Joe Lieberman Playing Both Ends Against The Middle … Call Me a Democrat … Maybe a Republican

US Senate Independent Joe Lieberman from Connecticut is certainly making his ex-fellow JoementumUS Senate Democrats sweat these days. First he says he will caucus with Senate Democrats, then he says, “call him a Democrat”, now he states on NBC;s “Meet the Press” he is not ruling out switching parties to become a Republican. Joe an “Elephant”?

It is hard to imagine that Joe Lieberman would switch parties, but he certainly is sticking it to the Democratic Party for abandoning him after all his years of loyalty.  Lieberman is now making the Democrats sweat and pretty much leveraging his win in the midterms as an Independent. Nothing like a nice shot across Harry Reid’s, Kerry’s and Dodd’s bow for their lack of support and a friendly “do not screw with me anymore.” to make your point. Smart political move for Lieberman and CT. If Lieberman did switch to a Republican he would get any chair position of his choice and swing power back across the aisle. Talk about being in the cat bird’s seat.

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Posted November 12, 2006 by
Politics | 11 comments

Own A Prius? 1 in 4 Also Own a SUV

While it probably feels good to drive your Prius to show your environmental chops to your neighbors and co-workers, it may also be a bit of a front. A study found that one out of every four Prius owners also own an Sports Utility Vehicle.

That’s right: the megawatt popularity of hybrids is dimming and Americans are rediscovering their favorite automotive guilty pleasure, gas-guzzling SUVs. And here’s something even more shocking: a surprising number of Americans have it both ways. They own a hybrid and an SUV. According to an analysis for NEWSWEEK by researcher GfK Automotive, 24.2 percent of hybrid owners also have an SUV in their garage. Oh sure, plenty of hybrid owners like small cars, too. One in five of them has a diminutive gas sipper in the family fleet. But SUVs, from large to little to luxurious, are hybrid owners’ No. 1 stablemate, according to GfK, an affiliate of the Roper research organization.

So when your co-worker looks down their nose at your gas guzzling sedan, they may have a guilty secret in their garage back at home.

Posted November 12, 2006 by
Fun, Technology | one comment

Wisconsin Man Using Bug Story To Get Women To Disrobe

WisconsinFolks, we all know there are weird people out there, but this guy has to be near the top. A Wisconsin man is going around to stores where women are working on their own and convincing them they have a tick on them. Once they are convinced he gets them to disrobe and then leaves. What a wack job.

An unknown man has been bugging women – and police – by using an insect story to try to persuade women to disrobe. Police said the man, who remains at large, has told female workers in at least seven businesses they have a tick on their clothes and should remove clothing to find it, said Waukesha Police Sgt. John Konkol.
“We don’t know what his potential gain is, if it’s sexual gratification or he’s trying to be funny, but it’s a serious crime,” Konkol said.
Hali Frankowski was working recently at Sunset Tan in Waukesha when the man came in and asked her to show him the tanning beds.
At one point the man told her she had a tick on her shirt, she said.

“He was like ‘It’s right there.’ That’s when he took my pants, pulled them down, pulled them over, and that’s when I jumped and started walking toward the bathroom,” she said.
The man left, leaving her stunned.
“You know some guy is violating your space. Just the most random story in the world,” Frankowski said.
Police said the man has tried the trick in the Milwaukee-area cities of Waukesha, Muskego and Franklin. They said he seems to target younger women working alone in stores. Â  From The Associated Press.

Posted November 12, 2006 by
Bizarre | 7 comments

Now The Democrats Won The Congress It is Time To Eat Their Own

The celebration in the Democratic Party camp lasted about 3 days as they turned their anger away from the Republicans and are now in a bitter struggle between the two most dominant constituencies, the netroots and the traditional Democratic leadership. And it is already getting ugly.

Their have been calls by James Carville for Howard Dean to step down as Party Chairman. The old guard is not a fan of the Vermont Doctor.

Liberal bloggers are saying not to trust Senator Charles Schumer, Democratic Senate Candidate Committee leader, on grounds that he is not supportive enough of the far left. All he did was win the Senate for the Democrats, but he ran conservative candidates for the open seats and now is reviled by the hard core netroots crowd. See FireDogLakes 12 Reasons Not to Trust Senator Schumer.

MyddSo Republicans, do not despair on this election. It was a midterm that we lost. But we lost it in historical averages so it was not a real abbe ration. What we did learn was that once the Democrats regained some power, they will turn their animous and vitriol onto themselves.

So sit back and watch the next two years as the war between the DC/K Street Democrats battle it out with the netroots internet crowd. It will be a fun show to watch.

Posted November 12, 2006 by
Bizarre, Politics | 8 comments

Peter R. de Vries Now Investigating … “Something Bad Happened” in Aruba

18 Months Later and “Something Bad Still Happened”


(Hat Tip Pic: Klaas)

Peter R. de Vries now hot on the trail and the investigation into the disappearance of Natalee Holloway.  Peter de Vries certainly has a fine track record of getting his man. Now he is on the case where “something bad” obviously happened. Fresh eyes from outside of Aruba … let’s see if de Vries cant make … “Something Good Happen.”

We told the 3 suspects a while back in August not to get too comfortable …

Natalee Holloway: Joran, Deepak, Satish and PIMPS … ” I Know What You Did Last Summer”

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