Monkeys Rule and British Memory Champion Ben Pridmore Drools … Amyumu the Chimpanzee Trounced a British Memory Champion

Was there ever any doubt? Monkeys have better memories.


(Click on pic for video)

Amyumu the chimpanzee trounced a British memory champion in a memory contest. As if they needed to do this test for memory supremacy. All one had to do was ask Aruban officials, suspects in the Natalee Holloway case and those that wish to spin the stories how good monkeys memories are. They have been righting wrongs and correcting lies for 2+ years. Word to the wise … don’t ever question a monkeys memory. Don’t ever challenge a monkey to a memory contest when armed with a computer … some people never learn.

Both chimp and man watched a computer screen on which five numbers flashed up at various positions before being obscured by white squares.

They then had to touch the squares in order of the numbers they concealed, from lowest to highest. When the numbers were shown for just a fifth of a second – the blink of an eye – Ayumu got it right almost 90 per cent of the time.

His human opponent scored a rather less impressive 33 per cent, Channel Five programme Extraordinary Animals will reveal.

Monkeys Welcome Jungle

Posted January 26, 2008 by
Fun, Natalee Holloway | 3 comments

“Natalee Holloway and the Phonies” … Jossy Mansur Editorial, the Voice of Reason


Tired of listening to lies and slander regarding Natalee Holloway and those that would attack a victim who cannot defend herself. Enter Jossy Mansur … the voice of reason.

The only thing that I want to make clear is that I don’t believe in phonies who dialogue with the dead, because I don’t believe in the fiction of contacts with the nether regions. And I say this without cynicism, but guided, not by the “Guiding Light”, but by the light of the pragmatic truth! (Jossy Mansur)

Good riddance phonies, its time to go and leave the investigative work and deductive reasoning to trained professionals who do not wear tin foil hats.

From Diario, Jossy Mansur Editorial, Tuesday, 22 January 2008


It’s about time that the phonies that flock around the Natalee case take their leave from it, and let it remain circumscribed to what is written in the police reports. Outside those reports, any one can speculate, pretend to talk to spirits, listen to voices from the nether world, and come up with all sorts of ridiculous statements. Those who really want to know what happened to Natalee must read all the transcripts that the interrogators prepared after listening to the three suspects as well as the father of Joran, plus the number of witnesses and/or people of interest the police brought in for questioning.

To bring spiritualists like Yomanda, or Negro Felipe, or Maria Loionsa, is typical of people who live outside the real world. And for those who do not know, a “spiritualist” is a person who believes in the doctrine that the spirit of the dead can communicate with the living. As far as I am aware, Rudy Croes seems to be a believer in that doctrine.

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The Dana Pretzer Show on Scared Monkeys Radio – Friday, January 25, 2008 – Guests Include Jacque Hollander, Andrew Hodges and R. Stephanie Good

Join Dana this week as he welcomes:

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Scared Monkeys Radio Daily Commentary – Friday, January 25, 2008 – “Aruba Makes You Want To Puke”

  • In another onslaught of nonsense from Aruba, “Alberto G.” surfaces with a new revelation after hearing American witch-doctors Dan Young and Kelly Castillo.

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So Aruba Wants to Question the Time Line of Beth Holloway and Not that of Three Suspects in her Daughters Disappearance?

The continued attack on Beth Holloway and Natalee … Only in the anti-world of Aruba are victims made to be guilty.


Simply incredible. Aruba wishes to continue to put the mother of a missing girl on the witness stand and let those that were last seen with Natalee Holloway skate. Some how the mystery of this case depends on the time that Beth Holloway landed on Aruba, whereas an unknown source (Alberto G.) has changed his original story. Aruba_boycottSuddenly, he was mistaken.

At that time, Alberto G. (Amigoe knows his name but he wants to stay anonymous out of precaution) worked on the part of the airport of Aruba where private airplanes park.  He was the first person that met Beth Twitty at the bottom of the aircraft steps, after he had piloted the aircraft in.   After that, he became the family’s guide for some time. 

He now says that he will change his earlier declaration before the police and give a new one.  He was mistaken.  Last week’s statements of the Americans Dan Young and Kelly Castillo, who call themselves ‘investigators’, made him decide to check some things again.   

Only in Aruba does one focus on the parent who flew in from the United States to find her daughter vs. the very people who were last seen with the victim. Every wonder why one should avoid some places at all cost? Future tourists of Aruba … THIS COULD HAPPEN TO YOU!

Timeline Beth does not tally, (Amigoe – January 24, 2008)

WILLEMSTAD/ORANJESTAD – Mother of Natalee Holloway, Beth has given incorrect information on the time she arrived in Aruba with a private jet on May 30, 2005.  This was not around 23:00, as she had said up till now – also in her book published late last year – but already at 19:45, says Alberto G. before the camera of the Curacao TV-producer Renée Gielen,  who is working on a documentary on the disappearance of the American teenage girl, and interviewed G. on this subject this morning. 

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