Newt Gingrich Blasts NBC’s David Gregory & the MSM … Rush Limbaugh was “The Great National Crisis of This Past Week”

Bias is the MSM,  “You Betcha” …

On Sunday Morning on NBC’s “Meet the Press” with David Gregory, GOP Presidential primary candidate Newt Gingrich blasted Gregory and exposed the MSM for what they truly are … bias and in the tank for Barack Obama. Millions of Americans are out of work, gas prices are through the roof, food stamps recipients are at record highs, the federal debt is at $15.4 trillion and climbing, Obama is apologizing for the burning of a Koran while American troops are being killed; however, the MSM makes the discussion about Rush Limbaugh. The MSM will do anything to deflect the terrible situation that is going on under Barack Obama in order to reelect their candidate.

“You know, David, I am astonished at the desperation of the elite media to avoid rising gas prices, to avoid the President’s apology to religious fanatics in Afghanistan, to avoid a trillion dollar deficit, to avoid the longest period of unemployment since the Great Depression, and to suddenly decide that Rush Limbaugh is the great national crisis of this week”

A transcript of the exchange between Gingrich and Gregory can be seen at NewsBusters:

“Barack Obama as President,” Gingrich continued, “in the most radical anti-religious move made by any president, is trying to coerce the Catholic Church at a time when he’s been told by the bishops they would have to give up every single hospital…they would have to give up every single university and college associated with the church, because he is asking them to violate their religious beliefs.”

Gregory continued to press the issue saying, “Do you think it was harmful that Limbaugh, as certainly an influential voice in a conservative grassroots and you well know that, was it appropriate for him to apologize? Do you think that he’s done damage to the debate that you’re now getting into?”

After saying it was appropriate for Limbaugh to apologize, Gingrich challenged Gregory asking, “Do you think the President owes an apology to all the men and women in uniform who he frankly abandoned when he apologized to religious fanatics in Afghanistan? What’s your opinion, David?”

Newt reminded David Gregory that no one is blocking access to contraception.  Barack Obama stepped into a mess when he brought up this policy of forcing religious organizations to cover contraceptive and now the media will stop at nothing to change the narrative.

If Newt does not make it as the GOP Presidential nominee, who would not love to see him as White House Press Secretary? Every press conference would be must see TV.

President Obama Grapples with Japan Earthquake, Libya and Oil Prices … As He Plays Golf & Yuks It Up at 126th Annual Gridiron Club Dinner Saturday Night

Could Obama be any more inappropriate?

According to President Barrack Obama, the catastrophic earthquake and tsunami in Japan that has killed so many and caused so much destruction has left him heart broken.  Really? I guess he was trying to get over his broken heart while playing golf again today or attending the 126th Annual Gridiron Club dinner is DC tonight, yuking it with the press.


In the video above Obama also tried to defend his handling of the volatility of the situation in Libya by saying, “we are slowly tightening the noose on Muammar Gaddafi”. Tightening the noose? Imagine if any one in the GOP every used such verbiage, it would be deemed hate speech. Obama also tried to dowenplay the soaring gas and oil prices.

President Barack Obama will speak at the 126th annual Gridiron Club dinner in Washington on Saturday evening.

The white-tie event is an opportunity for journalists to poke fun at public figures and political themes of the day. .

With the world in turmoil from earthquakes to escalating oil prices to uncertainty in the Middle East to the world and US economic down turn and Obama us going to find fun and humor in the political themes of the day. Really? How appropriate. Obama missed last years event because shilling for Obamacare was too important; however, with crisis every where … The Comedian in Chief thinks it is perfectly A-O-K to joke around while Americans are jobless, losing their homes and Japan is in complete disarray.

Tucson Shooting Victim James Eric Fuller Will Undergo a Mental Health Evaluation after Arrested for Making Death Threats in ABC’s An ‘American Conversation Continued’ … Will MSM Blame Themselves for His Actions?

As if the situation could not get any more strange with the Tucson, AZ shooting and the days that follow … So much for civil discourse and will the MSM blame the LEFT, Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik and themselves for  J. Eric Fuller’s actions?

Talk about bizarre beyond all comprehension. J. Eric Fuller, a Tucson shooting victim of the hideous Tucson Massacre, has been arrested for make a death threat to a Tea Party spokesman during a taping of ABC’s an ‘American Conversation Continued.’ He yelled “YOU’RE DEAD”during the taping to Trent Humpries of then AZ Tea Party.    J. Eric Fuller will also under go a mental health evaluation.

A Tucson mass shooting victim was taken into custody Saturday after yelling “you’re dead” at a Tea Party spokesman during the taping of an ABC-TV town hall event hosted by Christianne Amanpour.

The Pima County Sheriff’s Office said J. Eric Fuller, 63, was involuntarily committed to an undisclosed medical facility, NBC News reported. The Associated Press said he was undergoing a psychiatric evaluation.

He faces charges of threats and intimidation and disorderly conduct, according to Tucson TV station KGUN.

After all the comments to refrain from harsh rhetoric, to try and be more peaceful, during ABC’s an ‘American Conversation Continued’ town hall meant to move on from the terrible happenings of one week ago …   J. Eric Fuller took a picture of Humphries and shouted, “You’re dead.” WHAT!

KGUN reported that Fuller took exception to comments by Republican state Rep. Terri Proud and Tucson Tea Party spokesman Trent Humphries.

Fuller was in the front row and apparently became upset when Humphries suggested that any conversations about gun control should be delayed until all the dead were buried, KGUN reported.

Fuller took a picture of Humphries and shouted, “You’re dead.”

Some media reports said Fuller kept booing and making other remarks before deputies escorted him from the church.

So let’s understand the craziness. We have a gunman in Jared Loughner who by all accounts is “bat S#it” insane where numerous people have stated that he was a menacing individual and they feared that he would one day bring a gun to class. We have the evil Jared Loughner who was kicked out of a community college after doing the following VIDEO, yet he was never made to take a mental health eval. This evil punk then went on a shooting rampage that leaves 6 dead. We then have a bias sheriff who is agenda driven provide his opinion, rather than facts and evidence that it was political rhetoric from the RIGHT that was to blame, even though he had and there was zero proof.

Now we are witness to one of Loughtner’s shooting victims at a town hall setting meant to move on threaten another with death threats and he is sent for a mental health evaluation. Can it get any stranger? As Powerline states, ”isn’t the only untreated mental patient on the Left. And we haven’t even started talking about the New York Times’s columnists”.

So what will come from  J. Eric Fuller’s verbal death threats? Will the liberal MSM blame themselves for his actions seeing that ever since the evil acts of Jared Loughner, they have blamed the Right, Republicans, talk radio,Sarah Palin, Rush and Glenn Beck.

So who is to blame for  J. Eric Fuller’s death threats … can you say  J. Eric Fuller!!!

Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik Blames Arizona’s “Prejudice & Bigotry” for Shooting of U.S. Rep Giffords by Jared Lee Loughner

Um, gee Sheriff Dupnik, who is fanning the divisive flames?

How disgusting and low must one be than to co-opt a tragedy for your own political gain? Even during President Obama speech (VIDEO) this afternoon, he called for people to come together, support each other and pray for Gabrielle Giffords and the other victims and their families, even if Obama said, “Gabby was a friend of mine”. I think he meant “is”. It is too bad Sheriff Clarence Dupnik could not do so.

During tonight’s police press conference regarding the shooting of U.S. Rep Gabrielle Giffords and others at a Tucson grocery and shooter Jared Loughner, Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik made a simply rotten comment.  Dupnik blamed Arizona’s “prejudice, bigotry and vitriol” for the shooting. Far be it a crazed, loner, pot smoking loser that be held responsible for his actions.

Isn’t this something. These comment come from the same individual, Sheriff Clarence Dupnik, who called the Arizona Immigration law unwise, stupid and racist and said he would not enforce it. No agenda here, is there by Sherif  Dupnik rather than focusing on those killed and wounded by the gunman.


Video Hat Tip: Gateway Pundit

Comments from Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik via the AP:

“But again I’d just like to say that when you look at unbalanced people, how they respond to the vitriol that comes out of certain people’s mouths about tearing down the government, the anger, the hatred, the bigotry that goes on in this country is getting to be outrageous. And, unfortunately, Arizona I believe has become sort of the capital. We have become the Mecca for prejudice and bigotry.”

According to all reports, the suspect Jared Lee Loughner has not cooperated with police or provided a motive as to why he went on a shooting spree. So what mind reading capabilities does Sheriff Clarence Dupnik possess? So all crimes in Arizona are the cause of prejudice and bigotry? Or is it only one’s that fit his liberal agenda? How is it on the very day that America, namely Arizona is traumatized by this mass murder shooting, that the Sheriff in charge blames Arizona for their “prejudice and bigotry”? How sensitive of Sheriff Clarence Dupnik.

Seriously Dupnik, why don’t you just man up and blame AZ governor Jan Brewer, Sarah Palin, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hanity,  Glenn Beck and the Tea party for the murders. Because Heaven ford you actually find a crazed, pot smoking, Communist Manifesto reading lunatic responsible for his actions.

Limbaugh Calls President Obama a ‘Jackass’ & an “Economic Illiterate” and an “Idiot, When it comes to Capitalism”

Rush Limbaugh calls Obama a jackass, an economic illiterate and an economic ignoramus.

A note to the media and bloggers both on the Left and Right, if what Limbaugh said was vitrioland over the top, what would you call what the US politicians, including the President have said about the American people for the last two years? We just found out today, really? Americans have been called racists and Nazis for not agreeing with the policies of Obama. Democrat politicians have stated that Republicans want people to die quickly. Those who disagree with Obamacare have been called “evil hate mongers”. Now you think the line has been crossed? Spare me!

At what point does political rhetoric turn to disrespectful vitriol? Some are suggesting that we found out today when conservative talk radio provocateur Rush Limbaugh ostensibly referred to President Obama as “you jackass!”

Sorry, but conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh just vented what a majority of Americans and Business people think. There is a reason why only 42% of Americans believe Obama is doing a good job as President while 49% disapprove. His handling of the economy is looked upon as even worse. I would dare say even non-Ditto heads would agree with Rush’s comments. Sorry, but its not too far. We have a MSM who refuses to confront this President and we have millions of people unemployed and collecting food stamps. Enough is enough. If a sitting President can disregard the will of the people and treat them as Obama has done, criticism of his policies is hardly vitriol.

As the economy gets no better, unemployment is heading up and business is sitting on money because of the uncertainty of Obama and Democrats … Obama does nothing to extend the Bush tax cuts. Derision? Sorry, I would dare say many people have said the same or worse, they just don’t have a talk show to vent their views or opinions. But what they do have is a vote this November 2, 2010.

Derision of the president on his program is nothing new, but Rush Limbaugh’s tone today may have struck the ears of regular listeners as particularly disdainful, taking his contempt of the president to a new level.

The nation’s preeminent conservative talk radio host referred to Mr. Obama as a “jackass,” an “economic illiterate” and an “idiot, where capitalism is concerned.”

Remember when the LEFT used to call GWB rigid and set in his ways when it came to Iraq? What’s the difference with this issue? Obviously, nothing Obama is doing is working to provide an environment

Must see Video from Rush


“Extend the tax cut to everybody, and you’ll inspire confidence,” Limbaugh argued, saying that added degree of certainty would free business to spend some of the capital they’re holding onto and hire people, “which, once upon a time, we were told, was Obama’s top priority.”

For not getting this, “He’s a jackass.  He’s an economic illiterate.  He’s an economic ignoramus.” 
“And that’s being charitable,” Limbaugh said.

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