Rush Limbaugh: The Court Rules of Individual Mandate … Obamacare is the Largest Tax Increase in the History of the World

Does any one honestly think that Obamacare would have passed as a tax increase? Obamacare was a stealth tax all along.

Wasn’t it Barack Obama who stated that he would not raise taxes on a family making over $250,000? Wasn’t it Barack Obama who said over and over and over again that the “individual mandate” of Obamacare was not a tax? However, if it walks like a tax and talks like  a tax … it is a tax. Sadly today the US Supreme Court of the United States and mainly Chief Justice John Roberts called it a tax. That is the only reason why Obamacare passed Constitutionality.

Rush Limbaugh stated the following regarding Obama’s Barack Obama and the greatest tax increase ever perpetrated on the United States. We the American people have been deceived by Barack Obama in ways that no one could have conceived. Shame on Obama and Democrats for lying to teh American people. More so, shame on the SCOTUS and Justice John Roberts for bending over backwards to find a way to pass Obamacare. The end results, Obamacare is nothing more the the greatest tax increase in the history of the word.

RUSH:  Hey, folks, have you seen the economic news today?  Have you heard about the unemployment numbers today?  (laughing)  Gross domestic product, have you heard about any of that?  Because I have it here, and it sucks.  It’s a disaster.  The economy of this country remains a disaster.

And we, the American people, have just been deceived in ways that nobody contemplated.  And what we now have is the biggest tax increase in the history of the world.  What we have been told by the chief justice of the Supreme Court and four liberals on the court: Obamacare is just a massive tax increase. That’s all it is.  Obama lied to us about that.  The Democrats lied. “It wasn’t a tax. There was no way it was a tax.”

The chief justice was hell-bent to find a way to make this law applicable, so he just decided, you know what, as a tax increase, it works, because there’s no limit on the federal government’s ability to tax.  And it’s right there in the preamble of the Constitution, right there, Article 1, Section 8, the general welfare clause, it’s been established Congress can tax whatever, whoever, whenever, how much they want.  Even when they don’t ask for it, the Supreme Court is gonna find a way to make what they want to do legal because John Roberts said it’s not our job here to forbid this. It’s not our job to protect people from outcomes.  It’s not our job to determine whether it is right or wrong or any of that.  We just get to look at it. We can’t forbid this. This is what the elected representatives of the people want. (more at Rush Limbaugh)

Obama’s Folks Feeling the Hypocrisy Backlash … David Axelrod Bails on Bill Maher & HBO ‘Real Time” Appearance


Looks like the Obama Administration is feeling the backlash of their going overboard and inconsistent approach when it comes to males making disgusting comments toward woman. In the wake of the Rush Limbaugh-Sandra Fluke controversy, the bringing to light the reprehensible and disgusting things that Leftist Bill Maher said about Sarah Palin and other women and the fact that Maher gave $1 million to Barack Obama’s SuperPAC … David Axelrod bails on Bill Maher and cancels his appearance on HBO’s ‘Real Time’.

Hard to take the high moral ground when you accept $1 million from the likes of this …

David Axelrod will not be appearing as a guest on “Real Time with Bill Maher,” despite reports last week that he was scheduled to do the show in the next few weeks.

“He’s not scheduled to go on at this time,” said Ben LaBolt, the press secretary for President Obama’s reelection campaign.

Maher, who donated $1 million to the pro-Obama super PAC Priorities USA, has increasingly become a target of right-wing attacks over the last week in response to the left’s attacks on Rush Limbaugh. Maher has come under fire for calling Sarah Palin a “c**t” during his stand-up act and a “dumb tw**t” on his HBO show, among other sexist comments.

Obviously the pressure is mounting on Barack Obama and the hypocrisy of his campaign in his selective outrage when it comes to defending woman. President Obama called fellow liberal Demcorat Sandra Fluke after she was called a “slut”. However, not only was there no call to Sarah Palin from Obama when she was called a “C” and “T” word by Maher … Barack Obama’s Super PAC accepted $1 million from Maher and has refused to return it. Now we see one of Obama’s loudest mouth pieces running from Maher with his hair on fire.  The Obama campaign just blinked. As stated at Jammie Wearing Fool, it looks like Axelrod is having second thoughts about appearing with Maher. Think other politicians might be doing the same in the future? Look to see more pressure brought to bare against Obama and the “dirty money” his Super PAC accepted. This story is now going to go away.

Sarah Palin Comments on Obama Accepting Bill Maher’s Dirty Money … “I don’t know how Barack Obama can sleep at night if he really thinks about Sasha and Mahlia and the treatment of some women today, how he can accept that dirty money.”

Political and Media Bias … How does a man of character accept $1 million in campaign funds from another man who refers to woman as “C” and “T” words? Seriously, what does this show about Obama’s character? Is this the type of “Hope & Change” that Obama promised?

How does President Barack Obama with a straight face talk about having a greater public discourse and calling Sandra Fluke but not others like Sarah Palin? Isn’t the sign of a true statesman to treat those who you disagree with the same as those you would favor? Or does Obama only care about woman when the are Democrats? If so, that is hardly Presidential.

Welcome to the latest example of the Democrat and MSM double standard when it comes to comments made by Republicans and the actions taken against them. Enter Rush Limbauugh and the Sandra Fluke comments as compared to leftist Bill Maher and his comments made toward Sarah Palin and Michele Bauchmann.

The MSM and Democrats have ripped Rush for his comment, who to his credit has apologized for. However, that has not stopped the crazed LEFT from turning the issue into an attempt to silence free speech and take Rush Limbaugh down.

But not so fast when it comes to those of the LEFT who make ever worse and misogynist pig comments toward woman who disagree with them politically. So explain

VIDEO Hat Tip: The Gateway Pundit

“I don’t know how anyone can sit in the audience of a commentator like Bill Maher and chuckle and laugh and think that’s entertaining. I think it’s disgusting. And this dirty money that he has now provided Barack Obama’s campaign – I don’t know how Barack Obama can sleep at night if he really thinks about Sasha and Mahlia and the treatment of some women today, how he can accept that dirty money. Granted Barack Obama has never been seen in the conventional, traditional way of one we who describe a man of valor, so it shouldn’t surprise us that Barack Obama would accept that dirty money.”

I wonder what the discussion in the media would be if a prominent individual on the RIGHT had used the “N” word to describe or make mock of a Democrat and donated money to a Republican presidential candidate? Think there would not be a hue & cry through the LEFT to give that money back? Just saying.

Daily Commentary – Wednesday, March 7, 2012 – Reactions to Rush Limbaugh’s Comments about Activist Sandra Fluke

  • How the President and media have reacted to Rush Limbaugh’s comments about activist Sandra Fluke

Daily Commentary – Wednesday, March 7, 2012 Download

Leftist Activist Contraception Queen Sandra Fluke Wants Gender Reassignment to be Paid for by Health Insurance

The slippery liberal slope from contraception to gender reassignment … Its all just one huge LEFTIST AGENDA.

Sorry, the Sandra Fluke “contraception” controversy was a set up from the outset … Nothing that the LEFT ever does is because it just happens. It is always contrived and “AstroTurfed”.  Check out “Sandra Fluke, Gender Reassignment, and Health Insurance” from The College Politico. The heck with contraceptives being covered by insurance, this Fluke wants gender reassignment to be covered by health insurance as well. But as Patterico Pontifications states, all this will be ignored by the MSM, they are too busy attacking Rush.

Sandra Fluke is being sold by the left as something she’s not. Namely a random co-ed from Georgetown law who found herself mixed up in the latest front of the culture war who was simply looking to make sure needy women had access to birth control. That, of course, is not the case.

As many have already uncovered Sandra Fluke she is, in reality, a 30 year old long time liberal activist who enrolled at Georgetown with the express purpose of fighting for the school to pay for students’ birth control. She has been pushing for mandated coverage of contraceptives at Georgetown for at least three years according to the Washington Post.

However, as I discovered today, birth control is not all that Ms. Fluke believes private health insurance must cover. She also, apparently, believes that it is discrimination deserving of legal action if “gender reassignment” surgeries are not covered by employer provided health insurance. She makes these views clear in an article she co-edited with Karen Hu in the Georgetown Journal of Gender and the Law.

How typical of the LEFT … anyone who does not cover something as outlandish as a sex change is being discriminatory.
From the College Politico, here is an excerpt of Employment Discrimination Against LGBTQ Persons appearing in the Georgetown Journal of Gender and the Law’s Annual Review 2001:

Discrimination typically takes two forms: first, direct discrimination limiting access to benefits specifically needed by LGBTQ persons, and secondly, the unavailability of family-related benefits to LGBTQ families.

Their “prime example” of the first form of discrimination? Not covering sex change operations:

A prime example of direct discrimination is denying insurance coverage for medical needs of transgender persons physically transitioning to the other gender.

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