San Francisco, CA– The former law partner of divorce attorney to the stars- Melvin Belli has conducted a 2 year investigation into claims made by an Orange County Realtor that her father, Guy Ward Hendrickson, is the Zodiac Killer.

Deborah Perez came forward on the steps of the San Francisco Chronicle this afternoon:

Read the rest at Blink on Crime:

Posted April 30, 2009 by
Crime, Murder, Sex Offender | 5 comments


Los Angeles, CA– LAPD is scheduling a press conference later this afternoon to announce they believe John Floyd Thomas, Jr, 72, a workers compensation insurance adjuster, may have raped and murdered as many as 30 victims since 1966.

Read the rest at Blink on Crime:

Posted April 30, 2009 by
Crime, Murder, Sex Offender | no comments

What has Happened to the Green Mountain State … VT Legislature Considers Legalizing Teen ‘Sexting’ From Child Porn Laws … CONSENT?

Since when is 13 years old the age of consent in Vermont? What ever happened Sexting_cellto personal responsibility and teaching kids the difference between right and wrong

Most people would think that the possibility of being prosecuted for child porn and branded a sex offender would be a deterrent for teenagers to stop “sexting”.   However, Vermont is looking to become the first state in America to provide protection to teenager against child porn laws who engage in sexting to one another with their cell phones. How are parents supposed to protect teens if the law makers refuse to? We have got to the point that just because teens commonly do “sexting” in the 21st century that it should just be allowed? Are we going to look the other way with the rest of the irresponsible acts of teenagers as well?

Vermont’s Legislature is considering a bill that, if approved, would make the state one of the first in the nation to grant legal protections to teenagers who send sexually explicit photos and videos to one another with their cell phones.

The law change is receiving widespread support from prosecutors, defense attorneys, law enforcement, women’s groups and others. Still, some advocates are questioning whether the proposal crosses the line between legalizing a common practice among teens experimenting with sexuality and protecting predators who target and exploit youngsters.

Why would anyone want to promote the practice of individuals sending explicit and nude pics and videos of themselves? That’s it Vermont and law makers, let’s promote and excuse irresponsible behavior of teens. Their is presently a bill in th Vermont Senate that would allow “consensual” exchange of graphic images between two people 13 to 18 years old and not be considered child porn.

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Mark Lunsford, the Father of Murdered Jessica Lunsford Reveals He is a Dad … Mark Has a Miracle Baby Boy

Mark Lunsford, who became a national spokesman and a true American hero to so many for his endless work Mark_Lunsford_andjessicawith child safety after his 9 year old daughter Jessica was murdered by a convicted sex offender in 2005, is a father once again. Mark called the birth a “miracle” and a second chance.

Jessica Marie Lunsford was abducted from her Homosassa, FL home was raped and later murdered on February 27, 2005 by 47 year old, previously convicted sex offender John Couey. The case of 9 year old Jessica tugged at the hearts of America an in the process a father, Mark Lunsford, became the voice of children across the United States.

Mark Lunsford’s tireless work with Jessica’s Law was his gift back to his daughter. It also represented a parents fight to protect all children against child sex predators. Mark Lunsford, a self proclaimed redneck, was one of the most unlikely advocates for child safety against sexual predators. However, Mark Lunsford became part of a fraternity that no one wants membership to as a parent who lost a child at the hands of a predator. Mark Lunsford is a true American hero as he represents John Q. Public and what one person is capable of accomplishing. Mark is the embodiment of the common man and just how much change that anyone is capable of doing when they fight back against evil rather than let it consume them.


The law is named after Jessica Lunsford, a young Florida girl who was raped and murdered in February 2005 by John Couey, a previously convicted sex offender. Public outrage over this case spurred Florida officials to introduce this legislation. Among the key provisions of the law are a mandatory minimum sentence of 25 years in prison and lifetime electronic monitoring of adults convicted of lewd or lascivious acts against a victim less than 12 years old. In Florida, sexual battery or rape of a child less than twelve years old is punishable only by life imprisonment with no chance of parole.

I was surprised and beyond happy to hear the revelation out of the Ocala Star-Banner  interview with Mark Lunsford that he has a child, a baby boy. Actually, it was a secret child that he has with his girlfriend. She gave birth to a boy on October 6, 2007 — 12 years to the day after Jessica’s birth. Think that is by mere chance?

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Tammy Lee Gibson, Mother Gets 3 Months in Jail for for Beating Sex Offender with Baseball Bat … “I’d do it again”

Bat welding mom sentenced to 90 days in jail for beating a convicted child molester

“I’d do it again, if not better.”

Should sex offenders be allowed to talk to 10 year old girls with no consequences? Tammy_gibsonContrary to what our present laws and the courts might think, a convicted sex offender is not a normal neighbor. Who honestly thinks that a convicted sex offender is just a neighbor? Something must be done in this contrary to protect the rights of the innocent rather than the rights of convicted child predators. When will the courts start treating child sex offenders for the sexual predators that they really are?

Tammy Gibson stated as she prior to being sentenced as her two daughter looked, Gibson told Pierce County Superior Court Judge Susan Serko that laws are needed to keep convicted sexual predators away from children.

It’s 90 days for doing what many say was family protection, but the law saw it as an unprovoked attack on a man who wasn’t breaking any laws. He was just a neighbor.

Tammy Lee Gibson, outraged mother was sentenced to three months behind bars for beating a convicted sex offender with an aluminum baseball bat after he reportedly was talking to her 10 year old daughter. Jail? She should have been given a medal, an aluminum one … Unprovoked?


Gibson said she has no remorse for the June 19 assault but pleaded no contest Friday to assault charges. She could have received as much as eight months in jail, but the judge sentenced her to three.

“No, I’d do it again if not better,” she told ABC News Seattle affiliate KOMO-TV. “I don’t care if it hurts me, I don’t regret it. It got him away from my kids and all the other kids in the neighborhood.”

William A. Baldwin, a Level-3 sex offender had moved into his uncle’s home in Tacoma, WA in early June. Following his move, county deputies distributed flyers around the neighborhood to alert residents of his presence. Hardly what one would do for your average neighbor next door. On June 19th Tammy Lee Gibson went to the residence of William Baldwin, called him out and began smacking the day lights out of him with a baseball bat leaving him with an injured arm.

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