Aruba: (Kalpoes) Who is Trying to Make Money off a missing and Presumed Dead Natalee Holloway?



(Bondia 1/27/07)

In discussing the death of Jamie Skeeters, Aruba Bondia makes reference of the $10 million law suit that the Kalpoe brothers brought against The Dr. Phil Show and Jaime Skeeters. Which brings us to the obvious question, who is trying to make money off a missing and most likely deceased Natalee Holloway? Who really thinks that any possible damage to them could be worth $10 million? The question arises, why didn’t they sue the Aruban government as Paulus Van der Sloot did for false imprisonment if they are innocent or felt damaged in any way by the circumstances of being accused of Natalee’s disappearance?

Does anyone honestly think that any alleged damage to the Kalpoe’s, who are still prime Drevil_million_dollarssuspects in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway, could ever be $10 million? I think they have watched one too many Dr Evil/Austin Powers movies. Honestly, nothing they would have ever done in their lives would have amounted to them being worth much of anything. However, in the day of the almighty law suit these boys went for the lottery and it will most likely cost them dearly.

The law suit was mentioned in circles behind the scenes for months. Many, present company included, had hoped that Phil Mc Graw et al would not settle to the ridiculous demands set forth by the Kalpoe’s. As it turned out, they did not and the Kalpoe’s went forth with their law suit for $10 million. In the process they opened themselves up to United States jurisdiction. That in turn led to their being sued by Beth Twitty and Dave Holloway. What do you think is the reason why Joran Van der Sloot never pressed his luck with law suits in the US?  Jurisdiction that will now hold, thanks to the Kalpoe’s greed for taking the bait. Their ultimate greed will lead to their own prosecution.


Thus leading to the age old adage … “Pigs get fat and hogs get slaughtered”.

Binge Drinking and Sniffing … A Major Concern on Aruba so says The Red Cross … Could It Have Played a part?

The Red Cross is concerned with sniffing and binge drinking in Aruba. This is a rather interesting comment coming from the Red Cross in Aruba. One wonders what would possess individuals to binge drink or inhale petrol, glue or paint thinner products. A rather peculiar comment was made by the Red Cross in the below Amigoe article that makes many ponder possible scenarios to why Natalee Holloway went missing.


There were in additions several accidents due to alcohol abuse and sniffing of substances, like alcohol mixed with petrol, especially amongst teenagers, said Greg Peterson, chairman of the Red Cross in Aruba.

This abuse causes aggressiveness and the Red Cross is not happy with this.

We know that the three suspects were drinking at Carlos N’ Charlies. We also know that CnC1Carlos N’ Charlies is infamous for getting its patrons drunk, like HERE, HERE and HERE. We also know that Joran Van der Sloot admitted that he bought Natalee Holloway 151 rum. Many had questioned that 151 was a rather strange choice of drink to order a girl. Is it though if there is a culture in Aruba among some teenagers who binge drink and abuse alcohol, especially those that would frequent C&C one to three times a week.

There we bought a “Yard Whiskey Coke”. Such a drink costs U.S. $ 12,-. It is a plastic cup and it comes in different colors. I payed for all three drinks. I got a red cup but I do not remember now what color cups Deepak and Satish got.

When Natalee got onto the bar I thought that she was drunk. I could clearly tell Bacardi rumthat Natalee had been drinking. I could smell this from the smell that came out of Natalee’s mouth. I also have to say that when I saw Natalee dancing I also noticed that she had been drinking.

 After that Natalee and me walked to another bar that was still open at that time. I asked the bartender two shots of Bacardi 151. I still had the whiskey coke in my hand. Natalee asked me if she should drink the Bacardi 151 in one go. I answered her affirmatively and she answered me that she would do it in two. Natalee said to me that she needed a “chaser” in order to drink the Bacardi. Natalee drank my whiskey coke as a “chaser” and then she drank the Bacardi 151 in two goes. I payed for the two shots of Bacardi 151. (Joran Van der Sloot, PROCES-VERBAAL – JORAN 6/9/2005)

One can only imagine what could happen if “sniffing” occurred by those suspected of Natalee’s disappearance that night as the mixture causes aggressiveness. Things to ponder. Now factor in the use of roofies … truly something to think about.

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Natalee Holloway Aruba Search: Rave Cave Search June 2005 … Remember the Search?

Remember the searched for Natalee Holloway between June 6-11, 2005? There were pictures posted to a site called; however, they are no longer available. What are in these pictures?  I guess its a good thing we uploaded the pictures back then.

Back in June 2005 the site had a series of Natalee Holloway search photos posted. The time of the search appears to be around June 6, 2005 because one of the photos in the series is of the sunglasses found in the Colony area on June 6, 2005. So the search was probably between June 6 – 11. The photos are no longer available on the Coolaruba site but I copied them back in 2005.

One of the photos in the series was labeled “RAVE CAVE” with a couple of distance views of the Rave Cave leading up to it:




We decided to take a closer look inside the cave


When we got closer and adjusted the brightness and contrast this is what we saw.  Could this be part of Natalee’s top?


(more pics to follow)

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Natalee Holloway: John Q. Kelly Goes Back to Aruba as Karin Janssen Leaves Aruba

On the Record last night was billed as “New Developments in the Natalee Holloway John_Q_KellyCase”. For the life of me other than John Q. Kelly going to Aruba and talking to Karin Janssen before she departed to Holland and possibly talking to the new Prosecutor we are not sure what the “new developments” were. Were any mentioned? Anybody?

Attorney John Q. Kelly made some interesting comments regarding the fact that “the powers that be” we not going to allow Karin Janssen to finish the job even though she claims she wanted to. Does it make sense to change a prosecutor now so far into the case? Or will new blood some how make a difference?

  • she had made a request in writing, very much wanted to stay there, see this investigation through and she was told her term was going to be halted three years and she’d be returning to Amsterdam and she couldn’t see this through.”
  • she was upset about that. She — and I was glad to hear, wanted to stay on this case and see it to some sort of conclusion and they wouldn’t let her.


It was already known that Karin Janssen was stepping down as the Prosecutor in Aruba as her term was not renewed. One thing is for certain; Joran Van der Sloot, Deepak Kalpoe and Satish Kalpoe remain the primary focus and primary suspects. Read last night’s transcript from “On the Record.”

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Paul Van der Sloot Appeals his Lawsuit for Damages … Still Looking for Money

Damages? Maybe the people of Aruba should be suing those responsible for their economy Lawsuitgoing down the toilet. That suit would be toward 3 suspects.


ORANJESTAD(AAN) On Monday morning the case that the Prosecution appealed against Paul van der Sloot took place.
Some time back, Van Der Sloot started a case for damages that he claimed to have suffered, including the job of Judge that he could have had.
The Judge in that case awarded  a sum of various thousand guilders to Van Der Sloot, who is actually working as a lawyer.

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