Scared Monkeys Radio Daily Commentary – Thursday, June 26, 2008 – Border Patrol Searching Consumer Electronic Devices
- Dana gives his opinion on “blue screens of death”
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12 Year Old Wesport, CT Student Charged with Distributing Nude Pic of Classmate
What are kids thinking these days? Better than that, what is society thinking in that it is ok to bombard kids with sex at a young age and not think that it will not desensitize them.
Do children, pre-teens and teens not understand that distributing naked pics of classmates and themselves is child pornography? Obviously not as a 12 year old middle school girl was charged with the distribution of a classmate in Westport, CT. The girl, whom police did not identify because she is a juvenile, was charged with second-degree breach of peace, which includes distributing “offensive, indecent or abusive material concerning any person.”
A 12-year-old Westport girl has been charged with distributing a nude photo of a classmate to fellow students.
The investigation began on May 12 when the incident was reported to Westport police after word circulated throughout Coleytown Middle School that a nude snapshot was taken during a video chat and distributed to others.
The girl is being referred to Juvenile Court in Norwalk on a charge of second-degree breach of peace, which involves the distribution of offensive and indecent material. Her name is not being released because of her age.
The arrest comes amid growing worries among parents about teenagers snapping naked pictures of themselves on their cell phones and sending them to their boyfriends and girlfriends.
Girl charged with distributing nude photo
Girl, 12, Accused Of E-Mailing Nude Picture Of Classmate
If one ever needs to know why this type of stuff goes on with teens and preteens, one only needs to look at the excuses provided. Some how, the 12 year old is innocent because she was singled out. Because others did not get charged, that makes this specific 12 year old innocent. Brilliant!!! What more should we expect from a defense attorney.
“This is a 12-year-old girl who was unfairly singled out here,” said the girl’s attorney, Mark Sherman. “She wasn’t the only one to send e-mails out here.”
Here are some rather important words that parents should read and take to heart when it comes to their kids. It is your job parents to properly raise Buffy and Skippy in the right way with values.
Psychologist Dr. David Greenfield said teenagers share racy images of themselves and other kids because they can.
“Kids have always played pranks, but what’s happened is we’ve desensitized the sexual act and the experience and exposure to sexual acts,” he said. “Plus with the digital technology, it’s easy for them to have access and transmit this information.”
Greenfield said the high-tech pranks are devastating for victims and a wake-up call for parents.
Posted June 25, 2008 by Scared Monkeys Bizarre, Child Welfare, Crime, Education, Internet, WTF | 10 comments |
Pot & Kettle: Here is Your Candidate of Change … Barack Obama Lashes Out Against Activist Pastors
Barack Obama, a typical politician. Obama’s real message is not one of hope and change, but rather one of … do as I say, not as I do.
Barack Obama sat through 20 years of sermons at Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago and listened to Reverend Jeremiah Wright and didn’t think that is was “screed”? Talk about a convenient memory.
Isn’t this priceless. Long before the world knew about Reverend Jeremiah Wright and the 20 years of Barack Obama attending the racially and politically charged sermons, Obama was lashed out at activist pastors who offer more “screed than sermon.” Of course this was in 2006. Flash forward to 2008.
What exactly would he call what Reverend Wright was doing? But that’s different, because it has to do with Barack Obama and he has a separate set of rules. However, once the world found out about Reverend Wright and his sermons, Obama found it politically expedient to leave the church and cast Wright under the bus.
Barack Obama in 2006 sermon (tape): “No matter how religious they may or may not be, people are tired of seeing faith used as a tool of attack. They don’t want faith used to belittle or to divide. They’re tired of hearing folks deliver more screed than sermon. Because in the end, that’s not how they think about faith in their own lives.”
James Dobson says Barack Obama is distorting bibical teachings to fit “his own confused theology.”
“I think he’s deliberately distorting the traditional understanding of the Bible to fit his own world view, his own confused theology,” Dobson said, adding that Obama is “dragging biblical understanding through the gutter.”
Obama’s reply is that Dobson is making the stuff up. Really? From the video above, it appears that it is Barack Obama who has trouble keeping his stories correct and have a revisionist history.
Posted June 25, 2008 by Scared Monkeys Barack Obama, Bizarre, Politics, Presidential Election 2008, Religion, WTF | 43 comments |
Scared Monkeys Radio Daily Commentary – Wednesday, June 25, 2008 – Aruba Is A No-Show At DC Travel Show
- Dana speculates on why Aruba decided not to attend a high-profile travel show.
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The Dana Pretzer Show on Scared Monkeys Radio – Tuesday, June 24, 2008 – Dana Continues His Investigation Into The Polygamy Epidemic With Guests “Brenda” and Flora Jessop
This week, Dana continues his investigation into the polygamy epidemic with his special guests:
- “Brenda” – Born in Canada then taken to Colorado City Utah where she spent 5 years. She is a director of The Hope Organization
- Flora Jessop – Executive Director of Child Protection Project. She too is a victim of a polygamist and has a dramatic story to tell.
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