After Millions Spent, Aruban Tourism Still Floundering; Increase of 0.6% in April, 2007

After all the millions spent on marketing tourism, after all the attempts to spin bad publicity and after all the attempts to shift blame on to other in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway, Aruba’s tourism is still in shambles.

As reported in Amigoe and The Aruban Central Bank, Aruban tourism was up 0.6%. With all the recent efforts made to market tourism, that can only be looked at as a total failure. Aruba also on the tourism horizon has the release of Beth Twitty’s book, Loving Natalee: A Mother’s Testament of Hope and Faith. The October 2, 2007 release will once again shed light and attention on the fact that Aruba has done nothing to provide, Justice for Natalee.

In April 67.825 tourists visited Aruba. That’s merely 0.6 percent more than in April 2006.

The Easter period saw a decline in both years for the month of April. The foregoing Semana Santa usually brings a lot of southern neighbors to our island, but this year it was quite less. Also the number of American tourists declined by 1.6 percent.

A decline from the northern cities of Chicago (Illinois) and Detroit (Michigan) was registered, as was the case with the most important air traffic junction Atlanta in Georgia.

The tourism from cruise ship’s is also down drastically.

Tourism Authority show that, when compared to the corresponding month of 2006, the number of cruise passengers shrank considerably, i.e., by 53 percent, despite a 42.9 percent increase in ship calls in June 2007. (CBA)

Amigoe: August 13, 2007: Marginal growth tourism in April 

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What Does Barack Obama, Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr. & Trinity United Church of Christ Have against Natalee Holloway?

I thought we were all God’s children … Obama_REV

First we have Democratic Presidential candidate John Edwards and his divisive Two America’s, now we have Barack Obama and his support for a most controversial and divisive Reverend.

When one runs for President, they are supposed to represent all the people. Not just some, not just a section of the US and not just those who agree with you. The President is supposed to represent “We the People.” So why does Democratic candidate Barack Obama seem to put forth a mixed message? Imagine if the roles were reversed and a white Presidential candidate associated themselves with such a person?

Presidential candidate Barack Obama preaches on the campaign trail that America needs a new consensus based on faith and bipartisanship, yet he continues to attend a controversial Chicago church whose pastor routinely refers to “white arrogance” and “the United States of Whiter America.”

In some respects its not even mixed, its rather straight forward as seen by Obama’s association with the controversial Reverend Jeremiah Wright Jr. at Trinity United Church of Christ on the South Side of Chicago. Obama has been a regular attendee of this church since the 1980’s. Trinity United Church bears the motto “Unashamedly Black and Unapologetically Christian.”

So what does Barack Obama have against Natalee Holloway and missing persons? Should not they all be searched for and found? When was the last time Obama took part in a search or even cared to talk about missing persons as a platform?

Maybe someone needs to ask Presidential wannbe Barack Obama et al why they have a problem with Natalee Holloway. What did she do to them? They claim to be Christian. Isn’t everyone God’s child … white, black and otherwise? Why would anyone associate with something that is so divisive when they would need the support of all people?

Natalee Holloway 2

Wright on the disappearance of Natalee Holloway: “Black women are being raped daily in Africa. One white girl from Alabama gets drunk at a graduation trip to Aruba, goes off and gives it up while in a foreign country and that stays in the news for months.” (News Max)

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Man Drowns in Aruba and Washes Ashore … Why Didn’t Natalee Holloway, if she Drown?

Amigoe is reporting that a man, presumed homeless, was found dead and floating in the Aruba_man_drownwater near Bikker & Gomez at the L.G. Smith Boulevard in Aruba. So why is it again as some have tried to spin that if Natalee Holloway accidently drown in the ocean due to drugs or intoxication that she did not wash ashore as this man did? The answer is, if she had drown in that manner, she would have.

However, for some reason the laws of nature, currents and ocean tides are different for homeless men name Tomas and Zico than they are for an American teenager named Natalee Holloway in Aruba. We can also presume that Tomas/Zico was not at Carlos N’ Charles and was not seen leaving in a car with Joran Van der Sloot, Deepak or Satish Kalpoe. as he was later found in the water.

If someone was in such an impaired or intoxicated state they never could have gotten that far away from shore to drift away with the current. The waves would have brought them back. Of course if they were taken out into the ocean by a boat and dropped in the sea in a weighted cage, that is another story.

Fish cage

Amigoe; July 25, 2007: Man drowned  

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The Dana Pretzer Show – Monday, July 23rd, 2007 – Special Guests Larry Synclair, Jossy Mansur, LaDonna Meredith, Attorney Jay Paul Deratany

The Dana Pretzer Show on Scared Monkeys Radio

Special Guests: 

  • Larry Synclair – Discusses The PARENT ACT “Proposed Legislation” – The Parental Abduction Recovery, Enforcement and Network Training Act
  • Jossy Mansur - Discusses The Natalee Holloway Investigation
  • LaDonna MeredithLet’s Bring Them Home, a national missing person’s advocacy group, announces the launch of Project Dead Zone – an initiative to find answers in the cases of missing persons along the 100-mile stretch from Shreveport, Louisiana to Houston, Texas dubbed as the “dead zone.”
  • Attorney Jay Paul Deratany – Discussing the To Catch a Predator sting which was conducted with law enforcement in Murphy, Texas and Perverted Justice.

icon for podpress  The Dana Pretzer Show – Monday, July 23rd, 2007 – Special Guests Larry Synclair, Jossy Mansur, LaDonna Meredith, Attorney Jay Paul Deratany [58:10m]:  | Download

Daily Commentary – Monday, July 23, 2007 – O’Reilly Factor Reports “Credible Source” Information Regarding Natalee Holloway Case

  • Dana Pretzer discusses Bill O’Reilly and and Geraldo Rivera confirm that they are unable to confirm the “credible source information” independently.

Original unconfirmed O’Reilly “Factor” report

Geraldo Rivera back peddling

icon for podpress  Daily Commentary – Monday, July 23, 2007 – O’Reilly Factor Reports “Credible Source” Information Regarding Natalee Holloway Case [2:39m]: | Download

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