What Now in the Bahamas? Billy Wayne Smith Hires Attorney to Exhume his Son’s body (Exclusive)
Just when you thought things could not get any stranger? We have just learned the following from Larry Garrison of SilverCreek Entertainment, The NewsBreaker, that Billy Wayne Smith, the father of Daniel Smith who passed away from a drug overdose while visiting his mother in the Bahamas, has hired an attorney in the Bahamas to have his son’s body exhumed and brought back to Texas to be buried.
The circus continues. How is this going shake things up as Anna Nicole Smith’s funeral is supposed to tomorrow. Anna Nicole Smith stated she wanted to be buried next to son. What if his body is exhumed and moved to Texas?
EXCLUSIVE STORY PRIOR TO TMZ.COM … thank you for the attribution of a story provided to you. Oh, sorry … you neglected to provide one … NICE.
The Chief Magistrate Roger Gomez
Coroner of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas
P.O. Box N-167
Nassau, New Providence
Dear Sir,
RE: Request to Exhume the body of Daniel Wayne Smith, (Deceased)
Date of Birth: 22nd January, 1986
Date of Death: 10th September, 2006
We act on behalf of Mr. Billy Smith of Limestone County Texas, one of the States of the United States of America. Mr. Billy Smith is the father and next of king of Daniel Wayne Smith (Deceased).
We have been instructed and hereby formally request permission to have the remains of Daniel Wayne Smith (deceased) exhumed from its current location here in the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and to be transferred where his father and family resides in the State of Texas.
As you are aware Daniel Wayne Smith (deceased) died within the Commonwealth of the Bahamas on the 10th day of September A.D., 2006. We are cognizant that the coroner’s inquest will begin sometime this month as the cause of death has not been determined. However we humbly as [sic] that you consider this formal request.
Kindly acknowledge this formal request by signing, sealing and returning the enclosed copy to our chambers.
Yours faithfully,
Kara S.P. Butler
UPDATE: TMZ reader … please note that this is an “as is” cut & paste doc. Any misspellings are they way it was received. We do not spell check info received, that would be altering an original source. Don’t kill the messenger although attribution would have been expected and appreciated.
Posted March 1, 2007 by Scared Monkeys Anna Nicole Smith, Bizarre, Child Welfare, Judicial | 77 comments |
More Aruban Chamber of Commerce Material … Stories You Will not Here from the ATA … American Tourists Mistreated Called “Stupid Americans”
ARUBA … One Happy Island … NOT. We have been saying for quite some time that the death nail for Aruba’s tourism would be based on one more event, act of violence or ignorant action against an American tourist. Is Aruba getting to that boiling point?
How much more ill-treatment does Aruba think America will tolerate? At this point your tourism is as low as it can get. Do you wish for it to be even worse? Why will tourists and Aruba continue to make excuses for bad behavior against Americans? In todays Diario, there was an article that discusses the ill treatment that was maliciously perpetrated upon American tourists. This coming from Aruba, an island that tells us they are friendly and have all but begged Americans to come back.
They got a terrible telling off from the colored lady, who insulted them on top of it, and according to the American resident, this is no way to treat tourists, especially since we are begging the tourists to visit our island.
The treatment that these tourists received in front if their 6 and 12 year old children was uncalled for, inexcusable and unbelievable. What is Aruba going to do about this? NOTHING AS USUAL. Maybe those traveling to the Boston Travel Expo will ask those Aruban representatives there about this incident, what was done about it and why anyone should spend money to go to a place only to be harassed.
At one point, the woman even adopted a fighting position and qualified the tourists as “Stupid Americans!!
(Aruba, Stupid is as stupid does)
ORANJESTAD (AAN) A couple of tourists came to the DIARIO accompanied by an American resident in Aruba for a number of years now, denouncing a bad treatment they received at the Baby Beach during the weekend.The American residing in Aruba declared that he went to Baby Beach with his two grandchildren, his daughter, and as is customary, he went with his own beach chairs and other personal properties to spend the day there.He encountered a colored lady who was about to place her beach chairs and told him that there is no place for him and that he is not allowed to put his chairs there. No one was using the chairs of the lady and furthermore, there was a space that was open and he placed his chairs there.
After that, tourists from Rhode Island came with two children 6 and 12 years of age and they were asked an exorbitant price to rent chairs from the woman. “Don’t touch any one of these chairs,” the lady yelled at them and the American decided to get some more chairs from his pickup double cabin for the tourists.They got a terrible telling off from the colored lady, who insulted them on top of it, and according to the American resident, this is no way to treat tourists, especially since we are begging the tourists to visit our island. Since he has lived here during various years and knows the mentality, he told the visiting tourists not to worry and that he would tend to them and that they could use his properties.At one point, the woman even adopted a fighting position and qualified the tourists as “Stupid Americans!!“This is the kind of people that Aruba does not need to work with tourists on the island,” the American told the DIARIO. “It’s a shame that these things happen with visitors, and I felt ashamed in front of these visitors. I came here (to the DIARIO) and I am denouncing this case also to the Minister of Tourism and the Minister of Justice, and to the ATA (Aruba Tourist Authorities), because you cannot allow Aruban tourism to be damaged by people with this kind of attitude,” he informed.The case has not ended there either, because afterward he found himself with another surprise. After he was able to calm his grandchildren and the children of the tourists that were crying because of the treatment they received, they went back to their car after they enjoyed their stay at the beach for some time.When he reached his pickup, the American found that the inside was full of rice and chicken, as if a whole pot of rice and chicken had been emptied inside his pickup. When he went to the colored woman, she stood before him with a very arrogant poise, telling him: “do you see rice or chicken around here?” and again began to curse him out.This cannot remain so, because only a few days ago a similar case took place there and the visitors denounced this to the police at San Nicolas. “I am also going to the police at San Nicolas, with or without this family (from Rhode Island), so that the police can pay attention to this situation. The time has come to take measures against it,” the American informed DIARIO.
Posted March 1, 2007 by Scared Monkeys Aruba, Bizarre, boycott, Diario, Natalee Holloway, Travel, WTF | 79 comments |
Scared Monkeys Video Satish Kalpoe Lies As Well … Innocent People Do not Lie
Satish Kalpoe, why are you lying as well? Is Satish Kalpoe an innocent bystander or more involved in Natalee’s disappearance than anyone suspected? Are you protecting others, or yourself?
Some of the many statements from Sataish Kalpoe
Posted March 1, 2007 by Scared Monkeys Aruba, Crime, Missing Persons, Natalee Holloway | 25 comments |
$50,000 Check From God Bounces
Growing up in New York City, there were enough guys out there who would tell you exactly what God had told them the night before preaching on the sidewalk. But the man in Hobart, Indiana who decided to cash a check from God found out that “In God We Trust” is on the money, not a bank policy.
Kevin Russell found out it’s not easy trying to cash a check from God. The 21-year-old man was arrested Monday after he tried to cash a check for $50,000 at the Chase Bank in Hobart that was signed “King Savior, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Servant,” Hobart police Detective Jeff White said.
Russell was charged with one count attempted check fraud and one count intimidation, both felonies, and one count resisting law enforcement, a misdemeanor. He could face prison time.
Police were called to the bank after Russell tried to cash the check, which was written on an invalid Bank One check with no imprint, White said. Russell had several other checks with him that were signed the same way but made out in different dollar amounts, including one for $100,000. via the ajc.com
Alan Greenspan … SHUT UP ALREADY … DOW Down Again … Just Stop Talking
Dear Mr. Greenspan, you are no longer the Federal Reserve Chairman. You had a very long run as Fed Chair now its time to go away. Just shut up and stop undermining new Fed Chair Ben S. Bernanke and our economy.
Greenspan’s comments made on February 26 contributed greatly to a global stock market plunge following day. He just had to mention the “R” word.
He told an audience in Hong Kong three days ago that he couldn’t rule out a recession this year in part because slowing growth in profit margins suggests the expansion might be winding down, the Associated Press reported.
Stock Market Down Tuesday – List of Worst Days In Stock Exchange History – Dow Jones Lost 3.29 Percent Of Its Value. Stock market down by 416.
It was the worst day since trading resumed after 9/11. In walks in present Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke to calm the situation.