Yikes, VP Joe Biden Cozies Up to Voters, Um, Get’s Lap Dance on the Campaign Trail in Seaman, OH … Caption Contest, Biden Perv Edition

WOW, talk about a picture writing the story. This might have to be a caption contest, the heck with a post.

Here is a visual I am trying to get out of my mind, I am guessing that Obama’s VP Joe Biden was never told about boundaries and not getting in anothers space. Biden cozies up to voters at a campaign stop at Cruisers Diner on Sunday.Um, how inappropriate is this? I mean really, is he getting a lap dance or making promises to get votes? Check out the dude on the left, if looks could kill. As Right Scoop says, these guys will do anything for a vote. Anything but what is good for America, that is.


Carolyn Kaster / AP – Vice President Joe Biden talks to customers during a stop at Cruisers Diner, Sept. 9, in Seaman, Ohio

Have at it. What are the chances that the Secret Service would not step in if Biden got his A$$ kicked by these two bikers? Ok, Biden is officially the pervy uncle invited to the holiday dinner that no one wants to go near or has to sit next to. Can’t you picture Joe Biden have a G-8 summit and having world leaders sit in his lap? And this dude is a heart beat away from the Presidency. Let me just say, the Democrats and MSM had a lot of nerve questioning Sarah Palin’s ability to by VP in 2008.

A White House pool report says the bikers may be part of a group called the “Shaddowmen.” No details were available on their real names or what discussion led to the lap incident

They have a Caption contest going on over at the Jawa Report as well.

Some that come to mind to get things started …

Oops! Joe VP Joe Biden Botches When Michelle Obama Spoke … Was it Last Night, Monday? Hey Joe it was Tuesday

It is just frightening that this guy is a heart beat away from the Presidency …

Although Vice President Joe Biden gave a surprisingly good speech, many said much better than that of even President Barack Obama, Biden did manage to go gaffetastic again. Poor Joe could not remember the day that first lady Michelle Obama gave her speech. Good grief, hide the football. Hey Joe, it was Tuesday.

Full text of Joe Biden’s speech.

The Politico has VIDEO and text.

Another Joe Biden Gaffe … Biden Says to table of Greek men, “I’m Joe Bidenopoulos”

And you wounder why Team Obama thought different and pulled Biden from going to the RNC.

Vice President Joe Biden has been in the where are they now files for the past week as the Republican National Convention was successfully going on in Tampa, FL. However, it did not take long for the gaffe prone Biden to, well make another public gaffe.Biden introduces himself to a table of Greek men as  Bidenopoulos. Huh? Honestly, these days I am surprised that Biden even knows his name.

Hard to believe this man is a heart beat away from the Presidency

Approaching a table of men he knew to be Greek, the VP said, “I’m Joe Bidenopoulos.”

“Ask George,” he said – unclear who George was, maybe someone at the table –“who’s the most Greek Irishman he’s ever known.” Sounded like Biden was suggesting he is.

As stated at Hot Air, this gaffe is some what harmless, but imagine the flack that would have been caused if Biden went up to a table of Rabbi’s and introduced himself as Joe Bidenberg or Bidenstein? Very true. Also, Going up to a table of men and introducing himself as, “I’m Joe Bidenopoulos” is hardly the same as his “put y’all back in chains” comment. One is a silly comment just trying to blend in to the room, kinda like when Obama develops a Southern drawl when he campaigns in the South. The latter “chains” comment is a hateful and divisive attempt to race bait, divide and fan the flames of racism.

It really is hard to believe that Biden is a heart beat away from the presidency. Democrats made Sarah Palin an issue in 2008, damn these days with Biden I am waiting for him to show up to a campaign appearance without pants. It probably really need to be an issue in 2012 that Biden is hardly capable of stepping into be President of the United States.

Hooters Welcomes Joe Biden to Tampa … “Hey Joe Welcome to North Carolina”

Where’s Joe?

Even after Vice President Joe Biden canceled plans to come to Tampa, FL due to Hurricane Isaac, his reputation or should I say gaffe precedes his. The Hooters in nearby Clearwater welcomed Biden to Tampa … “Hey Joe Welcome to North Carolina”. How amazing is it that the United States of America has a walking talking joke at VP. Then again, the President is not much better.

So did Biden really ditch plans to come to Tampa, FL or did Obama have send him off to Montana and tell him it was Tampa? As if Biden would know, I think Biden believes he is always in North Carolina. There is no way that Obama was going to allow the gafffe-prone Biden alone in Tampa to get himself into trouble and put his foot in his mouth yet again. One has to wonder whether they are going to let Biden speak at the DNC or maybe they will just lip-sync the speech. Come on Joe, come on down to Tampa, the storm has passed and the weather is fine.

Could ‘O-I-H-O’ be Barack Obama’s 57th State? Um, Mr President, I Think It’s Spelled OHIO

Welcome to the Barack Obama Spelling Bee …

Oops … Barack Obama has his own Dan Quayle moment … Um Mr. President, It’s Ohio, not O-I-H-O.   I guess we now know why Obama did not release his college transcripts. And we were told that Barack Obama was the most intelligent president ever. Well maybe, not so much. I wonder how the folks in the battleground state of Ohio feel about the incumbent President not knowing how to spell spell the name of their state? Of course that has not prevented Obama from pandering in Ohio for votes what seems three times a week.

A word of advice to @BarackObama: it’s “O-H-I-O” that has 18 electoral votes, not “O-I-H-O” pic.twitter.com/babXzAtp

There is no truth to the rumor that Barack Obama also thought that Oiho was the 57th state in the United States. Although it is true that the in the tank, Barack Obama, bias, corrupt  liberal MSM complex tried to defend the ignorant act by the president in saying that the pic was photo-shopped. Because of course Obama could never do anything stupid, he is incapable. How sad that the MSM would have to even try and defend Obama for something so simple and foolish. Imagine what they do with the big stories?

As opined at American Power, “November 6th can’t come soon enough.” No truer words were ever said.

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