Daily Commentary – Wednesday, May 26th, 2010 – International Missing Children’s Day

May 26th, 2010

* The holiday passed yesterday, but take a few minutes to remember the children and their families.

Daily Commentary – Wednesday, May 26th, 2010 – International Missing Children’s Day [1:42m]:| Download

Posted May 26, 2010 by
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Illegal Immigrant Accused of Rape in Edmonds Washington

According to King5 news, JOSE LOPES MADRIGAL has been deported 9 TIMES and has now raped a woman in Edmonds Washington.

This is a perfect example of HOW BROKEN our borders and system are for keeping violent illegal aliens out of our country.

Per the article at Kings5:

Larry Klein was the man who heard the alleged victim’s cries for help. Police say the suspect pulled the woman off the street to a dumpster and raped her.

“I could see the back of his head. I could see his pants were down. I could see her lying on the ground. I could hear her crying, but I couldn’t really see her face,” said Klein.

Klein called police, who quickly arrested the suspect. But learning his identity took much longer because of some 30 aliases. It was only through fingerprints that they identified him as Madrigal, a Mexican citizen.”

Our borders are broken and IT’S ABOUT TIME they get fixed!

President Barack Hussein Obama Takes Another Vacation & Skips Laying Wreath at Arlington National Cemetary on Memorial Day

Barack Hussein Obama … the Commander in Chief, eh?

When the going gets tough, the Obama get’s going … going on vacation that is.

There are wars going on in Iraq and Afghanistan, tensions are high with North Korea, nuclear escalation troubles in Iran and an oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico that could be a disaster beyond proportion to the states of Louisiana, Alabama and Florida. So what does Barack Hussein Obama do? Go on vacation of course to Chicago.


To Obama, this is more important that going to Arlington National Cemetery on Memorial Day

According to a White House official, the Obamas will arrive Thursday and stay until Monday, when Obama will participate in a Memorial Day ceremony at Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery in Elwood. The veterans’ cemetery is about 50 miles south of Chicago.

A top adviser to Obama, David Axelrod, recently took in a play at the Goodman Theatre about the civil rights movement, and that has some speculating that the Obamas will show up for “The Good Negro,” which is making its Chicago premiere.

However, what will Obama not be doing?  The President of the United States of America while men and woman of the US Armed Forces are in harms way in Iraq and Afghanistan will not be going to Arlington National Cemetery and lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

This action by Obama is beyond unconscionable. I am glad to see that this President has his priorities in place.

But wait, know what Obama does have time for to attend? Obama will make it back to Washington, DC to honor Paul McCarthy for the sacrifices he has made to America and the preservation of our liberties and freedom.

America, how is that “Hopey, Changey” thing working out for you? We need to know nothing more about Obama’s character than his actions of being the Commander in Chief and not honoring the fallen heroes of the United States on Memorial Day … WHAT A DISGRACE.

I guess Chris Matthews was right about Obama and the military. Is it any wonder why Obama received little applause at this weekends commencement speech at West Point.

The Dana Pretzer Show On Scared Monkeys Radio – Tuesday, May 25th, 2010 – Special Guests: Glendene Grant, Robin Sax, Drew Kesse, Mike McIntyre and Michael D. Brown



Tonight Dana welcomes special guests:

  • Glendene Grant, Victims advocate and Human Trafficking education proponent and Robin Sax, Former Felony DA, Author and NBC Legal Analyst will be discussing Human Trafficking and the disappearance of Gelendene’s daughter Jessie Foster, VIDEO.
  • Drew Kesse discussing the disappearance of his his missing daughter Jennifer Kesse and a update on the Catch Me Killer.
  • Mike McIntyre,  Winnipeg Free Press Crime reporter and host of the Crime and Punishment Radio show discussing the Lafortune torture case and has the media helped or hindered it.
  • Michael D. Brown, KOA Radio talk show host and former national director of FEMA discussing the Arizona Immigration law and the BP oil spill.


The Audacity of a Thin Skinned Barack Hussein Obama … He Needs to Take a Valium

“He’s pretty thin-skinned” … Obama thought the GOP Senators were testy, wait until he gets a true sense of the American voter hostilty in the November midterm elections.

Barack Hussein Obama gets KO’d by GOP.

And so it begins, the Obama aura is gone. President Barack Obama got his hat handed to him today by Republicans during what was supposed to be a private lunch with GOP Senators meant to ease partisan tensions. Instead Republicans gave Obama an earful and it was a long time coming.

The president walked into a remarkably contentious 80-minute session Tuesday in which GOP senators accused him of duplicity, audacity and unbending partisanship. Lawmakers said the testy exchange left legislative logjams intact, and one GOP leader said nothing is likely to change before the November elections.

Obama’s sharpest accuser was Bob Corker of Tennessee, a first-term senator who feels the administration undermined his efforts to craft a bipartisan financial regulation bill.

“I told him I thought there was a degree of audacity in him even showing up today after what happened with financial regulation,” Corker told reporters. “I just wanted him to tell me how, when he wakes up in the morning, comes over to a luncheon like ours today, how does he reconcile that duplicity?”

Kansas Senator Pat Roberts said, “He needs to take a Valium before he comes in and talks to Republicans.” It is fair to say that the once even tempered and measured Obama is MIA. After 15 months in office and a 42% approval rating in a recent Rasmussen poll … Barack Obama, his policies and his Administration is in complete disarray.

Sen. Sam Brownback (Kan.) described the meeting as “testy,” and Sen. John Thune (S.D.) called it a “lively discussion.” Others questioned whether the “symbolism” of Obama’s approach matched the actions of his Democratic congressional allies.

So how did Obama’s day go with the GOP?

First, Obama gets into a tiff with Tennessee Republican Senator Bob Corker. Then Barack Obama clashes with Arizona Republican Senator John McCain.

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