Haleigh Cummings Case: Gramma Neves Snakes and Hogpens

Satsuma, FL– Did Haleigh Ann-Marie Cummings Gram try to set up William “Cobra” Staubs by leading him into a remote area of the woods about a mile from her son Ron Cummings home? Teresa Neves, is the grandmother of Haleigh Ann-Marie Cummings, missing from her Satsuma home since February 10, 2009

Read the rest at Blink on Crime:

Posted March 27, 2009 by
Crime, Haleigh Cummings | 44 comments

Obama’s Bailout of America … He is Sinking the Good Ship America Right Before Your Adoring Eyes

OBAMA: Maybe no one will notice the real intent of the CHANGE


Obamamessiah is working hard to save our sinking economy. Draining out all the water should do the trick according to his plan.
“Drill here, drill now” is the motto! Even the drill is borrowed.

While America was waiting for the change that Obama promised them during the 2008 Presidential campaign, little did they realize that the change was going on all around them and they paid no attention.

As Obama drill holes in the economy of the Good Ship America, why is it that he is opposed to drilling in Anwr that would provide lower fuel prices and a lack of foreign dependence on oil?

Obama’s plan is to borrow your way out of a recession. How many times has that worked in an individual’s private life? Eventually the note comes due and there is no way to pay for the bill. Obama continues to pile up US debt disguises as Stimulus bills and a budget. What would happen to a home owner if they paid for a house, it’s furnishings and a car under the premise of no money down and no payments for 12 months? Guess what happens on the 13th month when the payments become due and you cannot afford them.

It is just another example of how a government uses fear and crisis to do a power grab like Treasury Sec Tim Geithner proposes.  Hmm … who also is taking advantage of the financial crisis?

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Casey/Caylee Anthony Case: New Attorney Macaluso Participation Doubtful

Orlando, Fl– Recently reported exclusively on Blinkoncrime.com, new Attorney for the tot mom’s defense team, Todd Macaluso, who was introduced to Judge Stan Strickland prior to filing his pro hac vice before the court during a motion hearing on March 3, 2009, may be out.

Read the rest here:

Posted March 27, 2009 by
Casey Anthony, Caylee Anthony, Crime | 5 comments

Natalee Holloway: A Quick Update and Correction to Yesterday’s Texas Equusearch Story about Deep Water Search to Aruba

We posted yesterday regarding the story that TES was headed back to Aruba to continue the deep water search for Natalee Holloway in Aruba. I had an opportunity to talk with Tim Miller, founder of Texas Equuserach, regarding the potential events and some of the misconceptions from the NBC13 article. It would appear that there were some factually incorrect reports regarding the Natalee Holloway search. I must admit that when I first read the article, I was taken aback by some of the reports.

Like many in today’s economy, Tim Miller mentioned to me that TES has been hit by the downturn as well. They rely on donations and many people just do not have the money to give. The following is a note I received from TES as well that I would like to share with all that should help correct some of the reports that were made regarding TES and the Natalee Holloway search in Aruba.

Tim Miller of Texas EquuSearch is working hard to dispel media reports concerning the Natalee Holloway case.  Reports have surfaced today that Texas EquuSearch has collected $1.5 million to continue the search for Natalee, which is entirely untrue.

Also untrue is the report that Tim was traveling to Aruba with Fred Golba.  This has not been the first time that media has printed false reports regarding TES cases, to include the Caylee Anthony case.

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Kudos to the Great White North … Canada Arrests 57 in Internet Child Porn Crackdown, Project Salvo

Project Salvo – OH CANADA!!!

Fifty seven people in 10 Canadian Provinces were arrested on child pornography Canada_flag5charges on Thursday as  a part of Canada’s largest investigation into child pornography on the Internet.

Arrests or searches were made in all 10 Canadian provinces and three territories. The charges including sexual assault, and possession and production of child pornography, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police said.

Fifty-seven people have been arrested so far, and more charges are expected to be filed in coming weeks, according to police, who said they have also seized about 130 computers believed to contain pornographic material.

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