And So It Begins … CBS Poll has Obama – Romney Dead Heat, Tied in Virginia after Obama’s Roanoke Incident

DRIP, DRIP, DRIP … And so it begins, could this be the beginning of the end for Barack Obama after his ill advised Roanoke incident where he stated, If you’ve got a business … you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”

A new CBS News poll has the Presidential race it a dead heat, where Mitt Romney is ahead of Obama 47% to 46%. It actually gets worse for Obama than the poll would indicate. The CBS poll is with “registered” voters, one where Obama usually is ahead in handily. It is the “likely” voter polls where Obama tends to struggle. Also, the poll shows that Republicans are more enthusiastic than Democrats this time around.  Real Clear Politics shows that the race is getting much closer.

Republicans are more enthusiastic than Democrats when it comes to voting in this election, though just one in three registered voters overall are more enthusiastic than they were in the past. Roughly half of Republicans say they are more enthusiastic compared to past elections – up from 36 percent in March – while just 27 percent of Democrats say they same.

One in five registered voters with a candidate choice said they still might change their mind. The percentage of those willing to switch was essentially the same for both candidates.

Forty-five percent of registered voters say they are paying close attention to the campaign, and another 38 percent say they are paying some attention. Seventeen percent say they are paying little or no attention.

Barack Obama and Mitt Romney are now tied in Virgina according to a recent Quinnipiac poll. Obama narrowly won VA in the 2008 Presidential election; however, as pointed out by the Weekly Standard, the polls are starting to trend to Romney. One must remember, polls are snap shots in time, it is the trend line that is important.

The pollsters note that this signals a sizable shift in Romney’s direction: “This compares to a 50 – 42 percent lead for President Obama in a March 20 survey by the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University and a 47 – 42 percent Obama lead June 7.”

“Virginia voters are sharply split along gender and political lines about the presidential race. The two candidates equally hold their own political bases and are splitting the key independent vote down the middle,” Quinnipiac’s Peter Brown says.

According to The Hill, the poll also shows that former Sen. George Allen (R-VA.) with a 46-44 percent lead over former Democratic Gov. Tim Kaine in the state’s race for US Senate.

An astute analysis made at Jammie Wearing Fool, “Gee, you suppose calling Romney a felon, compounded with Obama’s shift into full-blown Socialist mode is hurting him? Whodathunkit?” Yup, the silly season is about to come to an end and the American people who are “tired of being tired,” are about to take a good look at who and what Obama is all about and say, we cannot take another 4 years of this.

Hope & Change? Barack Obama Sinks to Historic Lows Among Blue Collar Men to 28% … Issue with Independents as Well

Yet another record for President Barack Obama. As reported at the National Journal, Barack Obama sinks to historic lows among white blue color workers. According to the Quinnipiac and ABC/WAPO polls, Obama has sunk to 29% and 28% respectively among this demographic. Wow, is it possible that Obama could have polled worse than Jimmy Carter … Yes he can!!!

The new Quinnipiac University and ABC/Washington Post national surveys out this week converge on one key conclusion: as the election nears, President Obama is sinking to historic lows among the group most consistently hostile to him.

Throughout his career on the national stage, Obama has struggled among white men without a college education. But in these latest surveys, he has fallen to a level of support among them lower than any Democratic nominee has attracted in any election since 1980, according to an upcoming National Journal analysis of exit polls from presidential elections.

Though pollsters at each organization caution that the margins of error are substantial when looking at subgroups such as this, each poll shows erosion within that margin of error for Obama with these working-class white men. The new Quinnipiac poll shows Obama attracting just 29 percent of non-college white men, down from 32 percent in their most recent national survey in April, according to figures provided by Douglas Schwartz, April Radocchio and Ralph Hansen of Quinnipiac. The ABC/Washington Post survey found Obama drawing just 28 percent of non-college white men, down from 34 percent in their May survey, according to figures provided by ABC Pollster Gary Langer. Romney drew 56 percent of the non-college white men in Quinnipiac and 65 percent in the ABC/Washington Post survey.

But we all know what Obama refers to these folks as … racists.

However, Obama may have even more significant issues to deal with Independent voters. Obama finds himself  trailing Romney badly with Indies which makes this poll some what suspect as how can Obama be so far behind with Independent voters in the ABC-WAPO poll and yet it be a tie? Hmm?

Digging into the crosstabs of our ABC/Washington Post poll it’s clear that Obama has a significant problem with independent voters. On every measure, independents are significantly more disappointed with the president and more open to a Mitt Romney message.

While 45 percent of voters overall say they approve of Obama’s handling of the economy, just 37 percent of independents believe that. Obama has a 12 point advantage among all voters on the issue of “who has presented a clearer plan for dealing with the economy – Obama or Romney?” But among independents that flips to an eight point advantage for Romney.

Mitt Romney Up 6% in Quinnipiac Poll in Battleground State of Florida … Romney 47% – Obama 41%

The presumptive Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney surges in Florida over Barack Obama.

According to the most recent Quinnipiac poll, Romney is up 6% over Obama and leads the incumbent President in the Sunshine state 47% to 41%. This is quite a statement for Romney, taking the lead in the key battleground state of Florida. What seems to be driving the poll is the 45 approve – 55% disapprove of Obama job approval and the 58% yes – 30% no likability of Romney.

Gov. Mitt Romney holds a 47 – 41 percent lead over President Barack Obama in Florida, where 63 percent of voters say the president’s support of same-sex marriage will not affect their vote, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today. Another 25 – 11 percent of voters, including 23 – 9 percent among independent voters, say Obama’s support of gay marriage makes them less likely to support his candidacy.

Adding Florida U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio to the GOP ticket would give the Republican Romney/Rubio team a 49 – 41 percent lead over President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden.

Romney’s lead in the horse race compares to a 44 – 43 percent tie in a May 3 survey by the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University and a 49 – 42 percent Obama lead March 28.

Florida is a truly representative swing state and could spell political reelection doom for Obama and what the landscape will look like in the rest of the battleground states up for grabs in the 2012 Presidential election.

Obamacare Still as Unpopular as Ever … Most Voters Want the SCOTUS to Overturn Obamacare

Obama and Democrats still have to defend Obamacare in the 2012 elections … good luck.

A dark cloud continues to hover over Barack Obama and his reelection bid for 2012, his signature piece of legislation, Obamacare, is as unpopular as ever. Most voters according to a recent Quinnipiac poll want the SCOTUS, the Supreme Court of the United States, to over turn it. By a 48% to 40% Americans want nothing to do with Obamacare, including Independents who oppose the healthcare law 45%-38%.

A new poll shows that most voters want the Supreme Court to overturn President Obama’s health care law, with opposition and support falling largely along party lines.

Overall, voters oppose the law by 48%-40%, according to the Quinnipiac University survey. Democrats support the Obama health care effort by 70%-19%, while Republicans oppose it by 86%-8%.

The Quinnipiac survey found independent voters opposed to the law by 45%-38%.

Full poll can be seen HERE.

However, the public’s disastrous for Obamacare is even worse than the above Quinnipiac poll states. According to the Real Clear Politics average polling for Obamacare, American voters oppose the law 49.8% to 38.7%. Barack Obama and Democrats in the House and US Senate are going to have a difficult time explaining to voters why they voted against the will of the American people. Good luck to Democrats like Ben Nelson in Nebraska and Bill Nelson in Florida explaining their way out of this.

Barack Obama in Serious Polling Trouble in Battle Ground State of Pennsylvania … 35% Job Approval

Key state battle ground polling troubles for Obama … looks like they cling to more than their “guns and Bibles”.

In the 2008 Presidential election, Barack Obama defeated John McCain in Pennsylvania 54.7% to 44.3%.  In April 2009, just after Barack Obama started as President and and just after the stimulus bill was passed, Obama was at 61% approval in the Keystone state. Now according to a recent Muhlenberg College poll released Friday,Obama has dropped to a 35% job approval rating among registered voters.  OUCH!!!

President Barack Obama, who political experts say will need a win in Pennsylvania to retain the White House, dipped to 35 percent approval among the state’s registered voters, according to a Muhlenberg College poll released Friday.

The results come on the heels of a bad week in polls for Obama that showed him first dropping to 39 percent nationwide in Gallup’s daily tracking poll. Then another set of Gallup results Thursday showed only 26 percent of Americans approve of how Obama is handling the economy.

The unemployment rate in PA is presently 9% and Pennsylvanians seem pessimistic about the economy.Once again Barack Obama is being bit by the terrible US economy and the fact that he has promised jobs and delivered nothing. Many in Pennsylvania believe that Obama’s policies have negatively affected the economy.

Asked if Obama’s policies have helped or hurt the economy, just 23 percent said helped, 41 percent said hurt and 32 percent said his policies haven’t made a difference.

Hot Air brings up some important voting registration demographic, as “Democrats enjoy a substantial registration advantage over Republicans, going well into double digits.” Earlier this month, a Quinnipiac poll had Obama with a 54% – 43%  disapproval among Pennsylvania voters.    There is no way that Barack Obama wins reelection if he loses Pennsylvania. However, Obama is going to have difficulty winning many states that he carried in 2008 like VA, NC, FL, OH, IN and NH.  A look into the 2012 election crystal ball will show that not only will Obama have trouble in traditional swing states, or battleground states, but there will be new states that were once considered “Blue” that will be in play like Wisconsin and Michigan.

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