Tournament of Roses Parade … “Just Imagine” a Parade Void of Occupy Rose Parade Parasite Protesters & Foolish Octopus Float


The Theme of the 2012 Tournament of Roses Parade is “Just Imagine”.

I am sure that most can “JUST IMAGINE” a 2012 Tournament of Roses Parade without any presence of the Occupy Rose Parade protesters. The Occupy protesters plan on perpetuating their “parasite” movement by marching the parade route after the floats and marching bands have passed. Actually, they have no choice. They are not allowed to be a part of the actual Tournament of Roses Parade, the floats, marching bands and others are specially allowed to do so by invitation only.

Make no mistake about it, the Occupy Rose Parade protesters goal was initially to ruin the parade and interject themselves into it so that millions of people would see them. They wanted to march in the actual parade. You can see their intentions from their own web site, something the Pasadena police saw as well. You can see their disdain for the Tournament of Roses parade by their comments, “This is the real Rose Parade, and the other is the Rose Charade,” and “the Rose Parade is an ideal messaging vehicle. Not only has it become far too militarized (see, for example, the choice of this year’s 2012 Grand Marshall, J.R. Martinez– an Iraq war soldier) and far too corporatized with major banks & financial institutions increasingly underwriting many of the floats.”

Click on Image for VIDEO

As reported at the LA Times:

Occupy protesters are busy finishing their float that will run at the end of the Rose Parade: a 70-by-40-foot octopus made of recycled plastic bags.

The octopus, said activist Mark Lipman of Los Angeles, represents Wall Street’s stranglehold on political, cultural and social life, with tentacles “that reach into your pocket to get your money and a tentacle to get your house.”

“This is the real Rose Parade, and the other is the Rose Charade,” said Pete Thottam, 40, an Occupy activist.

The Occupy Rose Parade protesters claim that they will be peaceful. We shall see. The only reason why that may occur is because the police presence has been stepped up, thanks to these folks. However, there are a lot of concerns about security. Not because of terrorism, but because of Occupy Rose Parade protesters. Nice. When asked whether anybody was going to do anything … the spokesman in the VIDEO above said, “we can’t control anything what people want to say or what they do”. REALLY? yes you can. In other words, these people are already distancing themselves from possible out of control actions by those that they have taught how to act.

I can only hope that the MSM gives these protesters no free PR. We implore that HGTV, NBC and ABC provide these individuals with no coverage. The presentation of the parade is not supposed to be political. If you allow this, you will ruin this event forever. This parasite movement needs events like the Rose parade to get attention … DON’T GIVE IT TO THEM!

UPDATE I: Please, they had to work with police and Tournament of Roses officials on how not to disrupt the parade. Seriously? You mean these brain surgeons don’t know how not to disrupt an event REALLY? Why does the media continue to say they are marching in the parade? They are not. The parade is over when they are marching with their octopus float. A note to the MSM, stop misrepresenting that these parasites are doing.

Sanchez says he’s met with representatives from the Occupy movement several times, and while the protesters won’t be allowed to march in the official parade, they will be able to walk the route right after the last float goes by.

After the parade is over, maybe the Occupy Rose Parade protesters can make themselves useful and pick up the horse dung.

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  • Comments

    4 Responses to “Tournament of Roses Parade … “Just Imagine” a Parade Void of Occupy Rose Parade Parasite Protesters & Foolish Octopus Float”

    1. A Texas Grandfather on December 30th, 2011 9:29 pm

      Why would you think the occupy people would pick up the horse dung? They havn’t picked up after themselves at any place they occupied.

      They are too lazy and into false importance to do anything good for the public.

    2. Babybear on December 31st, 2011 11:15 am

      As far as I’m concerned, these people are themselves horse dung. But it does appear that for the most part the media has moved on and they are not featured on cable 24/7. That’s a good thing. Bunch of Obama’s Communist useful idots.

    3. Tournament of Roses Parade … “Just Imagine” a Parade Void of ... | Roses | on January 1st, 2012 10:54 am

      [...] jQuery("#errors*").hide(); window.location= data.themeInternalUrl; } }); } – Today, 8:17 [...]

    4. Occupy Pasedna Protesters & Their Plastic Occupus get ZERO TV Coverage from HGTV, NBC and CBS … “You get Nothing” | Scared Monkeys on January 2nd, 2012 12:58 pm

      [...] theme of this years Tournament of Roses Parade was “Just Imagine”. Many had “just imagined” a parade where we could just have family fun and admire the dedication and hard work of so many and [...]

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