AP Gets SUSPECT Facts Wrong Again … Aruban Kalpoe Brothers Try To Get Wrongful Death Suit Dismissed

AP, once and for all could you please get the facts correct in the disappearance of Aruba 3 suspectsNatalee Holloway? Deepak and Satish Kalpoe are presently suspects in Natalee Holloway’s disappearance, not were once suspects”. How difficult a concept is that for a new wire to comprehend and get correct? THEY ARE STILL CONSIDERED THE PRIMARY SUSPECTS ALONG WITH JORAN VAN DER SLOOT IN HER DISAPPEARANCE!!!

That being said the Kalpoe brothers are looking to get the wrongful death suit filed against them by Beth Twitty and Dave Holloway dismissed. So who is looking to make money of a missing, presumed deceased teenager? Suspects in the murder. Earth to US Court, this is the reason why the Aruban courts did not compensate the suspects for wrongful imprisonment and kept them as suspects in the crime.

By the way Deepak, why so many inconsistencies and contradictions in your statements?

Holloway’s parents sued Deepak and Satish Kalpoe in December in Los Angeles Superior Court claiming the brothers caused fatal injuries to their daughter. The young woman’s body has never been found.

Beth Twitty and Dave Holloway chose the Los Angeles court after the Kalpoes sued the “Dr. Phil” talk show there alleging libel and slander.

In court papers filed last week, an attorney for the Kalpoes argued that the brothers are residents of Aruba and have no ties to California and that the lawsuit against them should be dismissed. (AP)

It is truly amazing that these gold diggers would come to America and willingly Aruba deepaksubject themselves to a California Courts jurisdiction to sue for profit, yet cower when sued themselves for a wrongful death law suit. What brave men they are to knowing go to a bar full of American female tourists on their last night on Aruba one half hour before closing and have a girl in their car obviously intoxicated and possibly drugged for their own agenda, only to sue for money. The Kalpoe’s attorney, Kristina M. Beck, filed court papers on Tuesday to dismiss the lawsuit. Brave souls indeed.

Beck’s court papers state that an important ruling occurred Jan. 24, when another Los Angeles Superior Court judge, Edward A. Ferns, ruled that the wrongful death claim of the teen’s parents against the Kalpoes is substantially different from the siblings’ defamation case against “Dr. Phil” McGraw.

“These actions do not arise from the same or substantially identical transactions, happenings or events…,” Ferns wrote, in ruling that both cases should not be kept before the same judge.

The Kalpoes sued McGraw and CBS Television on Dec. 13, alleging they were defamed in a Sept. 15, 2005, show dealing with the still-unsolved case. Although the Kalpoe brothers had been released from Aruban police custody, the “Dr. Phil” episode suggested they gave Holloway a date rape drug and had non- consensual group sex with her, according to their lawsuit. (NBC4)

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Sad News from Mountain Brook, AL … Jug and Beth Twitty Divorcing

It is being reported that Jug Twitty, the stepfather of Natalee Holloway, has filed for a divorce from Beth Twitty. Unfortunately this happens all too often in families of missing persons who experience the loss of a loved one. The pressure, stress and burden is too much to bare.

George “Jug” Twitty filed papers in Jefferson County Circuit Court on Dec. 29 citing irreconcilable differences with his wife. Jug Twitty declined to comment on the divorce procedure.

The couple separated Dec. 15, according to the court filing, although their home off Overton Road is still listed as both their addresses. In the papers, Jug Twitty claims there’s “such a complete incompatibility of temperament that the parties can no longer live together.” The Twittys married July 26, 2000, a second marriage for both. (AL.com)

We wish them both the best.

Globe Reports Kalpoe Brothers “Ready To Crack”

Globe122506While we do not put our full faith and confidence in the Globe Magazine, they do have an interesting article on the recent developments in the Natalee Holloway disappearance. The Globe reports that Gerald Dompig is claiming that the Deepak and Satish Kalpoe are “on the brink of cracking in the face of the testimony of a credible secret witness.”

The Globe also is reporting that Dompig said in an interview with Josse Mansur that the new investigative team from the Netherlands are “homing in on the Kalpoe Brothers.” He also goes on to state that they are now unable to withstand interrogation, declaring “If we put pressure on the two brothers, they will break.”

Josse Mansur was a guest on The Dana Pretzer Show and discussed some of these same topics. To listen to the podcast, use these links Play in Popup | Download

Has The Trap Been Sprung On The Kalpoe Brothers?

Has greed done its job on the Kalpoe brothers, leading them into the trap with the delicious smell of unearned gains (a trend or character defect?). Our Vanderbilt thinks so with his latest cartoon. My guess, so do the Holloway and Twitty Families along with their attorney John Q. Kelly.


Breaking – Kalpoes Sue Dr. Phil – Holloway Family and John Q Kelly Answer With Wrongful Death Suit

We are getting reports in that there has been a flurry of legal activity in the Natalee Holloway disappearance. This is all breaking rather quickly and we will update when we get solid information in. First Satish and Deepak Kalpoe filed a lawsuit against Dr. Phil for playing the edited video tape created by investigator Jamie Skeeter. This is where Deepak allegedly said that they all had sex with Natalee “you would be surprised how simple it was”. Then in a surprise move, John Q Kelly filed a suit on the behalf of Natalee Holloway’s family against Deepak and Satish Kalpoe for wrongful death in a California court.

“All we want is justice for our daughter,” Twitty said in a press release issued about the civil case. “There is no doubt in my mind that Deepak and Satish played a role in my daughter’s death and should be held accountable. It’s unconscionable that they have not been punished so far.” Allegations against the Kalpoes, who are residents of the Caribbean island where Natalee Holloway was traveling on a class trip when she vanished without a trace, say the brothers caused her death by “intentionally, negligently, wantonly … unlawfully conducting themselves,” bringing about injuries that proved fatal. Foxnews

Again, the details are just coming in to us, so if you have any specific pertinent information, please leave it as a comment. As we get more information we will update the story as quickly as possible.

Update: FoxNews has an article up on the lawsuits. And Video. So does People Magazine. And the AP Story.

From the Kelly Group: Natalee Holloway’s Parents File Wrongful Death Lawsuit Against Arubans Deepak and Satish Kalpoe

A Copy of the Lawsuit filed in Court by the Holloways.

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