Beth Holloway Speaks to Students in Alabama … Teens Please Be Cautious, Be Aware … The Legacy of Natalee Holloway

Beth Holloway’s love for her daughter and the Legacy of Natalee Holloway …

With all of the stories recently in the news regarding the latest murderous exploits of Joran Van der Sloot, the little Dutch boy who was accused and was the prime suspect in the death and disappearance of Natalee Holloway in Aruba in 2005 … there is no better time than Beth Holloway to continue her campaign to urge teenagers to be cautious.


Sadly, the Natalee Holloway story and now the Stephany Flores one shoudl be a reminder to all teens, tweens and 20 something year olds to use their heads and be very cautious of those around you. Beth Holloway spoke yesterday at the Lions Club of Alabama High School Leadership Forum in Troy, AL.  Beth Holloway stated that the best way that she can honor her daughter and  the legacy of Natalee Holloway is to warn individuals of the real dangers that exists … “It’s too late for Natalee, it’s too late for me, but it’s not too late for you,” she said. “The best thing I can do to honor her is bring up safety issues to people like you.”

“My daughter, Natalee, would be 23, and she had big plans out of high school like you all,” Holloway said. “What happened to my family could happen to anyone in this room. Any of you could be my child, and your parents could be me.”

Natalee, a graduate from Mountain Brook High School near Birmingham, disappeared on May 30, 2005, on the last day of her high school graduation trip to Aruba.

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Aruba Papers Cover Joran Van der Sloot Suspected Murder of Stephany Flores Ramírez

How sad is it that five years after the disappearance and death of Natalee Holloway, there are some in Aruba that still place blame on Natalee Holloway’s family for the plight of Joran Van der Sloot. Makes me want to visit, NOT! Does any one wonder why people are still calling for a boycott of Aruba?


Vanderbilt – ’06

So how did the news papers in Aruba cover the story of not-so favored son Joran Van der Sloot and his latest exploits that have once again landed him in jail and being interrogated by law enforcement in the death of a girl? Because Aruba did not take the murder of Natalee Holloway seriously in 2005 and decide to prosecute her killer, Joran Van der Sloot was enabled to kill again. This time it was 21 year old Stephany Flores Ramírez in Peru. And Joran Van der Sloot was charged with extortion in the US.


Amigoe reported the man hunt and capture of fugitive Joran Van der Sloot as follows:

Justice in South America is in ‘hot pursuit’ of the fugitive Joran van der Sloot, according to the media there. The Chilean police confirmed Joran had crossed the Peruvian border into Chili on Monday May 31st. Apparently there is a hunt down going on in the Chilean harbor city Arica. Roadblocks around the city are to prevent him from escaping.

According to the Telegraaf, Joran has confessed the murder of the 21-year old Stephany Tatiana Flores Ramírez. The newspaper reports that during a telephone conversation, he admitted to having stabbed the girl to death. That telephone conversation was supposedly held with a Dutch poker-friend. Rumors on him committing suicide were buzzing about yesterday. However, these are totally unfounded.

Thankfully, we find out this little tid bit of information that the Netherlands has no treaty with Peru that “when” Joran Van der Sloot is found guilty of murder that he will not be able to serve his time in his home country. Instead Joran will be spending time in a Peruvian prison.

For that matter, there is no extradition treaty between the Netherlands and Peru, says Özlem Canel, spokeswoman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Netherlands. If Joran were to be arrested on Dutch territory due to an international wanted notice, it would be difficult to extradite him, she says. However, Ann Angela, spokeswoman of the OM on Aruba states that an extradition treaty obligates the person’s extradition. “But is could also occur on voluntary basis.” If Joran were to be arrested and ends up in the prison in Peru, there is no treaty with the Netherlands to let him serve his time in his home country.

The reaction in Aruba ran the spectrum of vile hatred of Joran to the sad and pathetic excuses and continued blame of Natalee’s family that we have come all to accustomed with Aruba. Anita van der Sloot,  Joran’s mother was shocked. Why Anita, because you figured that all the enabling and covering up of the Natalee Holloway disappearance and death by the late Paulus Van der Sloot would have taught your psychopath son a lesson?

Joran’s mother, artist and teacher Anita van der Sloot was shocked by the reports regarding her son, says the Dutch lawyer of Bert de Rooij in the Dutch press. De Rooij, who represented Joran in the Netherlands, states that the arrest and the new imputations have caused the family much sorrow. Meanwhile, others are very happy with the apprehension of ‘that psychopath’ as he is called on the streets. Reactions on the island on the murder and Joran’s arrest vary from ‘finally justice’ to appeals to castrate him, rape or even hang him.

Then there are those in Aruba that still blame Natalee’s family for the fact that Joran Van der Sloot has killed again. How sick are these people? That is correct, makes one really want to vacation in Aruba, doesn’t it?

For that matter, not everyone is convinced of Joran’s guilt. There are rumors circulating on internet that it’s ‘all very coincidental’. Everything is supposedly a conspiracy of the family of Natalee Holloway. For the time being, the government is not elaborating on whether Joran’s apprehension with all its worldwide publicity, has any consequences for the image of Aruba or the tourism.

Check out how Bondia covered the story of extortion. Then again, maybe readers only need to visit  Dilma Arends‘ of Bondia Facebook and see what that crack investigative journalist has to say about Joran Van der Sloot and the extortion.


click on pic to enlarge

Or maybe Julia Renfro’s Aruba Today where the front page is devoted to Richard Gere and a wedding on Eagle Beach, there’s some hard hitting journalism for you. You have to get to page 10 before there is any report of Joran Van der Sloot’s arrest.

Diario Aruba reported it as follows and looky here, front page.

Two Mothers Grieve – Five Years Apart

Peru media says Beth is confident this time justice will be served.

Through translator:

click on pic to read article



Birmingham, AL– Joran Van Der Sloot, suspect in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway, and now the murder of Peruvian woman Stephany Flores Ramirez, is facing Federal extortion charges in Alabama.

On or about May 10, 2010, A person known to Mr. Van Der Sloot wire transferred $15,000 from an Alabama bank to a financial institution in the Netherlands.

Read the rest at Blink on Crime:

Attorney Joe Tacopina & Julia Renfro Still Making Excuses for Murderer Joran Van der Sloot & Aruba

After all these years, attorney Joe Tacopina still making excuses for the murdering ways of Joran Van der Sloot. Another dead girl, this time the victim is Stephany  Flores Ramirez and the usual suspects rush to the defense of Joran Van der Sloot and Aruba.


Joran Van der Sloot suspect in the murder of

Like any good defense attorney, Joe Tacopina is still making excuses for the accused murderer Joran Van der Sloot. This time Tacopina has to try and save face and wash the blood off his hands for the now stabbed to death 21 year old Stephany Flores who was found dead in a hotel room in Lima, Peru registered to who else but Natalee Holloway murder suspect Joran Van der Sloot. Now Joran Van der Sloot is a suspect again in another murder.

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An attorney for Van der Sloot in New York City, Joe Tacopina, said he did not know his client’s whereabouts and has not been in touch with him since the Peru allegations emerged.

Tacopina cautioned against a rush to judgment.

“Joran van der Sloot has been falsely accused of murder once before. The fact is he wears a bull’s-eye on his back now and he is a quote-unquote usual suspect when it comes to allegations of foul play,” Tacopina said.

Van der Sloot was twice arrested but later released for lack of evidence in the 2005 disappearance of Holloway, who was on a high school graduation trip to the Caribbean island.


Click on the pic above to watch the VIDEO of Red, Steven Cohen and Joe Tacopina and hear Red make Tacopina agree with him. Is it any wonder that Joe would later refuse to debate Red on TV shows.

Tacopina is making the rounds again; however, just like when he defended Joran Van der Sloot in the death and disappearance of Natalee Holloway, I am sure he will be ducking confrontational interviews going up against informed pundits.

VIDEO – Jane Velez-Mitchel

Joe Tacopina was on last nights Jane Velez-Mitchel on HLN once again defending the indefensible.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Joe Tacopina, you are the attorney for Joran Van Der Sloot. People are saying, wow, this is a growing body of evidence that connects him to the murder of this Stephany Flores Ramirez. It was his room. She was brutally murdered in a room registered to him, and then he flees. He takes off and tries to go to another country, and now they`re hunting for him. What do you say as his attorney?

JOE TACOPINA, ATTORNEY FOR VAN DER SLOOT (via phone): Well, listen, obviously, I don`t know enough about the facts to comment on this thing. I don`t think anyone does. You know, I`ve been reading articles as if they were proven facts.

I think if history teaches us anything, in the Joran Van Der Sloot case or cases, if you will, is that you sort of need to really wait and see what`s fact and what`s fiction. There have been so many false reports out there time and again regarding stated evidence and what not. And I think you really have to sort of step back and let this investigation take course.

You know, I don`t know — I don`t know what happened. I don`t know if he was there or if he wasn`t there, and I`m not going to sit here and say he certainly had nothing to do with this. I don`t know. But I do know that there have been enough false reporting surrounding this kid and his cases that I think you really have to step back and say let`s wait and see how the investigation, you know, progresses.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, I think I want to go to Stacy Honowitz, Florida prosecutor, to respond to that. Stacy…

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Why did he run?

TACOPINA: Again, who`s saying he ran? Who is saying he ran?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, where is he? There`s an — there`s an international dragnet under way as we speak.

TACOPINA: Because he`s not in the locale that he was in two days ago does not mean he was on the run.


TACOPINA: How do you know he didn`t have a preplanned — how do you know? I mean, that`s the point. Before we condemn — and look, I get it and I understand that he has a very short rope. And he should be a prime suspect if all I`ve heard so far is true, but before you go and convict someone, before you…

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I hear you. I hear you.

Below video from Nancy Grace

Then we have the other usual suspect making the media rounds shilling for Van der Sloot and Aruba, Julia Renfro of Aruba Today. (Full transcript -JVM) No Julia, let’s of pray to God that the Peruvian justice system is nothing like the one in Aruba … or the lack there of.

Julia Renfro, you`re the editor-in-chief of “Aruba Today”. What is the reaction in Aruba tonight to this stunning, new development?

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