How Small of Obama on the RNC, ‘It should be a pretty entertaining show’ … As the GOP Governors Beat Obama Up with Barack’s “You Did Not Build It” Comment and Wowed the Crowd

Barack Obama, Lost in smallness yet again, add in some snark and a dash of sarcasm as he commented on the RNC, ‘It should be a pretty entertaining show’. Just how petty could this president get?

Dear Mr. President, it may have been truthfully entertaining; however, it was more enlightening, inspiring and invigorating! Let me inform Barack Obama and the Democrats, don’t look now but the GOP has a young, deep, diverse bench.

The GOP trotted out rock star after rock star governors that took Obama’s failed economic polices apart. Governors Nikki Haley (SC), Scott Walker (WI), John Kasich (OH) to name a few took to the stage and politically beat Obama upside his head with his ridiculous and foolish comment to small business owners that “you did not build it”.  Then there was Keynote speaker New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie who reminded Obama, “real leaders do not follow polls, real leaders change polls.”

As stated at Hot Air,  “a whole gamut of Republican governors did indeed take to the stage to refute your erroneous “top-down” baloney this evening, in the knowledge that a huge, meddlesome bureaucracy that thinks it knows best and taxes success is the real definition of “top-down.” The GOP governors told the success stories of their own states recoveries that were polar opposites of Obama’s failed bottom up, middle out, government dependent nanny state agenda.

Ohio Gov. Kasich like I have never heard hims before, “We need a new partner in Washington. This relationship is just not working”

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker got some of the biggest applause of the night … Wisconsin now a swing state

Nikki Haley’s RNC Speech 8/28/12, “President Obama. with all due respect, don’t tell me my parents did not build their business.”

We said in South Carolina that if you have to show a picture ID to buy Sudafed, if you have to show a picture ID to set foot on an airplane. Then you should have to show picture ID to protect one of the most valuable, sacred rights in America, the right to vote.”

Governor Chris Christie Speech at Republican National Convention RNC

Transcript can be read HERE.

We need politicians to care more about doing something and less about being something.

Believe me, if we can do this in a blue state with a conservative Republican Governor, Washington is out of excuses.

Leadership delivers.

Leadership counts.

Leadership matters.

We have this leader for America.

We have a nominee who will tell us the truth and who will lead with conviction.  And now he has a running mate who will do the same.

We have Governor Mitt Romney and Congressman Paul Ryan, and we must make them our next President and Vice President.

Mitt Romney will tell us the hard truths we need to hear to put us back on the path to growth and create good paying private sector jobs again in America.

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie to Deliver Key Note Speech at Republican National Convention … Senator Marco Rubio (FL-R) to Introduce Mitt Romney

Sarah Palin may not be speaking at this years Republican National Convention, but don’t miss the sure fire, energetic, engaging and never dull stylings of Chris Christie.  The NJ Gov. is never at a loss for words, this should be truly inspiring and entertaining.

That is correct, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie will be providing the Keynote speech at the Republican National Convention. This is a fantastic choice as he is sure to bring down the house. Chris Christie is never at a loss for words and is known for saying exactly what he thinks. A quite refreshing manner as compared to the PC and focus group approved talk that has become common place for politicians today. Look for Christie to bring the crowds at the GOP National Convention to their feet and jazz the even to new highs. This is going to be must see TV. Christie stated, he “ill cite his experience as New Jersey governor in demonstrating that “the American people are ready to confront those problems head-on and endure some sacrifice.”

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie will deliver the keynote address that launches the Republican National Convention in two weeks, telling USA TODAY he plans to make an “emphatic” argument on behalf of GOP approaches and shared sacrifice to face the nation’s biggest challenges.

In an interview Monday, Christie said his 20-minute speech will focus more on making the case for electing Mitt Romney than the one against re-electing President Obama. And he promises the words will be his own: He’s already on the fourth draft of the speech, “grinding away on it” over the past few days since Romney asked him to fill the high-profile role.

Florida US Senator Marco Rubio will be the individual tapped to introduce Mitt Romney at the Republican National Convention.

In a showcase role on his party’s biggest stage, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio will introduce Mitt Romney for his speech to accept the nomination for president on the last night of the Republican National Convention.

It is an introduction aimed at giving Romney a boost from a rising star in a must-win state, but it will almost certainly further enhance Rubio’s standing, too.

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie Calls Reporter Stupid for Asking An Off Topic Question … “Are You Stupid?” (VIDEO)

“Did I say on topic, are you stupid?” … ”Thank you all very much, and I’m sorry for the idiot over there. Take care.”

During a press conference on Saturday, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie held a press conference to discuss the problems with a water treatment plant and what this meant for the people of the garden State. He had asked the reporters in advance to keep questions on topic. Of course that did not stop one member of the media to ask the obligatory off topic question. Gov. Christie’s response … “ARE YOU STUPID?”

Reporters were told the governor would only answer questions about a major problem at a water treatment plant, according to the Newark Star-Ledger.

Yet one reporter proceeded to ask an unrelated question involving the state legislature, as seen in video of the press conference from Monmouth County.

Christie, cutting him off, said: “Did I say on topic? Are you stupid? On topic, on topic. Next question.”

With all due respects to so-called Moderates, no one tires of individuals putting the MSM in their place and keeping on topic to an important issue affecting people. Personally, I am not sure if I would choose Chris Christie as my Vice President; however, if Sarah Palin turned me down for Press Secretary, Gov. Christie would be my next in line. Who wouldn’t love to see daily exchanges between the White House press corps? Or as Barack Obama says, the press corpse.

NJ Gov. Christie on Obama … “Most Ill-Prepared Person to Assume the Presidency in my Lifetime,” … “Trying to find Lightswitch of Leadership”

Christie hammers Obama … “This is a guy who literally is walking around in a dark room trying to find the light switch of leadership.”

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is never at a loss for words and such was the case while delivering a speech to Republicans in Lexington, KY. Christie He went on to blast Obama stating, “He has sat in the Oval Office and cared more about posing and preening and making partisan politics the rule of the day in Washington D.C. than he’s cared about progress.”

Christie further went on to say, He [Obama] is the most ill-prepared person to assume the presidency in my lifetime.”  If the shoe fits …

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie told Kentucky Republicans on Saturday that President Barack Obama was “posing and preening” instead of working to resolve pressing issues facing the country.

“He is the most ill-prepared person to assume the presidency in my lifetime,” Christie told some 600 Kentucky Republicans at a Lexington hotel. “This is a guy who literally is walking around in a dark room trying to find the light switch of leadership.”

Christie was in Kentucky to deliver a pep talk to state GOP leaders. The state’s presidential primary is Tuesday, though it will have no significant impact. Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney is the presumptive Republican presidential nominee.

Interestingly enough, VP Joe Biden did not think that Barack Obama was ready either to be President. Biden stated that the Presidency did not lend itself to on the job training. Biden was actually correct on that one.

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