Body of Missing 5 Year Old NC Girl Shaniya Davis Found ; Antoinette Davis & Mario Andrette McNeill facing Charges

God Bless this Little Angel …

Sadly, the body of missing 5 year old Shaniya Davis has been discovered Monday off a rural road in Sanford, NC about 30 miles from her home, nearly a week after her mother reported her missing from a mobile home park.

Shaniya Davis had been missing since November 10, 2009 in Fayetteville, NC. What a tragic and heinous life this little child lived. How could anyone, especially one’s own mother do such a thing to their child? May she now be finally in peace. One thing is for certain, she is now in a better place where no one can ever harm this poor child ever again.

Shaniya Davis

 5 year old Shaniya Nicole Davis – the death of a little angel

When 5-year-old Shaniya Davis of North Carolina went missing, suspicion turned to a man described as her mother’s boyfriend. As he was let go, police targeted another man spotted on hotel surveillance footage holding the child. Then, authorities arrested the girl’s mother and accused her of offering her daughter for prostitution.

The arrests offered a glimmer of hope Shaniya would be found alive, but searchers discovered the girl’s body Monday off a rural road, nearly a week after her mother reported her missing from a mobile home park.

Hundreds of volunteers who helped look for Shaniya left the search area dejected, unable to bring her home to her father, 7-year-old brother and the dolls she so loved.

Shaniya’s mother, 25-year-old Antoinette Davis has been charged by police with human trafficking and felony child abuse, saying Shaniya was offered for sex. Unreal. How could a mother do such a thing to her own daughter? Also charged was 29 year old Mario Andrette McNeill with kidnapping.

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Anthony Sowell: More Gruesome Finds as 4 More Bodies & a Skull Discovered on Convicted Rapist Property

Just when you thought it could not get any worse. The house of horrors continues at the Cleveland, OH home of convicted rapist Anthony Sowell. The number of bodies found is at 10 and counting … Make it 11.

Anthony Sowell_rapist

Anthony Sowell, Rapist, Murderer … Hiding in Plain Sight

If the previous grim finds were not bad enough, as investigators have found four more bodies from Sowell’s back yard and a skull from his basement. The skull was actually found in a bucket in the basement.  Anthony Sowell has now been charged with 5 counts of aggravated murder. 50 year old Anthony Sowell was also charged Tuesday with rape, felonious assault and kidnapping.

The gruesome new discovery comes after 6 bodies were found last week in the Sowell’s house, bringing the totaly number of bodies found to 10. Authorities do not know whether the skull belongs to an 11th victim.

Sowell will be arraigned Wednesday.

Cadaver dogs unsuccessfully searched Sowell’s backyard throughout the day, but found the remains while using a backhoe to dig up portions of the yard, Cleveland Police Chief Michael McGrath said Tuesday night.

“It appears that this man had an insatiable appetite that he had to fill,” McGrath said.

 Time gap in investigation of rape complaint against Anthony Sowell questioned

Ohio Coroner’s Office Confirms that 6 Bodies Found at Rapist’s Anthony Sowell Home are Female Homicide Victims (Was Nancy Cobbs a Victim?)

Latest in bodies found at Cleveland rapist Anthony Sowell’s home.

According to the Ohio coroner’s office, the 6 bodies found at the home of convicted rapist Anthony Sowell home were all females and all were homicide victims. A spokesman for the coroner’s office stated that four of the victims had been strangled; however, two others were too badly decomposed to determine how they died.

None of the victims has been identified, Caesar said. Two victims were black, but race hadn’t yet been determined in the other four bodies, he said.

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Posted November 1, 2009 by
Arrest, Bizarre, Murder, Sex Offender, WTF | one comment

Florida Mom Cindy Hood Sends Special Halloween Trick or Treat Message to Child Sex Predators

Inspired by the recent abduction and murder of 7 year old Somer Renee Thompson, Florida Halloween_evil_pumpkinsmom sends a special message to those that would harm our most defenseless. A note to sex offenders, stay out of this neighborhood or enter at your own peril.

Kudos to the Lake County, FL mom this Halloween who sent a special message to would be child predators. Cindy Hood gets an extra bag of  candy for her Halloween display of a bloody person hanging in a tree and a sign next to it that reads, “Child Molester…What He Deserves.”

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Posted October 31, 2009 by
Holidays, Sex Offender | 7 comments

UK: Guilty Until Proved not a Pedophile … Parents Being Banned from Watching their Children in Play Grounds

So you think government is the answer to all your problems, eh?

Wow, in Great Britain you are a pedophile until proved innocent. Can you imagine not being allowed to watch your children at a park or playground until you were vetted by police and given the proper papers? Think there is not a slippery slope to giving away your right to the government? You might want to rethink that.


Sorry Johnny, you can see your parents after their back ground check clears

In Great Britain we have a perfect example of an over-reaching government interjecting them self in to simple common every day life like going to the play ground. Obviously child predators are an issue and keeping children safe; however, this is hardly the answer. Go after the PERVS, not the parents!

Parents are being banned from playing with their children in council recreation areas because they have not been vetted by police.

Mothers and fathers are being forced to watch their children from outside perimeter fences because of fears they could be paedophiles.

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