Natalee Holloway Investigation: Joran Van der Sloot Attorney Joe Tacopina Loses His Mind Trying to Defend Joran Van der Sloot

Watch and listen to attorney Joe Tacopina lose his mind over the actions of his client Joran van Der Sloot and his pathetic attempts to defend him.

We are finally seeing media coverage where Van der Sloot attorney is not controlling the interviews. At this point he can control nothing, including his client. Gone are the single Joe Tacopina interviews or Tacopina having the last word. With spinning and media control gone, Joe is left with nothing more than little credibility and a guilty client.

Joe Tacopina tries to use the concept of “False Confession” as to why Joran Van der Sloot made the comments of implicating himself in the death and disappearance of Natalee Holloway. Now Joran says, “he lied”.  What we are seeing is a defense attorney grasping at pathetic straws trying to defend a guilty client. To hear Joe Tacopina go crazy when Geraldo makes the comment that Joran gave Natalee the drugs is worth the watch.

Joe Tacopina, your client is finally going down.

Joran Van der Sloot Says … HE LIED … WAS BRAGGING!!! about Involvement in Death of Natalee Holloway


Once again we will state the obvious and what we have said from the very outset of this case … AN INNOCENT PERSON NEVER HAS TO LIE!!!


Take a good look Aruba and the rest of you who have been defending the actions of Joran Van der Sloot. Those who have vilified Natalee’s family and blamed them for her death and saying some of the most vile things; take a good look at the basket you have put your eggs in.

Joran Van der Sloot is now using lying as a defense in his involvement in the death and disappearance of Natalee Holloway. Once again, when the rubber meets the road, Joran Van der Sloot says, he lied.

Now Joran Van der Sloot is is stating that he lied on the secretly recorded audio and video tapes where he is saying that he was responsible and had involvement in her death and disappearance. Van der Sloot states he was bragging. You were bragging about the death of another person, what kind of sick individual are you?

Van der sloot family AP

What must your parents and your attorney Joe Tacopina think of your actions. They have all but gotten you off of an obvious murder and complicity in Natalee Holloway’s death and their little boy, who obviously cannot be controlled, could not keep his mouth shut. Has it ever been more obvious between wine throwing, past acts in his childhood and now this, Joran Van der Sloot was never controllable.


(So Joran, where are your shoes?)

There is one very important fact not to be over looked when viewing these up coming audio and video tapes from Peter R. De Vries involving Joran Van der Sloot … Joe Tacopina, Joran’s parents, and Joran can never say the tapes are fake. By Joran’s now attempt to diffuse his getting caught by a friend who was wired and stating that “he was lying”, Joran has admitted the tapes are authentic.

Greta Van Susteren Discussing with Jossy Mansur: Joran Lied

(So Greta, are you still inclined to believe him?)



Han Mos, Aruban Chief Prosecutor Requests Joran Van der Sloot be Arrested on New Peter R. De Vries Evidence

Will the third time be the charm and provide “Justice for Natalee”.JoranPrison

Hans Mos, the chief public prosecutor in Aruba has requested that Joran Van der Sloot be arrested as a suspect in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway. Bases upon new evidence gathered from information gathered by Dutch crime investigator Peter R. De Vries, Hans Mos is hoping that the third time is the charm.

Hans Mos expects to hear a ruling from a judge as soon as Saturday or Sunday on the request regarding Joran van der Sloot, the source said.

If the judge rules in favor of the request, van der Sloot — who is attending college in the Netherlands — would be brought back to Aruba for further questioning and investigation, the source said.

There was no request for the rearrest of brothers Satish and Deepak Kalpoe, who had previously been named as suspects in the investigation.

Earlier Friday, Mos’ office announced prosecutors were reopening their probe into Holloway’s vanishing after seeing tapes recorded by Dutch journalist Peter R. de Vries, The Associated Press reported.

“The recordings made available to the Public Prosecutor have given the Public Prosecutor a reason to reopen the investigation,” the office said, according to the AP. (CNN)

Joran Van der Sloot is now saying that he lied when he told a friend who was taping him that he had personal involvement in the death and disappearance of Natalee Holloway. Aruba has paid a mighty price for the continual lies of Joran Van der Sloot.

Natalee Holloway Disappearance: Aruba, You Have Bet Your Future Tourism on a Liar Named Joran Van der Sloot


How the lies of one person, the complicity of his family and an attorney have destroyed the tourism and image of Aruba. Define irony? Joran Van der Sloot admitting that he was telling a lie to save himself from allegations that he has admitted involvement in the death of Natalee Holloway. How narcissism and arrogance was the final undoing of Joran Van der Sloot.

Van der sloot family AP

(Paul, Anita & Joran Van der Sloot)

Alabama teenager Natalee Holloway went missing on May 29, 2005 while vacationing in Aruba with fellow Mountain Brook students. She was last seen getting into a car with Joran Van der Sloot, Deepak Kalpoe and Satish Kalpoe. She was never seen nor heard from again.

Ever since Natalee went missing Joran Van der Sloot, one of the three suspects Joran_VDS_1208in her disappearance, has lied through his teeth at every opportunity in the media, to investigators and in his statements. In the 2+ years that Natalee Holloway has been missing and the search has gone on to find her, Joran Van der Sloot has seen fit to lie at every chance making a mockery of the investigation, the authorities, and the Aruban people. Joran Van der Sloot is single handedly responsible for their decline in tourism and why people have come to have complete contempt and hate for Aruba. It is an unfortunate situation caused by one liar that has so greatly affected so many. Even today, Joran Van der Sloot’s lies continue.

It has been reported in the Dutch press and across the world now that Peter R.Peter_de_vries2 De Vries, a Dutch crime investigator, claims to have audio and video proof that Joran Van der Sloot admitted to involvement in the death and disposing of Natalee’s body. Peter R. De Vries claims that he has solved the case as to what happened to Natalee Holloway. Joran Van der Sloot is said to have provided documented audio accounts of what happened to Natalee Holloway that fateful night that she left Carlos N’ Charles with Joran, Deepak and Satish. The Sting Operation on Joran was part of an elaborate scheme by Peter R. De Vries using hidden cameras and individuals who befriended Joran over a period of time. The end result is being reported as a solving of the case as Joran van der Sloot admits involvement in her death and disappearance. After all this time, all that most everyone thought to be true, looks like it in fact was. Joran Van der Sloot had lied about Natalee’s disappearance and it appears that the truth is now coming to light.


But on Friday Dutch media reported that Van der Sloot gave details of Holloway’s death to an Aruban youngster who befriended him in the Netherlands.

The Aruban youth subsequently filmed him with a hidden camera on several occasions, during which Van der Sloot allegedly told him what happened with Holloway in 2005.

According to the reports, Van der Sloot had sexual intercourse with Holloway just before she disappeared. She allegedly passed out during the sexual act, following which Van der Sloot panicked and called a friend.

The friend took her body on a boat and then dropped it in the ocean. It remains unclear whether Holloway was dead at the time or just unconscious. (Monsters & Critics)

So what does a liar do who gets caught in the truth? What else, lie again. After have been caught telling the truth and bragging to what Joran thought were friends, Joran Van der Sloot is once again changing his story and saying that, get this, he was lying to his friend about his involvement in the death of Natalee Holloway.

(CBS/AP) Dutch student Joran van der Sloot said in a television interview Friday that he had told a friend privately he was involved in Natalee Holloway’s disappearance, but that he was lying.

Van der Sloot’s comments on Dutch television show “Pauw & Witteman” came after reports that a crime reporter had captured him in an apparent confession. He was reported to have been caught by a hidden cameras saying Holloway had died after having sex with him, and that he then dumped her body at sea with the help of a friend.

So how does a Joran Van der Sloot, a compulsive liar, get out of getting caught telling the truth? He tells another lie. So with months of secretly taped conversations with Joran Van der Sloot, we are now supposed to believe that Joran was lying to a buddy saying he was involved in Natalee Holloway’s death. What kind of a sick bastard and sociopath would find joy and brag about such an accomplishment? Exactly what kind of sociopath did Paul and Anita Van der Sloot raise? Who goes around telling people that they were responsible for a girls death and disappearance when they have proclaimed their innocence and false imprisonment in the matter.

So either Joran Van der Sloot was tricked into telling the truth for once in his life. Or Joran willingly and gleefully accepted involvement and responsibility in a death when he knew it to be false. One might have to ask the question, which is worse? One is criminal and the other is criminally insane.

Aruba its time to make a choice and prosecute Joran Van der Sloot.

The Dana Pretzer Show – Friday, February 1, 2008 – Guests Include Jossy Mansur, Dr. Jeremy Reynalds, Mary Beth Brown and Joel Brodsky

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