US Rep. Allen West (FL-R) Discusses UN Ambassador Rice Comments of Spontaneous Libya Attack … “Asinine, Naive, Inept, Incompetent and Borderline Ignorant” … a Jimmy Carter Moment?


You Spin Me Round – the “unofficial” official music video of reelect Obama/Biden 2012

Just another reason why we love Col. Allen West, he calls it like he see it … “well, they are outright distorting the truth and with the help of the complicit main stream media, this can be an incredible Jimmy Carter moment for President Obama.”

US Rep. Allen West (FL-R) spoke out on the comments, spinning and outright distortion of the facts by UN Ambassador Rice and the Obama minions who have developed the meme that the attacks and murders of Amb. Stevens and three Americans was a spontaneous act and not premeditated, even though all signs and evidence point to the contrary.

What sparked the violence was a very hateful video on the Internet,” Rice said on “Fox News Sunday.” “It was a reaction to a video that had nothing to do with the United States.”

“The best information and the best assessment we have today is that this was not a pre-planned, pre-meditated attack,”

Col. Allen West was asked by Judge Jeanine Pirro last night on Fox News ‘Judge Jeanine’, Alright Congressman, you heard it. White House spinning. This is the video we hear from the President of Libya that this was not about a video. What say you?

Rep. Allen West responded, “Well it’s very simple. When I listen to the US Ambassador Susan Rice today, several words came to mind; asinine, naive, inept, incompetent and borderline ignorant.”

Partial transcript from the Gateway Pundit:

Rep. Allen West: Well it’s very simple. When I listen to the US Ambassador Susan Rice today, several words came to mind: asinine, naive, inept, incompetent and borderline ignorant because when you understand that the Egyptian government, there intelligence services, put out a letter talking about potential threat of attacks, uprisings about a week before this. It was even printed in the Jerusalem Post on 9-11… For Susan Rice to say this was not a well coordinated attack, first of all, I’d have to ask her what is her line of expertise in understanding what a well coordinated attack is. Because this was not happenstance. It was not coincidence. It was well planned. Well coordinated. And the President there in Libya confirms it.

Powerline adds an important little factoid that disproves Ambassador Rice and makes her comments pretty much foolish and mere spin.The investigation she is referring to has not even been able to get off the ground.

The investigation to which Rice refers seems not to have gotten far off the ground; the FBI has reportedly been unable even to enter Libya. Among recent news reports that suggest this story won’t stand is this CNN story, currently linked on Drudge:

President Barack Obama’s Cairo speech is coming home to roost and like clockwork, he refuses to take responsibility. Even though the United States was warned 3 days in advance, there were warnings in the Jerusalem Post, there were four prior attacks in Benghazi and the attack was on all days, the anniversary of 9-11. Obama has been seen to be weak on domestic policy, they last thing that Obama can stand is to be seen weak, wrong and naive and clueless on foreign policy.

How Naive Does Obama’s 2007 Words Look Now in Retrospect? … The Day I’m Inaugurated Muslim Hostility Will Ease … “the World Will Look at America Differently”

Maybe Samuel L. Jackson was partially correct ... AMERICA, ITS TIME TO WAKE THE F@CK UP. The voting for Obama part, not so much. Ask yourself America, do you think the hostilities have eased since Obama became President? How that Radical Muslin “Hopey-Changey” stuff working u for you?

On New Hampshire Public Radio on November 27, 2007 , Barack Hussein Obama stated that he was uniquely qualified to bring stability to America’s relationships in the Muslim world because he lived in an Islamic country during his youth and his half-sister is Muslim. Wow, Obama actually believed that the relationship between the Middle East and America was going to change because he was Barack “Hussein” Obama. Really?  Sadly, an asleep at the wheel America bought this BS and elected him in 2008. Even more pathetic is Obama may actually believe his own BS.

click on pic for audio of Obama’s comments

Hat Tip:

So what do you think now America? The Arab Street hates America just as much as they ever have and the Middle East is on fire. Once again Obama has failed, this time on foreign policy. It pretty much shows just how naive and Pollyannaish Barack Obama really is and was. Obama stated that on the day he is inaugurated Muslim hostility will ease. Once again we might ask, America, is the Muslin hostility better off today than it was four years ago? Picture from the AP of Protesters torch an effigy of Barack Obama in Afghanistan.

Yup, things look so much better under Barack Obama and his inner knowledge of being a Muslim.

Ambassador Stevens be dragged thru the streets after his death (Al Ahram)

Obama’s arrogance is amazing, the world will look at America differently because of him. UNREAL.

Libyan Officials Claim US Was Warned 3 Days Before Deadly Benghazi Consulate Attack

In a post 9-11 world, is the Obama Administrating operating as if it is September 10, 2001?

Four Americans, Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Snowden Woods and Glen Doherty, were murdered in Libya on 9-11 at the US Consulate in Benghazi.  The haunting and heinous pictures at the Daily Mail show that these Americans heroes were dragged to their death. Now we learn the following, 3 days before the attacks on the US Consulate, local Libyan officials warned the United States of the situation in Libya and the deteriorating security in Benghazi.

Three days before the deadly assault on the United States consulate in Libya, a local security official says he met with American diplomats in the city and warned them about deteriorating security.

Jamal Mabrouk, a member of the February 17th Brigade, told CNN that he and a battalion commander had a meeting about the economy and security.

He said they told the diplomats that the security situation wasn’t good for international business.

“The situation is frightening, it scares us,” Mabrouk said they told the U.S. officials. He did not say how they responded.

Mabrouk said it was not the first time he has warned foreigners about the worsening security situation in the face of the growing presence of armed jihadist groups in the Benghazi area.

Check out Powerline, how could the US have been so ill prepared? And we are supposed to believe that Obama is great on foreign policy and Sec. of State Hillary Clinton is the end all be all?

” … the situation at the State Department in one word: “Chaos.”  The working assumption is that several American embassies may have been penetrated, or are vulnerable to attack, because so many of them rely on local residents for staff needs at the embassy, and as such may be in a position to breach security if they have been recruited by Al Qaida.  Moreover, the full story of the attack on the Benghazi consulate is much worse than we have been told…”

We are reminded at the Gateway Pundit that Egypt warned of attacks on US Embassies in advance as well in advance of any so-called anti-Mohammed movie trailer.

Egypt’s General Intelligence Service warned that a jihadi group is planning to launch terrorist attacks against the US and Israeli embassies in Cairo, according to a report Tuesday by Egypt Independent, citing a secret letter obtained by Al-Masry Al-Youm.

According to the report, the attack is being planned by Global Jihad, the group suspected of killing 16 Egyptian border guards in Sinai on August 5.

Democrat Kirstin Powers Blasts Obama and Bias Media After Mideast Embassy Attacks … More Outrage over Romney’s Comments Than Embassy Attack

When even the LEFT cannot take what the LEFT are doing …

KUDOS to Democrat Kristen Powers for having the honesty and integrity to blast the MSM for their collusion and mob attack against Mitt Romney for his statement following the US Embassy attacks and against the Obama Administration for their silence after the attacks. I was expecting Kristen to say at one point, “I yam what I yam ! and I’ve had all I can stand, I can’t stands no more!” Careful Kristen, you might have your press and moonbat credentials revoked.

Hat Tip: The Gateway Pundit

I give Christen Powers a lot of credit for going against and exposing the corrupt media complex who are in the pocket of Barack Obama and the Democrat party. She pointed out the obvious, but what is never said, the MSM had more outrage over Romney’s comments than they did for the fact that US Embassy’s were attacked, the US flag burned, Islamic flags flown over our embassies and four Americans killed, including the US Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens.

Obama Administration Was Warned 48 Hours in Advance of Embassy Attack But Did Nothing

Did Obama Administration  know and when did he know it …

This could be huge and one of those things that could bring down a Presidency, ala Jimmy Carter. Barack Obama and his minions have touted him as a foreign policy hawk, yet the actions that occurred the other day and the comedy of errors in releasing appeasement press releases and allowing them to stay up as our US Embassies were being attacked and over run lead many to question just who is in charge, if any one at all? The Middle East burns as Barack Obama campaigns away.  As reported at The Drudge Report:

Exclusive: America ‘was warned of embassy attack but did nothing’…
State Dept ‘had credible information 48 hours before’…
Revealed: Inside story of ambassador’s assassination…
Sensitive documents go missing…
Exposed: Names of Libyans who are working with Americans…
Was ‘revenge for drone strike’…
‘There were 400 attackers’…
PAPER: Egypt intelligence warned on Sept. 4 of possible attacks…

According to the Independent, the Obama Administration was warned of an embassy attack but did nothing. It is being reported that, “according to senior diplomatic sources, the US State Department had credible information 48 hours before mobs charged the consulate in Benghazi, and the embassy in Cairo, that American missions may be targeted.” Many are  questioning a couple of things that occurred that day. One, how does anyone think that sending out an appeasement PR statement against the anti-Mohammed movie think that would work; two, how was it allowed to stay up as long as it did; three, where was the beefed up security on 9-11 anniversary and four, how was a US Ambassador allowed to be in a location that had so little protection and security on 9-11?

The killings of the US ambassador to Libya and three of his staff were likely to have been the result of a serious and continuing security breach, The Independent can reveal.

American officials believe the attack was planned, but Chris Stevens had been back in the country only a short while and the details of his visit to Benghazi, where he and his staff died, were meant to be confidential.

The US administration is now facing a crisis in Libya. Sensitive documents have gone missing from the consulate in Benghazi and the supposedly secret location of the “safe house” in the city, where the staff had retreated, came under sustained mortar attack. Other such refuges across the country are no longer deemed “safe”.

Some of the missing papers from the consulate are said to list names of Libyans who are working with Americans, putting them potentially at risk from extremist groups, while some of the other documents are said to relate to oil contracts.

According to senior diplomatic sources, the US State Department had credible information 48 hours before mobs charged the consulate in Benghazi, and the embassy in Cairo, that American missions may be targeted, but no warnings were given for diplomats to go on high alert and “lockdown”, under which movement is severely restricted.

Yup, I guess President Barack Obama does not need daily intelligence meeting, the turmoil and explosion in the Middle East is a perfect example. BO’s got it covered and is handling it perfectly. His position, hope and pray it just goes away. As Marc A. Thiessen writes in the WAPO: Obama alone: This president does not need intel briefers.

How long had it been since President Obama attended his daily intelligence meeting in the lead-up to the Sept. 11 attacks on U.S. diplomatic facilities in Egypt and Libya? After all, our adversaries are known to use the anniversary of 9/11 to target the United States.

According to the public schedule of the president, the last time the Obama attended his daily intelligence meeting was Sept. 5 — a week before Islamist radicals stormed our embassy in Cairo and terrorists killed our ambassador to Tripoli. The president was scheduled to hold the intelligence meeting at 10:50 a.m. Wednesday, the day after the attacks, but it was canceled so that he could comfort grieving employees at the State Department — as well he should. But instead of rescheduling the intelligence briefing for later in the day, Obama apparently chose to skip it altogether and attend a Las Vegas fundraiser for his re-election campaign. One day after a terrorist attack.

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