“Natalee Holloway and the Phonies” … Jossy Mansur Editorial, the Voice of Reason



Tired of listening to lies and slander regarding Natalee Holloway and those that would attack a victim who cannot defend herself. Enter Jossy Mansur … the voice of reason.

The only thing that I want to make clear is that I don’t believe in phonies who dialogue with the dead, because I don’t believe in the fiction of contacts with the nether regions. And I say this without cynicism, but guided, not by the “Guiding Light”, but by the light of the pragmatic truth! (Jossy Mansur)

Good riddance phonies, its time to go and leave the investigative work and deductive reasoning to trained professionals who do not wear tin foil hats.

From Diario, Jossy Mansur Editorial, Tuesday, 22 January 2008


It’s about time that the phonies that flock around the Natalee case take their leave from it, and let it remain circumscribed to what is written in the police reports. Outside those reports, any one can speculate, pretend to talk to spirits, listen to voices from the nether world, and come up with all sorts of ridiculous statements. Those who really want to know what happened to Natalee must read all the transcripts that the interrogators prepared after listening to the three suspects as well as the father of Joran, plus the number of witnesses and/or people of interest the police brought in for questioning.

To bring spiritualists like Yomanda, or Negro Felipe, or Maria Loionsa, is typical of people who live outside the real world. And for those who do not know, a “spiritualist” is a person who believes in the doctrine that the spirit of the dead can communicate with the living. As far as I am aware, Rudy Croes seems to be a believer in that doctrine.

The reality of the case is, however, that Natalee disappeared while she was in the company of three suspects: Joran, Deepak and Satish! Period! No other person has come forward to say that he or she knows concretely what happened to the girl, and there hasn’t been one single person during more than two and a half years since her disappearance, that can prove with irrefutable evidence that he or she knows what happened to Natalee, nor where she or her remains are. That she could be alive? It is a possibility that continues to exist while no concrete evidence is found that she is dead, but the majority of us who know the intricacies of the case are convinced that she is no longer alive.

I have read and listened to so much absurdity that I sometimes ask myself whether in order to occupy a position as Minister, the only credential you need is a diploma in stupidity. For the Minister of Justice to appear on television in one of his emotional outbursts because two “spiritualists” came up with a ton of inventions about Natalee, I cannot help but consider it indicative of the level of intelligence that dominates this government. I can understand the frustration of the government in the absence of a solution to the case, but what I cannot understand nor accept is the constant attempt by the Government to turn away attention from the true suspects, and navigate in the world of spirits that the phonies they themselves brought to Aruba have created. 

Let mi put some dots on the “I’s”, to clear up any doubt that the communicators with the nether world have brought forward:
1. Natalee was not pregnant! There are no medical proofs in the U.S. to confirm that she was pregnant! On the contrary, her doctor in Alabama who was in charge of her annual medical exams, had examined her prior to coming to Aruba and did not find any kind of pregnancy signs!
2. Natalee did not use drugs! She was never in a rehabilitation clinic! Those who say the contrary are people who did not bother to check with the professionals of medicine in her vicinity to find out the truth. We did!
3. Natalee never ran away from home for any reason whatsoever! The stories that she had run away from her home in the past are other inventions of fertile or sick minds, of hunters of sensationalism that, in the absence of any confirmation, invent it! The authorities consulted where she lived have no evidence that she may have run away from home at any time!

Now, let’s examine what kind of person Natalee really was. She was a student who obtained pure “A’s” at school, in other words the equivalent of an average of “10″ in our system. She was what we know as a straight A student! She did not go around with promiscuous friends. She went to church regularly with one or another of her biological parents. She was active in the social spheres of her community. She was a serious girl focused on her future, that she wanted to dedicate to the practice of medicine. All this was confirmed to us by the professionals that attended her!

What happened to her in Aruba? Why did she turn away from the previous profile to enter a car with three persons she hardly knew? Too many drinks, or was she drugged? A bartender at the club where she was that fatal night has confirmed that two of the three suspects had to practically drag her to the car because she was uncertain on her feet. Another witness has confirmed that it’s not rare that they could have put a drug in one of her drinks to soften her submission. Be it whatever it was that weakened her defenses that night, its the three suspects that were with her who can supply us with the right answers. Since I do not have the habit of speculating, I am not going to do it now either.

The only thing that I want to make clear is that I don’t believe in phonies who dialogue with the dead, because I don’t believe in the fiction of contacts with the nether regions. And I say this without cynicism, but guided, not by the “Guiding Light”, but by the light of the pragmatic truth!

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  • Diario Editorial: Natalee’s Case Is Raising Its Head Again! (Aruba: Why not Sue the three Suspects)
  • Jossy Mansur: “definitely convinced” answers will come as to what happened to Holloway.
  • Natalee Holloway Investigation Continues … Videos, podcasts and news
  • Reuben Trappenburg – Jossy Mansur – O’Reilly Wants to Know – Who Knows More?

  • Comments

    90 Responses to ““Natalee Holloway and the Phonies” … Jossy Mansur Editorial, the Voice of Reason”

    1. disgustedmom on January 26th, 2008 12:09 am

      I’m not saying all people who claim to get spirit contacts or be able to communicate telepathically with spirits are legit….HOWEVER….one can communicate with the spirit world and vice versa. What the heck do you think God is about, Jossy?

    2. katablog on January 26th, 2008 12:09 am

      Common sense and a little investigative reporting. How dare people say Dario is a tabloid, at least they bother to check their facts before they run around ans assassinated a victim’s and her family’s character.

      Thanks as usual Jossy. Of course this has all been said before, but many people in Aruba seem content to repeat the lies instead.

    3. Observer on January 26th, 2008 12:24 am

      Thanks Jossy!! It goes way beyond Phonies!! How could Briesen and Croes let these evil dirtbags on the Radio,TV and Newspapers with no proof and all lies? Sickening..This was about a victim who was murdered and her Family!! How much lower can you get?
      “A bartender at the club where she was that fatal night has confirmed that two of the three suspects had to practically drag her to the car because she was uncertain on her feet”

      This is interesting and I have always thought that maybe there may be some truth about Deepak going back and escorting Natalee out of C&C 10 minutes after everyone initially thought.

    4. Carpe Noctem on January 26th, 2008 12:26 am

      Hi Jossy!


      971 days

      Jan 25, 2007

      It has been 971 days

      since Joran, Deepak, & Satish

      lied and said they dropped off

      Natalee Ann Holloway at the Holiday

      Inn, Palm Beach, Aruba


      Question: Why is it 2008, and the A.L.E. still

      has not pressed Joran Vandersloot further

      to define just what the word ‘BAD’

      means to him?

      WHAT HAPPENED TO HER, JORAN? Did you throw

      some wine in her eye? -j4n

    5. dennisintn on January 26th, 2008 12:27 am

      jossy is the voice of reason and truth on an island evidently ruled by fools. as we have known for a long time now. thank you, mr. mansur, sir, from the bottom of my heart for your honesty and clear headed thinking. the people of aruba deserve better than what they have leading them now.

    6. Blue Moon of KY on January 26th, 2008 12:29 am

      THIS is what a true reporter does. Investigates, ask questions, states the facts only. Simple and to the point. Thanks Jossy. Natalee at least has a calm voice in you. The facts are simple, an up-and-coming Doctor who’s life was cut short. Senseless is all I can say. Jossy, please don’t desert Natalee or her family – They need you now.

    7. yoyo muffintop on January 26th, 2008 1:02 am

      Wow – nice slam on Dr Hodges Jossy (as well as lone wolf/2 dogs f-ing(i really don’t know there names)/carla/eye-rolling dude. I’m actually surprised!

    8. dennisintn on January 26th, 2008 1:43 am

      since when is hodges pretending to be a psychic? why would he want to claim he was?

    9. Ray on January 26th, 2008 2:14 am

      #5 dennisintn
      You said it so good I will just say AMEN,RIGHT ON.

    10. Truthseeker on January 26th, 2008 2:29 am

      Ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for Joran.

    11. kgwallace88 on January 26th, 2008 7:36 am

      Since these “so called psychics” on Aruba can communicate with the dead. .why don’t they tell us where Natalee’s remains are??? If there were a legitimate true psychic they would be able to answer this question! Why hasn’t someone asked Sylvia Browne?

    12. disgustedmom on January 26th, 2008 10:00 am

      “A bartender at the club where she was that fatal night has confirmed that two of the three suspects had to practically drag her to the car because she was uncertain on her feet”

      This is the first I’ve heard of this. So riddle me this:

      How could Natalee be being practically dragged to the car at the same time some MB classmates saw her standing ‘just fine’ outside CC’s? Who is ‘mistaken’ here, the bartender or the MB classmates?

    13. disgustedmom on January 26th, 2008 10:33 am

      Quote Jossy:

      “Let mi put some dots on the “I’s”, to clear up any doubt that the communicators with the nether world have brought forward:
      1. Natalee was not pregnant! There are no medical proofs in the U.S. to confirm that she was pregnant! On the contrary, her doctor in Alabama who was in charge of her annual medical exams, had examined her prior to coming to Aruba and did not find any kind of pregnancy signs!
      2. Natalee did not use drugs! She was never in a rehabilitation clinic! Those who say the contrary are people who did not bother to check with the professionals of medicine in her vicinity to find out the truth. We did!
      3. Natalee never ran away from home for any reason whatsoever! The stories that she had run away from her home in the past are other inventions of fertile or sick minds, of hunters of sensationalism that, in the absence of any confirmation, invent it! The authorities consulted where she lived have no evidence that she may have run away from home at any time!

      Now, let’s examine what kind of person Natalee really was. She was a student who obtained pure “A’s” at school, in other words the equivalent of an average of “10? in our system. She was what we know as a straight A student! She did not go around with promiscuous friends. She went to church regularly with one or another of her biological parents. She was active in the social spheres of her community. She was a serious girl focused on her future, that she wanted to dedicate to the practice of medicine. All this was confirmed to us by the professionals that attended her!”


      Jossy’s been running checks on Natalee’s backgroud? Jossy’s been checking out stories told about her being pregnant and in rehad and running away before?

      I’m just curious….how is that when Jossy checks out Natalee’s pre-Aruba life it’s OK, but when anyone else suggests doing it a flag is thrown on the play?

      Geez, I know I sound like a troll now! But think about it people….Jossy did some checking up to find out the truth. He didn’t take Beth’s word for it and leave it alone at that. He checked UP! Just because he came up with conclusions that were contrary to the accusations against Natalee doesn’t make it any different than if someone who wished the accusations to be true did the checking up. So why not give all the green light to check up on Natalee’s life instead of just letting it be OK that Jossy does it?

      I’m sorry, but I personally feel some monkeys are way too far up Jossy’s arse. It has been said the man has a history of mafia-type connections and crimes of that nature and associations with unsavory characters just as the others on Aruba who are outwardly accused of such corruption. The ties between all the dark goings on are so intertwined and overlapping…do you really think Jossy would rat out someone who might be intertwined in some of his affairs if one should turn out to have been somehow involved in what became of Natalee? Or do you really think he would put Natalee first and risk exposure and trouble for his own interests?

      People, in every criminal case there is always that Good Guy, Bad Guy thing going on. IMO, Jossy is playing Good Guy, and he might want to help solve this case, but I dare say he knows more than he is willing to say. He says just enough to keep things stirred up against his opposition. My opinion. He has his own agenda. My opinion. And he is using this tradegy because of his own agenda, not because he is sincerely concerned about a missing American tourist. My opinion.

      And Tito? Ummm…soldier boy. My opinion.

    14. bleachedblack on January 26th, 2008 10:40 am


    15. LilPuma on January 26th, 2008 11:04 am

      When J2K were in jail, Allison Dubois said “you’ve got the right guys”. Psychic versus psychic? If authorities want to use them, use them responsibly to help find evidence, not give press conferences to convince Arubans that they’re all victims of the evil Americans.

    16. disgustedmom on January 26th, 2008 11:09 am

      While I’m on a roll, let me say this…

      It’s very easy to jump on the bandwagon of those who say what you want to hear and attack those who say what you don’t want to hear. Neither is a good idea.

      How does that wise saying go? Keep your enemies in close scrutiny and your friends even more so?

      Think about how if someone were planted to befriend Joran to find out what all he really knew. The whole idea would be that Joran should trust a friend and let loose in confidence a friend would warrant….the whole wolf in sheep’s clothing ageless psychology.

      My point is that no one should jump on someone bandwagon in this case to the point of worship…yes, I’m talking about Jossy worship. No matter how ‘nice’ they may ‘seem’. This creates a horribly narrow tunnel vision and a splitting up into sides where the middle ground might hold the real clues. And while I’m not suggesting Jossy had anything to do with Natalee’s disappearance, I just can’t say enough that no one’s agenda should be considered pure in this case as I see it until this case is solved beyond a shadow of a doubt. Aruba seems to have too many internal issues and I feel like the resolution to Natalee’s case is tangled within those issues and that just might include Jossy needing to hold back on some things he knows but won’t or can’t say for his own good.

      It’s like this….in the beginning when Beth was answering some questions with ‘that’s irrelevant’…and while Beth may have felt some avenues of exploration were irrelevant so she didn’t want to open certain doors unnecessarily, so might Jossy not want to breach certain things he might want to keep irrelevant/unsaid. We just have to consider that possibility as long as Natalee is still missing.

    17. disgustedmom on January 26th, 2008 11:23 am

      #15 LilPuma

      Psychic versus psychic! LOL

      You’re so right! Psychic stuff is worthless without proof to back it up. I say, if they want to go all psychic in this investigation, fine…just don’t write what a psychic says in stone. Use it only as an investigative tool because if the gift of being psychic is real then it came from God as a gift of help, not miracle. God himself performs miracles. He does not need the help of psychics. So no psychic is going to be able to have all the right answers completely true and exact.

    18. Bill on January 26th, 2008 12:08 pm

      How do you know for sure psychic power comes from God and not Satan? In my church we are cautioned not to visit with psychics because it opens certain doors and we have no way of knowing it’s a good spirit vs. evil.

      Personally I think psychic power is a bunch of hogwash. Otherwise all these psychics would be calling on the spirit world to give them the damn powerball numbers! The psychics would be a bunch of lottery winners walking around.

    19. brie on January 26th, 2008 12:11 pm

      Thank you Jossy!!! We appreciate your information and all the help you have given to Natalee’s family.

      Let’s hope and pray for the Persistence. The dedication from our volunteers is incredible. It’s no at all easy to endure what they have experienced. Their loving families that have stepped aside so these men could search for Natalee. God Bless All of You, over and over again.

    20. brie on January 26th, 2008 12:15 pm

      Breisen, Croes, Paulus, Julie and Arlene, why don’t you get in your row boats and paddle out to sea when the waves are 12 to 14ft high. Maybe you could lend a hand!!!!

    21. brie on January 26th, 2008 12:31 pm

      #20…sorry typo…meant to say Julia, not Julie

    22. kayjay on January 26th, 2008 12:36 pm

      Thanks Jossy..for the voice of reason.

    23. brie on January 26th, 2008 12:43 pm

      When you think of the Persistence out there trudging along….and there’s Breisen and Croes and their wacko do-little’s on land spreading lies and trying to add even more to the corruption of Natalee’s case. It does make you want to puke…on them!

    24. Betsy on January 26th, 2008 12:47 pm

      The following comment appeared on the Persistence search blog. It relates to the commitment by the search crew and the impact this has had on their wives and children. It really says it all.


      The men on Persistence are demonstrating to their children the sheer value of a single human being…. Natalee Holloway.

      Your crew leads by example and though God may or may not reward your efforts with Natalee’s discovery, the crew will be blessed in ways beyond measure. Their children will all be good people. They will be rewarded in the very thing that means the most… Raising good children and good people.

      In contrast, evaluate the failings of parenting in those who cover up this crime, fail to assist with finding Natalee and lead by example that it is okay to rape and murder because Mom and Dad will surely cover up their child’s bad deeds.

      You reap what you soe. I feel compassion for the children in the families of the criminals. For their parents’ lack of living the word of God and not leading by example, they have virtually guaranteed that all of the children, including the little brothers, will have no future.

      If parents won’t guide their own children, who will?

      Stand by your children no matter what? What cost is too great? Cover a rape and murder for a teenage child to show unfailing support? Is that acceptable? Surely God will not reward such behavior. Anyone with any bit of information about this crime that remains silent, will pay a price for their silence in unmeasureable ways.

      The children of all the men onboard Persistence should be full of pride for the work of their fathers. The heavenly rewards for their selfless acts will be great.

      January 25, 2008 4:04 PM

    25. Betsy on January 26th, 2008 12:49 pm

      Persistence blog:


    26. Betsy on January 26th, 2008 12:54 pm

      A question to ponder….

      If Joran had been raised by good parents, like the dads looking for Natalee on Persistence, would he have turned out differently? Would he have had the chance to be a good person? Or, do you think he was genetically predisposed from birth to be evil? The spawn of Satan?

      If we could roll back the hands of time and switched parents, could he have turned out to be a good person?

    27. yoyo muffintop on January 26th, 2008 1:05 pm

      disgustedmom – amen as well.

      Folks – Thoughtprinting is just a technical term for…guessing.
      It’s voodoo science. You’d be foolish to believe otherwise.

      Let’s just all gather around a ouija board to find out what happened. It would be no different than the “psychics” or “thoughtprinters”.

    28. JusticeforNatalee on January 26th, 2008 1:13 pm

      “I’m sorry, but I personally feel some monkeys are way too far up Jossy’s arse.” posted by Disgusted Mom

      DM, I think you are way off base with this statement.
      No one here thinks Jossy is perfect or is God. But so far, he has been the only one who lives on Aruba who has been willing to really stand up for Natalee and refute the lies.

      And so what if he did check things out? That’s what reporters and editors do. They investigate the TRUTH.

    29. JusticeforNatalee on January 26th, 2008 1:14 pm

      Brisen and Croes: Disgraceful!

    30. katablog on January 26th, 2008 1:15 pm

      DisgustedMom: I judge Jossy by what Jossy has done in this case. What is in Jossy’s background should stay just there – in the background. Jossy is not on trial. He is not responsible for the disappearance of Natalee Holloway.

      I do not worship Jossy. I respect him for what he was done in reporting the truth about Natalee and Aruba and I respect him for his willingness to help.

      Natalee’s background WAS investigated, but do remember, Natalee was the victim. By Jossy? I don’t know for sure, but I do know that the details Jossy printed in that editorial have appeared much earlier in this case.

      Why should a victim be investigated? Is there any reason that a person deserves to be raped and murdered? If you are one of those who believe that Natalee ran away, that whole story simply doesn’t wash! It’s far too circumstantial to believe that Natalee decided to run away when in Aruba the last night there (not giving herself much of a head start) when she was last seen with 3 boys who admittedly often purposely went late to CNC to pick up American tourist girls on their last night in Aruba.

      It’s too circumstantial that one of the suspects confessed and then suddenly this was retracted. It’s too circumstantial that these three suspects have never told the truth about what time they got home and how Joran got home. It’s too circumstantial that Joran’s shoes are missing and that cache files show someone was researching GHB and alcohol on the van der sloot computer the very same night that Natalee leaves CNC with the 3 suspects!

      I could go on and on but these points have been written again and again and yet some people want to stick their heads in the sand and pretend that we all don’t know what happened to Natalee.

    31. Betsy on January 26th, 2008 1:26 pm

      Does anyone think Joran was dumb enough to put his shoes or any other evidence in the crab trap with Natalee’s remains? Or, do you think Paulus advised him to dispose of his clothing and shoes separately?

      Is the mother of evil spawned really a school teacher????? OMG! In the end all of this covering for Joran will only ruin their other two boys. If they had allowed Joran to be punished for his crime, it would have set the proper example for the younger brothers. I agree with #24 that Joran’s brothers have no chance of turning out to be good people. It’s sad.

      It will be interesting to watch how their lives turn out over the next few years after disasterous parenting.

    32. Carpe Noctem on January 26th, 2008 1:40 pm

      It’s like this….in the beginning when Beth was answering some questions with ‘that’s irrelevant’…


      Right, like was she related to Adolph Hitler

      & did she live on a southern plantation!

      Ya know,

      Some of these Aruban/Dutch brass poles should

      be children’s story book writers. They iz col’

      wacky looney toons, esey! -j4n

    33. JusticeforNatalee on January 26th, 2008 1:58 pm

      Well, YoYo Joranhead, we don’t need psychics or ouija boards because we have these facts:

      J2K took Natalee away in a car and she never returned.

      Joran lied and lied. J2K blamed each other. And Paulus advised
      no body/no case the day after Natalee went missing. Computer records indicate someone was looking up the effects of drugs and alcohol on the VDS computer. GVC was arrested because he was suspected of selling a DATE-RAPE DRUG to J2K. And on and on the facts go.

      Also, let’s include the info in police statements about
      Natalee remaining passed out and never coming to.

      I think we all have a pretty good idea of what happened to Natalee. It’s based on COMMON SENSE AND FACTS.

    34. JusticeforNatalee on January 26th, 2008 2:01 pm

      This case is not fading at all.

      Aruba needs to get ready for a whole new season of
      media attention, in the US, on the Natalee Holloway case.

      Just give Natalee justice. Then and only then can Aruba move on.

    35. Richard on January 26th, 2008 2:46 pm

      ‘Doctor of stupidity’ is a good phrase. It must be a pre-qualification for anyone aspiring to hold political or governmental office on Aruba.

      (That’s not the only place, of course….)

      At this point, there is no reason to speculate about WHY Natalee got into the car, at least not in my opinion.

      The relevant issues now are: what happened to her, and who/how many were involved?

      Going back and addressing the question of was she drugged or not accomplishes nothing, in my view. Most of us believe that she was … but the real point is that she was taken away in the car.

      What finally happened is what matters.

      I suspect that Jossy got the info on her background from her family, school, friends, etc.

      Nobody has EVER “uncovered” any “secrets” in Natalee’s life. I don’t think that anyone will … because there were none. All those who seek to discredit her and her family merely show how repulsive they are … and how low Aruba will stoop.

      This is the sort of thing that those of us who are devoted to this case will seek to convey to those idiots who might think about going to Aruba.

      Boycott Aruba … it’s only common sense.

    36. brie on January 26th, 2008 2:46 pm

      So Breisen put the tattoe parlor people in a hotel for 3 weeks in Aruba….that was a waste of money…wonder if it was owner by Posner, Paulus’s buddy…dirty work done again by the Aruban authorities…the tattoe parlor people say they know where Natalee is buried, then give Rudy a shovel and tell to him dig….fat chance because Natalee isn’t there…and Rudy knows that too!

      Wonder how times Joran ran away to Venezuela???? And Koen and Sander had to bring him back in their boat!

      Wonder how many girls Joran has gotten pregnant!

      Wonder how many times Joran has skipped school! I guess Anita, being a schoolteacher had to bail him out of failing grades.

      Wonder just how many times Joran has abused his brothers!

    37. brie on January 26th, 2008 3:21 pm

      Joran you had better take a good, hard long look at yourself. There is no one that would want to trade places with you…just maybe some night after drinking your usual case of beer or more, someone may take you for a RIDE!

      Have nightmares Joran, lots of trouble getting to sleep, tossing, turning, wondering whats around the next corner for you….plenty!!! Living hell!!!!

    38. Private eye on January 26th, 2008 3:30 pm

      Disgusted Mom, why utter or peck such stupidity in a public forum where your words can erase all doubts as to your ignornace of any and all teachings of God. You should pray to become speechless before you remove all doubt!!!!!!!!! In this day and age, I guess you need to pray for a hard drive failure as well!

      Jossy once again is standing strong against a hurricane of disinformation and deceit trying to save the integrity of the island by doing the right thing, insisting on “Justice For Natalee.”. He is leading by example his people down the path of righteousness, hoping to show them that it is also the path to properity and happiness. That is what he wants for the land that he loves and calls home. I cannot envision him as anything less than a mighty Oak Tree defying the wind and helping provide shelter for the innocent as well as the victims of this case.

      Jossy, Tim and Co., “The Persistence and All Involved.” We need look no further to see “Modern Day Heroes.”

    39. benh on January 26th, 2008 4:28 pm

      Discustingmom, the people who killed NATALEE are joran satish deepak,

    40. Private eye on January 26th, 2008 4:31 pm

      And disgustedmom, your arse is too far up the arse of the Devil to know right from wrong, good from bad, lies from truth. Those are not words you are hearing from the spirits with whom you are speaking. The noise you are confusing with words from the other world are simply the flatulences of the Devil!!!

    41. Private eye on January 26th, 2008 4:39 pm

      Excuse me disgustedmom, I confused your arse for your head in the above post::))))

    42. bill on January 26th, 2008 5:08 pm

      is confusing someone’s head from their arse the same as confusing Anita’s fat arms for thighs?

    43. Private eye on January 26th, 2008 5:14 pm

      Bill, are you referring to the woman with the “Toxic Titties” that glow thru her blouse? It looks like they have just about dissolved all of the fabric that should keep those jugs private. I bet they glow in the dark:)

    44. brie on January 26th, 2008 5:35 pm

      What is wrong with disgusting mom…twilight zone!!!

    45. brie on January 26th, 2008 5:38 pm

      Anita’s appearance in the past is disgusting…what are these people about….if your mother looks likes a wh*** I guess you act like one!!!!!

    46. brie on January 26th, 2008 7:00 pm

      Onward… the three suspects are guilty. Deepak says it was easy….drugging someone to make that happen….the problem is that she DIED!!!! In your hands, when she could of survived!!!!

    47. Carpe Noctem on January 26th, 2008 7:31 pm



    48. Maggie on January 26th, 2008 7:37 pm

      I can’t believe some of the comments above.:(

    49. Maggie on January 26th, 2008 7:43 pm

      btw great article by Jossy and very well said!

    50. bill on January 26th, 2008 8:05 pm

      The worst thing for any boy is to hear bad things said about his mama. Joran is the cause of all of it.

      Did Paulus ever find his 2×4 for Anita?

    51. bill on January 26th, 2008 8:08 pm

      Anita sure has a cushion back there. All I can say is mooooo cow!

      The bigger the cushion eh Paulus?

    52. brie on January 26th, 2008 8:57 pm

      You three pieces of sh$$ killed her!!!!!

    53. Sharon Chicago on January 26th, 2008 10:03 pm

      God bless you Jossy… you seem to be the only one that is a public figure who has common sense, wisdom and understanding on that island.

      Thanks for constantly giving them all a reality check!

    54. Sharon Chicago on January 26th, 2008 11:27 pm

      Question… Changing the subject since after reading the Persistence update blog… I have a comment..

      I am thinking that Joran and 2K’s would not have
      left by boat from the Holiday Inn boat dock or any dock close to the Holiday Inn because they might have been afraid to run into any of the MB students thinking they might be out and partying all night long and would be identified if they ran into them?

      Their adrenelin was flowing and they were running scared, mission was to get rid of the body and do it quickly.

      Just a theory…

    55. Sharon Chicago on January 26th, 2008 11:33 pm

      When Joran and 2K’s were spotted in Deepaks car parked close to the Raquet/Tennis club, they could have had Natalee’s body in the trunk and were parked waiting for Daddy Paulus to complete the body pick up arrangements. Waiting for his phone call.

      Someone met them took the body in a smaller boat and might have cruised over to the holiday inn via on the water and tranfered her body to another boat which took her out to sea?

      Just a theory…

    56. Sharon Chicago on January 26th, 2008 11:54 pm

      Would they have dropped Natalee off a cliff in the fish cage in an area where they knew the ripe current and crashing waves were impossible for any diver to check that area? They could have thrown the cage off the cliff with Natalee in it knowing that it would sink automatically?

      Joran is such a cocky sociopath, he probably did leave his shoes in the cage, thinking she would never be found.

    57. Betsy on January 27th, 2008 12:36 am

      I can only hope that they left some evidence to tie them to the crime with the cage.

      Bill, don’t think Paulus has strapped on the 2×4 so it looks like he’s not going to get lucky with his big fat bride

    58. Ray on January 27th, 2008 2:08 am

      I would bet that If NAtalee had been given madical attention at the right time she would still be alive,but some perverts thought that staying out of trouble was more IMPORTANT.


    59. Carpe Noctem on January 27th, 2008 2:09 am

      Wow, just when ya think you couldn’t find
      people dumber than Joran Vandersloot & Deepak
      & Satish Kalpoe… ya stumble across something
      like thisSSS…

      CHESTERTON, Ind. — Two fourth-grade boys mimicking a scene from the movie “A Christmas Story” wound up with their tongues stuck to a frozen flagpole.

      Gavin Dempsey and James Alexander were serving on flag duty at Jackson Elementary School Friday morning, with the job of raising and lowering the school’s flags. They decided to see if their tongues really would stick to the cold metal.


      “I decided to try it because I thought all of the TV shows were lies, but turns out I was wrong,” Gavin said.

      Karen Alexander, James’ mother , said her son told her he got the idea from the movie, which is based on stories about a boy growing up in the northwest Indiana community of Hammond in the 1940s.

      *** A CHRISTMAS STORY *** (1983)


      “I can’t believe he did it, but they learned their lesson,” she said.

      Saturday, January 26, 2008

      These boys will live to fight another day.

      I’m afraid Joran, Deepak, and Satish are TERMINAL.


    60. Carpe Noctem on January 27th, 2008 2:14 am
    61. Para2legal on January 27th, 2008 2:53 am

      Good grief. What is this board coming to? How has the Size of Anita’s Read End become so obsessive? As if the answer to that will solve anything. #13 made some strong points, so what, we’re Monkeys and so is she and a dialogue should have ensued (and some did). So many of the responses were ridicule and harrassment. We know #13 is a Natalee advocate. Gees, let me suggest we all get a good nights sleep and wake up tomorrow and remember we’re here for Natalee. And until there is Justice for Natalee, Boycott Aruba – you might save your own life.

    62. brie on January 27th, 2008 4:26 am

      Well, many times in stressful situations do people look for relief….I guess Anita’s fat butt gives us that outlet….just for a little comedy which everyone needs…after all, she is thunder thighs, the wide load!!!! Fat a$$! AWE, see that felt good!!!

    63. brie on January 27th, 2008 5:04 am

      Scared Monkeys…maybe we need a cartoon, it’s been awhile!!! Thanks!

    64. disgustedmom on January 27th, 2008 8:50 am

      #18 Bill…”How do you know for sure psychic power comes from God and not Satan? In my church we are cautioned not to visit with psychics because it opens certain doors and we have no way of knowing it’s a good spirit vs. evil.”

      That is a good and valid question and concern! And one that should be carefully considered, for by Satan is dangerous and by God is Great.

      However, by the same I ask How do you know anything you get from praying or grace or miracle is from God and not Satan? Ever hear of Be careful what you wish for?

    65. disgustedmom on January 27th, 2008 9:57 am

      Private eye…..”And disgustedmom, your arse is too far up the arse of the Devil to know right from wrong, good from bad, lies from truth. Those are not words you are hearing from the spirits with whom you are speaking. The noise you are confusing with words from the other world are simply the flatulences of the Devil!!!”

      Look here Private eye…..don’t you ever associate me with the Devil. And How dare you say I don’t know right from wrong, good from bad. You don’t know me. *sheesh*

      Knowing lies from truth though….does anyone who was not there first hand witness? We can make educated assumptions regarding lies and truth, but no more really….unless you’re psychic, of course. (joke)

      And for your information, I do not go around speaking with spirits. And I do not think people/fakes like John Edwards has crowds of spirits fighting for his attention so they can get him to talk to their loved ones in audience. But there are many people in the world who know for a fact spirits can make contact with those of us on the earthly plane somehow or another. I personally say it is by God that spirits are allowed to make contact if God so finds the reason sound and beneficial to His purposes. God is all powerful! He can do anything He wants to do!

      Let me tell you a little story. When I was 15 I was at a friend’s house messing around when her radio went on for no apparent reason on the other side of the room. My friend freaked out because she and her cousin had had a ‘plan’ of sorts to see if there was really a chance the spirit of the dead could make contact with the living and they had made an agreement that if one of them should die they would turn on the radio or TV or some other form of wave device. My friend called her cousin who lived in a different city to check on her. Her Aunt answered the phone crying as she had just gotten a visit from the police that her daughter was killed in a car accident. I witnessed this…so there is no taking it back for me. Spirits can make contact. And they probably do more than we realize. It’s the living who are not able to or willing to recognize it that make it seem like it doesn’t go on.

      I do study this stuff as an interest though as naturally I would since I had first hand witness to it…..and I should give my opinion on Natalee’s spirit….I personally do not think Natalee would be, if passed on, still haunting the earthly plane giving messages to psychics. I do not think on that show Haunting Evidence those people were speaking with Natalee while they were filming. That was complete BS as Natalee, if passed on, would be sheltered in the arms of her loving God an entirely protected from pain.

      I don’t intend to bore anyone with Paranormal 101 class, but this is where Bill is coming from when he speaks of not knowing if God or Satan is involved….Natalee would be in the arms of her loving God, SO if any knowledge were sent to a sensitive about her tragedy one would have to be very careful it did not come from Satan in an effort to protect his minions who did her wrong by steering in the wrong direction because it could not come from Natalee directly because she would be with God in Peace BECAUSE Natalee loved God and would have gone to the light -so to speak- happily. For you see, when the gates of Heaven are opened to you the unexplainable feeling of love and peace that enshrouds you makes you think of nothing else.

      That’s not to say she would not have given a final hug of comfort to her mom before she left this plane, but only Beth would know that. But once in Heaven you do not make spirit contact with the living anymore. That job is handed over to God’s angels assigned to such watch, and it is why we have to be careful if the angels are from God or Satan.

    66. disgustedmom on January 27th, 2008 10:05 am

      OH, and as far as Jossy goes…just remember in life All that Glitters is not necessarily Gold. I’m just saying one should never fall completely in one direction or another. You have to keep an open mind. Jossy may well be a saint. Saints have pasts and Sinners have futures….you know?

    67. disgustedmom on January 27th, 2008 10:19 am

      #61 Thank you, Para2legal for pointing out that I am a Natalee advocate!

      I should remind everyone that I also believe Paulus had his hand in what became of Natalee, and that J2k are at least 3 who know how Paulus came to be needed. And I have NEVER been on the side of those who think she meerly ran away because her home life sukked or for any other reason.

    68. Koo on January 27th, 2008 10:20 am

      Anita opened herself up for ridicule the minute she put her boozy bloated face on TV and told the world that Natalee should have used the buddy system when leaving with her precious sporter. How dare she……
      Hopefully, after that embarrassing little wine throwing incident she has finally shut her trap.

    69. Vicki on January 27th, 2008 10:23 am

      #61- Thank you paralegal…DM has beeen here for Natalee, more than you all know..I happen to agree with her. Jossy IMO knows exactly what happened to Natalee and why its such a big secret…He has his secrets, be sure and has to live on SATANS ISLAND…DM states some pretty obvious things…Yes we want to thank him for stating the truth about Natalee to counter what the loonie bins are saying while passing out KOOLAIDE to the aruban ppl…but IMO he could very well put an end to this whole nightmare….

    70. Richard on January 27th, 2008 10:38 am

      And please, let’s not hurl insults at each other. If we’re really, truly devoted to finding answers, nothing should be out of bounds. If we’re here only to state our own pet ideas, and to assail anyone who dares think differently, or question “established doctrine,” then we’re back in the days of those who persecuted Galileo for saying that the earth was round.

    71. Richard on January 27th, 2008 10:49 am

      Sorry, it’s Sunday morning … actually, Galileo’s “sin” was that he said the Earth moves around the Sun, rather than vice versa, wasn’t it?

      Anyway, no reason to lambaste DisgustedMom just because she raises some questions about Jossy M.

    72. disgustedmom on January 27th, 2008 10:55 am

      On a different note….and sorry for all these back to back posts, but I do my thing in the AM and hardly get a chance the rest of the day….

      Remember when Paulus got pizzed Jug was being agressive and demanded no more talk while telling Jug he was ‘out of his jurisdiction’?

      How does the family of a missing loved one ever become ‘out of their jurisdiction’ while trying to find answers to the whereabouts of their loved one? That is like your permanent allowable territory/jurisdiction, is it not?

      Paulus’ remark was a deviation on his feelings that he didn’t want to discuss Natalee anymore because at that very point in time the stories were not together and were falling apart. He was not mad with Jug, he was mad that he didn’t have all the answers he needed yet to keep his own butt out of the crapper. My opinion. Natch!

      An appropriate answer to Jug’s aggessiveness (which I personally don’t find fault with) would have been to tell Jug to back off, that Paulus didn’t know anything to help with and to try to sympathize with the family and continue conversation that would help. This did not happen. Instead Paulus attempted (and won) to get Jug out of his face for legal reasons…made up legal reasons of course, but it flew. This was Paulus’ first sign of guilty knowledge, IMO.

    73. JusticeforNatalee on January 27th, 2008 11:07 am

      “…It’s the three suspects that were with her who can supply us with the right answers. ”

      Exactly, Jossy!

    74. JusticeforNatalee on January 27th, 2008 11:08 am

      P.S. I might add to #71:
      If they told the TRUTH.

    75. disgustedmom on January 27th, 2008 11:30 am

      #66 answering myself!

      Just to get the jump on any trolls or Joran fans who will come here and remark that post, #66, where I said “One should never fall completely in one direction or another”…this does not include believing completely that J2K had a hand in what happened with Natalee that night and are not saying it.

      They were all 3 with her we know, for how long all 3 were is up for grabs, but still all 3 know what happened and at least 1 knows who took it from there.

      #54 Sharon makes a great point! If a boat were used to take Natalee to sea they wouldn’t have launched from near the HI where other MBies were hanging out. This case needs to move in a different direction as far as location goes.

      And I’m still saying South or somewhere nearer the Kalpoe house -where perhaps 1K was dropped off early. And I still don’t think a boat was involved. Guess I’ll eat those words if the Persistance comes up with anything.


      Does anyone know if Paulus has any enemies within the gamgling circle on Aruba? We assume he is buddies with everyone….I wonder.


      Since we are all interested in finding truth….I wonder if George Twitty, Jug’s son?, got involved with anyone when he was in Aruba? I ask because Beth, in her book, said she got a bad vibe off that Carlos and Charlies drink holder while she was at the family vacation cabin/home/whatever, and I wonder if that holder had been brought back from Aruba by George? AND because someone called George to get Natalee’s cell number, so that means someone -who has yet to be identified-had George’s number. Funny too, that whoever this person was seemed to be unaware Natalee’s cell was not in her possession. Just odd thoughts for the day.

    76. Bill on January 27th, 2008 11:39 am

      To disgusted mom:

      You make good points; you’ve obviously studied the spirit world. I have been tempted to go to a psychic but I read clearly in the bible that it is sinful so I have refrained from going for that reason.

      As for Anita VDS, don’t let her fool any of you. By association she is in on this thing too. Her a$$ happens to be huge, her arms are like most legs, as for the 2×4? Maybe Paulus is trying to figure out whether it would be more fun to smack that big fat a$$ with it or strap it on!

      There is a reason Joran is violent towards females. Fathers lead by example and Paulus is the leader. Watch out for the little ones, they’ll be hanging out in bars trying to drug tourists too as soon as they finish puberty. For all we know Paulus may treat drugging and raping as a right of passage for his boys to become men…. men like himself that is….

    77. JusticeforNatalee on January 27th, 2008 11:45 am

      Here is an idea I have.

      It would help to get the word out about Natalee’s case in the Northeast.

      Perhaps after the travel shows we could consider doing this:

      We could gather a list of major high schools or colleges in Boston and NYC area. Then we could send a copy of
      Loving Natalee to the principal, dean of women, or head librarian. We would have to narrow down the schools, of course. Maybe for NYC,
      it would be more effective to focus on the major suburban schools.

      Anyway, we could come up with a reasonable list and perhaps
      we could each pick a school and send one complimentary copy of
      Loving Natalee.

      Any supporter who couldn’t afford to buy a new copy could even puchase a used one in good shape on Amazon. Or perhaps a softcover, if it’s out soon.

      Anyway, participation would be strictly voluntary, of course. But this is just something to think about after the travel shows.
      Another option is to make sure major libraries in NY and Boston have a copy.
      The point is: word needs to get out to the young tourists in the Northeast.

    78. Bill on January 27th, 2008 11:55 am

      How is it that they continue to allow Anita to teach school age children when she did such a horrible job raising her own children? Is Aruba excited to have Anita waddle into their schools and teach their young boys how to treat girls with respect? If they don’t watch it they are going to have their hands full in Aruba with raping murdering teenagers.

      What about 2K and the parents that spawned them? What is their story? What do they do for a living?

    79. disgustedmom on January 27th, 2008 1:28 pm

      #76 Bill….you are right to not go to a psychic if you believe your religion is against it. When not totally sure via that awesome feeling that God has set the path to do so (such as when Moses knew he was speaking with God and had no doubts) then it is best to steer clear because your doubts will invite trouble.

      At any rate, no person using being psychic for their income should -and usually don’t- give readings about persons that are not directly influencing the life of the person seeking councel, such that none of them should give readings to you about Natalee unless you are blood family. For those who are not blood family, only God may intervene as He chooses His earthly helpers for His Causes and would initiate contact.

    80. mommytraveler on January 27th, 2008 5:29 pm


      I work for a major library. I can assure you that all the major libraries have copies. Large, major libraries order books based on demand from the public. If they need more copies, they get more copies. If the copies are not being checked out, they get rid of them. There is only such much room in a Public Library and any particular book does not remain unless the circulation justifies it. High schools – I am not familiar with their process of obtaining books for their libraries.

      I also agree with whomever said above that Jossy most likely knows far more than he has revealed. Maybe he will write a book some day, too. I understand from one of Anita’s interviews that she is in the process of writing a book or at least was at some point. I can just imagine what the fallout from that would be.

    81. Betsy on January 28th, 2008 4:44 am

      Anita writing a book? Ha ha ha! Instruction manual for how boys can drug and rape girls. Also, a segment on how to please your man. Perhaps a chapter on diet and exercise is in order. Maybe she can do a makeover book and lose 40 kilos! Moooo cow!

    82. disgustedmom on January 28th, 2008 11:05 am

      #81 Betsy….ah now if Anita wrote a book it couldn’t include how to rape girls. In Anita’s world there is no such thing as rape; all girls want it..they are just playing coy and hard to get when they say NO. Girls play the No card so the men will get in that competitive fighting mood. :)

      Here’s Anita’s possible problem when it comes to her standin’ by her ‘man’ Paulus….she got pregnant with Joran out of wedlock and it took her over 2 years after Joran was popped out to rope Paulus into marrying her. (according to Joran’s book) Now she lives with the feeling that he might never would have married her if she had not had his baby, and she has internal fear of pizzing Paulus off because she’s forever trying to prove to him that he did the happy thing by marrying her…can’t give the ‘man’ regrets. My opinion, of course. :)

      Then she went and popped out 2 more bundles of joy to tighten the noose around Paulus’ neck. (Paulus could give a rat’s arse about kids)My opinion….this whole post is my opinion, of course!

      She had no girl children, which is both good and bad….good for what the poor girl would go through, but bad because now Anita is just a Boy’s Mom with no experience dealing with feelings for individual females’ rights to anything except her own way of thinking females should be treated by men based solely on her own feelings and past behaviors. And how is that?

      Possibility….Considering that (just speculating here) Anita tricked/coersed/finally convinced Paulus into marrying her after making a baby with him, she would see other females trying to ‘play’ her sons. So she would see Natalee as being, not as Natalee herself really was as far as morals and stuff go, but as Anita was which means Anita would believe Natalee was all over Joran just to take advantage of him. (and so Joran says that to mommy…it was all Natalee’s idea) And Anita would be proud that Joran didn’t fall for ‘Natalee’s whining’ for him to stay with her (when he left her somewhere, so Joran knows that will fly with mommy) or let her have sex without a condom (which is what got Anita pregnant with her big mistake, Joran, so she would believe Joran when he says that BS about no condom)…. so she would be fine with blaming Natalee for her own problems ‘she brought upon herself’ -no matter if it ended up as it has- just as Anita has to keep telling herself she is fine with her present situation with her ‘wonderful men folk’.

      Then to make sure she is fine with her ‘wonderful men folk’, Anita has to absolve them of any wrong doing so she can get back to Square One; square one being the point at which Anita has to think her own life is going along just great and that it couldn’t have been any better than she made it by getting knocked up, doffing off Joran and marrying Paulus.

      (Darn those psychology classes!) LOL

      I wonder if Joran was a rape baby?

    83. Betsy on January 28th, 2008 1:14 pm

      It could be that Paulus raped Anita way back before she loaded on the mounds of fat.

      My mom’s best friend had her first baby out of wedlock. When the baby boy turned 18 he was in the Navy and freaked out on a ship and was later diagnosed with schizophrenia. By the time he was 25 he was killing small animals, skinning them and freezing them. When they discovered his violence towards animals (sound like Joran people?) they medicated him heavily to prevent him from turning violence towards people (Joran, are you paying attention?).

      My mom’s friend, a Catholic full of guilt, believed that God was punishing her for her “sin” by giving her a monster for a son. Maybe this is what has happened to Anita. She is getting her due with the spawn of Satan JORAN!

    84. Dolf on January 28th, 2008 6:22 pm

      come on, lay off the fat jokes, can’t take that serious esp. comming from the fatest ppl on earth (the americans)

    85. Dolf on January 28th, 2008 6:23 pm


    86. Rocky on January 28th, 2008 11:26 pm

      Is Anita american? I don’t think so. Every country has cows, yours just happen to be the mother of devil children that rape and murder young tourist girls.

    87. disgustedmom on January 28th, 2008 11:28 pm

      Betsy…I know this guy who refused to marry his ‘woman’ until she proved she could birth a son for him. His ‘woman’ had no idea this was her ‘dude’s’ plan until after they got married and he told her how he wouldn’t have married her if she’d had a girl. So long story short, the son is now Gay! Isn’t that great? LOL

      God has a sense of humor, for sure!

    88. disgustedmom on January 28th, 2008 11:36 pm

      Dolf….not all Americans are fat. Some are anorexic! Then again, some are healthy and make it hard to find small sizes in the stores unless you get there when they first put out the new stock.

      But alas, at least we have a whole bunch of food in America. And a whole bunch of money to buy it with.

      At any rate….not all America is fat so let’s just do individual fat people….like Anita and Paulus… and Joran better watch out for his latent fat cells are about to explode on him when he turns 21.

    89. Dolf on January 30th, 2008 3:43 am

      if all Joran has to worrie about is his fatt cells he should be glad.

    90. Betsy on January 30th, 2008 4:35 pm

      Joran is well on his way to follow in Daddy Paulus’ footsteps, or should I say follow his beer gut….

      Joran is sporting quite the jelly belly. He’s big and soft with a cold hardened evil heart.

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