Separation of Church and State? The LEFT Uses Kennedy Grandson to Shill for Obamacare at Ted’s Funeral Service

I thought the LEFT was adamantly against the separation of Church and State?

Not when it comes to shilling for Obamacare.

Oh Lord, help them for they do not know what they do … UNBELIEVABLE!!!


The LEFT could not help them self at the Wellstone Memorial and they could not help them self today at the funeral for Ted Kennedy. Not even a funeral is off limits to try and push down the throats of the American people a socialist agenda of government control health care.

That every American will have decent quality health care as a fundamental right and not a privilege, we pray to the Lord.
Eesh. Other than the obvious, inappropriateness of the comment, let’s dissect this prayer for a second. A Kennedy speaking of “not a privilege” from the family of privilege, that’s comical. Second, “every American will have decent quality health care,” I guess that leaves out providing Illegal Aliens with health care as the Democrats are pushing.

There comes a time and place to put down the politics. One might think that a church and funeral might just be that place. NOPE. However, as Flopping Aces aptly states, far be it from the Democrats to never let a funeral service go to waste. I wanted to believe that they would not do this at a funeral. Once again I am proved wrong by the shameless LEFT.

Let’s understand the stupidity and desparateness of attaching Ted Kennedy’s death to Obamacare that is already dead. If the LEFT changes the name of a government run health care plan that no one wants to Teddy Care, that is supposed to suddenly make people want to vote for it? Are these people insane?

The Gateway Pundit brings us a recent Rasmussen poll, that most Americans want to get rid of the entire US Congress. Amen, brother.

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Only 39% Approve of Cash for Clunkers Program for Appliances … What Next Cash for Trash?

49% of Americans oppose a “cash for appliances” program while 39% think its perfectly fine to leach off their neighbors and have them buy their appliances for them. What have we turned into a third world, Banana Republic offering appliances for votes? These types of programs are not stimulating an economy, they are milking tax payers.

How is this a tax payers obligation to buy your neighbor a refrigerator or washing machine? BUY IT YOURSELF!!! What is next, do tax payers need to pay for people’s groceries? Since tax payers had to shill out $’s for clunkers I guess “cash for gas” will be next? Also, a supplemental plan for the cash for appliances will be a tax payers paying others electricity bills.

Thirty-nine percent (39%) of Americans favor a “cash for clunkers”-like government program to give cash rebates to people who buy new, energy-efficient appliances, but 49% think it’s a bad idea, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

Twelve percent (12%) aren’t sure what they think of the $300-million plan that will provide cash rebates up to $200 to Americans who buy energy-efficient refrigerators, dishwashers, washing machines and the like. Unlike the just-concluded “cash for clunkers” plan to encourage purchase of newer, more energy-efficient cars, no trade-ins are required.

Is it any wonder why 70% of Americans want the government to offer fewer services with lower taxes? People want their own money to spend as they see fit, not having to subsidize others for cars and appliances that they should be buying them self.

Obamacare: Democrat US Rep Diane Watson Praises Heath Care in Fidel Castro’s Cuba … also “They Want to Destroy First President Who Looks Like Me”

SHAMEFUL: It is all that have … playing the race card.

No race card using or fear mongering here from California Democrat US Representative Diane Watson. Don’t you ignorant Americans realize that your issues with health care are that they are not more like health care under Cuba’s Fidel Castro? WTF!!! So what is backing Obamacare … a US Representative that has never met a Communist she didn’t like. Does anyone really wonder why sane people reject Obamacare?

“Did anyone say anything about the Cuban health system? You need to go down there and see what Fidel Castro put in place . But he was one of the brightest leaders I have ever met”.

More race baiting from the LEFT. They are trying g to see a “black” President fail? Who is “they”? The President’s numbers are so low on health care support that even people who would have voted for Obama are against socialized, government controlled health care. The fact of the matter is people are opposing socialism and big government, not the color of a President’s skin.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey show that 43% of voters nationwide favor the plan working its way through Congress while 53% are opposed. Those figures are virtually identical to results from two weeks ago.

Who is the THEY that the race baiting Representative is referring to?

“They are trying to see that the first President who looks like me fails. Now just understand what’s at the bottom line”.

 Via Breitbart

KABC’s Michael Linder was the only broadcast reporter at Thursday night’s town hall health care debate at Wade AME Church when Rep. Diane Watson [D] made some astonishing comments including claims that those opposed to health care reform are attempting to destroy a president “who looks like me.”

Later, Watson praised heath care in Fidel Castro’s Cuba — and, it seemed, the Cuban revolution itself.

We are 100% in agreement with The Gateway Pundit, what a disgrace.

Now Obama and his Socialists (Sen. Jay Rockefeller) Look to Control the Internet … What Happened to the First Amendment … Freedom of Speech?


America, wake up and take a good look at what Obama is doing. Do you care about your civil liberties and Constitutional Rights?

Obama_Control _internet

This is not CHANGE … it’s a government takeover. CONTROLIT’S ALL ABOUT CONTROL!!!

Now Obama and his minions are coming after the control of the Internet. So much for free speech. This bill would allow a President who has already shown a propensity to use the Internet to have Americans nark on fellow Americans with the snitch site. And who will say that there is a “so-called” cyber emergency, Barack Obama? How convenient. Just what we need, more federal bureaucracies in charge of the Internet.

Internet companies and civil liberties groups were alarmed this spring when a U.S. Senate bill proposed handing the White House the power to disconnect private-sector computers from the Internet.

They’re not much happier about a revised version that aides to Sen. Jay Rockefeller, a West Virginia Democrat, have spent months drafting behind closed doors. CNET News has obtained a copy of the 55-page draft of S.773 (excerpt), which still appears to permit the president to seize temporary control of private-sector networks during a so-called cybersecurity emergency.

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Corruption: Taxes for Thee Not for Me Says Democrat Charles Rangel, Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee

Imagine if “We the People” filed our taxes returns like this?

This individual is in charge of the House Ways and Means Committee that writes tax law for you and me … ARE YOU SERIOUS! Does anyone wonder why no one trusts Congress?


Hmm … where did I misplace that $1.3 million?

How does one just miss $1.3 million in income? If you are Democrat US Rep. Charlie Rangel, the head of the House Ways and Means committee, it appears to be easy.  Rangel failed to report the profit he made on the sale of a Harlem building. NICE! Imagine how the IRS would treat you if you had done something similar? This week, Rangel filed drastically revised financial disclosure forms reflecting much different numbers than were initially reported to the IRS.

Rep. Charles Rangel failed to report as much as $1.3 million in outside income — including up to $1 million for a Harlem building sale — on financial-disclosure forms he filed between 2002 and 2006, according to newly amended records.

The documents also show the embattled chairman of the Ways and Means Committee — who is being probed by the House Ethics Committee — failed to reveal a staggering $3 million in various business transactions over the same period.

WTF!!! How is this person still the Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, let alone still in Congress let alone not in jail? He is already under an ethics investigation. Exactly how much is needed to boot him out the door?

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