Gerald Dompig in His Own Words…

We provide you decide:

thanks to Klaasend for putting this video together.

More Aruban Chamber of Commerce Material … Stories You Will not Here from the ATA … American Tourists Mistreated Called “Stupid Americans”

ARUBA … One Happy Island … NOT.Aruba_island We have been saying for quite some time that the death nail for Aruba’s tourism would be based on one more event, act of violence or ignorant action against an American tourist. Is Aruba getting to that boiling point? 

How much more ill-treatment does Aruba think America will tolerate? At this point your tourism is as low as it can get. Do you wish for it to be even worse? Why will tourists and Aruba continue to make excuses for bad behavior against Americans? In todays Diario, there was an article that discusses the ill treatment that was maliciously perpetrated upon American tourists. This coming from Aruba, an island that tells us they are friendly and have all but begged Americans to come back.

They got a terrible telling off from the colored lady, who insulted them on top of it, and according to the American resident, this is no way to treat tourists, especially since we are begging the tourists to visit our island.

The treatment that these tourists received in front if their 6 and 12 year old children was uncalled for, inexcusable and unbelievable. What is Aruba going to do about this? NOTHING AS USUAL. Maybe those traveling to the Boston Travel Expo will ask those Aruban representatives there about this incident, what was done about it and why anyone should spend money to go to a place only to be harassed.

At one point, the woman even adopted a fighting position and qualified the tourists as “Stupid Americans!!
The ATA, the Tourism Minister and the ALE have some explaining to do. Do you condone these types of actions against people who spend money to come to your island? Personally, I am not sure what these tourists expect that Aruba do for them or any tourist for that point. Have you people that still go to Aruba not learned from the Natalee Holloway case that you are irrelevant?
Spend your money and leave. What justice do any of you expect? “The time has come to take measures against it,” the American informed DIARIO. Why? If they cared nothing for a missing presumed dead American tourist who was last seen by 3 people living on Aruba, this matter pales in comparison.


ORANJESTAD (AAN) A couple of tourists came to the DIARIO accompanied by an American resident in Aruba for a number of years now, denouncing a bad treatment they received at the Baby Beach during the weekend.
The American residing in Aruba declared that he went to Baby Beach with his two grandchildren, his daughter, and as is customary, he went with his own beach chairs and other personal properties to spend the day there.
He encountered a colored lady who was about to place her beach chairs and told him that there is no place for him and that he is not allowed to put his chairs there. No one was using the chairs of the lady and furthermore, there was a space that was open and he placed his chairs there.

After that, tourists from Rhode Island came with two children 6 and 12 years of age and they were asked an exorbitant price to rent chairs from the woman. “Don’t touch any one of these chairs,” the lady yelled at them and the American decided to get some more chairs from his pickup double cabin for the tourists.
They got a terrible telling off from the colored lady, who insulted them on top of it, and according to the American resident, this is no way to treat tourists, especially since we are begging the tourists to visit our island. Since he has lived here during various years and knows the mentality, he told the visiting tourists not to worry and that he would tend to them and that they could use his properties.
At one point, the woman even adopted a fighting position and qualified the tourists as “Stupid Americans!!
“This is the kind of people that Aruba does not need to work with tourists on the island,” the American told the DIARIO. “It’s a shame that these things happen with visitors, and I felt ashamed in front of these visitors. I came here (to the DIARIO) and I am denouncing this case also to the Minister of Tourism and the Minister of Justice, and to the ATA (Aruba Tourist Authorities), because you cannot allow Aruban tourism to be damaged by people with this kind of attitude,” he informed.
The case has not ended there either, because afterward he found himself with another surprise. After he was able to calm his grandchildren and the children of the tourists that were crying because of the treatment they received, they went back to their car after they enjoyed their stay at the beach for some time.
When he reached his pickup, the American found that the inside was full of rice and chicken, as if a whole pot of rice and chicken had been emptied inside his pickup. When he went to the colored woman, she stood before him with a very arrogant poise, telling him: “do you see rice or chicken around here?” and again began to curse him out.
This cannot remain so, because only a few days ago a similar case took place there and the visitors denounced this to the police at San Nicolas. “I am also going to the police at San Nicolas, with or without this family (from Rhode Island), so that the police can pay attention to this situation. The time has come to take measures against it,” the American informed DIARIO. 

Scared Monkeys Video Satish Kalpoe Lies As Well … Innocent People Do not Lie

Satish Kalpoe, why are you lying as well? Is Satish Kalpoe an innocent bystander or more involved in Natalee’s disappearance than anyone suspected? Are you protecting others, or yourself?

Some of the many statements from Sataish Kalpoe

AP Gets SUSPECT Facts Wrong Again … Aruban Kalpoe Brothers Try To Get Wrongful Death Suit Dismissed

AP, once and for all could you please get the facts correct in the disappearance of Aruba 3 suspectsNatalee Holloway? Deepak and Satish Kalpoe are presently suspects in Natalee Holloway’s disappearance, not were once suspects”. How difficult a concept is that for a new wire to comprehend and get correct? THEY ARE STILL CONSIDERED THE PRIMARY SUSPECTS ALONG WITH JORAN VAN DER SLOOT IN HER DISAPPEARANCE!!!

That being said the Kalpoe brothers are looking to get the wrongful death suit filed against them by Beth Twitty and Dave Holloway dismissed. So who is looking to make money of a missing, presumed deceased teenager? Suspects in the murder. Earth to US Court, this is the reason why the Aruban courts did not compensate the suspects for wrongful imprisonment and kept them as suspects in the crime.

By the way Deepak, why so many inconsistencies and contradictions in your statements?

Holloway’s parents sued Deepak and Satish Kalpoe in December in Los Angeles Superior Court claiming the brothers caused fatal injuries to their daughter. The young woman’s body has never been found.

Beth Twitty and Dave Holloway chose the Los Angeles court after the Kalpoes sued the “Dr. Phil” talk show there alleging libel and slander.

In court papers filed last week, an attorney for the Kalpoes argued that the brothers are residents of Aruba and have no ties to California and that the lawsuit against them should be dismissed. (AP)

It is truly amazing that these gold diggers would come to America and willingly Aruba deepaksubject themselves to a California Courts jurisdiction to sue for profit, yet cower when sued themselves for a wrongful death law suit. What brave men they are to knowing go to a bar full of American female tourists on their last night on Aruba one half hour before closing and have a girl in their car obviously intoxicated and possibly drugged for their own agenda, only to sue for money. The Kalpoe’s attorney, Kristina M. Beck, filed court papers on Tuesday to dismiss the lawsuit. Brave souls indeed.

Beck’s court papers state that an important ruling occurred Jan. 24, when another Los Angeles Superior Court judge, Edward A. Ferns, ruled that the wrongful death claim of the teen’s parents against the Kalpoes is substantially different from the siblings’ defamation case against “Dr. Phil” McGraw.

“These actions do not arise from the same or substantially identical transactions, happenings or events…,” Ferns wrote, in ruling that both cases should not be kept before the same judge.

The Kalpoes sued McGraw and CBS Television on Dec. 13, alleging they were defamed in a Sept. 15, 2005, show dealing with the still-unsolved case. Although the Kalpoe brothers had been released from Aruban police custody, the “Dr. Phil” episode suggested they gave Holloway a date rape drug and had non- consensual group sex with her, according to their lawsuit. (NBC4)

Read more

Deepak Kalpoe: “All People Lie, Even Big People” … Some More than Others

 Deepak, why all the contradictions?

“She dressed like a slut and acted like one” (Deepak Kalpoe)
Really Deepak, how long have you had such anger against women?
“Neither Deepak nor Satish has ever traveled to California or anywhere in the United States for business or pleasure,” according to their mother.
However, as the Kalpoe’s mom, Nadira, has stated in the past … “ All people lie, even big people”.


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