Part 1: It Has Been 10 Years Since Natalee Holloway Went Missing, No Body … No Crime … And No One Tried, But We Know Damn Well Who Is Responsible, Don’t We Joran Van der Sloot?


May 30, 2005 … Alabama teen Natalee Holloway has gone missing in Aruba while on a class trip with her fellow Mountain Brook classmates to celebrate their graduation from high school, to begin their college careers and the rest of their lives. Or so they all thought. All of these young teens with their whole lives ahead of them, just celebrating one more time together before they went their separate ways in what was supposed to be a safe vacation surrounded by sand, sun and the sea. Like so many classes before them, a visit to Aruba was supposed to be the one last high school fling. Sadly, for Natalee Holloway it would be the one last thing she ever did in life, never to attend college, never to have the rest of her life. Enter Joran Van der Sloot, Deepak Kalpoe and Satish Kalpoe and everyone’s lives would be changed forever and not for the better.

Natalee Holloway and Friends 2005 Aruba

Natalee Holloway and friends in Aruba 2005

The first post Scared Monkeys ever wrote on this missing persons case was entitled, ‘This Can’t Be Good For Tourism, Where’s Natalee Holloway’. At first glance, one night think it was rather crass and insensitive. But having visited Aruba since the 1970′s, having friends on the small Caribbean Island, even having dated a beautiful Aruba girl in my teens, and having lived and worked on Aruba, I pretty much knew what the prime concern would be for “One Happy Island” and that was to save its tourism industry at all cost. Even if it meant trying to push the dirt under the rug and hide things in the closet. The cover-up, collusion, corruption and cronyism would only be made worse in the case of missing Natalee Holloway when the individual last seen with the beautiful blond Alabama teen was Joran Van der Sloot, a boy of Dutch privilege who’s father was a judge in waiting with so many connections legally, politically and with law enforcement that all signs pointed toward the Holloway, Twitty and Reynold’s family being given the run around from the very beginning. I say this prior to ever having researched the case in depth or having talked to or met any of the family members. From experience, I knew the family was in for a hell of a time from past experiences on Aruba where the most simple of things are made into some of the most exasperating efforts in futility. I knew that Dave Holloway and Beth Twitty were in for a hell of a roller-coaster experience.

No one will ever convince me otherwise that the disappearance of Natalee Holloway and the subsequent search and investigation in Aruba was obstructed on two levels, one from the Van der Sloot family and Paulus Van der Sloot with his connections to prevent his son from going to prison and two, on a police, prosecution and government level to attempt to sweep this under the sand and save their economy that depended upon American tourism.

Aruba_3 suspects JVDS_K

18 year old Natalee Holloway went missing on Aruba and was last seen leaving an Aruba bar, Carlos N’ Charlies, with three boys, Joran Van der Sloot, Deepak Kalpoe and Satish Kalpoe. The news of Natalee’s disappearance was not made public to the adults in attendance with the teens until the following day when it was time to head off for the airport to leave. Natalee was missing. From the outset, something was very wrong in how this case was being investigated. The Aruba police had the mindset that Natalee was just off having fun and she would return because this happens all the time. REALLY? That might have been some what okay reasoning for Aruba LE had any one of the three people Natalee was last with were missing too. However, they were not, they were already lying. What changed this case, brought it to the forefront and escalated it to new heights that we have never seen before in a missing persons case was that Aruba and the powers that be never imagines that the Holloway/Twitty family would have arrived so quickly on Aruba and hit the ground running trying to find Natalee. The Holloway/Twitty crew were doing the police and detective work that the Aruba LE should have already had done. Like I said, from the outset something smelled to the high heavens, and it was not just inept and incompetent police work, some was so bad it was obvious it had to be intentional.

Aruba_Carlos n Charlies

Carlos N’ Charlies 2005

The lies begin from the three amigos, Joran, Deepak and Satish … From the beginning of dealing with the three individuals who were last seen with Natalee, the lies were flowing. They stated that they dropped her off at her hotel, the Holiday Inn after having left Carlos n’ Charlies. How can the last three people ever to see Natalee not be considered suspects? especially when video surveillance tape showed that the three had never done any such thing. Wouldn’t that or shouldn’t that have been the first thing that Aruba LE should have checked? Instead, the family had to do the investigative work.

Holloway was last seen by friends getting into a vehicle and leaving the Carlos and Charlie’s nightclub in the capital of Oranjestad  before dawn Monday.

Police questioned and released three Aruban men who said they dropped Holloway off early Monday at the Holiday Inn, where she had been staying about 3 miles from the capital of Oranjestad, said police assistant inspector Jules Sambo. The three were not suspects, he said.

Natalee Holloway_missing poster


On June 5th, 2005 two black men were arrested in connection with the disappearance of Natalee Holloway. Why, because they were black. How racist is that? The former security guards, Mickey John, 30, and Abraham Jones, worked for the vacant Allegro hotel, two blocks from the Holiday Inn where Holloway stayed. How does anyone arrest two black men for a crime when the last people seen with a missing person walk free? Thus, we see from the outset the mindset in Aruba to blame this on anyone, two hapless black men, just because Aruba can. And they might have gotten away with it had Beth Holloway not come to their rescue and state, they were innocent.

Aruba_Mickey John Arrest

The 2005 Arrest of Mickey John

A judge ruled Wednesday there was sufficient cause to keep holding two former hotel security guards in connection with the disappearance of an Alabama high school honors student.

The decision means authorities may hold Nick John, 30, and Abraham Jones, 28, for nearly four months while prosecutors investigate possible murder and kidnapping charges in the disappearance of 18-year-old Natalee Holloway, defense attorneys said. Neither man has been formally charged.

The two men were arrested Sunday on suspicion of first- and second-degree murder and capital kidnapping, the latter of which is invoked when a kidnapping victim is killed, according to court-appointed defense attorneys Noraina Pietersz and Chris Lejuez.

Later in the case, I had the opportunity to meet Mickey John in the States through the aid of FOM and talk to him as to what happened, his involvement, if any, and his opinions on the case. After talking to him for 5 minutes it became obvious he had nothing to do with Natalee’s disappearance and what just an easy patsy to blame it on. Was Micky John a choir boy, of course not, but he was hardly a murderer. John told me that he would never make any type of statement, especially in Aruba fro fear he would be arrested again for no reason. What had always bothered me to this day was how did the Aruba LE, prosecution and judiciary allow the last three people ever to be seen with Natalee Holloway go from persons of interest and prime suspects to witnesses? From 6/8/05, Attorney general spokeswoman Vivian Van Der Biezan also told a news conference that three “persons of interest” who were questioned and released last week were considered “witnesses,” not suspects. HUH? They dropped the dime on Micky John and Abraham Jones and the Aruba legal brain-trust fell for it hook, line and sinker. Of course the fact that Joran Van der Sloot’s father, Paulus, was a lawyer and a judge in waiting with his many connections had nothing to do with this attempted cover up and frame job. It would not be until June 13, 2005 that Abraham Jones and Mickey John was released from jail.

Aruba_ Abraham Jones

Abraham Jones Released!

This announcement was telling on two fronts, one, justice finally prevailed in that these two black security guards were finally let out of jail as they had no involvement in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway and the other would be something that would become a common occurrence through out the investigation in Aruba. The second interest fact was that Scared Monkeys broke the news of the release of the two security guards before the AP. Needless to say that prompted many news outlets to contact us and ask how that was possible. This became one of the events in the case that prompted the news outlets to track SM, not the other way around. That’s what happens when you have people on the ground and know others with connections that supplied info and data on a case that was so fluid.

On June 6th, volunteers in Aruba searched for missing Natalee Holloway. About 700 volunteers joined police, soldiers and FBI agents on Monday, combing scrubland and beaches on Aruba’s southeastern tip in an unprecedented search for an Alabama teenager who vanished a week ago on a trip to the Dutch Caribbean island. The Aruba government gave their civil servant employees the day off to help search for Natalee. However, only about 18% of government employees showed to search on what was the biggest story to hit Aruba since their independence from Holland. Also, who did not search … Joran Van der Sloot, Deepak Kalpoe or Satish Kalpoe.

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It would not be until June 8, 2005 that the three boys, Joran Van der Sloot, Deepak Kalpoe and Satish Kalpoe would be arrested by Aruba authorities in connection with the disappearance of Natalee Holloway. However, Natalee went missing on May 30, all this time for these three to get their stories synched together and to be coached by Joran’s father, Paulus Van der Sloot. Eight days go by and the individuals who were last seen with a missing person were allowed to sanitize, erase, get rid of and clean up all loose ends with the help of their master white-washer, Paulus.

Aruban police arrested three more suspects in the case of the missing American honors student Thursday, the attorney general said.

Attorney General Caren Janssen said police arrested three men that police had previously questioned and released in the disappearance of 18-year-old Natalee Holloway.

Authorities have described the three as students – two Surinamese and a native of the Netherlands – who told police they dropped off Holloway at her hotel around 2 a.m. on May 30. Hotel employees, however, say that security cameras did not record her return.

10 Years Later Google Earth Image Offers New clues & Raises New Questions in Natalee Holloway Case … Was There Construction Taking Place at Marriott Aruba Surf Club … See Pics for Yourself

Tomorrow will mark 10 years that Alabama teen Natalee Holloway went missing in Aruba. After all the searches, all the lies, all the incompetent police work, all the cronyism, all the corruption and all the cover up, Natalee Holloway is still missing and is presumed dead. At the heart of Natalee’s disappearance and death is the prime suspect who was last seen with her, Joran Van der Sloot. Also at the root of the Natalee Holloway disappearance was a Caribbean Islands attempt to not have their tourism hurt by the case.

Natalee Holloway_2005

Recently a witness has come forward, Jurrien De Jong, who said he saw Natalee and Joran that fateful night in May 2005. De Jong said, “I saw that Joran was chasing Natalee into a small building under construction. In about five minutes he came out with Natalee in his arms, and slammed the body of Natalee on the floor, and then he made an opening in a crawl space … I knew she was dead.” Actually, Jurrien De Jong is not a new witness to the case because he said similar comments in 2010. Jurrien De Jong spoke with Diario and said that Joran killed Natalee at the Marriott Aruba Surf Club that was under construction.

Their right is the Marriott Aruba Surf Club Phase 3, in terms of structure is finished and only needs to be finished and left, a row of containers.

Joran suggests that stars and look at Natalee’s remark that there is already a roof on the hotel is right, then he points to show a small building at the very end of the site.

If your building plan of the hotel on Google Earth satellite image of June 22, 2005 submit, you will find that this building is the start of the emergency stairwell # 3 of “The Spyglass Tower”.

They run inside, climb on the landing, go through the stairs to the first floor and steps in a “half” room, which later the space behind the elevators would be.

He then takes her in his arms and running down the stairs and puts her on the landing. He jumps down, pulls her into the hallway and grabbed a fire with a twist smacks her on the ground. Then he pushes the sand to crawl away and he pulls Natalee at her feet inside. He crawls to the end of the room and stuffed with sand near the crack. His shoes, where blood is, he kicks off and leaves behind this spot.

Jurriën de Jong

However, Aruba Chief Prosecutor Eric Olthof dismisses Jurrien De Jong’s story that he saw Joran Van der Sloot kill Natalee Holloway at this location. But we know ARUBA IS CORRUPT AS HELL.

“Even though Mr. De Jong has not presented more plausible proof of his claims (his current testimony is identical to the one he gave in 2013 to the Prosecutor’s Office), Chief Prosecutor Olthof commissioned the police to contact the management of the Marriott -considering the type of case, the importance of the case and the long duration of the disappearance of Natalee Holloway- with the request to supply information about the state of the construction site of the Spyglass Tower of the Marriott hotel on the 30th of May 2005,” Angela said in the press release. “In short: what was built and what was not yet built on that 30th of May 2005, the night of the disappearance of Natalee?”

Recently the Prosecutor’s Office received the requested information from the management of the Marriott based in Orlando. “From this information, it becomes indisputably clear that on the 30th of May 2005, no construction or building activities were started at the location that Mr. De Jong has specifically pointed out as the spot where Natalee Holloway would have been hidden and/or buried,” according to Angela’s press release. “More concretely: the foundation of the Spyglass Tower (that still had to be built at the time) and of the staircase of the Spyglass Tower was not in place. This means that Natalee Holloway could never have been hidden and/or buried there.”

Enter Google Earth

The Aruban authorities and the Marriott claim that the construction of Spyglass Tower at the Marriott Aruba Surf Club claim that it was not under construction at the time. REALLY? Judge for yourself from the picture taken from Google Earth 2005.

June 2005

Aruba June 2005_Marriott Surf Club

Pic – Hat Tip Klaas

On the other hand, some signs complicate Marriott’s official time line of the construction of Spyglass Tower. A satellite image from Google Earth taken in June 2005, just a few weeks after Natalee Holloway disappeared, shows what appears to be the blurry outlines of structures that could resemble a construction site.

Holloway’s father says he remembers the site from the day after his daughter’s disappearance. “I can tell you for a fact. I was there on June 1, and there was definitely construction in that area,” he says.

Holloway says he has information that construction began in February, but he was not clear on how he knows. Natalee Holloway was last seen on May 30, 2005.

Aruba Construction

Pic – Hat Tip Kermit

CNN’s Savidge received this statement from Jeff Flaherty of global corporate relations at Marriott International Inc.: “Mr. de Jong has contacted Marriott in the past and each time we have suggested to Mr. de Jong that he present his account of the matter to the authorities. As we have done all along, we cooperate fully with the authorities whenever they are conducting an official investigation.”

For his part, de Jong says he believes authorities are dragging their feet.

“It’s the inconvenient truth. It would damage the image of Aruba as one happy island,” he says.

Oltholf won’t say that de Jong is lying, but says his statement can’t be true.

Aruba_ Marriott Surf Club

UPDATE I: More pics from Google Earth via CNN video of the Marriott Aruba Surf club in 2005. From the pics it appears, unlike what Marriott has stated, there was construction taking place at the site and the location of the Spyglass Tower.


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For much more information, past and present, to read others analysis and comments and to provide your own,  go to Scared Monkeys Forum: Natalee Holloway.

AMBER ALERT Issued for 9 Year Old Caitlyn Elizabeth Williams Missing Since 5/23/15 in Benbrook, TX (Update: Arrest Warrent Issued for Uncle, Jessie Nicholas Williams)(Update: Missing Girl Found Safe in Bossier City, Louisiana … Jessie Nicholas Williams Killed by Authorities)

An AMBER ALERT has been issued in Texas for 9 year old Caitlyn Elizabeth Williams who has been missing since Friday, May 23, 2015 in Benbrook, TX. Caitlyn Williams was last seen Friday, May 23 when she was supposed to spend the weekend with a friend, but did not return home Sunday. However, her parents did not report her missing until  Monday. Police say they discovered Caitlyn never made it to her friend’s house that Friday. The FBI has joined the investigation of her disappearance.

amber-alert-texas_Caitlyn Williams

UPDATE I: Police have issued an arrest warrant for the girl’s uncle, 24-year-old Jessie Nicholas Williams.

Police say Caitlyn and her uncle were spotted twice over the weekend, at a hotel and a hair salon.

Caitlyn is white, 4-foot-4 and about 95 pounds. She has long brown hair, but police suspect it may have been cut at the salon. She was wearing bluejeans and a yellow shirt with “Benbrook Field Day” written on it. She was last seen riding a pink, purple and white bicycle near her home in the 1100 block of Wade Hampton Street.

Jessie Williams is described as white, 5-foot-10 and 220 pounds, with black hair and brown eyes.

Caitlyn Williams_missing

A warrant was issued for the arrest of Williams, who’s accused of kidnapping his niece.

Benbrook police say they believe missing 9-year-old Caitlyn Williams’ hair may have been cut to change her appearance.

Authorities issued an Amber Alert for the girl, who police say was taken by her uncle, 24-year-old Jessie Nicholas Williams of Arlington. A warrant was issued for the arrest of Williams, who’s accused of kidnapping his niece.

According to Police Chief James Mills, the uncle and niece have been spotted twice in the North Texas area since she was last seen Friday afternoon.

They were first spotted at a hotel on Altamesa Boulevard off Interstate 35 in Fort Worth, and were also seen at a beauty salon off Bryant Irvin Road.

Police say the uncle, who has no history of mental illness, is driving a rented Chevy SUV.

UPDATE II: AMBER ALERT: Girl, abductor could be headed to Central Texas.

Anyone who sees either Caitlyn or her uncle can call Benbrook police at 817-249-6076 or 911

UPDATE III: Search for Benbrook girl ends at Louisiana motel.

Nine-year-old Caitlyn Williams, missing since Friday, was found safe in Bossier City, Louisiana on Tuesday, according to the Benbrook Police Department.

The suspect in the case and Caitlyn’s uncle, Jessie Nicholas Williams, was killed in a struggle with authorities.

An FBI task force member was shot in the leg during the incident, but he is expected to recover, a Benbrook police spokesman said. The federal agency confirmed to News 8 that tips led agents to the Louisiana motel. They had been tracking his cell phone and credit card activities.

Amber Alert: Girl Found Safe in Louisiana, Uncle Killed.

A missing 9-year-old Benbrook girl abducted by her uncle is safe in Bossier City, Louisiana, Benbrook police say, after her uncle was killed in a struggle with an FBI Task Force officer Tuesday afternoon.

Benbrook Police Officer Sandy Eubanks said Tuesday afternoon that a tip led law enforcement to a motel room where the girl’s uncle was killed during a struggle with law enforcement.

“The Amber Alert that was issued resulted in numerous tips that led officers to a motel room in Bossier City, Louisiana. Just a little bit earlier, the FBI attempted to take the suspect into custody. An FBI Task Force officer was shot and wounded and the suspect was killed. The child was safely recovered,” Eubanks said.

The wounded officer, whose name has not been released, was shot in the leg and is expected to recover.  Police were not able to comment on the condition of the 9-year-old girl, though they did say she is expected to be reunited with her parents in North Texas soon.

Daily Commentary – Tuesday, May 26, 2015 – New Orleans Police Officer Shot Dead While Parked In Police Cruiser (Update: Officer ID’d as (HANO) Police Officer James Bennett, Jr.)

  • The hunt is on for the suspect who shot and killed a New Orleans Housing Authority Officer while on duty 05/24/15

Daily Commentary – Tuesday, May 26, 2015 Download

UPDATE I: The Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office identified the victim Monday as 45 year old James Bennett, Jr. Rest in Peace.

The shooting was reported at 7 a.m. Sunday, the New Orleans Police Department said in a news release. The victim’s car rolled forward and struck a curb after the shooting.

“The death of this HANO police officer is an unspeakable tragedy, and a vile and cowardly act,” New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu said in a statement following the officer’s death. “Tragedies that involve our men and women in uniform affect our entire city and touch every member of our law enforcement community. We are deeply saddened by this loss, and our hearts and prayers are with the officer’s friends and family and with the entire HANO family during this very difficult time.”

3 Dead After Record Breaking Storms in Texas & Oklahoma; 12 Missing in Hays County


Total devastation in Texas and Oklahoma, some dead and many still missing as rising flood waters ravaged and destroyed buildings and homes.

Hays County, Texas suffered extensive damage following torrential rain that destroyed more than 350 homes and displaced 1,000 residents, leaving several missing, including the family of a former Nueces County commissioner. There are a reported 12 people missing in Hays County, Texas. The Blanco River, which flows through San Marcos, shot past its previous flood record of 33.3 feet to 40.21 feet late Saturday. Governor Greg Abbott declared a state of disaster in 24 counties, including Hays and Houston, where heavy winds damaged an apartment building and left two people injured Sunday.


Record-setting rains left officials in Texas and Oklahoma scrambling to assess the scope of the damage and destruction Monday as an emergency coordinator told reporters that a dozen people were missing in one county.

The 12 people missing in Hays County, Texas, come from families who had gathered for the long weekend, said Ken Bell, emergency coordinator for San Marcos, one of the cities hardest hit by the storms and flooding.

The group likely includes children, Bell said.

A day after severe weather left three people dead and washed away hundreds of homes in Texas and Oklahoma, the storms are easing up.

But it doesn’t mean the threat is gone.

The torrents that those storms dumped are still too much for river and creek banks to contain, and runoff was peaking early Monday, threatening continued flooding, the National Weather Service warned.

SUV Swept Away In Texas Floods

Walmart at Texas 80 and Blanco River

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