Race-Baiter Al Sharpton Still Causing Trouble in Ferguson, MO … “You won the first round, Mr. Prosecutor, but don’t take your gloves off. Justice will come to Ferguson.”


The race-baiting “vulture” Al Sharpton continued to cause a divide in Ferguson, Missouri over the weekend as he showed up to speak at a church and fanned the flames.  At the Friendly Temple Missionary Baptist Church in St. Louis, Sharpton took aim at St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Robert McCulloch from the pulpit Sunday, claiming the fight for justice in the Michael Brown case is not over. Sharpton said, “You won the first round, Mr. Prosecutor, but don’t take your gloves off. Justice will come to Ferguson.” Hmm, I guess that Reverend Al does not think that the grand jury system is just.

Sharpron is a vile individual, but to do this from the pulpit of a church is beyond words. One day Mr. Sharpton you will have to answer to God for your actions.

The Rev. Al Sharpton took aim at St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Robert McCulloch from the pulpit Sunday, saying the fight for justice in the Michael Brown case is not over.

“You won the first round, Mr. Prosecutor, but don’t take your gloves off,” Sharpton said. “Justice will come to Ferguson.”

Sharpton made two appearances Sunday in the St. Louis area, the first at Friendly Temple Missionary Baptist Church in St. Louis, where Brown’s funeral was held three months ago.

An hour later, he ducked into a church service held under a tent on a parking lot on West Florissant Avenue, with a burned-out building in the background.

It used to be the home of The Flood Christian Church, where Brown’s father, Michael Brown Sr., is a member. But a week ago, after it was announced a grand jury would not indict the police officer who fatally shot Brown in August, the building was torched.

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke Calls Eric Holder a “SOB” … Irresponsible Groups (NBPP & Al Sharpton) Descended on Ferguson, MO Like Vultures on a Roadside Carcass (VIDEO)


“Some one said Eric Holder. I’m known for not sugar coating things. This pissed me off. I sat up and watched as events unfolded in Ferguson, Missouri. An unfortunate situation, obviously. Amy time a law enforcement officer uses force and takes a life it deserves a thorough, transparent vetting … But groups started to converge on Ferguson, Missouri like vultures on a roadside carcass. Groups like the New Black Panther Party. People like Al Sharpton. To come and exploit that situation and instead of coming in to help and try to restore calm, poured gas on that fire with some of their inflammatory and irresponsible rhetoric. And I sat up there and listened to Gov. Nixon and I sat up there and listened to Claire McCaskill the senator. And then I sat up there and listened to Eric Holder through law enforcement officers under the bus for political expedience. [...]

I expect that from Gov. Nixon. I expected that from Claire McCaskill.  Those are nothing but two-bit politicians. They do that sort of thing, that’s what politicians do. You know that. But I did not expect that from Eric Holder, who calls himself a law enforcement officer.”

Sheriff Clarke went on to say that Eric Holder owed an apology to every individual who puts on the uniform and “Holder sat up there and insinuated that these law enforcement officers in Ferguson go out with some nefarious and malicious intent in their hear to deny people their rights and to indiscriminately shoot and take peoples lives for nothing”. You can see just how pissed Sheriff Clarke is. But of course liberals and agenda driven blacks would say Clarke is not black enough.


Ben Shapiro of Breitbart News Nails It … Ferguson, MO Grand Jury Verdict of No Indictment for Officer Wilson Explodes Media’s Lying Racial Narrative


For a great read of a post-analysis of what transpired in Ferguson, Missouri and the liberal media’s lying racial narrative being exposed for the garbage it was, check out Ben Shapiro’s, Senior Editor-At-Large of Breitbart News, article at Breitbart.com … ‘Ferguson Verdict Explodes Media’s Lying Racial Narrative.’  As many times before, the MSM tried to create a story that belied the facts. The media ran with an out of control white cop who killed an innocent and unarmed black young man, a “gentle giant.” They ran with the story, not because it was true, but because they wanted it to be true. It gets old that we are continually told the same race-baiting story. It is Ben Shapiro’s final analysis that nails the media for the lie that their racial narrative truly is. Believe it or not, “every black man shot by police is not a Selma marcher.”


Truthfully, the angry and sullen reactions of those who wanted Wilson tried are understandable. They’re understandable because most Americans live in the evidence-free narrative created by malicious media liars, and the politicians they enable. They live in the evidence-free world of the political left, which maintains that America remains deeply racist, that every white cop is Bull Connor, and that every black man shot by police is a Selma marcher. So long as they live in that world, racial reconciliation will remain a dream, and racial polarization will remain a tool of the political and media elite to sell papers, raise cash, and drive votes.

Ferguson Verdict Explodes Media’s Lying Racial Narrative:

Just as the media did during the George Zimmerman trial and in the aftermath of Zimmerman’s shooting of Trayvon Martin, the media attempted to cram the square peg of the Wilson-Brown shooting into the round hole of white police racism. That meant portraying Brown as the latest sainted racial victim; this time, rather than the Trayvon Martin narrative of hoodies, Skittles, and iced tea, the media hit upon the notion that Brown was a “gentle giant.” The Brown family, Al Sharpton, MSNBC, CNN, The Washington Post, and other major media outlets ran with the story that Brown was a “gentle giant” who wouldn’t hurt a fly.

Then, it turned out that Brown had robbed a convenience store minutes before his altercation with Wilson.

Similarly, the media trotted out the story of Dorian Johnson, Brown’s friend, who said that Brown held his hands up in surrender after being shot in the back, and that Wilson executed Brown. The entire media ran with that one originally; the lie spawned an entire “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” movement. Of course, it later turned out that Johnson had helped Brown rob the store, and that all available autopsy evidence contradicted Johnson’s story.

But never mind: the media had somehow turned the true story of Michael Brown – the story of a 6’5”, 289-lb. 18-year-old strong-arm-robbing a convenience store, confronting a police officer and attempting to take his gun, running away, turning back to charge that officer, and being shot multiple times – into the story of Emmett Till. Never mind that there was not a single shred of evidence suggesting that Wilson targeted Brown based on race; never mind that Brown matched the description of the robbery suspect because he was the robbery suspect; never mind that Brown attacked an officer twice. No, this was a pre-ordained narrative for the media: white racist police officer strikes down young black unarmed man. The result of that overwrought and outright false media-generated controversy: extended riots in Ferguson.


The story beat the facts. So the media ran with the story.

So did President Obama. In 2013, Obama told America that Trayvon Martin could have been his son; in this case, Obama told the United Nations that riots in Ferguson represented America’s nasty racial legacy.

As the grand jury verdict neared release, the media built up the story. We were warned of riots if Wilson escaped indictment; Erin Burnett of CNN said that such a verdict would be the “nuclear option.” Nancy Grace of Court TV helpfully added that Michael Brown’s height did not “mean he was a violent teen.” And the Brown family attorney, Benjamin Crump, openly stated that the grand jury was corrupt, long before the verdict.

Predictably enough, the Michael Brown case fell apart the moment it hit the legal system. It turns out, as Robert McCulloch said, that evidence still trumps media hype in the legal system – at least sometimes.

Read the est HERE.

Daily Commentary – Wednesday, November 26, 2014 – As Expected, Riots Broke Out in Ferguson Monday Night

  • In my opinion, it wouldn’t have mattered what the verdict was. Criminals and opportunists were going to cause trouble no matter what

Daily Commentary – Wednesday, November 26, 2014 Download

Rudy Giuliani Battles Professor Michael Eric Dyson Over Violence in Black Communities: “93% of Blacks are Killed by Other Blacks”… “White Police Officers Won’t Be There’ If Blacks ‘Weren’t Killing Each Other” … Giuliani Called a “White Supremest”(VIDEO)

Check out the VIDEO below, when confronted with the facts … Georgetown professor calls former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani a “White Supremest”.

Over the weekend on NBC’s ‘Meet the Press,’ we were once again witness to what happens when a black activist with an agenda is presented with the facts that they don’t like to hear. The response is using the race card. In a heated discussion about race and crime with Georgetown professor Michael Eric Dyson during a discussion on Ferguson, Missouri, Rudy Giuliani pointed out the facts that what happened in there was the exception, not the norm. But, it was being treated by the MSM and activists like it happened all the time. Giuliani stated that 93% of blacks in America are being killed by blacks.

But the fact is, I find it very disappointing that you’re not discussing the fact that 93 percent of blacks in America are killed by other blacks. We’re talking about the exception here,” Giuliani said on NBC’s “Meet the Press” while discussing whether police forces reflect the demographics of the communities they serve.

Dyson called this a “false equivalency.”

Later in the heated debate, it got personal, very personal. When professor Dyson did not like what he heard, he said the following, “this is a defense mechanism of white supremacy at work in your mind.” REALLY? What a shock, when all else fails, play the race card. This is why blacks continue to kill blacks, their so-called leaders fail to truthfully deal with the real problem and focus on race-baiting. Rudy Giuliani said that black on black crime, “is the reason for the heavy police presence in the black community.” Dyson shot back and said, “not at all”. (2:10). Really sir, that is not what President Barack Obama says below … or is he a White Supremest also?

Later in the argument Giuliani argued that while police officers are only present in certain communities because black people are committing crimes.

“It is the reason for the heavy police presence in the black community,” he said. “White police officers won’t be there if you weren’t killing each other 70 percent of the time.”

Dyson shot back at Giuliani and said, “this is a defense mechanism of white supremacy at work in your mind.”

Check out the VIDEO below of Barack Obama discussing the situation in Ferguson, MO. At the 1:55 mark Obama says, “… because minority communities typically are subject to more crime. They need law enforcement for than anybody. There are a lot of communities, in my home town of Chicago for example, who actually want to see more police there.”

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Transcript of the heated debate from Real Clear Politics:

CHUCK TODD, MEET THE PRESS: Now let’s talk about the larger issue here that I think other communities may need to confront. Mayor Giuliani, I want to show you this graphic of the disproportionality of white police forces basically not looking like the communities that they serve. I highlighted six here of the most dramatic.
This was a Washington Post analysis of census data. Where basically the proportion of white police officers was much higher than the proportion of the white population. Miami Gardens, Florida, right outside the city of Miami, we see there El Paso, Texas, Compton, Gary, Indiana, Newark, Detroit. I mean, all of those place could become future Fergusons. How do you make a police force that looks like the community they serve?
RUDY GIULIANI: Well, I mean, starting with Mayor Koch, Mayor Dinkins, myself, Mayor Bloomberg, and now Mayor de Blasio, we’ve tried very hard to make the police force in New York City as proportionate as we possibly can. We go out of our way to do that. I think we do a pretty good job. Not a perfect job. But the reality is–
CHUCK TODD: You’re not on this list, so that’s a good thing.
RUDY GIULIANI: Right. I was glad to see that we weren’t, by the way. But the fact is, I find it very disappointing that you’re not discussing the fact that 93% of blacks in America are killed by other blacks. We’re talking about the exception here.
MICHAEL ERIC DYSON: Well, look. First of all–
MICHAEL ERIC DYSON: –it’s about a distrust issue.
RUDY GIULIANI: We are talking about the significant exception. 93% of blacks are killed by other blacks.
MICHAEL ERIC DYSON: Let me reply to that.
RUDY GIULIANI: I would like to see attention paid to that that you are paying to this and the solutions to that.
MICHAEL ERIC DYSON: He’s taking up in time. Can I say this, first of all, no black people who commit crimes against other black people go to jail [sic]. Number two, they are not sworn by the police department as a agent of the state to uphold the law. So in both cases, that’s a false equivalency that the mayor has drawn, which is exacerbated tensions that are deeply imbedded in American culture.
RUDY GIULIANI: It’s the reason that–
MICHAEL ERIC DYSON: Black people who kill black people go to jail. White people who are policemen who kill black people do not go to jail. If a jury can indict a ham sandwich, why is it taking so long?
RUDY GIULIANI: –it’s hardly insignificant.

Read the rest HERE.

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