Halloween Trick or Treaters Beware … No Candy at This Residence = Sex Offender

Halloween can be a fun times for kids; however, in this day and age of predators and sex offenders … its “Trick or Treaters” beware. These days, a simple knock on a strangers door has far more consequences than in years past. The creatures and boogymen/women that answer the door may just not be wearing a costume but instead be real life predators. In Maryland, sex offenders homes will be marked by the use of the following pumpkin. Maryland, which began the program in 2005, is among a number of states placing Halloween restrictions on sex offenders. Of course as expected, the ACLU  is defending sex offenders and challenging it. I guess the ACLU feels the need for sex offenders to pass out candy to little children.

Pumpkin_sex offender

Sex offenders in Maryland have begun receiving paper signs in the mail that read “No candy at this residence,” which they must post on their front doors or possibly face a parole violation.

The signs began arriving last week in the mailboxes of the about 1,200 violent and child-sex offenders across Maryland. The signs were accompanied by a letter explaining they must stay at home, turn off outside lights and not answer the door on Halloween.

Maryland is also distributing pamphlets statewide to warn families to stay away from homes with the pumpkin signs.

We say, the hell with the PC pumpkin sign above … this is the sign that needs to be placed out in front of a child molesters home to get rid of all the ambiguity.


Or this one.


Posted October 18, 2008 by
Child Welfare, Crime, Sex Offender | 4 comments

British Teachers’ Union Representative Chris Keates Says “Teachers Who Engage in Consensual Sex With Teen Pupils Shouldn’t Face Prosecution”

WTF!!! According to Chris Keates teaching is about reading writing and bedding your pupils. This is just what parents are looking for when they send their children off to school … predator teachers with no accountability for their actions. British Education Rep justifies predator teacers.

Chris Keates, a British teachers’ union representative has stated that teachers who engage in consensual sex with students over the age of 16 should not be prosecuted.  16? Why not make it 15 or 14 or 13 or 12 for that matter if one is using this insane logic? That is correct folks, sex laws are unfair to teachers as they should have no responsibility if a teacher has an affair with a student. Consensual sex? By the very definition it cannot be consensual when one is a minor and the teacher holds a position of authority.

Chris Keates, the general secretary of the National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers, said in an interview to be broadcast in the U.K. on Monday that teachers who have sex with pupils over the age of consent are guilty of a mere “error in professional judgment,” and should not be placed on the sex offenders register, the Mail reported.

“There is a real anomaly in the law that we are concerned about,” the Mail quoted Keates as saying. “That is that if a teacher has a relationship with a pupil at the school at which they teach—it could be an 18-year-old pupil—then that teacher can be prosecuted and can end up on the sex offenders register.”

Exactly what does Chris Keates thinks is going to be a deterrent from teachers having sex with their students, detention? Let’s just slap them on the hand and say don’t do it again. If teachers do not like the punishment of being labeled a sex offender, then don’t do the crime.

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Evangelist Tony Alamo Arrested on Charges Related to a Child Porn Investigation

Tony Alamo (aka Bernie Hoffman),the 74-year-old founder and leader of Tony Alamo Tony AlamoChristian Ministries was arrested on charges related to a child porn investigation. According to an FBI spokesman, Alamo was charged under a federal statute with having knowingly transported a minor across state lines with the intent to engage in sexual activity.

The 74-year-old founder and leader of Tony Alamo Christian Ministries was arrested without incident at 2:45 p.m. (4:45 p.m. ET) as he was departing the Little America Hotel with his wife, said Manuel Johnson, spokesman for the FBI in Phoenix, Arizona.

The FBI, the Flagstaff Police Department and the Arizona Department of Public Safety were involved in the arrest, he said.

Alamo was charged under a federal statute with having knowingly transported a minor across state lines with the intent to engage in sexual activity, Johnson said.

Evangelist and convicted tax evader Tony Alamo waived his right to fight extradition to Arkansas.

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Posted September 26, 2008 by
Arrest, Child Welfare, Crime, Sex Offender, WTF | 2 comments

SoCal Man Shawn Barth Charged with Rape & Holding a 13 Year Old Girl as a Sex Slave

Shawn Barth held 13 year old girl as sex slave … where was her mother?

46 year old Shawn Barth has been arrested and charged with rape and holding a 13Cild_abuse_cycle year old girl as a sex slave in Ventura County Superior Court. According to reports, the 13 year old was assaulted daily and was too afraid to report the abuse as Barth had threatened her. Barth was charged with child rape, oral copulation on a child and continuous sexual abuse. One of the bizarre aspects as this case is the fact that the unidentified female minor was the daughter if a woman that Barth had previously dated and there was a restraining order; however, the child was never reported as missing.

VIDEO – Press Conference

“She was a psychological prisoner,” Buschow said.

Barth was charged in Ventura County Superior Court with a felony count each of child rape, continuous sexual abuse and oral copulation on a child.

The girl was taken into protective custody last week and her name has not been released.

She was the daughter of a woman Barth had dated in San Bernardino County, Buschow said. The mother is a witness in the case and is cooperating with police.

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Jennifer Richards & Sean Michael Block Offer Sex with 5 Year Old for an Apartment and a Used Car

“Nice piece 5 yrs old belongs to my gf and she wants to sell”

WTF!!! A San Antonio couple, 25 year old Jennifer Richards and her married boyfriend, 40 year old Sean Michael Block, are accused of trying to trying to trade sex with the woman’s 5 year old daughter in exchange for an apartment, a used car and child care for her 10 month old daughter.

Jennifer Richards, 25, and her married boyfriend, Sean Michael Block, 40, appeared before U.S. Magistrate Judge Nancy Stein Nowak on Friday. Richards is charged with using interstate facilities to transmit information about a minor. Block is charged with distributing child pornography.

The affidavit describing the events that took place are beyond comprehension. The graphic testimony of what this couple planned defies words. They have to be read to be believed and then a shower might be in order.

According to an affidavit unsealed last Tuesday, the investigation began when an informant told the FBI about a text message allegedly sent by Block reading: “Nice piece 5 yrs old belongs to my gf and she wants to sell it.”

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