crowds were dispersed Tuesday night and the White House was all clear. U.S. Secret Service spokesman George Ogilvie says there were no arrests in the incident.

The Obamas were at dinner celebrating Michelle Obama’s birthday, but they have since returned to the White House without difficulty.

Could you imagine what the MSM reporting would be like if such an incident like this ever occurred at a Tea Party rally? Weasel Zippers seconds the motion. Isn’t this special, the US taxpayers were stuck with the bill for the port-a-potties. Why, they can’t afford them. Maybe if they got a job instead of whining about their lot in life, they might actually have some pocket change.

New York Gallery Displays Stench Filled T-Shirts from #Occupy Protests … And Call it Art (Occupy Dis-scent)

Art is supposed to be in the eye of the beholder, not their nostrils … What’s that smell? Oh, it’s the Occupy protesters.

What a joke, a New York gallery is displaying 99 stench riddled, unwashed t-shirts from the Occupy protest movement from Zuccotti Park and calling it art. Good grief. Who knew that this so-called art would be  scratch & sniff? Talk about a movement in search of a message. Stink is its essence. NICE! Call it Occupy “Dis-scent”.

It’s political dis-scent: An olfactory artist has transported the stench of Occupy Wall Street from Zuccotti Park to a Staten Island art gallery.

“The Smell of a Critical Moment,” which opened yesterday at Doorways on Van Duzer Street, features 99 T-shirts that protesters wore for a week straight, without washing them.

Artist Gayil Nalls distributed new white tees to OWSers and on Jan. 12 collected the body-odor-drenched shirts to capture the revolution’s essence.

The essence of the Occupy protests was its smells? Funny, most people consider the fact that these dirt bags needed a shower and a bar a soap to be a joke, not its essence. The lack of sanitary conditions is what lead to many of these encampments to be closed … these fools want to celebrate it as art. UNREAL.

Abandoned Baby Found at #Occupy DC Camp … Father Arrested & Charged With Child Cruelty

Add one more thing that you will never witness at a Tea Party event.

More from the Obama endorsed Occupy protesters … Yet more crime and irresponsibility from the OWS crowd, this time … dateline Occupy DC. An abandoned baby was found Wednesday morning crying in a tent at the Occupy DC camp in McPherson Square. She was found wearing only a onesie and mittens.  The baby was taken into the custody if the District’s child protective services department. After having identified the baby’s father, was arrested and charged with second degree cruelty to children.

An infant’s cries rang through the Occupy DC encampment in McPherson Square Wednesday morning, and when a group went to investigate they found only a baby girl alone in a tent, wearing a onesie and mittens.

Soon after, authorities said, a man had been arrested and the girl — who was unharmed — was in the city’s care.

The campers notified authorities and then cared for the girl until help arrived, according to Kelly Canavan, 36, a retired Prince George’s County school teacher who has been living at the camp.

How irresponsible could anyone possibly be? A retired school teacher none the less. More from Verum Serum, where they point out, it has become commonplace for when something goes wrong or a crime has been committed, no one knows if the individual was a part of the Occupy movement or not. As we know, OWS can do no wrong.

Occupy Pasadena Protesters & Their Plastic Occupus get ZERO TV Coverage from HGTV, NBC and ABC … “You get Nothing”

Occupy Pasadena, you lose …

The Occupy Pasadena protesters wanted initially to ruin the Tournament of Roses Parade and make what is a great event into a political one. Then they wanted free TV coverage by entering their plastic Occupy Octopus into the Tournament of Roses Parade that strictly states the floats need to be covered with organic material. The parasitic protesters who looked to attack themselves to the end of the parade after it was over … RECEIVED ZERO TV COVERAGE FROM HGTV, NBC AND ABC.

This kind of reminds me of the movie This is Spinal TAP and the Smell the Glove album … “This is what they wanted, this is what they got”. They wanted free PR of 50 million US viewers and 200 million watching world wide to see their ridiculous “plastic” octopus. What they got was “BUTKIS”! Better yet, a blast from the past and Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka.

Occupy Protesters – You get Nothing … Good Day Sir

The theme of this years Tournament of Roses Parade was “Just Imagine”. Many had “just imagined” a parade where we could just have family fun and admire the dedication and hard work of so many and the fantastic floats. My person favorite was the Surfs Up surfing Dogs giving a new meaning to “Moon Doggy”.

A special thanks to HGTV, ABC and NBC for providing no coverage of this parasitic protest movement. Of course they received many calls and emails asking them to do such.

Of course no one could prevent the protesters from walking the parade route after the Tournament of Roses parade was over. By this point parade watchers were going home and paying no attention to the protesters that showed up. Maybe they could make themselves useful and pick up the horse poop. Oh, that’s right, they don’t pick up their own waste.

UPDATE I: How pathetic is it that a protest movement would need a “peace keeping” team to prevent its own members from trying to cause trouble during the Tournament of Roses, ala the UN. Really, you need to have people keep your own in line. What must they think of their own tugs? They obviously do not trust them.

BTW, note to Occupy Pasadena protesters, plastic is still plastic even if its recycled. Its still not organic like what all the Tournament of Roses Parade floats were covered with.

UPDATE II: Check out the VIDEO below, The Occupy Pasadena protesters and their plastic Octopus get the march with the many following the end of the parade … AND NO ONE CARED. How comical, no one in the crowd is giving these goofs the time of day. LOL!!!

UPDATE III: More from America Power, ‘Occupy’ Crashes Rose Parade: Attacks ‘Corporate Greed’ With 70-Foot Nazi-Era Plastic Octopus Depicting Global Jewish Conspiracy. American Power asks, “Are people so afraid to stand up against the hatred, public hatred broadcast for the entire world to see?” Of course the MSM is never going to stand up to this sort of hatred, the Tea Party was not behind it. Isn’t it amazing that the LEFT and the Occupy protest movement would crash an event like the Tournament of Roses Parade that brings all of America together and looks to divide them instead.

Good Grief …Pay $45,000 Tuition at Columbia University to Get 99% Occupy Protest Classes (Occupy 101)

WHAT A JOKE: File this one under bed wetting, liberal guilt hypocrisy …

Columbia University offer Occupy protest 101 classes.That is correct, the Ivy League school where the tuition is $45,000 + is offering courses in Occupy 101. Talk about the height of hypocrisy. Does one get to major in “Occupy” pretesting or is it just a minor? Will there be graduate courses? Because I am sure every MBA Columbia offers needs to have business electives in how not to know how to use a bar of soap, have complete contempt of the law, use drugs, assault others and sexually abuse class mates.

Columbia University is offering a new course on Occupy Wall Street next semester — sending upperclassmen and grad students into the field for full course credit.

The class is taught by Dr. Hannah Appel, who boasts about her nights camped out in Zuccotti Park.

As many as 30 students will be expected to get involved in ongoing OWS projects outside the classroom, the syllabus says.

The class will be in the anthropology department and called “Occupy the Field: Global Finance, Inequality, Social Movement.” It will be divided between seminars at the Morningside Heights campus and fieldwork.

Seriously, a tuition that costs $45K + is offering courses for the so-called 99%? How exactly do the students at Columbia think they got there? Do these people not understand … THEY ARE THE 1% THEY HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR! Why would Columbia lower themselves by allowing this? I am sure there are many alumni that are questioning their diploma and what it is now worth. More from Michelle Malkin and the hypocrisy of offering such classes yet charging an unbelievable tuition where only a small number of students could ever afford.

Maybe they can show the following VIDEOS as the A/V part of the course. There are many videos for Occupy 101 to be so proud of.

Warning: Language

This is what a $45K education can get you … peaceful protest?

The actual syllabus can be seen HERE; however. other courses on the syllabus for Occupy 101 suggestions are as follows:

Actually Weasel Zippers, its not extra credit, in order to graduate Occupy 101 one must successfully complete and demonstrate that the can defecate on a police car.

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