Only 39% Approve of Cash for Clunkers Program for Appliances … What Next Cash for Trash?


49% of Americans oppose a “cash for appliances” program while 39% think its perfectly fine to leach off their neighbors and have them buy their appliances for them. What have we turned into a third world, Banana Republic offering appliances for votes? These types of programs are not stimulating an economy, they are milking tax payers.

How is this a tax payers obligation to buy your neighbor a refrigerator or washing machine? BUY IT YOURSELF!!! What is next, do tax payers need to pay for people’s groceries? Since tax payers had to shill out $’s for clunkers I guess “cash for gas” will be next? Also, a supplemental plan for the cash for appliances will be a tax payers paying others electricity bills.

Thirty-nine percent (39%) of Americans favor a “cash for clunkers”-like government program to give cash rebates to people who buy new, energy-efficient appliances, but 49% think it’s a bad idea, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

Twelve percent (12%) aren’t sure what they think of the $300-million plan that will provide cash rebates up to $200 to Americans who buy energy-efficient refrigerators, dishwashers, washing machines and the like. Unlike the just-concluded “cash for clunkers” plan to encourage purchase of newer, more energy-efficient cars, no trade-ins are required.

Is it any wonder why 70% of Americans want the government to offer fewer services with lower taxes? People want their own money to spend as they see fit, not having to subsidize others for cars and appliances that they should be buying them self.

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  • Comments

    3 Responses to “Only 39% Approve of Cash for Clunkers Program for Appliances … What Next Cash for Trash?”

    1. KK on August 29th, 2009 5:48 pm

      Cash for Trade within Appliances – is a no win.
      The Govt made a law years ago – prior to disposal of Refrigerators you had to have the freon removed. Was a Mandate to all – that any Refrigerators to be hauled away: You had to have the freon removed and some even have to pay for it to be removed. Unless you bought a new Fridge and your old model was taken from your house. Say by Sears. Then it was Sears to be responsible for the freon disposal. Now this Cash for trash/appliances included is not what it seems either. It not free nor is it profit to the little person. Rules and Regulations are in place. Do you know that you can be fined for having a Garage sale? That your so called ” unwanted items” your trying to re-coup 10 percent of its worth or less – may bring you a fine.
      One example:
      this is not about trying to resell items that are lead filled = Its about reselling period. * no one would want to sell such items knowing it would hurt a child. This is about being Watched and Fined for being a citizen.That even the simple act of having a Garage sale may put You into the Feds hands.
      Be Mindful and READ people and research your Community and its laws. You may find yourself quite surprised what the laws truly are.
      Most laws are made without you or your vote.
      Its called Enterprise within those who create law. They do not have to tell you. They expect YOU to be knowledgeable and follow the rules.
      Enterprise: participation or engagement in such projects: Our country was formed by the enterprise of resolute men and women. That definition is Never more. It is what it is 2nd definition: A company organized for commercial purposes; business firm. Your City finds itself to be a Company. And it will do anything to Protect its Elected and or Funds. They are who you need to start paying attention to. It starts at them and goes to State and then to the Devil itself the White House.
      Knowledge is Power = Its Free

    2. LilPuma on August 30th, 2009 10:35 am

      I was hoping for a new Kenmore french door kinda friege. Mine is pretty old.

      I had mixed feelings about cash for clunkers because the auto-industry has been so hard hit. But the appliances thing is simply a get the taxpayers to give stuff to the non-taxpayers.

      To those who believed Obama when he said “if you make less than $250,000, your taxes won’t go up”, I say “fools”. He’s spending like crazy, underestimating and under-reporting what it will cost and HE IS GOING TO RAISE YOUR TAXES to make sure you give more to charities. His charities.

    3. SUPER DAVE on August 31st, 2009 10:41 am

      the only clunker i see is obama. a clunker when he was born, always has been a clunker, and always will be a clunker. worthless.

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